The Trump Conundrum

Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
You didn't see because you had your blinders on. Nothing's changed with Republicans, except they've now turned on you/someone you like. That's it. Same ole' GOP.
look how hard they are trying to get rid of trump right now ... they actually think trump will quit the race ... just so they can pick and new candidate ...
I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.
Your party is in the toilet. I'm not going to talk to you guys. I'm just going to sit and watch your party implode. It's great!!!
The less you talk the better the left looks.
the more you post the easier it is t make a fool of you
Lets be honest. The more Trump talks the less his chances of winning are. And I find it sad that Republicans keep saying basically, "if you just keep quiet and hide who you are for the next 3 months, I'll vote for you".

Knowing full fucking well the guys a loose cannon. A draft dodger. A liar. A slimy business man who doesn't pay the people he hires. OMG he is the worse! Did Republicans even vet this guy?
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
Lesser of two weevils. Nothing new about that.

What is new however is the unprecedented shenanigans of the Scottish frat boy Trump.
not really doesn't scare the crap out of me ... what it does do in case you're interestted it scares the crap out of the independent voter whose trying t see who they want to vote for ... it seems be be more on the hillary side then it does of the side for Trump ...
Trump is carrying independents....
well you keep believing that while Hillary keeps going up in the polls day by day cause thats all ya got ...Fantasy !!!
Trump closed in and without Hillary getting negative ads or bad press and she got a bump after their convention. Which was what, ages ago to you?
looks like you didn't see the polling yesterday hillary 50% and trump 39% read it a weep was in all the news cast and papers yesterday ... so don't star crying, ok ya can

Not sure where you get your polls;

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

View attachment 84138
Looks like Oklahoma is for Trump what Utah was for Romney and Hawaii was for BHO -- pure love !!
The problem is Trump is a pragmatist who leans right, not an ideological conservative, and so he finds what he believes are the best answers to problems regardless of whether other people think these answers are conservative or liberal and he has no patience for others who are not pragmatists.

At first, I thought the same thing about Trump. However, I have watched him swing from right to left on many of the issues he campaigned in the primaries on. For instance, his original tax plan was lauded by many conservatives as great but he has since come out and said the cuts for top marginal rates would be eliminated because we have to "tax the rich" ...a radical left-wing meme. During the debates, he made the argument that increasing the minimum wage would cost jobs and he would not favor it... again, conservatives applauded. Jump ahead to his more recent comments that he wants to increase the minimum wage to $10/hr because "we've got to help people". Another liberal meme. How are you "helping people" by doing something that will kill jobs?

I didn't have a problem with someone who isn't an "ideologue" but I have a real problem with people who are manipulative and say whatever they need at the moment in order to get votes. Like endorsing more ethanol subsidies when they are a prime example of wasteful government corporate handouts that we need to eliminate in order to cut spending.

Trump is telegraphing that he does not plan to govern as a conservative in any fiscal sense. And I really do think that is his "strategy" behind attacking Cruz. He knows that he plans to govern from the left and his biggest opposition will be true conservatives like Cruz. He's trying to eliminate his opposition... take them out now, so they won't have a voice later.

Those who have sold their souls to support Trump have abandoned Conservative principles. This will not end well for them.
Trump's tax plan as laid out on his website.

  1. If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
  2. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
  3. No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.
  4. No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

That sounds pretty conservative to me.

Tax Reform
With graduated rates like those proposed above, you would need something higher than 25%.

Whichever candidate wants to modify the Internal Revenue Code again will need control of the House and Senate as well.

For Trump the hard part is winning The White House and keeping the Senate.

For Hillary the hard part is winning the House Of Reps.

These are virtually impossible goals so no tax reform is likely at all and we are stuck with what we have got.

Trump or Hillary would need a victory with coattails of epic proportions to change anything in tax.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
No,,we didn't....we fully expected to out them, then crush them....

Do you have any clue what is going on?
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
No,,we didn't....we fully expected to out them, then crush them....

Do you have any clue what is going on?
Ah, so you didn't need the votes of most of the Republican party.

Well, that's quite a plan.
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
No,,we didn't....we fully expected to out them, then crush them....

Do you have any clue what is going on?
Ah, so you didn't need the votes of most of the Republican party.

