The Trump Conundrum

the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.

he doesn't "upset liberals". he troubles anyone who doesn't hate this country, you brain dead white trash loser
I love it when you talk to me like that.
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.

he doesn't "upset liberals". he troubles anyone who doesn't hate this country, you brain dead white trash loser
I love it when you talk to me like that.
and you hate it when you see the writing the wall
watch these republicans lose it some more !!!!! fox noise

In a national Fox News poll, Clinton has a 10-point advantage over Trump, 49 percent to 39 percent -- a jump from her six-point lead over the GOP nominee last month. Sixty-five percent of voters say Clinton is qualified to be president, compared to just 43 percent that believe the same of Trump.

In New Hampshire, a WBUR poll shows Clinton with a 15-point advantage over Trump, 47 percent to the GOP nominee's 32 percent. If Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green party candidate Jill Stein are taken out of the picture, Clinton's lead widens to 17 points. Democrats seem to be unifying behind Clinton, with at least 86 percent of the party saying they would support their candidate. Trump, meanwhile, only has the support of 63 percent of registered Republicans.

Poll: Hillary Clinton gets slight convention boost of her ownWhere do Trump and Clinton stand going into the general election?Did Trump get bump after GOP convention?
Clinton's unfavorable ratings have also dropped, from 58 percent to 45 percent, with a corresponding 10 percent bump in her favorability. Forty-eight percent of likely New Hampshire voters believe Clinton is qualified to be president, while less than a third believe the same of Trump.

The Senate race also shows a Democratic lead, with New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan leading by 10 points in her race against incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte.

In Colorado, meanwhile, a Real Clear Politics average shows Clinton up by eight points, with 45 percent of support compared to Trump's 37 percent.

The Fox News poll surveyed 1,022 registered voters nationwide and was conducted from July 31 to August 2. The poll has a margin of three percentage points. The WBUR poll surveyed 609 likely voters in the 2016 General Election in New Hampshire from July 29 to August 1, 2016. The margin of error is four percentage points.
and we want to see the same happen to you when Hillary I elected
You'll be waiting a long time Billy. I'm semi retired now and if Hillary winds I will start demanding every goodie government will provide, which will be considerable, thanks to the taxes you will pay. If the country wants socialism I won't fight it. What I say here is not in my best interests.

I just find it amusing the younger generation is fucking themselves thinking it's in their best interest.

well, I'm fully retired ... I sit home in my garage working on restoring a 1957 chevy hard top .. all the money I to pay for it comes from corporations paying me ... not one penny of my money is wasting on anything thing I want... the corporations pay for it ... Plus I get Social security and medicare ... they pay for any thing I might want or need ... I fully fine with you getting every thing you wish for thats you are entitled to have ... thats they way it works ... thats why we pay taxes ... I guess you thought I would be enraged about you getting, how you guys call it??? oh yes ... Free bees !!! as for the youth, it is in their best interest ... the problem you have is you're too stupid to see it ...
I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.
if any one is a fool that would be you... you'e too stupid to realize how to work your money ... at the age of thirty five I ran across a money mgr ... he has been working for me for the last 30 years ... he said you can quit your job if you want ... so I worked for another year he was paying 2000 dollars a month... the are all from covered calls ...he would make and it has paid me unbelievable amounts of money each and every year ... so at the age of 37 I quit working a job .... sense moron like you will take you part time retirement, and all the freebees you want thats fine with me ... because you are too stupid to really know how the system works ... I on the other hand do ... I just turn 65 in january of this year and started collecting my Social security and medicare all at the expense of the corporations
"The corporations" aren't paying your medicare, America is. So you hooked up with a telemarketer to make your living? If that's true I hope your car falls on your noggin.

I've never voted in a single liberal in office but it that's what America wants you bet I'll scoop up every bennie I can. And the young will pay for it. Believe me.
no America isn't paying for my social security, I did out of my check each month... now its paying me back ...american isn't paying for my medicare I am, out of my paycheck each month ... are you really this stupid ??? you say your part retired and you say stupid shit like this ??? the young will pay less taxes then anybody next to none under Hillary Clinton ... or bernie ... its obvious you haven't look at their plan have you ... the rich over 250,000 dollars a year will pay more in taxes stop your nonsense here with the poor poor pitiful young pay more in taxes ... the more money make you pay more in taxes, as it should be ... you have no Idea what the liberal plan is
Last edited:
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Trumps losing by 15 points. Good luck stupid.

