The Trump Conundrum

Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
If mrs. bill wins it will be because Trumpanzees voted him to be the nom. Period. They can lay blame on others all they want, they'll be wrong. 16 others to choose from. SIXTEEN. And we're stuck with bozo because of them.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Conservative? The Liberty to destroy the US?
Kiss my ass.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists. In the primaries, he ran against the Party establishment and against the various ideologues within the party, and he beat them all, and that has earned him a lot of bitter enemies. Guardians of the faith like the Koch brothers don't support candidates they cannot control; nonetheless, without the support of major Republican donors Trump's campaign collected $80 million last month, just short of Clinton's $90 million.

Since in a presidential year, the whoever wins the WH usually carries seats in Congress with him, those Republicans who say they are supporting candidates for Congress but not Trump and being foolish and disloyal to the Party.
A long post without one word about what either candidate will do about the important issues the US faces. Why bother to vote at all if you have no interest in what the candidates will do about the important issues?

Well you're right but neither candidate is talking about important issues. Hillary is pandering to special interests and saying Trump is unqualified to be president and Trump is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads. No one is talking about reducing the national debt or what we're going to do about Social Security.
You can't be honest about fixing Social Security without loosing the election. All the things that would succeed are the things which would cause the voters to vote for someone else. Thus, it would be political suicide for either of them to get into the details of Social Security.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
You can't be honest about fixing Social Security without loosing the election. All the things that would succeed are the things which would cause the voters to vote for someone else. Thus, it would be political suicide for either of them to get into the details of Social Security.

I'm sorry.. I think GROWN UPS have to be honest. Social Security will be broke in less than 20 years, then what? Are we going to wait until millions of Americans are left with no Social Security check? Is some magic fairy going to come along and drop a cash bomb on us? How do we fix it if we're unwilling to talk about solutions?

And what about the ever-increasing national debt? We're just going to keep on raising the debt ceiling? How long will that last? When does it all come crashing down and we turn into Greece on steroids? Someone crunched all the numbers and Trump's plans actually increase the national debt more than Hillary's. I can't find where he has said one word about cutting the debt.. other than the boilerplate platitude of "cut waste, fraud and abuse" which is an insult to intelligence.

Still.... ALL of this, I can overlook because I really truly fear a Hillary Clinton presidency. ANYTHING is better. But we're going to have a Hillary Clinton presidency if he doesn't straighten up his act and stop attacking the wrong targets. Like I said before, it's almost like he doesn't REALLY want to win this election. And his fan base has taken on this "bad boy" persona where they launch into mean and nasty attacks on anyone who dares to raise an issue with him on anything. We're turned into mortal enemies and the focus of all their rage... while Hillary cackles her way to the win in November.
You can't be honest about fixing Social Security without loosing the election. All the things that would succeed are the things which would cause the voters to vote for someone else. Thus, it would be political suicide for either of them to get into the details of Social Security.

I'm sorry.. I think GROWN UPS have to be honest. Social Security will be broke in less than 20 years, then what? Are we going to wait until millions of Americans are left with no Social Security check? Is some magic fairy going to come along and drop a cash bomb on us? How do we fix it if we're unwilling to talk about solutions?

And what about the ever-increasing national debt? We're just going to keep on raising the debt ceiling? How long will that last? When does it all come crashing down and we turn into Greece on steroids? Someone crunched all the numbers and Trump's plans actually increase the national debt more than Hillary's. I can't find where he has said one word about cutting the debt.. other than the boilerplate platitude of "cut waste, fraud and abuse" which is an insult to intelligence.

Still.... ALL of this, I can overlook because I really truly fear a Hillary Clinton presidency. ANYTHING is better. But we're going to have a Hillary Clinton presidency if he doesn't straighten up his act and stop attacking the wrong targets. Like I said before, it's almost like he doesn't REALLY want to win this election. And his fan base has taken on this "bad boy" persona where they launch into mean and nasty attacks on anyone who dares to raise an issue with him on anything. We're turned into mortal enemies and the focus of all their rage... while Hillary cackles her way to the win in November.
If we cut Capital gains and big companies bring their wealth back here we will have more money in our government coffers not less. 10% of something is better than 35% of nothing. That is going to help the economy. That is something Hillary won't do.

