The Trump shtick wearing thin on people

A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.

Trump sided with a foreign adversary who is currently attacking the United States OVER all the hard work of the men and women serving the United States of America. Why? Because Trump said Putin was 'strong'? Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

Not ridiculous....just unAmerican.
Cherry-picking the facts, and taking actual events out of context doesn't impress me or anyone who is well informed.
This is nothing more than manna for Trump haters, who never take the time to get better information rather than rely on a dishonest press telling them what to think.

Sure sunshine....keep telling yourself that.

And, if you REAAAALLLY believe........a big fat guy in a red suit will bring you presents on Christmas.

.a big fat guy in a red suit will bring you presents on Christmas.


HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Sure, and WE believe fake news?!?!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's hilarious!

Well, you certainly seem to believe it

You think the Russians lie about the translation of their own language so you go with CNN's interpretation instead

I know you're here to spread the Russians did it religion but you would be more credible if you had even a slight connection to reality

...Let me's all a conspirac...YAWN.

Could be a conspiracy, if the translator was in on it

Lost in translation: CNN claims Putin admitted to election-meddling. He did not. (VIDEO)

Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US-Russia relationship back to normal,” was Putin’s response, as provided by the translator.

Harlow took the repetition to mean agreement on both questions, and she insisted on replaying the clip after Lotter said he wasn’t sure, and that Putin might have been answering just the first part.

While the translator most certainly said that, Putin did not. His full answer, accurately translated from Russian, was, “Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the need to normalize US-Russia relations.


And you still can't comprehend why people call it fake news


HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Sure, and WE believe fake news?!?!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's hilarious!

You believe the popular vote determines the presidency...

ALSO hilarious
...But, keep in mind those people are also stupid enough to believe that there's a huge conspiracy against Donald Trump and that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Right, those are just stupid conspiracy theories

There is this other theory however, which will be proven any day now that says the Russians installed the orange clown as their Manchurian candidate and all that it took were some facebook clickbait ads. People who believe in this theory have the truth on their side which will lead to a yuuuge blue wave in the coming selections...

All the 17 polls agree..

...and still no Russian connection Russian is only believed by the same 35% who believe in a massive conspiracy that somehow uses Trump's own words in a conspiracy against Trump himself.
That same 35% that beat out your 65% causing Trump to get elected ?? Ok
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump.

Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators
HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Sure, and WE believe fake news?!?!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's hilarious!

Well, you certainly seem to believe it

You think the Russians lie about the translation of their own language so you go with CNN's interpretation instead

I know you're here to spread the Russians did it religion but you would be more credible if you had even a slight connection to reality


Sorry goober....wasn't "CNN's interpretation" for Christ sake. Gee, I wonder why that portion of the news conference was eliminated from the WH's transcript?!?

Fake news much?
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump.

Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators

Cherry picking one poll from over a month ago is pretty desperate. Plus, let's not forget at Trump's BEST...he is under water.

But, whateves....keep deluding. Only helps my side.
Sorry goober....wasn't "CNN's interpretation" for Christ sake. Gee, I wonder why that portion of the news conference was eliminated from the WH's transcript?!?

Fake news much?

Whatever makes you happy comrade

On one hand you believe Putin is the evil super villain who installed his orange Manchurian candidate in the oval office without anybody being able to stop him.... on the other hand you believe he's a clueless idiot who admitted live on tv that he did it...

And then you act surpised when people think that's ridiculous

...But, keep in mind those people are also stupid enough to believe that there's a huge conspiracy against Donald Trump and that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Right, those are just stupid conspiracy theories

There is this other theory however, which will be proven any day now that says the Russians installed the orange clown as their Manchurian candidate and all that it took were some facebook clickbait ads. People who believe in this theory have the truth on their side which will lead to a yuuuge blue wave in the coming selections...

All the 17 polls agree..

...and still no Russian connection Russian is only believed by the same 35% who believe in a massive conspiracy that somehow uses Trump's own words in a conspiracy against Trump himself.
That same 35% that beat out your 65% causing Trump to get elected ?? Ok

Good luck if you think you can win with 35% of the vote. Trump's approval with Independents is abysmal.

Fact is, people wanted to try someone from outside of politics. That's understandable.....however, he hasn't delivered on anything, has proven to be a bumbler on the world's stage, and is now adversely affecting people economically. That will spiral into the toilet....
Last edited:
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump. Even some of those that voted for him are saying that a new person should be elected in 2020. Many of these polls are conducted in states that Trump won in 2016.
The majority of Americans predict Trump will lose the 2020 election, poll shows
Over half in AZ, FL, OH don't want to re-elect Trump - CNNPolitics

Why does that matter with the 2020 election being 2 years away? Primarily because it shows an erosion of support for the Trump shtick as he continues to prove just how ineffective and weak of a President he is.

It should be said that the polls cited above were done BEFORE the Helsinki summit disaster, BEFORE the report of declining wages in 2018, and BEFORE the fallout from the Trump/Republican tariffs that are adversely affecting the economy.

Well, it looks like Putin is going to be a busy guy between now and then!
Don't you mean the media flame-fest over Helsinki????:puhleeze:

I've never seen so many people screaming at one time about the most ridiculous stuff.
Trump didn't punch Putin in the face.
This is like Pearl Harbor.
This is the Tet Offensive.
The world as we know it is gone.
Let's all move to a deserted island and wait for the Apocalypse.

