The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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I think that's an immature post. Seriously, don't take this personal but you gotta pay attention to the things you say. Do you think we've never heard the childish moron, mormon thing before?
Also it's ignorant to say all adherents of Islam are morons. There are morons everywhere. Although I disagree with Islam, I wouldn't call muslims morons.

The terrorists you speak of are beyond morons.

I think that type of thinking goes beyond immature.

Rosie O'Donnell pretty much spelled out the way progressives think. They tend to take Islam, Mormonism, and Catholicism and lump them all together. They can't tell the difference.

Got to say though, althought considered perhaps strange bedfellows, when the Mormons and the Catholics work together - they are a hugely beneficial force. Look what they did to Prop 8 in California!!! LOL.

I think using the 'moron' thing with Mormons is particularly unintelligent. It's so screamingly obvious - I imagine there isn't a Mormon on the planet who has not heard that one hundreds of times. It says more about the person using it than the Mormon it is intended to offend.

I remember The Catholic Church being the number 2 Church in Utah.
how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

And is it our fault you havent listened to anything God has said in 2000 years?

Ive never understood why people seem to think that God spoke to men for thousands of years. And then suddenly now He doesnt. Especially when He has said nothing about not saying any more.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

Do you even bother reading what the scripture actually says? Your interpretation doesnt hold up. John wrote His Gospel and Episltes after he wrote Revelation. According to you John the Revelator is condemned to hell.

Moses said the same exact thing in Deut 4:2. Apparently anyone who believes the New Testament is going hell if we accept your interpretation.

In Matthew Christ told us how to discern between true and false prophets. Why would he do that if all of them were false? Why would Christ and all the Apostles teach us to ask and recieve, seek and find, if God was going to be absolutely silent and tell us nothing?

Your interpretation is based on ignorance of how the Bible was written. Its a collection of books. No one book. The verse applies solely to the Book of Revelation. Not only that, the condemns men who add or take away from the book. No where in there does God say He is limited by the verse. God can say whatever the heck He want, whenever the heck He want.

In every dispensation of time God has spoken to man through revelation and taught Him from the Heavens. Why would God change now? The fact that you acknowledge that God does not reveal anything to you should send some red flags up about your relationship with God and the authority you have to say anything about the Heavens.

I am not saying this to be mean. I am not saying this to be arrogant. Im saying this because its the simple truth. God reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets. Paul stated that God would give the people Apostles and Prophets along with the other offices of the Priesthood until we all come to a unity of the faith. I think its apparently obvious we havent reached the point where we are at a unity of faith. We arent even close. So where are the Apostles and propehts to teach us? Where are the other offices? Where is the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God? Where are the keys of the Kingdom given to Peter and the Apostles?

I would argue that they exist in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where they were restored by Joseph Smith. And the number one evidence of that is the Book of Mormon. Its evidence that God is not silent. And miracles and revelations cease only when people lack the faith to recieve them.
Joseph Fielding Smith must have been the Jim Jones of his day. To say god was a man turned into a god, and to think so many actually believe his sayings.
how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

Sounds like Someone I know. You should check out God's Covenant with Noah or Solomon's Prayer when He dedicated The Temple.

Jake said it in a sentence. So will I. Seek God First in All things, through Conscience. Let go of the Tangents. Try to notice the little things, be presence conscious. Part of the function of the Book was to get Your attention, it is a tool, don't confuse it with the Big Guy, It limits Us, keeps Us in check, not Him. :):):):):)
I think that's an immature post. Seriously, don't take this personal but you gotta pay attention to the things you say. Do you think we've never heard the childish moron, mormon thing before?
Also it's ignorant to say all adherents of Islam are morons. There are morons everywhere. Although I disagree with Islam, I wouldn't call muslims morons.

The terrorists you speak of are beyond morons.

I think that type of thinking goes beyond immature.

Rosie O'Donnell pretty much spelled out the way progressives think. They tend to take Islam, Mormonism, and Catholicism and lump them all together. They can't tell the difference.

Got to say though, althought considered perhaps strange bedfellows, when the Mormons and the Catholics work together - they are a hugely beneficial force. Look what they did to Prop 8 in California!!! LOL.

I think using the 'moron' thing with Mormons is particularly unintelligent. It's so screamingly obvious - I imagine there isn't a Mormon on the planet who has not heard that one hundreds of times. It says more about the person using it than the Mormon it is intended to offend.
Yeah, it's sorta the story of my life. A bunch of Captains Obvious poking jokes at my name and religion. Scott(Beam me up Scotty!) Foster(foster child, foster farms) Price(Price is right, price is wrong,priceless).
As if they're so original.
I have many mormon relatives, love them no matter what. I just have a problem with the way some of the men treat their wives but I also know that not all them treat their wives in the same way.