Otherwise I think Trump is trapped with feel good politics. Wanting to do whatever feels good at a given moment. He'll have cabinet members and Congress to keep him from going off his rocker.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform
Republicans will lie before during and after the elections. Doesn't even matter who wins. If Hillary wins they'll say it was rigged and she's doing a bad job despite the evidence or facts and if Trump wins and sucks they'll vote for him again in 2020.

Facts don't matter to Republicans.
That's the long and short of it.

You got them pegged.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
You didn't see because you had your blinders on. Nothing's changed with Republicans, except they've now turned on you/someone you like. That's it. Same ole' GOP.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform

LIKE I SAID... His original tax plan, the one you are citing, conservatives praised! I praised it! It's a great tax plan! ...He has since come out and said that we'll "have to look at the cuts to top marginal rates, I'm not a big fan... those will probably be thrown out because we have to tax the rich." Those are his exact words. He went on to explain, "look, everything is a negotiation... we don't expect to get 100% of what is proposed going in..." But in essence, if he has already caved on cuts to top marginal rates BEFORE we sit down to negotiate, they're gone.... we won't have them, and his tax plan becomes a joke. The top marginal taxpayers are the ones who PAY the taxes. Without their tax cut, you really don't have any tax cuts.

Look.... you keep acting like I am some uninformed boob who hasn't heard any of Trump's agenda.... I'm certainly NOT. I keep up with this stuff... it's my hobby. I know what he says on his website... I know what he has said in the debates and on the campaign trail. He is NOW changing much of that to a more moderate or left position that is completely contrary to what's on his website.
You didn't see because you had your blinders on. Nothing's changed with Republicans, except they've now turned on you/someone you like. That's it. Same ole' GOP.

I don't expect radical liberal lefties to have any other viewpoint or perspective. What gets me is how you somehow think your commentary in this thread means anything to any of us on the right, Trump supporters or not.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform

LIKE I SAID... His original tax plan, the one you are citing, conservatives praised! I praised it! It's a great tax plan! ...He has since come out and said that we'll "have to look at the cuts to top marginal rates, I'm not a big fan... those will probably be thrown out because we have to tax the rich." Those are his exact words. He went on to explain, "look, everything is a negotiation... we don't expect to get 100% of what is proposed going in..." But in essence, if he has already caved on cuts to top marginal rates BEFORE we sit down to negotiate, they're gone.... we won't have them, and his tax plan becomes a joke. The top marginal taxpayers are the ones who PAY the taxes. Without their tax cut, you really don't have any tax cuts.

Look.... you keep acting like I am some uninformed boob who hasn't heard any of Trump's agenda.... I'm certainly NOT. I keep up with this stuff... it's my hobby. I know what he says on his website... I know what he has said in the debates and on the campaign trail. He is NOW changing much of that to a more moderate or left position that is completely contrary to what's on his website.
If that weren't his current tax plan, why would he still have it up on his website?
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform

LIKE I SAID... His original tax plan, the one you are citing, conservatives praised! I praised it! It's a great tax plan! ...He has since come out and said that we'll "have to look at the cuts to top marginal rates, I'm not a big fan... those will probably be thrown out because we have to tax the rich." Those are his exact words. He went on to explain, "look, everything is a negotiation... we don't expect to get 100% of what is proposed going in..." But in essence, if he has already caved on cuts to top marginal rates BEFORE we sit down to negotiate, they're gone.... we won't have them, and his tax plan becomes a joke. The top marginal taxpayers are the ones who PAY the taxes. Without their tax cut, you really don't have any tax cuts.

Look.... you keep acting like I am some uninformed boob who hasn't heard any of Trump's agenda.... I'm certainly NOT. I keep up with this stuff... it's my hobby. I know what he says on his website... I know what he has said in the debates and on the campaign trail. He is NOW changing much of that to a more moderate or left position that is completely contrary to what's on his website.
If that weren't his current tax plan, why would he still have it up on his website?

*sigh* ....Are you playing dumb or did you not comprehend what I posted? His "official" tax plan hasn't changed. He's not going to change his website every time he alters or moderates something he has said. Are you really that naive and moronic?

