The Trump Conundrum

Romney was down double digits before the first debate.... I'm holding my fire until after the first debate. Hell I can tape the Football game, I'm watching this Clinton Trump showdown LIVE!
Politicians lie.
They don't say what they think or feel.
They say what you want to hear.
Trump is not a politician.
Trump is not "politically correct".
He says what he feels.
This scares off the establishment.
Screw the do-nothing establishment who has allowed a socialist community organizer to roll over them for 8 years.
Screw any so-called republicans that say they will support the democratic party.
I'm voting Trump.

Trump is a politician
And Trump lies
He says what he thinks his supporters want to hear- he appeals to you.
He knows his supporters are okay when he attacks the parents of a dead veteran- because his voters want him to attack Muslims.

Of course you are voting Trump.
Politicians lie.
They don't say what they think or feel.
They say what you want to hear.
Trump is not a politician.
Trump is not "politically correct".
He says what he feels.
This scares off the establishment.
Screw the do-nothing establishment who has allowed a socialist community organizer to roll over them for 8 years.
Screw any so-called republicans that say they will support the democratic party.
I'm voting Trump.

Trump is a politician
And Trump lies
He says what he thinks his supporters want to hear- he appeals to you.
He knows his supporters are okay when he attacks the parents of a dead veteran- because his voters want him to attack Muslims.

Of course you are voting Trump.

What exactly was his "attack" on the Kahn family?

No, no one wants him to attack muslims, unless those muslims are supporters of sharia law and terrorism. They want him to stick to his promise of temporarily stopping immigration until those coming in can be properly vetted. Why? Because radical muslims are killing people all over the damn world and we don't want them doing that here. Temp stopping them coming in is a good idea.
What exactly was his "attack" on the Kahn family?

No, no one wants him to attack muslims, unless those muslims are supporters of sharia law and terrorism. They want him to stick to his promise of temporarily stopping immigration until those coming in can be properly vetted. Why? Because radical muslims are killing people all over the damn world and we don't want them doing that here. Temp stopping them coming in is a good idea.

Wasn't really about Trump "attacking" him. He had some very unflattering remarks about him and his wife and it blew up into a big story because that's Gold Star parents. We've now gone for about a week of his supporters piling on, bringing up things about the dad, posting his picture over and over on social media, continuing to focus on somehow impugning his character in the court of public opinion. If Trump had never said anything, I doubt anyone would even remember the guy's name now. It wasn't important and he didn't need to comment. But he did... and now a week of precious campaign time has been spent on this instead of the target and objective. It's just a politically stupid thing to do and this is not uncommon with Trump, he continues to make these absolute inexplicable blunders and no one who supports him seems to get it.

I understand about radical Muslims and the need to vet people coming into the country. I am all for intense screening and even banning people from certain regions until we can figure out who is who. I'm fine with all that. I'm even okay with criticizing a Gold Star parent over something worthy of criticism, we have the right to speak our opinions. But this is a political campaign for the presidency. There are issues the American people want to know about and hear about from the candidates. There are things that need to be said about Hillary Clinton. Getting sidetracked for a week on something so absolutely superficial is not a winning strategy.
What exactly was his "attack" on the Kahn family?

No, no one wants him to attack muslims, unless those muslims are supporters of sharia law and terrorism. They want him to stick to his promise of temporarily stopping immigration until those coming in can be properly vetted. Why? Because radical muslims are killing people all over the damn world and we don't want them doing that here. Temp stopping them coming in is a good idea.

Wasn't really about Trump "attacking" him. He had some very unflattering remarks about him and his wife and it blew up into a big story because that's Gold Star parents. We've now gone for about a week of his supporters piling on, bringing up things about the dad, posting his picture over and over on social media, continuing to focus on somehow impugning his character in the court of public opinion. If Trump had never said anything, I doubt anyone would even remember the guy's name now. It wasn't important and he didn't need to comment. But he did... and now a week of precious campaign time has been spent on this instead of the target and objective. It's just a politically stupid thing to do and this is not uncommon with Trump, he continues to make these absolute inexplicable blunders and no one who supports him seems to get it.

I understand about radical Muslims and the need to vet people coming into the country. I am all for intense screening and even banning people from certain regions until we can figure out who is who. I'm fine with all that. I'm even okay with criticizing a Gold Star parent over something worthy of criticism, we have the right to speak our opinions. But this is a political campaign for the presidency. There are issues the American people want to know about and hear about from the candidates. There are things that need to be said about Hillary Clinton. Getting sidetracked for a week on something so absolutely superficial is not a winning strategy.

I read the couple of sentences Trump said, thought maybe there was more that I hadn't seen. Whole thing blown completely out of proportion. You'd think Mr. Kahn would be all for stopping the radical element of islam. Funny, I never heard a peep out of him about that. Perhaps I missed it <sarc>.

Where was the leftist outcry when obama temporarily stopped Iraq refugee immigration in 2011? That was ok but Trump suggests temporarily stopping Syrian refugees and all of a sudden it's is wrong? Oh wait, let me rephrase that. obama does it = good; Trump suggests it = bad!

“The Obama Administration Stopped Processing Iraq Refugee Requests For 6 Months In 2011,” by Sean Davis, The Federalist, November 18, 2015:

Although the Obama administration currently refuses to temporarily pause its Syrian refugee resettlement program in the United States, the State Department in 2011 stopped processing Iraq refugee requests for six months after the Federal Bureau of Investigation uncovered evidence that several dozen terrorists from Iraq had infiltrated the United States via the refugee program.

Slamming the door in the face of refugees would betray our deepest values. That’s not who we are. And it’s not what we’re going to do.

