The Trump Conundrum

Trump has a problem because we are all seeing EXACTLY who he is, and what he stands for.

And he could still beat the dog shit out of Hillary Clinton if he'd just stay focused on her.

I mean, she nearly fucking lost her primary to a 74 year old cranky old Socialist nutbag! Save for some inside rigging from her buddy Debbie Whatsername-Schultz, she WOULD have! She is so boring her own husband fell asleep during her acceptance speech and he was sitting beside a hot blonde! That's pretty fucking boring!
Guy, you aren't going to "Change" Trump. Trump is who he has been since the 1980's, a Malignant Narcissist . The problem with your whole premise is that you think that the problem of Trump can be fixed with "messaging".

Go to hell you racist bigoted piece of shit, nobody asked you and you don't have any business in this thread whatsoever.

Right, Chief Running Mouth... whatever you say.

I notice you didn't address the point. The point is that if you take a box of shit and put it into a shiny new package, you still have a box of shit.

Get it? Trump doesn't have a problem because he's not good at getting the message about who he is and what he stands for.

Trump has a problem because we are all seeing EXACTLY who he is, and what he stands for.

He's the kind of person who goes after a disabled reporter or the parents of a slain soldier because they irritate him. He is a horrible human being.

Now, before you go into the argument that "Hillary is just as bad" (because that shit never gets old) the fact is, Hillary does not go after people "just because". She might be cold and calculating, but she shows restraint.
Your point is that for you, the election is all about personalities and personal style and not at all about where the candidates stand on the issues or what their specific plans are for dealing with these issues.

Do you even know what the important issues are in this election?
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
The less you talk the better the left looks.
Many of us are faced with a very vexing conundrum this election season. We seem to find ourselves with no suitable choices for the presidency of the United States. What's worse, the closer we get to November, the more our choices seem to be completely unacceptable. In the past, perhaps we've had to hold our proverbial noses and vote for the lesser of two evils but what do you do when the evils are equally bad?

I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. However, I never dismissed the possibility of voting for Donald Trump, should he prevail in winning the nomination. In fact, I vociferously defended some of his earlier statements regarding illegals being mostly criminals and Mexico paying for the wall. I even defended his remarks about McCain's war hero status insulating him from criticism over policy. My sentiments for Trump began to change after his attacks on Megyn Kelly, which I also dismissed as trivial nonsense. Trump began to attack people who hadn't really attacked him. First, it was Carly Fiorina with comments about her looks. Then it was Ben Carson with comments likening him to a child molester. He went on to attack Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Not just attacks on policy but personal attacks, sleazy and lowdown gutter-level stuff.

Okay... So it's a political campaign and he's trying to win the nomination. The Democrats are going to be sleazy and nasty, so... maybe it's okay for Trump to run such a strategy in the primaries and maybe it's fair to say the candidates who couldn't withstand such attacks didn't deserve the win? I can live with that. I can find a way to dismiss all the smearing and sleazy underhanded lies and distortions because this is a rough game and maybe we need someone who can play it well like Trump? Rolling into the convention, I was willing to forgive all the crap he threw at Cruz for the sake of unifying the party so we could defeat Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of you were ready to do the same. Then came the set up of Cruz and the post-convention speech.

For the next several days, the bashing and smearing of Ted Cruz from the primaries was revived and Trump along with his supporters seemed to take great joy in trashing and bashing Cruz one more time. And this persisted until Trump turned his attention to bashing and trashing a Gold Star father who spoke at the Democratic Convention. So now, we've spent the last several days on that. Any bounce Trump may have gotten from his convention is gone. Hillary is back on top in all the polls and with the negative press Trump is now getting, look for her numbers to go up even more in the coming days. His supporters, undaunted, continue to try and explain, justify and turn the worm on the Gold Star father... completely oblivious to Hillary who is running away with the election.