Again, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, the day after Ted Cruz suspended his campaign, he said he was "not a big fan" of "that part" of his tax plan. "That part" meaning, the tax cuts for top marginal tax payers. He said, "we'll have to look at that... I'm not a big fan of that part, those cuts will probably go because we have to tax the rich..." He went on to explain how his tax proposal was a proposal and that it would have to be negotiated. But when you are willing to surrender on the top marginal tax cuts before you even get to the negotiating table, you can rest assured those are gone... won't happen. Again... if you're just too stupid to understand this, I can't fix stupid. So before his tax plan even gets started, the top marginal tax cuts part is DOA. He has already surrendered it. Again... IF you want to point to his website and be naive and stupid... that's up to you.
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform

LIKE I SAID... His original tax plan, the one you are citing, conservatives praised! I praised it! It's a great tax plan! ...He has since come out and said that we'll "have to look at the cuts to top marginal rates, I'm not a big fan... those will probably be thrown out because we have to tax the rich." Those are his exact words. He went on to explain, "look, everything is a negotiation... we don't expect to get 100% of what is proposed going in..." But in essence, if he has already caved on cuts to top marginal rates BEFORE we sit down to negotiate, they're gone.... we won't have them, and his tax plan becomes a joke. The top marginal taxpayers are the ones who PAY the taxes. Without their tax cut, you really don't have any tax cuts.

Look.... you keep acting like I am some uninformed boob who hasn't heard any of Trump's agenda.... I'm certainly NOT. I keep up with this stuff... it's my hobby. I know what he says on his website... I know what he has said in the debates and on the campaign trail. He is NOW changing much of that to a more moderate or left position that is completely contrary to what's on his website.
If that weren't his current tax plan, why would he still have it up on his website?

*sigh* ....Are you playing dumb or did you not comprehend what I posted? His "official" tax plan hasn't changed. He's not going to change his website every time he alters or moderates something he has said. Are you really that naive and moronic?

Again, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, the day after Ted Cruz suspended his campaign, he said he was "not a big fan" of "that part" of his tax plan. "That part" meaning, the tax cuts for top marginal tax payers. He said, "we'll have to look at that... I'm not a big fan of that part, those cuts will probably go because we have to tax the rich..." He went on to explain how his tax proposal was a proposal and that it would have to be negotiated. But when you are willing to surrender on the top marginal tax cuts before you even get to the negotiating table, you can rest assured those are gone... won't happen. Again... if you're just too stupid to understand this, I can't fix stupid. So before his tax plan even gets started, the top marginal tax cuts part is DOA. He has already surrendered it. Again... IF you want to point to his website and be naive and stupid... that's up to you.
It's called being realistic.
Many of us are faced with a very vexing conundrum this election season. We seem to find ourselves with no suitable choices for the presidency of the United States. What's worse, the closer we get to November, the more our choices seem to be completely unacceptable. In the past, perhaps we've had to hold our proverbial noses and vote for the lesser of two evils but what do you do when the evils are equally bad?

I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. However, I never dismissed the possibility of voting for Donald Trump, should he prevail in winning the nomination. In fact, I vociferously defended some of his earlier statements regarding illegals being mostly criminals and Mexico paying for the wall. I even defended his remarks about McCain's war hero status insulating him from criticism over policy. My sentiments for Trump began to change after his attacks on Megyn Kelly, which I also dismissed as trivial nonsense. Trump began to attack people who hadn't really attacked him. First, it was Carly Fiorina with comments about her looks. Then it was Ben Carson with comments likening him to a child molester. He went on to attack Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Not just attacks on policy but personal attacks, sleazy and lowdown gutter-level stuff.

Okay... So it's a political campaign and he's trying to win the nomination. The Democrats are going to be sleazy and nasty, so... maybe it's okay for Trump to run such a strategy in the primaries and maybe it's fair to say the candidates who couldn't withstand such attacks didn't deserve the win? I can live with that. I can find a way to dismiss all the smearing and sleazy underhanded lies and distortions because this is a rough game and maybe we need someone who can play it well like Trump? Rolling into the convention, I was willing to forgive all the crap he threw at Cruz for the sake of unifying the party so we could defeat Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of you were ready to do the same. Then came the set up of Cruz and the post-convention speech.