President Obama (@POTUS) November 18, 2015

Obama Administration Stopped Processing Iraq Refugee Requests For 6 Months In 2011 | Pamela Geller
It's not a belief that women with short hair are less attractive than those with long hair. It's more than when I look at women who are true full-barreled feminists then tend to not give a shit about their appearance ... no time for any softness or attractiveness or other frivolities of femininity ... just an appearance of "wannabe males" and therefore they need to "become" as brutal, hostile, and anything else they perceive ALL men to be in order to reach their chosen stature in life ...and they will trample anybody, including other females, who they think are "lesser" women.
You get AALLLL that from just a woman cutting her hair short...?


Are you seeing someone for this?

If not, you should be.
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Romney was down double digits before the first debate.... I'm holding my fire until after the first debate. Hell I can tape the Football game, I'm watching this Clinton Trump showdown LIVE!

no he was not down double digits before the first debate. that is a lie.

dumb donald is gong to back out. if he doesn't he'll be made to look like the i bigoted bullying nutter he is.
Lets be honest. The more Trump talks the less his chances of winning are. And I find it sad that Republicans keep saying basically, "if you just keep quiet and hide who you are for the next 3 months, I'll vote for you".

Knowing full fucking well the guys a loose cannon. A draft dodger. A liar. A slimy business man who doesn't pay the people he hires. OMG he is the worse! Did Republicans even vet this guy?
But they didn't want him. They're stuck with him and they know it.

See Boss as a real-life example here on USMB for that.

He doesn't like that Trump is his guy, but he's determined to vote for him, no matter what. So, it doesn't matter what Trump does, how despicable he is, how disrespectful he is, how belligerent he is, like he said, he could walk outside and shoot a guy in the face on 5th Ave, and a voter like Boss will still support him, so-called reluctantly.

The battle isn't over Republicans, which are die-hard partisans, it's over the precious middle. Which is who Hillary has been focused on for the longest. And who Trump has been ignoring for the longest.

See you in November.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Name names...

Who are these conservatives that you've lost respect for?
You didn't see because you had your blinders on. Nothing's changed with Republicans, except they've now turned on you/someone you like. That's it. Same ole' GOP.

I don't expect radical liberal lefties to have any other viewpoint or perspective. What gets me is how you somehow think your commentary in this thread means anything to any of us on the right, Trump supporters or not.
Uhm, that doesn't refute what I said.

You know it's true. No matter how much you might stick your head in the sand.

Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
But they weren't wrong.

Voters like Boss will inevitably vote Trump, no matter what.

Trump knows that, that's why he doesn't give a rat's A$$ what he says or does to them, he KNOWS he's got them by the balls.

They are too Establishment and pro-party NOT to support the party's chosen candidate.

Boss, and his ilk, will be voting Trump come November.

You mean experienced like Obama? Since you feel his administration has been a disaster, that's a great point. That should have been a marker.

Now you're running someone with even less.
That's how you know Republicans are full of it.

For years they've bitched and moaned against Democrats for voting in someone so inexperienced. Only to turn around and vote someone with even LESS experience than him.

Simply because it's their guy.

The BS is thick with Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives.
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Guy, you never were a conservative. The problem with Conservative is that it represents a grab-bag of contradictory views... you know, thinking that the government should ban abortion but shouldn't tell a business how much to pay their workers.

The "Conservative voices" are simply playing to the mob. Trump has boiled down "Conservatism" to it's base elements, which are racism, sexism and xenophobia. The mask has been ripped off.

Not to worry, bud, WHEN Trump loses, you can come back here and claim he wasn't a "real conservative".
You know he will.


Unless Johnson can get enough support to make the debate stage, then it's either the pant suit Bulldyke or the big orange clown. We know what she is and how she will operate. He is an unknown having never held a public office, we just don't know what he'll do.

Given those 2 choices, give me the clown. When it's all boiled down, the only thing we know for sure is the next President will select 1 for sure and maybe 2 or 3 SCOTUS justices. She will undoubtedly select liberal
" constitution be damned" judges. Hopefully he won't.
Lets be honest. The more Trump talks the less his chances of winning are. And I find it sad that Republicans keep saying basically, "if you just keep quiet and hide who you are for the next 3 months, I'll vote for you".

Knowing full fucking well the guys a loose cannon. A draft dodger. A liar. A slimy business man who doesn't pay the people he hires. OMG he is the worse! Did Republicans even vet this guy?
But they didn't want him. They're stuck with him and they know it.

See Boss as a real-life example here on USMB for that.

He doesn't like that Trump is his guy, but he's determined to vote for him, no matter what. So, it doesn't matter what Trump does, how despicable he is, how disrespectful he is, how belligerent he is, like he said, he could walk outside and shoot a guy in the face on 5th Ave, and a voter like Boss will still support him, so-called reluctantly.

The battle isn't over Republicans, which are die-hard partisans, it's over the precious middle. Which is who Hillary has been focused on for the longest. And who Trump has been ignoring for the longest.

See you in November.

Their only hope is to convince the middle that Hillary's the devil.

Normally that'd be a joke but I think he literally called hillary the devil.

And to think a few years ago trump said hillary was great. Didn't Republicans make fun of Kerry's flip flops? And then there's trumps draft dodging and baqnkruptsys. Trumps actually a mess. The GOP didn't vet him very well
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the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.

keep telling yourself that, snookums

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
These are evergreen links right?
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?

Again... no, it's not. If it were, social conservatives and libertarians would have the same values and ideals and that's not the case.

Everyone has a system of beliefs and they are different between individuals. You will be hard pressed to find two conservatives who have identical systems of belief. This is not the case with progressives and socialists, their system of beliefs are the same because those are ideologically driven. Conservatism is a philosophy.
You have to make up terms where they aren't necessary.

Liberalism is also a philosophy, which most of the USMBers on the left here are.

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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