The Hill reports that a recent poll conducted of the military vote, shows Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate leading both Trump and Clinton. This is shocking because the GOP historically wins this vote by a huge majority. Key Republican congressmen are now coming out in support of Hillary Clinton. Other Republicans are reluctant to endorse Trump or be seen campaigning with him. He continues to completely alienate the Conservative base and try to appeal to the Bernie Sanders voters. There is turmoil within his campaign staff... people abandoning ship left and right. And we all wait for the next bombastic and inflammatory comment to come spewing out of Trump's uncontrollable mouth.

What are we to do? It's a real conundrum for some of us. We can't vote for Hillary Clinton... but how the hell can we vote for someone like Donald Trump? This election should be a cakewalk for virtually ANY competent or half-way-competent republican. Instead, we seem to be stuck with someone who doesn't even seem to like most republicans and certainly doesn't seem to stand for very many conservative principles. He continues to pander to the left, change his positions from what he ran on in the primaries, and attack with viciousness, anyone who dares to disagree with him in any way. This is a mess and there are no signs that things are improving. His small and dwindling base of support seems content to continue defending his outrageous comments and bombastic remarks, they don't want to try and hold him accountable or pull him back. As awkward as it may be, they are out there jumping to his defense. Two weeks removed from the convention and still not focused on Hillary Clinton.

I've got news for you people, you're not helping Donald Trump. You're sure as hell not helping defeat Hillary Clinton. If this continues, perhaps you morons deserve to have Trump burn your party to the ground. It's just a shame that this nation is unfortunately going to have to endure another 8 years of progressive liberalism.. aka:Marxist Socialism at the hands of the most corrupt and crooked politician in history. I honestly don't know if we can survive that, but it's becoming more and more inevitable every day. Trump and his supporters simply don't act like they want to win this election.

That you are against Clinton is a hell of a reason to vote for Ms. Clinton.
Interesting that you didn't say Mrs. Clinton. The fact a libtard like you supports her is evidence she is wrong for America.
and we are going to take a repub-lie-tard like you serious really ???
Can't say I care too much what some stupid asshole on the net thinks.
right back at you you're one stupid ass hole
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
The less you talk the better the left looks.
the more you post the easier it is t make a fool of you
oh now youre a mind reader ... seems the missed that in the hearing ... what next are you going to try and push she did nothing to help them ... that she went to bed instead of try to save them ??? are you going to try that bull shit story too??? then try to tell us that it was on her emails she erased ??? is this your best to try and get us liberals to vote for trump??/ good luck with the bunch of bull shit

No, I realize you're never going to vote for Trump. I realize you're never going to believe that she was involved in a covert gun-running operation or any other scandal she's ever been involved in. I've written you people off a LONG time ago... unlike Trump who seems to think he can coax the Bernie voters over by adopting the Liberal Progressive talking points.
because it all your partied lying bull shit to get your types in a outage you're to stupid to see that .... gun running ...give me a break ... if that doesn't say bull sit artist all over it nothing does ...
Actually, Trump does have clear policies....and they scare the hell out of you fascist democrats.....
not really doesn't scare the crap out of me ... what it does do in case you're interestted it scares the crap out of the independent voter whose trying t see who they want to vote for ... it seems be be more on the hillary side then it does of the side for Trump ...
Trump is carrying independents....
well you keep believing that while Hillary keeps going up in the polls day by day cause thats all ya got ...Fantasy !!!
Trump closed in and without Hillary getting negative ads or bad press and she got a bump after their convention. Which was what, ages ago to you?

Trump pulled ahead and the MSM went to defcon 5 and did their job very well.
wishful thinking on your part ,,but you keep trying loser ... trump went down another 5 points
hey republicans eat their own whats new... hillary hasn't to really try and do anything she just repeats what he said and trump losses it ... not a person i would want with the nuke codes at his beck and call ...

You would rather have a person who blamed telling the Bosnia lie for over a year on sleep deprivation? Man that kind of thinking is really scary.