All of the destructive actions of enemy Democrats is only illustrating one thing, it's not Trump who is crazy, it's the Democrats.
The greatest threat to America today is the Democratic Party and their corrupt media.

Trump sided with a foreign adversary who is currently attacking the United States OVER all the hard work of the men and women serving the United States of America. Why? Because Trump said Putin was 'strong'? Plus, let's not forget about Putin admitting he directed officials to help Donald Trump get elected.

Not ridiculous....just unAmerican.
Cherry-picking the facts, and taking actual events out of context doesn't impress me or anyone who is well informed.
This is nothing more than manna for Trump haters, who never take the time to get better information rather than rely on a dishonest press telling them what to think.

Sure sunshine....keep telling yourself that.

And, if you REAAAALLLY believe........a big fat guy in a red suit will bring you presents on Christmas.
Coming from a numbskull who believes in Unicorns, your comments are illogical and as usual, irrational.
Sorry goober....wasn't "CNN's interpretation" for Christ sake. Gee, I wonder why that portion of the news conference was eliminated from the WH's transcript?!?

Fake news much?

Whatever makes you happy comrade

On one hand you believe Putin is the evil super villain who installed his orange Manchurian candidate in the oval office without anybody being able to stop him.... on the other hand you believe he's a clueless idiot who admitted live on tv that he did it...

And then you act surpised when people think that's ridiculous


Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump.

Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators

Cherry picking one poll from over a month ago is pretty desperate. Plus, let's not forget at Trump's BEST...he is under water.

But, whateves....keep deluding. Only helps my side.

NOTHING helps your side, jackass. Gallup isn't cherry picking, it is the creme de la creme of polls. Sure there are other polls, but considering all the forces AGAINST Trump out there, the inescapable fact is that it DOES NOT BODE WELL for the DNC that the top poll shows him at an all time high, or that ANY poll shows him gaining strength! I don't give polls much weight and 2016 showed they are pretty much worthless, but the only DELUSION going on here ass is that after the spanking you got in 2016 you still think you can wave a bunch of negative polls about Trump and they mean anything.
A series of polls over the months are starting to show the same trend....people are growing weary of Donald Trump.

Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators

Cherry picking one poll from over a month ago is pretty desperate. Plus, let's not forget at Trump's BEST...he is under water.

But, whateves....keep deluding. Only helps my side.

NOTHING helps your side, jackass. Gallup isn't cherry picking, it is the creme de la creme of polls. Sure there are other polls, but considering all the forces AGAINST Trump out there, the inescapable fact is that it DOES NOT BODE WELL for the DNC that the top poll shows him at an all time high, or that ANY poll shows him gaining strength! I don't give polls much weight and 2016 showed they are pretty much worthless, but the only DELUSION going on here ass is that after the spanking you got in 2016 you still think you can wave a bunch of negative polls about Trump and they mean anything.

Good luck!
Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality


Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality



Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.
Watch the press conference for God's sake.

Like Trump says......believe what he says, not what you see?!

THAT Is ridiculous.

If CNN's translation of Putin's words was correct all the MSM headlines would be repeating it endlessly and Mueller would already be drawing up an indictment against the orange clown

As I said, you would be more credible if you had a slight connection to reality



Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Once again jerkface, DO YOU REALLY THINK what Putin said really counts for anything??? ??? ???
SHOW ME A TIME when a world leader won an election and the other world leaders called him up or met with them to say: GEE, I WAS REALLY PULLING FOR THE OTHER GUY?
Bottom Line: Politicians always say what Putin said, it is just common tact and diplomacy if you expect to get anything out of them.
You got nuttin' honey. Go home and cry.
Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Also from your link...

But I’ve heard from a number of Russian speakers who point out that Putin’s actual comments in Russian concerning who he wanted to win the election are much less ambiguous than the way they were translated. He seems to have not used the phrase Yes, I did once, let alone twice. Instead, in Russian, Putin roughly said,Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the normalization of Russian–American relations.

That's the same thing RT states

All the rest is just speculation, so what if Putin wanted Trump to win, I did too

I bet Kenya wanted Obama to win in 2008 too, what do you think that proves?

Was a Reuter reporter who asked the question...and everyone else who did the interpretation.

YAWN. You're not even trying....
Putin Said in Helsinki He Wanted Trump to Win - The Atlantic

Excerpt from the above:
The comments are still significant: Putin is publicly admitting, in the clearest form yet, that he wanted Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential campaign and that this preference stemmed from Trump’s conciliatory approach to Russia. He is acknowledging a motive for meddling in the U.S. election even as he rejects allegations that he did so.

Also from your link...

But I’ve heard from a number of Russian speakers who point out that Putin’s actual comments in Russian concerning who he wanted to win the election are much less ambiguous than the way they were translated. He seems to have not used the phrase Yes, I did once, let alone twice. Instead, in Russian, Putin roughly said,Yes, I wanted him to win, because he talked about the normalization of Russian–American relations.

That's the same thing RT states

All the rest is just speculation, so what if Putin wanted Trump to win, I did too

I bet Kenya wanted Obama to win in 2008 too, what do you think that proves?


Sure....."speculation". (sigh)

Kenya wasn't attacking our election systems either there genius.....Russia was.

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