Trumps going birther! He's insane

Trump sucking doesn't make Hillary any better, Holmes

no. but normal intelligent people know she is better.

ask meg whitman, dumbass.
and we want to see the same happen to you when Hillary I elected
You'll be waiting a long time Billy. I'm semi retired now and if Hillary winds I will start demanding every goodie government will provide, which will be considerable, thanks to the taxes you will pay. If the country wants socialism I won't fight it. What I say here is not in my best interests.

I just find it amusing the younger generation is fucking themselves thinking it's in their best interest.

well, I'm fully retired ... I sit home in my garage working on restoring a 1957 chevy hard top .. all the money I to pay for it comes from corporations paying me ... not one penny of my money is wasting on anything thing I want... the corporations pay for it ... Plus I get Social security and medicare ... they pay for any thing I might want or need ... I fully fine with you getting every thing you wish for thats you are entitled to have ... thats they way it works ... thats why we pay taxes ... I guess you thought I would be enraged about you getting, how you guys call it??? oh yes ... Free bees !!! as for the youth, it is in their best interest ... the problem you have is you're too stupid to see it ...
I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.
really massive tax burdens on the young ... by this ignorants statement alone it tells me you haven't any clue in what you are talking about
Who's going to pay for everything?

when I see stupid statements like this I just have to feel sorry for you ... your mother must have been on crack or smack and drank a lot of alcohol ... for you to be this stupid .. go to hillarys web site... look at her tax plan... then you can get a answer where the money comes from ... Im not going to waste my time because you're brain dead ...
It's not a belief that women with short hair are less attractive than those with long hair. It's more than when I look at women who are true full-barreled feminists then tend to not give a shit about their appearance ... no time for any softness or attractiveness or other frivolities of femininity ... just an appearance of "wannabe males" and therefore they need to "become" as brutal, hostile, and anything else they perceive ALL men to be in order to reach their chosen stature in life ...and they will trample anybody, including other females, who they think are "lesser" women.
You get AALLLL that from just a woman cutting her hair short...?


Are you seeing someone for this?

If not, you should be.

It goes a bit deeper than that ...think about it. On second thought ... forget it. I'm not going to argue with you.
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Trumps losing by 15 points. Good luck stupid.

Trumps going birther! He's insane

Trump sucking doesn't make Hillary any better, Holmes

no. but normal intelligent people know she is better.

ask meg whitman, dumbass.
Which lie of hers inspires you the most hilljilly?
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Trumps losing by 15 points. Good luck stupid.

Trumps going birther! He's insane

Trump sucking doesn't make Hillary any better, Holmes

no. but normal intelligent people know she is better.

ask meg whitman, dumbass.


Yeah, liberals, normal intelligent people.

Now that's funny
You'll be waiting a long time Billy. I'm semi retired now and if Hillary winds I will start demanding every goodie government will provide, which will be considerable, thanks to the taxes you will pay. If the country wants socialism I won't fight it. What I say here is not in my best interests.

I just find it amusing the younger generation is fucking themselves thinking it's in their best interest.

well, I'm fully retired ... I sit home in my garage working on restoring a 1957 chevy hard top .. all the money I to pay for it comes from corporations paying me ... not one penny of my money is wasting on anything thing I want... the corporations pay for it ... Plus I get Social security and medicare ... they pay for any thing I might want or need ... I fully fine with you getting every thing you wish for thats you are entitled to have ... thats they way it works ... thats why we pay taxes ... I guess you thought I would be enraged about you getting, how you guys call it??? oh yes ... Free bees !!! as for the youth, it is in their best interest ... the problem you have is you're too stupid to see it ...
I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.
if any one is a fool that would be you... you'e too stupid to realize how to work your money ... at the age of thirty five I ran across a money mgr ... he has been working for me for the last 30 years ... he said you can quit your job if you want ... so I worked for another year he was paying 2000 dollars a month... the are all from covered calls ...he would make and it has paid me unbelievable amounts of money each and every year ... so at the age of 37 I quit working a job .... sense moron like you will take you part time retirement, and all the freebees you want thats fine with me ... because you are too stupid to really know how the system works ... I on the other hand do ... I just turn 65 in january of this year and started collecting my Social security and medicare all at the expense of the corporations
"The corporations" aren't paying your medicare, America is. So you hooked up with a telemarketer to make your living? If that's true I hope your car falls on your noggin.