I may be wrong but I don't believe one man can pick up the phone and launch a nuclear war. Even on the submarines that launch the missiles one man does not have the ability to launch missiles. I don't want any ONE person having such power.
she was wrong about bosnia ..we get it ...but it did happen the fact that she said bosnia you lap on to that like the lap dog you are she never lied she misspoke about bosnia

"Misspoke" is a relatively newly coined word that means "lied."
it happens... what can I say ... if its a lie in your opinion when a democrat does it and its accepted when a republican doe it, it doesn't really say much for your opinion now does it
I'm very much aware of lies, promises, backdoor deals, etc., etc. etc. on BOTH sides of the aisle.
apparently you're the one whose not aware, it shows in your post... look at the way you're trying to tap dance over the issues ... you tried to lie to us saying MSNBC said trumps up in the polls ... he's not he just had a baby thrown out of one his rallies ... he didn't like hearing the baby cry... and you're trying to say he's going up in the polls ??? really thats your best ... good luck with that pack of lies...
hey republicans eat their own whats new... hillary hasn't to really try and do anything she just repeats what he said and trump losses it ... not a person i would want with the nuke codes at his beck and call ...

You would rather have a person who blamed telling the Bosnia lie for over a year on sleep deprivation? Man that kind of thinking is really scary.

I may be wrong but I don't believe one man can pick up the phone and launch a nuclear war. Even on the submarines that launch the missiles one man does not have the ability to launch missiles. I don't want any ONE person having such power.
she was wrong about bosnia ..we get it ...but it did happen the fact that she said bosnia you lap on to that like the lap dog you are she never lied she misspoke about bosnia

"Misspoke" is a relatively newly coined word that means "lied."
it happens... what can I say ... if its a lie in your opinion when a democrat does it and its accepted when a republican doe it, it doesn't really say much for your opinion now does it
I'm very much aware of lies, promises, backdoor deals, etc., etc. etc. on BOTH sides of the aisle.
and you're tying to say trump is up ??? did you even look at your polling ??? what a loser ...
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.
Like I said republicans are coming out of the wood work to vote against trumped day in and day out another republicans comes to their senses ...

GOP Rep. Says He'll Vote For Clinton: Trump Is A 'National Embarrassment'

© Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg Representative Richard Hanna, a Republican from New York and chairman of the Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce, questions Anne Ferro, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), not pictured, during a House Small…
Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) on Tuesday became the first Republican member of the House to openly say that he plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November.

Hanna, who is not running for re-election this year, told in an interview published Tuesday that Donald Trump is "unfit to serve our party and cannot lead this country."

"I think Trump is a national embarrassment. Is he really the guy you want to have the nuclear codes?" he asked.

The congressman said that he's considered voting for Clinton for a few months, and that Trump's attacks the parents of a deceased Muslim American soldier were the last straw.

"I saw that and felt incensed," Hanna told "I was stunned by the callousness of his comments."

Hanna also wrote an op-ed on spelling out why he cannot support Trump and will instead vote for Hillary Clinton.

"Secretary Clinton has issues that depending on where one stands can be viewed as great or small. But she stands and has stood for causes bigger than herself for a lifetime. That matters," he wrote. "Mrs. Clinton has promoted many of the issues I have been committed to over the years including expanding education and supporting women's health care."

"While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I will be hopeful and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing," he added.

Hanna has already said that he will not back Trump, and he often bucks his party — he supports same-sex marriage and rejects certain limitations on abortion.

In April, he said that the GOP "is not capable of nominating anyone who is electable nationally," lamenting the "extreme" members of the Republican party.

This article was written by Caitlin MacNeal from Talking Points Memo and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.
OH wow we have another one who would have thunk it

Meg Whitman: I'm voting for Hillary Clinton
The Latest: Campaign chair says Trump is in control

© Drew Angerer, Getty Images Meg Whitman, chief executive officer of Hewlett Packard (HP), attends the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference in Sun Valley, Idaho. The influential GOP donor revealed she will support Hillary Clinton for president, calling her rival Donald Trump's…
Time to add another Republican defector jumping ship this November.

Influential GOP donor and Hewlett-Packard executive Meg Whitman is planning to endorse Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, calling the mercurial Republican candidate a person who has "exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division.”

