The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

You act as if everyone in the world at the time is documented in that history. I think thats a rather unreachable standard.

Nephi never claimed to be Jehovah, so I have no clue where you got that. Perhaps you could cite a verse you're referring to?

And there is quite a good reason they werent mentioned in that history. They left. How on earth could history record people who were no longer there?

you can't search for truth in a book of lies you have to search in the history of the time, according to nephis tale, he lived in several different life times at once. theyclaim to be of the wealthy, if so they would have been noted for the time they were there, before they sailed the magic dragon.
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no ava, you can't put in things to make it look like joe got it right, he didn't

Then how did i show otherwise?

Are you saying there wasn't a civil war that started when South Carolina rebelled? Are you saying that war didn't end up terminating many lives? Are you claiming that the Prussians didn't study the war and how to use industrialization for their own wars of conquest? Are you claiming the South didn't call on Great Britain for help? Are you claiming that War was poured out upon all nations after Great Britain called on other nations for help? Are you claiming that slaves didn't rise up against their masters?

I mean which part of that was Joseph wrong about?

when you know things ahead of time your able guess the out come, joe being part of the slave smuggling movement, was privy to alot of inside info. if i war to predict war i would include things that i knew would happen like i know there would be blood shed and death, the first tactic of going to war is to ask someone to join you.
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Assassins (like Teancum or Nephi, for that matter) kill in cold blood. Nothing more than 'heroes' like the LDS danite killers, Bill Hickman and Orrin Porter Rockwell among others, stone cold LDS killers and danites. By truthspeakers' reasoning, the homicide bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan are true heroes. Take a hike.

My my Jake,
for someone who claims to know so much about mormonism you sure need to put your foot in your mouth on that last dandy of yours.

Teancum was first a christian, then he was an honorable general in the army. A commander of thousands. He had a great reputation. I only called him the silent assassin because of his heroic deed in the middle of a war where Amalickiah had left the Nephites, joined the Lamanites, murdered their king, stole his wife, Murdered their cheif captain and placed himself as tyrant over the Lamanites. He spread lies about the Nephites and swore a blood oath to subject them to his kingship and make slaves out of the Nephites. Teancum was one of the generals who fought against the horde of Lamanites vastly outnumbering the Lamanites.
To make a long story short, He successfully assassinated Amalickiah by climbing over the walls of the camp at night and threw a javelin straight into his heart so that he died without making a sound to alert his guards. He was able to escape in secret because of his good aim.
The assassination of his Brother Ammoron, who took over for Amalickiah was less successful because it ended in the trading of the two lives. That is the context. This was a wartime effort by a soldier on another soldier, far different from terrorists murdering civilians. Get your facts straight.
"'People of State of New York vs. Joseph Smith. Warrant issued upon oath of Peter G. Bridgman, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly person and an impostor. Prisoner brought into court March 20 (1826). Prisoner examined. Says that he came from town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of Josiah Stowell in Bainbridge most of time since; had small part of time been employed in looking for mines, but the major part had been employed by said Stowel on his farm, and going to school; that he had a certain stone, which he had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the bowels of the earth were; that he professed to tell in this manner where gold-mines were a distance under ground, and had looked for Mr. Stowel several times, and informed him where he could find those treasures, and Mr. Stowel had been engaged in digging for them: that at Palmyra he pretended to tell, by looking at this stone, where coined money was buried in Pennsylvania, and while at Palmyra he had frequently ascertained in that way where lost property was, of various kinds; that he had occasionally been in the habit of looking through this stone to find lost property for three years, but of late had pretty much given it up on account its injuring his health, especially his eyes--made them sore; that he did not solicit business of this kind, and had always rather declined having any thing to do with this business

You do realize that disorderly conduct is probably one of the least serious crimes in the world? And you do realize he was discharged because the witnesses contradicted each other so much that no honest or even dishonest judge could make a finding of guilt dont you?

he was charged with ripping off the guys money with false pretense or being a con.

Of course in your eyes being charged means guilty right? He was cleared of all accusations ever brought against him.
When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

You act as if everyone in the world at the time is documented in that history. I think thats a rather unreachable standard.

Nephi never claimed to be Jehovah, so I have no clue where you got that. Perhaps you could cite a verse you're referring to?

And there is quite a good reason they werent mentioned in that history. They left. How on earth could history record people who were no longer there?

you can't search for truth in a book of lies you have to search in the history of the time, according to nephis tale, he lived in several different life times at once. theyclaim to be of the wealthy, if so they would have been noted for the time they were there, before they sailed the magic dragon.

So now you are saying because they were wealthy, they should have been recorded in the Bible? What rubbish! What utter nonsensical poppycock! By jove you are amazing. Where is the logic? Where is the honesty? Magic Dragon? Please give me some more. You amuse me.
do you believe the garden of eden was in missouri, and thats where it all began

Do you have a better position before it?

history quotes it as being iraq.

Where in history? This is probably the most outlandish claim you have ever made. Just because the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located there does not mean the garden of eden is there. There has been nothing but speculation on the matter. Otherwise the History Channel would undoubtedly have run a very profitable show on the matter. Well, actually they have but the show only had speculation as it's material and said so.
no ava, you can't put in things to make it look like joe got it right, he didn't

Then how did i show otherwise?