For the next several days, the bashing and smearing of Ted Cruz from the primaries was revived and Trump along with his supporters seemed to take great joy in trashing and bashing Cruz one more time. And this persisted until Trump turned his attention to bashing and trashing a Gold Star father who spoke at the Democratic Convention. So now, we've spent the last several days on that. Any bounce Trump may have gotten from his convention is gone. Hillary is back on top in all the polls and with the negative press Trump is now getting, look for her numbers to go up even more in the coming days. His supporters, undaunted, continue to try and explain, justify and turn the worm on the Gold Star father... completely oblivious to Hillary who is running away with the election.

The Hill reports that a recent poll conducted of the military vote, shows Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate leading both Trump and Clinton. This is shocking because the GOP historically wins this vote by a huge majority. Key Republican congressmen are now coming out in support of Hillary Clinton. Other Republicans are reluctant to endorse Trump or be seen campaigning with him. He continues to completely alienate the Conservative base and try to appeal to the Bernie Sanders voters. There is turmoil within his campaign staff... people abandoning ship left and right. And we all wait for the next bombastic and inflammatory comment to come spewing out of Trump's uncontrollable mouth.

What are we to do? It's a real conundrum for some of us. We can't vote for Hillary Clinton... but how the hell can we vote for someone like Donald Trump? This election should be a cakewalk for virtually ANY competent or half-way-competent republican. Instead, we seem to be stuck with someone who doesn't even seem to like most republicans and certainly doesn't seem to stand for very many conservative principles. He continues to pander to the left, change his positions from what he ran on in the primaries, and attack with viciousness, anyone who dares to disagree with him in any way. This is a mess and there are no signs that things are improving. His small and dwindling base of support seems content to continue defending his outrageous comments and bombastic remarks, they don't want to try and hold him accountable or pull him back. As awkward as it may be, they are out there jumping to his defense. Two weeks removed from the convention and still not focused on Hillary Clinton.

I've got news for you people, you're not helping Donald Trump. You're sure as hell not helping defeat Hillary Clinton. If this continues, perhaps you morons deserve to have Trump burn your party to the ground. It's just a shame that this nation is unfortunately going to have to endure another 8 years of progressive liberalism.. aka:Marxist Socialism at the hands of the most corrupt and crooked politician in history. I honestly don't know if we can survive that, but it's becoming more and more inevitable every day. Trump and his supporters simply don't act like they want to win this election.
Well this does not describe the Trump conundrum. It describes the far right's conundrum which has no representatives left in the race now that Cruz, Rubio, and Rand Paul are gone.

The conundrum for Trump is what should HE do next? And nobody really knows that.
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
The less you talk the better the left looks.
the more you post the easier it is t make a fool of you
Lets be honest. The more Trump talks the less his chances of winning are. And I find it sad that Republicans keep saying basically, "if you just keep quiet and hide who you are for the next 3 months, I'll vote for you".

Knowing full fucking well the guys a loose cannon. A draft dodger. A liar. A slimy business man who doesn't pay the people he hires. OMG he is the worse! Did Republicans even vet this guy?
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
Shit or get off the pot, Boss. You know damn good and well it's either Trump or Clinton. Take a stand.

I don't know that I can stand behind either of these candidates. I'm smart enough to realize a third party vote is a waste and I don't really like the Johnson option anyway... I think the guy is a nutball. His running mate is even more of a loose marble.

BUT... This is not about who I vote for... this is about the campaign Trump is running which is going to end in disaster. He simply cannot continue to attack everyone who isn't worshiping at his feet. You don't win over voters by attacking them and calling them losers that you don't need anyway.... that strategy will fail. You don't go off the reservation attacking a Gold Star father, regardless of who he is or what he does or what connections he has where... none of that shit matters to most Americans.

All of this time squandered the past two weeks attacking Ted Cruz again and then attacking a democrat hack who spoke at the Democrat convention... it's stupidity on a phenomenal scale. He's running against HILLARY CLINTON! FOCUS! Or, you're going to lose!
I am tickled pink that Trump is outing you GOP'er fucktards.....

I'm voting for him, but I'm pissed as hell he's running such a shitty campaign.
How did you like Trump's 4 day running feud with the Gold Star Family of the Khans?

Did that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

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