Whitman, who made her decision public on Facebook, didn't pull any punches and explained why she's voting for Clinton in clear detail:

As a proud Republican, casting my vote for President has usually been a simple matter. This year is different. To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character.

Trump’s reckless and uninformed positions on critical issues – from immigration to our economy to foreign policy – have made it abundantly clear that he lacks both the policy depth and sound judgment required as President. Trump’s unsteady hand would endanger our prosperity and national security. His authoritarian character could threaten much more.

Therefore, I have decided to support Hillary Rodham Clinton. It is clear to me that Secretary Clinton’s temperament, global experience and commitment to America’s bedrock national values make her the far better choice in 2016 for President of the United States. In a tumultuous world, America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide. I urge all Republicans to reject Donald Trump this November.

And it doesn't stop there.

The longtime Republican and former California gubernatorial candidate said in an interview with the New York Times that she would use her financial resources and provide a "substantial" donation to Clinton's campaign. The New York Times, who first reported the endorsement, also revealed Clinton reached out to Whitman about a month ago, hinting Clinton's aggressive play to reach across party lines.

Whitman's decision comes at an inopportune time for Republican supporters as Trump has faced backlash for his controversial comments regarding sexual harassment and an ongoing feud with the family of U.S. fallen soldier Humayun Khan. Earlier Tuesday, Rep. Richard Hanna and Gov. Chris Christie’s top former adviser also announced their plans to vote for the Democratic presidential nominee.

these republicans no a disaster when the see one and donald trump is a disaster

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The one statement Boss's post that is a good point is focusing on Crooked Hillary and her boss Barry "The Butthurt" Hussaine Obama. The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment. The establishment that is controlled by neocons. Crooked Hillary is not a progressive, she is a regressive and a neocon. It is so fucking easy to see The Donald is the obvious choice. If you happy to believing in the fairy tales of the jewish/new testament bible as a driving force for political decision making, look where that has got us, and secondly actually read the content of the jewish/new testament bible carefully with a critical, intelligent mind. It is hilariously ironic "believers" think The Donald is crazy, when the belief in middle east deities is actually crazy.

A man who wants to order the US military to murder children in revenge killings and bring back torture 'and worse' is the 'obvious choice'?

Being 'against the establishment' doesn't magically make a person suited to the presidency. And Trump is simply unfit for the office.

He's completely disconnected from reality on his own qualifications, knowledge and experience. He insists that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals'? A reality TV star from NY knows ISIS?

I call bullshit. But he believes it. And that demonstrates a profound disconnect. Yet this is your 'obvious choice'?

The man insists he will run the government like he does his businesses....and has openly admitted that he runs his business as a 'dictator'. His words, not mine. Which you insist is the 'obvious choice'?

I don't think 'obvious' means what you think it means.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
The less you talk the better the left looks.
the more you post the easier it is t make a fool of you
Lets be honest. The more Trump talks the less his chances of winning are. And I find it sad that Republicans keep saying basically, "if you just keep quiet and hide who you are for the next 3 months, I'll vote for you".

Knowing full fucking well the guys a loose cannon. A draft dodger. A liar. A slimy business man who doesn't pay the people he hires. OMG he is the worse! Did Republicans even vet this guy?
You would rather have a person who blamed telling the Bosnia lie for over a year on sleep deprivation? Man that kind of thinking is really scary.

I may be wrong but I don't believe one man can pick up the phone and launch a nuclear war. Even on the submarines that launch the missiles one man does not have the ability to launch missiles. I don't want any ONE person having such power.
she was wrong about bosnia ..we get it ...but it did happen the fact that she said bosnia you lap on to that like the lap dog you are she never lied she misspoke about bosnia

"Misspoke" is a relatively newly coined word that means "lied."
it happens... what can I say ... if its a lie in your opinion when a democrat does it and its accepted when a republican doe it, it doesn't really say much for your opinion now does it
I'm very much aware of lies, promises, backdoor deals, etc., etc. etc. on BOTH sides of the aisle.
apparently you're the one whose not aware, it shows in your post... look at the way you're trying to tap dance over the issues ... you tried to lie to us saying MSNBC said trumps up in the polls ... he's not he just had a baby thrown out of one his rallies ... he didn't like hearing the baby cry... and you're trying to say he's going up in the polls ??? really thats your best ... good luck with that pack of lies...
Republicans will lie before during and after the elections. Doesn't even matter who wins. If Hillary wins they'll say it was rigged and she's doing a bad job despite the evidence or facts and if Trump wins and sucks they'll vote for him again in 2020.

