The Trump family political dynasty is in the making........


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
It won't work anyway.
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
Not. Trump is a great con man and they ain't....
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
You talk about dynasties and Moochelle maybe the candidate? OK.
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.

It doesn't translate. So many people have tried to replicate Trumpism without Trump.

It doesn't work. Not even with his own kids.
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

It's not like he's going to need a GOP house and senate majority. He'll be caving to the left, like the republicans always do anyways.
None the less, if she's the RNC chairman, he's the potus, and his kids are making billions in foreign deals, it's not like he's going to give a hoot about the country anyways.
His family dynasty will be raking in the billions. Which apparently was the only reason he wanted to be president to start with. Trump may have showed a loss on his end. But his family made a killing.

I'd be willing to bet there's a Trump in the 2028 election. What we could be seeing, right before our very eyes, a new political dynasty. Similar to the Kennedy's. Only with the Trump family.

Especially now with the Jewish connection with Kushner. Not that I'm anti Jew. But there's a lot of money and power built into the upper echelon of the Jewish establishment. Israel is the 34th richest country in the world, and they still get billions from us and other countries. (for reasons unknown). Don Jr. is connected very well to Saudi Royalty and Russia. $1 says there's some Chinese connections there too.

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
Nepotism runs amok in the political power circles. Where have you been? Elected and non-elected in all ways including lawyers. Media and entertainers.
Given the lackluster to no "support" the RNC provided to the hopefuls in close US House elections here in Virginia in 2022 the "new" RNC leadership could hardly do worse.....There were four contested seats up for grabs and the gop could have easily retaken three of them but only managed to retake one.

But fuck no, they spent their time in NY on the likes of a unvetted Santos and other fleeting NY seats they will likely lose in November.
At least it would seem that way. According to Lara own words, about spending every RNC dime to get DJT elected..... So to heck with the republicans running for the House and Senate?

This could very well be a dynasty in the making. Personally, I don't want this country to become a monarchy.
The article does not state what you contend. Further, political candidates have their own campaign funds from their own donors.

Your idea that Trump is spending all the money and nobody will get elected is false, a lie.

Lara Trump said no more spending $70k on flowers, it is flowers that YoursTruly believes gets candidates elected.
“That is the goal over the next nine-and-a-half months. If I am elected to this position, I can assure you, there will not be any more $70,000 — or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was — spent on flowers,” she continued. “Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC — that is elected Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country.”
The article does not state what you contend. Further, political candidates have their own campaign funds from their own donors.

Your idea that Trump is spending all the money and nobody will get elected is false, a lie.

Lara Trump said no more spending $70k on flowers, it is flowers that YoursTruly believes gets candidates elected.

I didn't say it said what I'm thinking. It's just a piece of the puzzle. One more rung on the ladder to achieving the goal. Trump family political dynasty.

She said if she gets elected, every penny is going to go to Trumps campaign. No one elses. Not buying $70K in flowers is just PART of it. It wasn't JUST flower money she was going to pour into Trumps campaign.

I can't believe that had to explained to you.
Dude, no one gave the slightest shits about DeSantis. He collapsed after ONE primary.

That doesn't make him a bad leader. He sucks at campaigning, so what. Ron's problem was that he was trying to be entertaining. He's military. How many military guys do you know that's entertaining?
After the election, no one wants a president that's entertaining, as much as they want someone who's serious and mission oriented. And like DeSantis, has the knowledge and the experience to get things done.

It doesn't matter now though. Trump rules over the RNC. He is the Republican party. If his DIL gets elected to head up the RNC, the Dynasty of the Trump family will take root. And once it starts, no matter how bad it is for the country, it'll be almost impossible to stop.

Trump sucked as a president. He leans way to the left of center. And yet, he's leading the GOP polls by a lot. He should be running as a democrat. He's pro choice, anti 2A, a big spending, supports big government. There's almost nothing about him that's conservative.
Moochelle? I'm guessing that's a childish way of saying Michelle Obama........
Since she's not a candidate, doesn't even like politics, and isn't registered on any ballot on any state, I'm not sure WTF you're talking about?
Childish is any respect or devotion to the bitch.
And we will chalk this thread up to your stupidity. There will be no Trump dynasty. It is his policies people want, not his family.

I didn't say there was an existing Trump political dynasty.. I said it's in the making.

You are stupid, aren't you?

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