Are you saying there wasn't a civil war that started when South Carolina rebelled? Are you saying that war didn't end up terminating many lives? Are you claiming that the Prussians didn't study the war and how to use industrialization for their own wars of conquest? Are you claiming the South didn't call on Great Britain for help? Are you claiming that War was poured out upon all nations after Great Britain called on other nations for help? Are you claiming that slaves didn't rise up against their masters?

I mean which part of that was Joseph wrong about?

when you know things ahead of time your able guess the out come, joe being part of the slave smuggling movement, was privy to alot of inside info. if i war to predict war i would include things that i knew would happen like i know there would be blood shed and death, the first tactic of going to war is to ask someone to join you.

Pathetic try. You just don't guess that many things that accurately that far in advance. And then do it again and again on different issues.
you can't search for truth in a book of lies you have to search in the history of the time, according to nephis tale, he lived in several different life times at once. theyclaim to be of the wealthy, if so they would have been noted for the time they were there, before they sailed the magic dragon.

What on earth are you talking about?
when you know things ahead of time your able guess the out come, joe being part of the slave smuggling movement, was privy to alot of inside info. if i war to predict war i would include things that i knew would happen like i know there would be blood shed and death, the first tactic of going to war is to ask someone to join you.

Alright, so if I understand you correctly, Joseph Smith accurately predicted the circumstances dealing with the start of the Civil war and world wars because he was involved in a conspiracy to start them. And the fact that he died decades prior to the Civil war doesnt matter. I suppose that was his way of covering up his involvement. After all, no one would suspect a dead man right?
The librarys full of fairy tale books, check it out some times.

If you think the Book of Mormon is false, why are you so afraid to read it? At worst you might learn something about Mormon's. At best, you may see the power of God work in your life. I dont see how you have anything to lose by reading it with an open mind.
Of course in your eyes being charged means guilty right? He was cleared of all accusations ever brought against him.


Better check that statement, bright eyes.
Of course in your eyes being charged means guilty right? He was cleared of all accusations ever brought against him.


Better check that statement, bright eyes.

Oh Jeez, you're such a nittpicker. SLIGHT correction. He was acquitted in all trials that he LIVED to finish. Let me be accurate to the letter in stating he was never convicted of any crime. Only inhumanely imprisoned without conviction.

That good enough for you?

Part of the reason the mob slew him the night before his trial was because they knew they had NOTHING against him by way of justice and law. They tried and tried so many times to get him condemned in court, even with their own supplanted local judges, that they just went crazy knowing they couldn't get the job done legally. The only way they could get the verdict they desired was a trial by bullets. God rest his soul.
when you know things ahead of time your able guess the out come, joe being part of the slave smuggling movement, was privy to alot of inside info. if i war to predict war i would include things that i knew would happen like i know there would be blood shed and death, the first tactic of going to war is to ask someone to join you.

Alright, so if I understand you correctly, Joseph Smith accurately predicted the circumstances dealing with the start of the Civil war and world wars because he was involved in a conspiracy to start them. And the fact that he died decades prior to the Civil war doesnt matter. I suppose that was his way of covering up his involvement. After all, no one would suspect a dead man right?

16 years is decades, and if he'd said some will be killed with a knife you would jumped for joy that he was right. what was he right about that you could not have guessed if you were predicting a war.
Then how did i show otherwise?

Are you saying there wasn't a civil war that started when South Carolina rebelled? Are you saying that war didn't end up terminating many lives? Are you claiming that the Prussians didn't study the war and how to use industrialization for their own wars of conquest? Are you claiming the South didn't call on Great Britain for help? Are you claiming that War was poured out upon all nations after Great Britain called on other nations for help? Are you claiming that slaves didn't rise up against their masters?

I mean which part of that was Joseph wrong about?

when you know things ahead of time your able guess the out come, joe being part of the slave smuggling movement, was privy to alot of inside info. if i war to predict war i would include things that i knew would happen like i know there would be blood shed and death, the first tactic of going to war is to ask someone to join you.

Pathetic try. You just don't guess that many things that accurately that far in advance. And then do it again and again on different issues.
wheres the again and agian.
The death of Joseph Smith, Jr. on June 27, 1844 marked a turning point for the Latter Day Saint movement, of which Smith was the founder and leader. When he was attacked and killed by a mob, Smith was serving as the mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois, and running for President of the United States. He was killed while jailed in Carthage, Illinois on charges relating to his ordering the destruction of facilities producing the Nauvoo Expositor, a newspaper whose first and only edition claimed Smith was practicing polygamy and that he intended to set himself up as a theocratic king. While Smith was in jail awaiting trial, an armed mob of men with painted faces stormed the jail and shot him and his brother Hyrum to death.
Several of Smith's disaffected associates at Nauvoo and Hancock County, Illinois joined together to publish a newspaper called the Nauvoo Expositor. Its first and only issue was published June 7, 1844.[1] Some of these associates had alleged that Smith tried to marry their wives. About eight of Smith's wives were also married to other men (four were Mormon men in good standing, who in a few cases acted as a witness in Smith's marriage to his wife) at the time they married Smith. Typically, these women continued to live with their first husband, not Smith. Some accounts say Smith may have had sexual relations with some of his other wives, and one wife later in her life stated that he fathered children by one or two of his wives. Looks like a scammer to me. Always in trouble with the law. Career criminal
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