The Trump shtick wearing thin on people

...and still no Russian connection

And there won't be one either

But that's not the point of Muellers inquisition, the point is to make the people believe that the Russians did it so they'll embrace the new cold war and make the MIC (and thus the deep state) very happy, peace is simply bad for business

And when you see the brainwashed #resistance happily repeating the deep state MSM propaganda it seems to be working too

A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.
...and still no Russian connection

And there won't be one either

But that's not the point of Muellers inquisition, the point is to make the people believe that the Russians did it so they'll embrace the new cold war and make the MIC (and thus the deep state) very happy, peace is simply bad for business

And when you see the brainwashed #resistance happily repeating the deep state MSM propaganda it seems to be working too


Sure....and everyone in prison is innocent.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.

Trump sided with a foreign adversary who is currently attacking the United States OVER all the hard work of the men and women serving the United States of America. Why? Because Trump said Putin was 'strong'? Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

Not ridiculous....just unAmerican.
Last edited:
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!

Nah. People are just getting weary of the Russia bullshit people like you keep shoveling.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Crikey,You Guys have only just realised,here in Australia we have known this before the Madness was elected,just sayin
Trump's wearing thin on people? You folks not happy unless you have rapists, bigots and murderers in charge huh?
Here's who those here on the Left dissing Trump favored.....

No, not the rapist on the right (well, if he had run, they'd have probably voted for him too)....the short, smirking transgender guy on the Left.
Evil and Wicked in one photo.
The camera had to be sanitized after this shot.

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So...........the Democratic Party still doesn't have anything to run on.....

Got it.
You are absolutely correct the Dems will have to have a clear platform to run on:

Dems will run on:
*Affordable health care
*Commitment to Social Security/Medicare for seniors
*Responsible regulation and efficient government
*Improving wages for the working class, not just the top 1%
*Rebuilding respect and relations around the world

you forgot the biggest plank

A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!

After the Santa Fe HS massacre, the commander in thief came down to Texas with his "I hear you" cue card in hand to console the parents of those who were slaughtered.

One of the victim's mother said that meeting with Donald Trump was like talking to a toddler.

Mom of Texas shooting victim says talking with Trump was 'like talking to a toddler'

He won Galveston County (where Santa Fe HS is) by 30% over Ms. Clinton.
Sure, I'll play.

Well, you already were, just not with me...
Basically, there are forms of regulation that contribute to a competitive economy....some regulation that is not needed. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize government regulation in places where it is needed and to remove it if it isn't serving a function. Antitrust law, for example, is effective government regulation. Trump has already gone on record saying he doesn't like the FCC getting involved in business mergers....and essentially would allow corporate monopolies to form.

I see, and the democrats are against that?

But what I mean with a platform is something like "if we get elected we will make sure Glass-Steagal gets reinstated so your tax $$$ won't be used to bail out criminal banks anymore"

That's pretty clear, "responsible regulation" is just an empty slogan
Efficient government that is OPEN to the public.....that, in and of itself would be a winning argument versus a current WH who does everything it can to hide things from voters.

WTF does "open to the public" mean, we have to sign the billl so we can find out what's in it?

And the trade war turns... Uhhh ohhh that wasn't suppose to

Hold on to your hats, because fixing this country takes time, and Trump ain't wasting a second of it on getting the job done.

Funny how the Dems would pick the alternative which is weakness in the face of a world that would love to see this country over taken by any crazed world faction, otherwise that would desire to stake it's claim of power here. Are the Dems anti-American ?? Do they even know what it is to be American anymore ?? It seems they have attacked everything under the sun in trying to change or reset this nation.

If I want to build a house, I don't start my own fires around the foundation....Trump has proven to point out problems, but, has also proven he doesn't have any solutions.

For the record, you folks have ceased having the ability to call anyone else's patriotism into question when you supported a POTUS who sided with a foreign dictator who is attacking our country OVER the United States' intelligence agencies.
Conflating the issues is a huge problem for you Dems, because people are way better at decifering what goes on in this government than you will ever know. You aren't dealing with children here.

Sure....especially when that DECIPHERING comes from a rube who spells like a 9 year old?

When someone cannot spell simple words correctly.....most people would guess that person wouldn't be able to speak intelligently about the intricacies of government.
I will admit my spelling isn't the best for sure, but I get my points across as is needed. Now which is worse, misspelling a word here or there (mostly happens with the spell correct function gone stupid) or just making up completely insane ops in hopes to convince somebody that up is down and down is up ??

Your "point" is assuming (that) any given reader would accept your word (to suggest) that the (OPS as in plural ????) is (if plural would interject the word are instead of is) "insane"....because you haven't orchestrated any sort of argument (as of yet). Therefore, why should any given reader trust your word when you don't even understand how to spell ---OR--- are (you) so lazy (that) you cannot proofread your own post?
A little Grammer course you might need maybe ? There, I fixed it for you.... ROTFLMBO
....Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

That's a good one, I'm sure Mueller has that confession on tape, right?


