The Trump Conundrum

Maybe it's because letting an unstable POS like the Vulgar Talking Yam become President would cause more damage to the country as a whole than it's worth.
Oh my Gawd, are you fucking kidding?

IS Hillary appointing four SCOTUS judges a bad thing to you?

Is her continuing to neglect the war with Salafist Jihadis that is now grown global a bad thing to you?

What about her promise to raise taxes on the Middle Class by over a trillion dollars?

What about her support for Black Lies Matter who wants reparations for slavery? Hillary will give it to them along with handcuffing our police forces. Oh, and they also demand "community ownership of property" which is code for blatant communism. IS that bad too?

And Hillary will continue to cannibalize our military; you like that?

And what about Hillary's plans to negate the Second amendment by regulating gun ownership to death? You like that idea too?

You like how she has a 30 year history of dodging the law under suspicious circumstances, like the Cattle Futures scandal or her White Water scandal?

You like a candidate that is completely bought and paid for by the Corporate Crony Network, that is a good thing in your mind?

If all that is negated by Trumps blunt speaking and his flubs, plenty of which Hillary makes and the press just ignores, then you are a fucking retard or a Democrat hack.

End of story. Period.
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Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.

I don't see leaving and helping the other side as a very effective way of "saving" the party.
They feel it's a better direction than turning it into a nationalist/populist hybrid.

So they'll take the short term pain for long term gain.

If Trump's supporters want a nationalist/populist hybrid, they should have started another party. But they didn't want to start from scratch and without an infrastructure, so they decided to take over the GOP and run it into the ground.

Okay, but they had to know it would be messy.
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.

Too bad Trumps going to get killed in 3 months.
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.

Too bad Trumps going to get killed in 3 months.
I thought it was already over and he hung himself in a closet? Or was he raping babies? I forget.
Maybe it's because letting an unstable POS like the Vulgar Talking Yam become President would cause more damage to the country as a whole than it's worth.
Oh my Gawd, are you fucking kidding?

IS Hillary appointing four SCOTUS judges a bad thing to you?

Is her continuing to neglect the war with Salafist Jihadis that is now grown global a bad thing to you?

What about her promise to raise taxes on the Middle Class by over a trillion dollars?

What about her support for Black Lies Matter who wants reparations for slavery? Hillary will give it to them along with handcuffing our police forces. Oh, and they also demand "community ownership of property" which is code for blatant communism. IS that bad too?

And Hillary will continue to cannibalize our military; you like that?

And what about Hillary's plans to negate the Second amendment by regulating gun ownership to death? You like that idea too?

You like how she has a 30 year history of dodging the law under suspicious circumstances, like the Cattle Futures scandal or her White Water scandal?

You like a candidate that is completely bought and paid for by the Corporate Crony Network, that is a good thing in your mind?

If all that is negated by Trumps blunt speaking and his flubs, plenty of which Hillary makes and the press just ignores, then you are a fucking retard or a Democrat hack.

End of story. Period.
That's all right wing spin.

We could do that too. If you want to be like one of Trump's former employees who he promised to pay but then didn't, vote Trump. If you want him to say one thing about illegals but then his wife turns out to be an illegal, vote Trump. If you want to vote for a draft dodger, vote for Trump. Trump has zero experience. Amazing you cried that Obama didn't have enough experience and now you want to hire a guy with zero.

If you want to tariff companies who shipped jobs overseas and then force them to come back and then force them to pay a decent wage like they did before they want overseas, vote Trump. Do you want to do this?

I want Hillary to win so your head explodes. And it will
Maybe it's because letting an unstable POS like the Vulgar Talking Yam become President would cause more damage to the country as a whole than it's worth.
Oh my Gawd, are you fucking kidding?

IS Hillary appointing four SCOTUS judges a bad thing to you?

Not at all.

Is her continuing to neglect the war with Salafist Jihadis that is now grown global a bad thing to you?

Is she?

What about her promise to raise taxes on the Middle Class by over a trillion dollars?

We all should be paying more anyway; not just the rich. Who told you it would be that much, btw?

What about her support for Black Lies Matter who wants reparations for slavery?

I don't support the reparations concept, but I don't see that as a major concern with BLM, either.

Hillary will give it to them along with handcuffing our police forces.

No she won't because she goes with what's popular and reparations are definitely NOT popular. And demnding more accountablility from police forces is NOT "handcuffing" them.

Oh, and they also demand "community ownership of property" which is code for blatant communism. IS that bad too?

No, it's not bad and it's something we already have in a lot of places anyway.

And Hillary will continue to cannibalize our military; you like that?

Where do you get this shit???

You like how she has a 30 year history of dodging the law under suspicious circumstances, like the Cattle Futures scandal or her White Water scandal?

Lotsa smoke, no fire.

You like a candidate that is completely bought and paid for by the Corporate Crony Network, that is a good thing in your mind?

You sure about that?

If all that is negated by Trumps blunt speaking and his flubs, plenty of which Hillary makes and the press just ignores, then you are a fucking retard or a Democrat hack.

tRump's behavior is a bit more than just "flubs". And I can just easily call you a fucking retard or a hack for believing all the unsubstantiated stuff about Sec. Clinton and thinking that her negatives are anywhere near as bad as tRump's.