I think we talked about this 150 pages ago. It's not just that "not all them treat their wives in the same way", it's that the vast majority don't.
a self rightous religion in which you write your own bible, please!

That comment sounded a bit self-righteous as well.

Also very petty considering what was being discussed.

how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

God has always added and taken away from the beginning. the Bible invites us to learn all we can about God. Paul tells us that if there is anything lovely, praisworthy or of good report, to seek after these things. Who are you to shut the mouth of God?
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Avi, such exists between the individual and the divine only. There is no mortal intermediary power.

Weren't you complaining just hours ago about people who believe their way is the only way?

Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

People will be judged ultimately on their individual relationships with God. We just believe our Church helps develop a relationship with God better than any other.
how do you figure, we didn't add another book to the gospel.

Where does this "WE" come from?

Did you write the New Testiment?

The original Bible or Torah was the first several chapters of the Old Testiment. Then the New Testiment was added and other chapters added to the Old Testiment.

Jews could claim "YOU" added another book to their book.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

This has been dealt with before. I'll briefly repeat what has already been repeated over and over again.

Can we all agree that the Apostles did not compile the Bible? Yes we can. Thank you for agreeing.

That fact being proven. Who did compile the Bible?
It was many different scholars and priests who were not apostles or prophets. Are you still with me? Great let's move on.

That being said, can we all agree on the iron clad fact that the Bible's books are not in chronological order? Yes. Thank you.

That being said, we can all ascertain that the most recently written of the books was not the Revelation of John but was in fact, the gospel of John. If you want to talk about what the last parting words of the Bible should be, they would read thus:

Verse 25: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

So if you have the right to interpret the writings in revelation to apply to any other book than the book of revelation, I don't think it unreasonable for us to have a right to interpret those words in bold to set an expectation that there will be much more to learn about Jesus than what we find only in the Bible.
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Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

What is God saying here?

You do not have to be a genius to understand these words. God says: “This is the End. Don’t tamper with it. The Word of God is now complete. No more messages from God are to be expected. This is the last message from God to the last of the Apostles just before he died. No more prophecies from God will be added.”

Paraphrased God says very plainly in Revelation 22:18, “If anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, which has come to that person in a dream, or in a vision, or in an angel visitation, or in a tongue, or even if not a word was spoken but that person saw a comforting light somewhere in the middle of the night, or saw any other supernatural manifestation from God, then know that this person is lying, for God will not give any more Divine revelations or messages; that person is a false prophet, and I have not send them, and he or she deserves to be tormented in the Lake of Fire, so that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever”.

Therefore if anyone comes to you claiming that he or she has a new message from God, that person has added to the Word of God, the Bible, for the Bible is this One Book that God mentions in Revelation 22:18.

Here, on the last page of the Bible, God gave a last warning that the Bible is now complete; no one should add words to it, and neither will God add any more words to it. We must realize that the Bible portrays the image of God, and whosoever has additional Divine revelations has added to the words of the Bible, and is guilty of tampering with the image of God. Moreover, if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall deny him entrance to the New Jerusalem, for he or she has also tampered with the image of God

You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.

GOD said it was closed.

You sound like Al Gore. "The matter is closed to discussion"

Jesus said the Bible was to be a living document to be written in our hearts. If it is living why is it impossible for a living thing to grow? I tend to trust Jesus more then John who wrote the book of Revelation.

Another thing you might want to note. The King James version was written centuries later and some of the books in the original version were taken out, changes made in the original text to fit the language of the day. So in effect the Bible we read today was banned according to the book of Revelation.

GOD said it was closed.


do you consider this joe smith to be your prophet as he claimed himself to be?
Weren't you complaining just hours ago about people who believe their way is the only way?

Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

People will be judged ultimately on their individual relationships with God. We just believe our Church helps develop a relationship with God better than any other.

Are you being righteous in your dealings with your fellow men here? Your church teaches that it holds Christ's authority here on earth to act in His name, and your chuch believes that no other mortal or mortal organization holds that authority to speak for God on earth. If you or others in your church deny what I have just written, then you are denying the power and authority of the LDS church here on earth.
Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

People will be judged ultimately on their individual relationships with God. We just believe our Church helps develop a relationship with God better than any other.