The White House's video doesn't contain Putin's support of Trump in the 2016 election

I suppose that edit by the Trump Administration was just an "honest mistake"?! HA!

Russian Speakers Explain What Putin Actually Said About Trump

The Reuters reporter Jeff Mason asked, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?” But how exactly did Vladimir Putin respond to those pointed questions?

If you listen to the English translation that was broadcast during the press conference, the Russian leader said, “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.”

Let me's all a conspirac...YAWN.
Sure, I'll play.

Well, you already were, just not with me...
Basically, there are forms of regulation that contribute to a competitive economy....some regulation that is not needed. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize government regulation in places where it is needed and to remove it if it isn't serving a function. Antitrust law, for example, is effective government regulation. Trump has already gone on record saying he doesn't like the FCC getting involved in business mergers....and essentially would allow corporate monopolies to form.

I see, and the democrats are against that?

But what I mean with a platform is something like "if we get elected we will make sure Glass-Steagal gets reinstated so your tax $$$ won't be used to bail out criminal banks anymore"

That's pretty clear, "responsible regulation" is just an empty slogan
Efficient government that is OPEN to the public.....that, in and of itself would be a winning argument versus a current WH who does everything it can to hide things from voters.

WTF does "open to the public" mean, we have to sign the billl so we can find out what's in it?

If I want to build a house, I don't start my own fires around the foundation....Trump has proven to point out problems, but, has also proven he doesn't have any solutions.

For the record, you folks have ceased having the ability to call anyone else's patriotism into question when you supported a POTUS who sided with a foreign dictator who is attacking our country OVER the United States' intelligence agencies.
Conflating the issues is a huge problem for you Dems, because people are way better at decifering what goes on in this government than you will ever know. You aren't dealing with children here.

Sure....especially when that DECIPHERING comes from a rube who spells like a 9 year old?

When someone cannot spell simple words correctly.....most people would guess that person wouldn't be able to speak intelligently about the intricacies of government.
I will admit my spelling isn't the best for sure, but I get my points across as is needed. Now which is worse, misspelling a word here or there (mostly happens with the spell correct function gone stupid) or just making up completely insane ops in hopes to convince somebody that up is down and down is up ??

Your "point" is assuming (that) any given reader would accept your word (to suggest) that the (OPS as in plural ????) is (if plural would interject the word are instead of is) "insane"....because you haven't orchestrated any sort of argument (as of yet). Therefore, why should any given reader trust your word when you don't even understand how to spell ---OR--- are (you) so lazy (that) you cannot proofread your own post?
A little Grammer course you might need maybe ? There, I fixed it for you.... ROTFLMBO

Like Kelsey Grammer???? I liked the show 'Frasier', but, fail to see what that has to do with this conversation.
...Let me's all a conspirac...YAWN.

Could be a conspiracy, if the translator was in on it

Lost in translation: CNN claims Putin admitted to election-meddling. He did not. (VIDEO)

Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US-Russia relationship back to normal,” was Putin’s response, as provided by the translator.

Harlow took the repetition to mean agreement on both questions, and she insisted on replaying the clip after Lotter said he wasn’t sure, and that Putin might have been answering just the first part.

While the translator most certainly said that, Putin did not. His full answer, accurately translated from Russian, was, “Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the need to normalize US-Russia relations.


And you still can't comprehend why people call it fake news

A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.

Trump sided with a foreign adversary who is currently attacking the United States OVER all the hard work of the men and women serving the United States of America. Why? Because Trump said Putin was 'strong'? Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

Not ridiculous....just unAmerican.
Cherry-picking the facts, and taking actual events out of context doesn't impress me or anyone who is well informed.
This is nothing more than manna for Trump haters, who never take the time to get better information rather than rely on a dishonest press telling them what to think.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.

Trump sided with a foreign adversary who is currently attacking the United States OVER all the hard work of the men and women serving the United States of America. Why? Because Trump said Putin was 'strong'? Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

Not ridiculous....just unAmerican.
Cherry-picking the facts, and taking actual events out of context doesn't impress me or anyone who is well informed.
This is nothing more than manna for Trump haters, who never take the time to get better information rather than rely on a dishonest press telling them what to think.

Sure sunshine....keep telling yourself that.

And, if you REAAAALLLY believe........a big fat guy in a red suit will bring you presents on Christmas.
...Let me's all a conspirac...YAWN.

Could be a conspiracy, if the translator was in on it

Lost in translation: CNN claims Putin admitted to election-meddling. He did not. (VIDEO)

Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US-Russia relationship back to normal,” was Putin’s response, as provided by the translator.

Harlow took the repetition to mean agreement on both questions, and she insisted on replaying the clip after Lotter said he wasn’t sure, and that Putin might have been answering just the first part.

While the translator most certainly said that, Putin did not. His full answer, accurately translated from Russian, was, “Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the need to normalize US-Russia relations.


And you still can't comprehend why people call it fake news


HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Sure, and WE believe fake news?!?!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's hilarious!

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