I've never voted in a single liberal in office but it that's what America wants you bet I'll scoop up every bennie I can. And the young will pay for it. Believe me.
no America isn't paying for my social security, I did out of my check each month... now its paying me back ...american isn't paying for my medicare I am, out of my paycheck each month ... are you really this stupid ??? you say your part retired and you say stupid shit like this ??? the young will pay less taxes then anybody next to none under Hillary Clinton ... or bernie ... its obvious you haven't look at their plan have you ... the rich over 250,000 dollars a year will pay more in taxes stop your nonsense here with the poor poor pitiful young pay more in taxes ... the more money make you pay more in taxes, as it should be ... you have no Idea what the liberal plan is
I said Medicare and you saw SS. But unless you die fairly soon you'll get back more than you put it, that's how it works. The money comes from those still putting into the fund. You pay for Medicare but will get many times the value back, that's why it exists. Taxpayers fund it.

You are a blithering idiot, no wonder you believe the things you do.
I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.

If you're worried about "massive tax burdens", why do you vote for the party of Cut and Spend, because Republicans since Reagan are the guys of big deficit spending. Democrats tax and spend, but at least they tax before they spend, and pay for their programs. Medicaid Part D - no tax. They made Obama cut some of the taxes to pay for Obamacare.

How is Trump going to pay for his wall? Mexico won't pay for it. What about his deportation force?

Just small examples.
Trump sucking doesn't make Hillary any better, Holmes

When you stop believe the bullshit lies Republicans have been telling about her. Contrary to the lies, she does't lie as much as the others, she's not corrupt - the Clinton Foundation is world renowned for the fine work they do in Africa, getting girls educated, fighting AIDS, and other diseases, helping with the micro economies, but at home, Hillary is reviled for her Foundation, and we're going to have another useless investigation.

And if, like Boss, you go with option A and believe her to be the smartest most corrupt pol ever, I'd rather have the smart one running the country than the guy so stupid he went broke running a casino, four times.
I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.

If you're worried about "massive tax burdens", why do you vote for the party of Cut and Spend, because Republicans since Reagan are the guys of big deficit spending. Democrats tax and spend, but at least they tax before they spend, and pay for their programs. Medicaid Part D - no tax. They made Obama cut some of the taxes to pay for Obamacare.

How is Trump going to pay for his wall? Mexico won't pay for it. What about his deportation force?

Just small examples.
Small examples from a small mind. Bush lowered taxes, all of which we still have except for the top bracket, ONLY because we have a GOP congress. No Republican voted for obamacare.

I assumed you were very young by reading your posts and social ignorance. No, I didn't assume you would fly off into a rage, why do you say that? I'm too stupid to see how massive tax burdens will hurt the young?

You are an old fool.

If you're worried about "massive tax burdens", why do you vote for the party of Cut and Spend, because Republicans since Reagan are the guys of big deficit spending. Democrats tax and spend, but at least they tax before they spend, and pay for their programs. Medicaid Part D - no tax. They made Obama cut some of the taxes to pay for Obamacare.

How is Trump going to pay for his wall? Mexico won't pay for it. What about his deportation force?

Just small examples.
Small examples from a small mind. Bush lowered taxes, all of which we still have except for the top bracket, ONLY because we have a GOP congress. No Republican voted for obamacare.


Yes, Bush lowered taxes, and went from balanced budget to the worst deficit ever. Only an idiot or a Republican thinks you can reduce income and increase spending, and balance the budget. It didn't happen for Reagan who doubled the deficit in his first four years, and tripled it his last four.

How is Trump going to pay for anything? He's going to lower corporate taxes, when the effective tax rate is already too low. He's going to spend on the wall, spend on deportation, spend on the military. Where is the money to spend going to come from?

You can't talk about voting Republican being fiscally responsible, without demonstrating where the money for all these programs is going to come from. And what about replacing Obamacare? With what, what's it going to cost, how will it work.

You haven't a clue because your candidate doesn't have a clue. He's just throwing shit against a wall hoping some of it will stick. If you really bothered with fiscal facts and figures, you'd never vote Republican. These guys would bankrupt a lemonade stand.

Smart people are tired of magical thinking on the part of Republicans when it comes to the budget.
Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

But it's not just her corruptness and crookedness that concerns me. She is a radical liberal ideologue, in many ways, worse than Barack Obama. Certainly, many times worse than her husband. In addition to that, she has proven to be totally incompetent in handling of foreign policy. The only possible thing that saves her from being the absolute worst Secretary of State in history is the current Secretary of State, John Kerry. Her "solution to crisis" is to ignore them. Fail to act. Wait until we're left to deal with the aftermath of this and then take the wrong side. Her incompetence has been proved on a level that is literally criminal. She has no business ever holding another public office.
She's no more corrupt than any other politician in office. Just more attacked.
Yes, Bush lowered taxes, and went from balanced budget to the worst deficit ever. Only an idiot or a Republican thinks you can reduce income and increase spending, and balance the budget. It didn't happen for Reagan who doubled the deficit in his first four years, and tripled it his last four.