Well, that's quite a plan.
We got a record vote actually.....
Listening to Hannity right now - he just said that if Trump loses, it will be the fault of all the Republicans who wouldn't back him.

This, after he insulted and embarrassed every last one of them.

This just gets funnier.

I know, right?

That's the set up now. That's what is going down. I think that explains why Trump and his fan boys came out so aggressively against Cruz... WIN, and you can govern by ignoring Conservatives... LOSE, and you can blame it on Conservatives.

I have lost a TON of respect for people I thought were Conservative voices. These people no longer represent what I have always known as Conservatism. Maybe Conservatism has been redefined? (I don't think it has) If so, I am no longer a Conservative. I don't think these people are Conservatives.

Every day, I am seeing this mean, nasty and vicious side of the right that I never knew existed before. I've never seen it... not on the right. This is very disturbing to me.
Trump and his fans assumed people like you would just have to fall in line, no matter what he said, no matter how embarrassing he became.

They counted on you to swallow your principles and vote (R), even though Trump isn't one, because you don't like Hillary.

Now that they see they were wrong, they're a little cranky.
No,,we didn't....we fully expected to out them, then crush them....

Do you have any clue what is going on?
Ah, so you didn't need the votes of most of the Republican party.

Well, that's quite a plan.
We got a record vote actually.....
Indeed! Here are some interesting numbers: Trump got the most GOP votes ever — both for and against him — and other fun facts

Trump got around 14 million votes in the primaries.

Romney got 60 million + and lost in 2012.

If you think things are going swimmingly, great.
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.
His staff can't keep him focused. I don't what this means about his mental processes, but once he gets up on that stage he loses control of his faculties.

He's running against an incredibly vulnerable opponent and can't even get himself to run with it. What does this say about him?
The thing is The Donald is battling the entire establishment.

No.. Donald is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads, and basically anyone who doesn't agree with him. He represents the GOP, he won the nomination... the primary race is over. He can't get elected by alienating all but his small core of devotees. I'm sorry if you all think that is possible but you don't have the numbers. Only 4.5% of the population cast their vote for Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure some of them wish they had that vote back... but that's not a great number of people. He has to appeal to a broad base of voters and it seems he is intent on alienating as many as possible as quickly as he can. It's almost seeming like he doesn't really want to win. Clearly, if he keeps this up, he won't win.

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.
His staff can't keep him focused. I don't what this means about his mental processes, but once he gets up on that stage he loses control of his faculties.

He's running against an incredibly vulnerable opponent and can't even get himself to run with it. What does this say about him?

A ton. He is still stuck on the "they like me" part of the primaries. he is hopefully beginning to see that not everyone likes him.
The most ironic thing about Trump's horrific "campaign" is that his behavior may convince people that we need more experienced people running for national office.

You know, "establishment" types.
You mean experienced like Obama?
Since you feel his administration has been a disaster, that's a great point. That should have been a marker.

Now you're running someone with even less.
The most ironic thing about Trump's horrific "campaign" is that his behavior may convince people that we need more experienced people running for national office.

You know, "establishment" types.
You mean experienced like Obama?
Since you feel his administration has been a disaster, that's a great point. That should have been a marker.

Now you're running someone with even less.
Since you feel Obama had more experience than Trump, that's a great point.

Can you like to Obama doing this?
View attachment 84226
The most ironic thing about Trump's horrific "campaign" is that his behavior may convince people that we need more experienced people running for national office.

You know, "establishment" types.
You mean experienced like Obama?
Since you feel his administration has been a disaster, that's a great point. That should have been a marker.

Now you're running someone with even less.
Since you feel Obama had more experience than Trump, that's a great point.

Can you like to Obama doing this?
That's what Trump should be doing.

The most ironic thing about Trump's horrific "campaign" is that his behavior may convince people that we need more experienced people running for national office.

You know, "establishment" types.
You mean experienced like Obama?

Bammer is rotten for sure, but Americans seem to prefer rotten over stupid. Bammer doesnt go crazy every time an old lady tweets that he farted in an elevator. If trump gets this stupid when a little old Paki man picks on him, what will he do when a world leader calls him out ?

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