The Trump shtick wearing thin on people

A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive
Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality



Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Once again jerkface, DO YOU REALLY THINK what Putin said really counts for anything??? ??? ???
SHOW ME A TIME when a world leader won an election and the other world leaders called him up or met with them to say: GEE, I WAS REALLY PULLING FOR THE OTHER GUY?
Bottom Line: Politicians always say what Putin said, it is just common tact and diplomacy if you expect to get anything out of them.
You got nuttin' honey. Go home and cry.

FACT: Russia was/is attacking our election systems.....Russia wanted Trump to win.
Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Also from your link...

But I’ve heard from a number of Russian speakers who point out that Putin’s actual comments in Russian concerning who he wanted to win the election are much less ambiguous than the way they were translated. He seems to have not used the phrase Yes, I did once, let alone twice. Instead, in Russian, Putin roughly said,Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the normalization of Russian–American relations.

That's the same thing RT states

All the rest is just speculation, so what if Putin wanted Trump to win, I did too

I bet Kenya wanted Obama to win in 2008 too, what do you think that proves?


Sure....."speculation". (sigh)

Kenya wasn't attacking our election systems either there genius.....Russia was.
Because Kenya is a shithole country.
...But, keep in mind those people are also stupid enough to believe that there's a huge conspiracy against Donald Trump and that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Right, those are just stupid conspiracy theories

There is this other theory however, which will be proven any day now that says the Russians installed the orange clown as their Manchurian candidate and all that it took were some facebook clickbait ads. People who believe in this theory have the truth on their side which will lead to a yuuuge blue wave in the coming selections...

All the 17 polls agree..

...and still no Russian connection Russian is only believed by the same 35% who believe in a massive conspiracy that somehow uses Trump's own words in a conspiracy against Trump himself.
That same 35% that beat out your 65% causing Trump to get elected ?? Ok

Good luck if you think you can win with 35% of the vote. Trump's approval with Independents is abysmal.

Fact is, people wanted to try someone from outside of politics. That's understandable.....however, he hasn't delivered on anything, has proven to be a bumbler on the world's stage, and is now adversely affecting people economically. That will spiral into the toilet....
Yeah they said that in 2016.......Hillary had a 98% chance of dupes are so dumb.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive

I believe that's what you say....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish. His tanking numbers with Independents are going to be a huge problem.....but, keep drinking the Kool Aid!
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive

I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world

Sorry man, that's just a small amount. You guys hate it and have tried to attack him with everything you have....We're not buying your bullshit any more.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive

I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world

Sorry man, that's just a small amount. You guys hate it and have tried to attack him with everything you have....We're not buying your bullshit any more.
...and nominating conservative pro second amendment Supreme Court justices
All Trump has done was ride Obama's coattails on the, now he's doing damage with his tariffs.

His tax cuts exploded the budget deficit to over $1 trillion and was proven to have NO EFFECT on was a gigantic corporate welfare program. Wages went up more quickly under Obama....and that was during the recovery.
I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world

Sorry man, that's just a small amount. You guys hate it and have tried to attack him with everything you have....We're not buying your bullshit any more.
You have almost no proof of any of these claims.....
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive

I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world

Sorry man, that's just a small amount. You guys hate it and have tried to attack him with everything you have....We're not buying your bullshit any more.

All Trump has done was ride Obama's coattails on the, now he's doing damage with his tariffs.

His tax cuts exploded the budget deficit to over $1 trillion and was proven to have NO EFFECT on was a gigantic corporate welfare program.[/QUOTE]

No he's made the economy better and after he gets these trade deals......I'm going to be laughing at people like you even harder than this

So which one do you want to tackle first? I'm down with shoving the truth in your face.
I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world

Sorry man, that's just a small amount. You guys hate it and have tried to attack him with everything you have....We're not buying your bullshit any more.
You have almost no proof of any of these claims.....
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
I'm a Trump supporter and love him more now then when I cast my vote......but keep listening to the media....they are so objective and Trump had no chance in 2016.......but some how he are so naive

I believe you....however, it is pretty hard to justify why. Especially given the fact he hasn't accomplished anything that he claimed he'd accomplish.

LOL, he's done plenty
Started the San Diego
Stopped catch and release
deporting criminals, which you guys don't like
tax cuts
repealed Obama care mandate
opened ANWAR
Ok DAPL and Keystone pipelines
Reduced regulations a ton
Growing the economy at a great clip
Bringing jobs back
Low unemployment
Getting companies to move their money back to the US
Appointed conservative judges
Making the US the number one producer of oil in the world
Sure sonny.....coming out today that Trump is trying to take credit for TTIP...which was started under Obama.Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) | United States Trade Representative
Last edited:
...and still no Russian connection

And there won't be one either

But that's not the point of Muellers inquisition, the point is to make the people believe that the Russians did it so they'll embrace the new cold war and make the MIC (and thus the deep state) very happy, peace is simply bad for business

And when you see the brainwashed #resistance happily repeating the deep state MSM propaganda it seems to be working too

Sure....and everyone in prison is innocent.
And a couple of criminal assholes from the last administration are currently free and planning coups in Africa.
Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality



Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Once again jerkface, DO YOU REALLY THINK what Putin said really counts for anything??? ??? ???
SHOW ME A TIME when a world leader won an election and the other world leaders called him up or met with them to say: GEE, I WAS REALLY PULLING FOR THE OTHER GUY?
Bottom Line: Politicians always say what Putin said, it is just common tact and diplomacy if you expect to get anything out of them.
You got nuttin' honey. Go home and cry.

FACT: Russia was/is attacking our election systems.....Russia wanted Trump to win.
Yet you can't explain why Russia paid the Clintons $600k for one speech and donated $400 million to the Clinton FOUNDATION. Must be because they wanted Trump to win.

Explain that fact Frank The Fake.
Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality



Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Once again jerkface, DO YOU REALLY THINK what Putin said really counts for anything??? ??? ???
SHOW ME A TIME when a world leader won an election and the other world leaders called him up or met with them to say: GEE, I WAS REALLY PULLING FOR THE OTHER GUY?
Bottom Line: Politicians always say what Putin said, it is just common tact and diplomacy if you expect to get anything out of them.
You got nuttin' honey. Go home and cry.

FACT: Russia was/is attacking our election systems.....Russia wanted Trump to win.

Unless you can show me direct proof, then your "fact" is nothing more than claim, supposition.
So...........the Democratic Party still doesn't have anything to run on.....

Got it.
You are absolutely correct the Dems will have to have a clear platform to run on:

Dems will run on:
*Affordable health care
*Commitment to Social Security/Medicare for seniors
*Responsible regulation and efficient government
*Improving wages for the working class, not just the top 1%
*Rebuilding respect and relations around the world

Except Dems don't actually support any of that.
Let me guess: You believe Obamacare is "affordable?"
"Efficient government?" You have to be kidding. Is wiping out the coal industry your idea of "responsible?"
Did wages improve under Obama?
Does being the world's favorite patsy build respect?
"Shtick"? The freaking DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is at a historic low. If that's an example of "shtick" personally I'll take it.
lol...this trend started the day the mueller investigation went belly up...go figure
Oh pray tell how has it gone belly up?

30ish indictments, a couple of guilty pleas, Manafirt is in jail awaiting trial.....

And Meuller is still going.

Yep any day now....


Anything remotely connected to his charter, Russia collusion? Nothing so far shows any collusion, in fact Mueller has basically said there isn't any evidence.

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