The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
How do you change a Mormon into a moron?

(A) Take away the second "m," or
(B) convert him or her into the Islamic Faith.

How do you change an adherent of Islam into a moron?

(A) You don't. They are already there.

I think that's an immature post. Seriously, don't take this personal but you gotta pay attention to the things you say. Do you think we've never heard the childish moron, mormon thing before?
Also it's ignorant to say all adherents of Islam are morons. There are morons everywhere. Although I disagree with Islam, I wouldn't call muslims morons.

The terrorists you speak of are beyond morons.

I think that type of thinking goes beyond immature.

Rosie O'Donnell pretty much spelled out the way progressives think. They tend to take Islam, Mormonism, and Catholicism and lump them all together. They can't tell the difference.

Got to say though, althought considered perhaps strange bedfellows, when the Mormons and the Catholics work together - they are a hugely beneficial force. Look what they did to Prop 8 in California!!! LOL.

I think using the 'moron' thing with Mormons is particularly unintelligent. It's so screamingly obvious - I imagine there isn't a Mormon on the planet who has not heard that one hundreds of times. It says more about the person using it than the Mormon it is intended to offend.
I have many mormon relatives, love them no matter what. I just have a problem with the way some of the men treat their wives but I also know that not all them treat their wives in the same way.
I have many mormon relatives, love them no matter what. I just have a problem with the way some of the men treat their wives but I also know that not all them treat their wives in the same way.

The Mormon church doesn't teach you to treat your spouse except for treat them with respect.

Those guys are acting that way on their own.
Avi, such exists between the individual and the divine only. There is no mortal intermediary power.

Weren't you complaining just hours ago about people who believe their way is the only way?

Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.
Avi, such exists between the individual and the divine only. There is no mortal intermediary power.

Weren't you complaining just hours ago about people who believe their way is the only way?

Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

That may be your belief, it is not necessarily the belief of others.
a self rightous religion in which you write your own bible, please!

That comment sounded a bit self-righteous as well.

Also very petty considering what was being discussed.

how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
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That comment sounded a bit self-righteous as well.

Also very petty considering what was being discussed.

how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God
how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.
Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.

GOD said it was closed.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.

GOD said it was closed.

The only document that GOD has written is the Ten Commandments.

Revelation was written by a man.
You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.

GOD said it was closed.

The only document that GOD has written is the Ten Commandments.

Revelation was written by a man.

so now your sayiny the gospels a lie
Weren't you complaining just hours ago about people who believe their way is the only way?

Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

That may be your belief, it is not necessarily the belief of others.

In the sense of being antinomian, yes, I agree with you, CG.

I was simply correcting someone else's deflection of argument.
GOD said it was closed.

The only document that GOD has written is the Ten Commandments.

Revelation was written by a man.

so now your sayiny the gospels a lie

froggy, don't put words in a person's mouth. Quit acting like a simpleton. You don't speak for God. I advise you let the Gospels to speak unto those who wish to read them, and you will add to their message by staying out of the intepretation business.
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