Are you being righteous in your dealings with your fellow men here? Your church teaches that it holds Christ's authority here on earth to act in His name, and your chuch believes that no other mortal or mortal organization holds that authority to speak for God on earth. If you or others in your church deny what I have just written, then you are denying the power and authority of the LDS church here on earth.

The devout Mormon believes this text is inspired because Joseph Smith said it is. He believes Smith had the authority to claim divine inspiration for the Book of Mormon because the book itself says Smith was a prophet and had such authority.
Don't deflect the discussion, and you are inaccurate anyway.

We are talking about our relationship with the divine, which is of course going to be individual and unsullied by any mortal authority.

People will be judged ultimately on their individual relationships with God. We just believe our Church helps develop a relationship with God better than any other.

Are you being righteous in your dealings with your fellow men here? Your church teaches that it holds Christ's authority here on earth to act in His name, and your chuch believes that no other mortal or mortal organization holds that authority to speak for God on earth. If you or others in your church deny what I have just written, then you are denying the power and authority of the LDS church here on earth.

Of course we believe what you have written. But you can be a member of God's church all day and twice on sundays but if you don't actually love God and your neighbor, it will not avail you on the judgment day.

This is a very encouraging scripture and always has been.

in the book of Moroni 7:47we read:
But charity is the pure love of Christ. And it endureth forever. And whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

That my friends is the gospel of Christ, be you from whatever church you may. Why will it be well with that person even if they are not a member of our church on paper? Because there is going to be a thousand year period where Christ will reign personally on this earth. Only those who are pure in heart will remain during that thousand year period. The pure in heart will be found all over the world and most of whom will have never even heard of the "Mormons". That is the time when the Lord will set the record straight and personally clear up all confusion as to which is his true church.
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People will be judged ultimately on their individual relationships with God. We just believe our Church helps develop a relationship with God better than any other.

Are you being righteous in your dealings with your fellow men here? Your church teaches that it holds Christ's authority here on earth to act in His name, and your chuch believes that no other mortal or mortal organization holds that authority to speak for God on earth. If you or others in your church deny what I have just written, then you are denying the power and authority of the LDS church here on earth.

The devout Mormon believes this text is inspired because Joseph Smith said it is. He believes Smith had the authority to claim divine inspiration for the Book of Mormon because the book itself says Smith was a prophet and had such authority.

Absolutely Wrong.

The devout "Mormon" believes this text inspired because we like Joseph listened to the advice of the apostle James in chapter one of his book verse 5.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth(scolds) not and it shall be given him.

We also believe because we took the challenge offered by Moroni in his closing words of chapter 10:3-5
Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
6 And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.

So I and many others prayed in private for an answer to the truth of these things. I know as sure as I exist that the book is true because of the personal answers to my prayer.

Some may call it faith, some may call it delusion. But I call it knowledge. I know what I know. The scriptures have bountiful examples telling us not to "trust in the arm of flesh" or to believe something just because we are told to. We are told to go to the source of all truth, not Joseph Smith, or any other man besides our Father in Heaven.
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slightly changing avenues. I'm curious as to what each of you do when you come across beggars in the street. I used to always ignore them, even after reading this scripture. I used to always say to myself:

What a slob you are! Why can't you get some self respect and go work for what you want? You only are in this situatio because you are lazy and refuse to contribute to society. I'm not giving you a dime of my hard earned money.

Recently I saw a man holding a sign saying "Hungry. Any Help?" The words of this ancient King named Mosiah came into my head:

And also, ye yourselves will succor those that stand in need of your succor; ye will administer of your substance unto him that standeth in need; and ye will not suffer that the beggar putteth up his petition to you in vain, and turn him out to perish.
17 Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just—
18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.
19 For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?

I didn't give him any money. But I asked the guy who had as disgusting an appearance as any person I've seen if he had had anything to eat...................He said he hadn't eaten all day. It was 5 o clock and I believed him. I told him I would be right back.......I went across the street to the subway and spent 10 dollars on a hearty footlong meatball sanwich with everything on it and toasted. I never do the meal deal for myself but I got him the drink and the chips. I came back and presented him with this huge meal and...My God....I could feel the greatest sense of accomplishment when I looked in this fellows eyes as he looked in disbelief. He expressed genuine gratitude and I was overcome with the warmest sense of approval before my maker that I had ever felt. I found myself hugging him in my 2000 dollar suit, not caring if he was diseased or filthy. As I walked down the escalator to catch my train home I felt tears coming down my cheeks because I helped a brother of mine.

The next scripture that popped into my head was Jesus in Mattew 25:40

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

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