But hey, that would be very intolerant of this liberal if I did.

the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.

Too bad Trumps going to get killed in 3 months.
I thought it was already over and he hung himself in a closet? Or was he raping babies? I forget.
That was David Carridine.
He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.

You're right but I think it's more than just picking his battles. He is showing some disturbing signs of how he handles opposition. People such as Reagan handled opposition by articulating their case. Appealing to the people with something everyone could relate to... we still, today, see the strategy of 'personalizing' the issue by pointing to a real life person as an example. He had a brilliant way of convincing the public that his ideas were the best. Trump simply steamrollers over anyone who opposes him with nasty and brutal smears and sleaze. Literally destroys them in any way he can, honest or dishonest.

To me, that's very troubling and scary. This isn't behavior of a true leader... It's tyrant despotic megalomaniac behavior, in my opinion. That has never been an accepted leadership value in America.

It is. Just think what Hillary can do with that? Leaves one to wonder, what would happen if a world leader told him to go stuff it? Twitter war, or much worse? Trump is Trumps worst enemy. Until he realizes that he does not know it all, and that he can't get there by just being himself then he has already lost.
It is. Just think what Hillary can do with that? Leaves one to wonder, what would happen if a world leader told him to go stuff it? Twitter war, or much worse? Trump is Trumps worst enemy. Until he realizes that he does not know it all, and that he can't get there by just being himself then he has already lost.
Good point. That explains all the people he battled in business and murdered, after raping their babies.
Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.

I don't see leaving and helping the other side as a very effective way of "saving" the party.

maybe you should put country before party
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.

the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.
the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.
Building a wall, smarter trade deals, defeating ISIS, cracking down on domestic terrorism and violence against police, not dicking around in the middle east unless we have to, bringing jobs back, little things like that.

You are nothing but a lying smearing sack of pus.
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.

the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.

And on that my liberal comrade, I must agree with with you. Never had an issue, just pissed off like everyone else.
its because of the two crony entrenched parties. Get rid of them and problem solved
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.

the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.

And on that my liberal comrade, I must agree with with you. Never had an issue, just pissed off like everyone else.

I'm not pissed off. I don't get the whole white male rage thing.
the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.
Building a wall, smarter trade deals, defeating ISIS, cracking down on domestic terrorism and violence against police, not dicking around in the middle east unless we have to, bringing jobs back, little things like that.

You are nothing but a lying smearing sack of pus.

Building a wall by making mexico pay for it. How? he has never explained how or why Mexico would pay for the wall.

Smarter trade deals. Like what ? So far he has been to busy looking at himself in mirrors and chasing reflected light on the wall to do much splainin'.

Cracking down on domestic terrorism. Like who and how? Would he keep all the NSA snooping programs?

Trump is like Obama. Peddling the same shit in a different wrapper. That is, unless he is to busy saying something stupid.
I've tried to think about this in terms of what's best for the Conservative movement... is it better for Hillary to win and maybe in 4 years we can run a solid conservative against her? Or maybe it's better for Trump to win and he'll be as great as he thinks he is? Again... it's a toss up for me. I don't know if we can make it through 4 years of Hillary... I don't think Trump is going to be great... It might come down to the fact that maybe we can survive 4 years of Trump? But it's only going to be because Hillary is such a bad choice.

Like the OP says, it's a real conundrum.

Guy, there's no conundrum at all.

Trump is a dangerous lunatic. The man has the pathology of a bully. He mocks the disabled and parents who lost their children and to him this is perfectly acceptable behavior.

Hillary is corrupt, but she'd be competent and she'd be more of a centrist than Obama was.
Hillary is corrupt, but....

See now, that's where you lose me. If someone is corrupt... DISQUALIFIED.
End of discussion.

I understand, you're from Chicago and this is probably not a big deal to you. For me, it's a deal breaker. IF I found out Ted Cruz was corrupt... and I don't mean some tabloid gossip or twisted distorted rhetoric... but a legitimate, dead-to-rights corruption... that would be it for my supporting him. I think that is THE number one requirement any politician should be held to.
the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.
Building a wall, smarter trade deals, defeating ISIS, cracking down on domestic terrorism and violence against police, not dicking around in the middle east unless we have to, bringing jobs back, little things like that.

You are nothing but a lying smearing sack of pus.

Building a wall by making mexico pay for it. How? he has never explained how or why Mexico would pay for the wall.

Smarter trade deals. Like what ? So far he has been to busy looking at himself in mirrors and chasing reflected light on the wall to do much splainin'.

Cracking down on domestic terrorism. Like who and how? Would he keep all the NSA snooping programs?

Trump is like Obama. Peddling the same shit in a different wrapper. That is, unless he is to busy saying something stupid.
He explained it. We'd reduce the amount of charity we send them every year. And if that isn't enough we'll tax eft transfers to Mexico.
I can't wait to see you guys on November 9.

The butthurt will be hilarious.
Why's that? If the bitch wins I would just watch people across the country loading their vehicles up getting ready to defend this country from that bitch by making sure she never takes office. She has already proven she will cheat to win so not like its going to be a legit election anyways. We have turned into a banana republic
and we get to watch them be shot one by one ... just like at a shooting gallery... repub-lie-tards dropping like flies that just got sprayed by raid
Keep dreaming it's funny.

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