Facts don't matter to Republicans.
oh now youre a mind reader ... seems the missed that in the hearing ... what next are you going to try and push she did nothing to help them ... that she went to bed instead of try to save them ??? are you going to try that bull shit story too??? then try to tell us that it was on her emails she erased ??? is this your best to try and get us liberals to vote for trump??/ good luck with the bunch of bull shit

No, I realize you're never going to vote for Trump. I realize you're never going to believe that she was involved in a covert gun-running operation or any other scandal she's ever been involved in. I've written you people off a LONG time ago... unlike Trump who seems to think he can coax the Bernie voters over by adopting the Liberal Progressive talking points.
because it all your partied lying bull shit to get your types in a outage you're to stupid to see that .... gun running ...give me a break ... if that doesn't say bull sit artist all over it nothing does ...
You can tell when Republicans are desperate. Fast and Furious and Benghazi start coming out of their keyboards.
And he could still beat the dog shit out of Hillary Clinton if he'd just stay focused on her.

I mean, she nearly fucking lost her primary to a 74 year old cranky old Socialist nutbag! Save for some inside rigging from her buddy Debbie Whatsername-Schultz, she WOULD have! She is so boring her own husband fell asleep during her acceptance speech and he was sitting beside a hot blonde! That's pretty fucking boring!

she won her primary, unlike your boy Eddie Munster Cruz...

Hey, guy, the fact that you have a Socialist on one side and a Nazi on the other, you should be grateful Hillary is going to protect Free Market Capitalism for you and stop whining about her.
Your point is that for you, the election is all about personalities and personal style and not at all about where the candidates stand on the issues or what their specific plans are for dealing with these issues.

Do you even know what the important issues are in this election?

They aren't Mexicans cleaning toilets.

And, yeah, personalities ARE important. How cool is the candidate under pressure. Does she maintain her cool while being accussed of the most horrible things imaginable...

or does he go into a hissy when someone makes a dick joke?

Once you've answered that question, the next question is... which personality do you want with a finger on the button that blows up the planet.
Your point is that for you, the election is all about personalities and personal style and not at all about where the candidates stand on the issues or what their specific plans are for dealing with these issues.

Do you even know what the important issues are in this election?

They aren't Mexicans cleaning toilets.

And, yeah, personalities ARE important. How cool is the candidate under pressure. Does she maintain her cool while being accussed of the most horrible things imaginable...

or does he go into a hissy when someone makes a dick joke?

Once you've answered that question, the next question is... which personality do you want with a finger on the button that blows up the planet.
She was perfectly cool and collected as she ignored the pleas from the diplomats in Libya before they were killed and she was perfectly cool and collected as she lied about the email and as she had 33,000 of them deleted to deny the FBI the opportunity to inspect them. She was perfectly cool as she turned Bill's initiative for universal health care into a disaster and she was cool during the convention when she claimed credit for CHIP, which was put together by Ted Kennedy and Orin Hatch. Why shouldn't she be cool under interrogation when she has practiced it through a lifetime of criminal activity?

Trump, on the other hand, is passionate about protecting Americans, all Americans, and making the US prosperous again for all Americans, and he is impatient with politicians and journalists who are not passionate about these goals. In this respect, he is a lot like Harry Truman, who also bucked his Party's establishment to do what he though was right and who was also impatient and dismissive of politicians and journalists who were not passionate about America.

And of course, Truman's temper was legendary. The media hates Trump just as they once hated Truman and the crowds love Trump just as they once loved Truman. That's why Truman won the election in 1948 when nearly all the media pundits predicted he would lose in a landslide.

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