How is Trump going to pay for anything? He's going to lower corporate taxes, when the effective tax rate is already too low. He's going to spend on the wall, spend on deportation, spend on the military. Where is the money to spend going to come from?

You can't talk about voting Republican being fiscally responsible, without demonstrating where the money for all these programs is going to come from. And what about replacing Obamacare? With what, what's it going to cost, how will it work.

You haven't a clue because your candidate doesn't have a clue. He's just throwing shit against a wall hoping some of it will stick. If you really bothered with fiscal facts and figures, you'd never vote Republican. These guys would bankrupt a lemonade stand.

Smart people are tired of magical thinking on the part of Republicans when it comes to the budget.
It's not a belief that women with short hair are less attractive than those with long hair. It's more than when I look at women who are true full-barreled feminists then tend to not give a shit about their appearance ... no time for any softness or attractiveness or other frivolities of femininity ... just an appearance of "wannabe males" and therefore they need to "become" as brutal, hostile, and anything else they perceive ALL men to be in order to reach their chosen stature in life ...and they will trample anybody, including other females, who they think are "lesser" women.
You get AALLLL that from just a woman cutting her hair short...?


Are you seeing someone for this?

If not, you should be.

It goes a bit deeper than that ...think about it. On second thought ... forget it. I'm not going to argue with you.

No wait a minute. You're saying that Hillary is unattractive because like all feminists, she doesn't give a shit about her appearance???? That she wants to be a man????

You realize that this is the height of misogyny??? This is hating a woman based on her not meeting your standards of beauty and/or feminity. Because I don't see you mocking Donald Trump on his hair cut, which really is like shooting fish in a barrel. Or on the fact that he is overweight, out of shape, his face is puffy, and he's painted orange.

Hillary's haircut, as Donald's, is irrelevant. Her appearance, her outfits, her hair, DON'T MATTER, any more than the cut of Trump's suit matters. Would you even be commenting on this if Hillary was a man?

Hillary Clinton has been the most admired woman in American and very high on the list of most admired women in the World, right up until she started running for President of the United States. As Secretary of State, she had a higher approval rating than Obama, over 60% of Americans approved of the job she did. When did Americans start mistrusting her - when she ran for President.

Republicans have been like a pack of baying dogs after her ever since, drowning everything out with their barking. Now they're in the awkward position of justifying why they're voting for her. They're coming out with stuff like "I worked with her in the Senate. She was a very, very good Senator". They're having to walk back their lies. About time.
The reason everything Hillary has touched has ended up in controversy is the Republican Party starts.....

I'm sorry but I'm not buying that for over 40 years, the Republican party has been obsessed with harassing poor little Hillary for no reason at all.

Even YOU aren't buying that.
So then WHERE'S the PROOF?!?!?
no. you prove it ....

you can't because it's a lie. what you post is pretty much always a lie.

they were even. .

that's what rightwingnuts do. :cuckoo:
You look it up lazy welfare fat ass...
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Trumps losing by 15 points. Good luck stupid.

Trumps going birther! He's insane

Trump sucking doesn't make Hillary any better, Holmes
You guys been sayin she sucks 4 40 years. As far as politicians go she's not bad.

You righties need to stop with the either you're a con or you suck schtick. We think you guys suck. That's why trumps running and not a real Republican. Reform your party first then we will go along. Kick out the Ryan's and McCain's too not just the rubio Cruz jeb kasichs. Your house is still not clean.

Our house is cleaner than yours.

Only reason Republicans are relevant is because people don't show up to midterms
Democrats tax and spend, but at least they tax before they spend, and pay for their programs.
Sure, that's why we doubled the debt under Obama.

Bush lied about the size of his deficit because he kept the costs of his unfunded wars off the books.

The debt doubled under Obama because he inherited two unfunded wars, which he showed on the books, the unfunded Medicaid Part D, and the unfunded Bush tax cuts, and an economy shedding 500,000 tax paying jobs every month.

The the deficit only doubled under Obama is a tribute to the skill of his team in ending the recession, putting the country in a growth position despite the virulent opposition of a Republican Congress which openly cheered for his failure so that he would have nothing to run on.

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