The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

The time in which Lehi and his sons lived was the period of Jeremiah's ministry. Also during the reign of Hezekiah as you apparently have begun reading. This is good. I'm glad you actually started reading it. Jeremiah specifically mentions that he was not the only prophet in those days. He intentionally states there were other prophets beside him. He does not name their names but Lehi was one of them. Nephi was also one of them. They don't have to be mentioned by name.

Nephi never at any point called himself Jehovah. Where did you get that from?
In fact they mention a lot about the Babylonians in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Lehi warned his family to leave or they would be led away captive into Babylon. Shortly after they left, Babylon conquered Israel and took thousands away captive into Babylon. Especially the strong, skilled or females. Lehi and Nephi were both strong, skilled and wealthy and would not have been left in Jerusalem and his daughters would have been taken from him and done with as you could imagine. They would have become valuable slaves to the King of Babylon's army. See Jeremiah for this fact.

Why do you think the authors of the Book of Mormon are not mentioned in the Bible? Because they sailed across the world to a remote continent unknown to the Israelites. How would they have known? they fled in secret.
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do you believe the garden of eden was in missouri, and thats where it all began

What makes you think you can ask questions before you have answered the multitude asked to you? It is irrelevant what I believe because that question is tied to whether Joseph was or was not a prophet.
Actually a slight correction for you Avatar. The slaves being marshalled and disciplined for war was literal and during the civil war towards the end of it. Many escaped slaves joined the north and were marshalled by white leaders and led into battle. Hollywood made a solid movie about it too. Didn't you ever see Glory? True story. Another strong stamp of authenticity on Joseph's Prophetic Calling.

Im not disputing that occured. But I think in the context of the revelation, it comes sometime after war is poured out upon all the world. So I think anti-colonial movement is much more appropriate as a fulfillment.

Course, we are just minsing words here, the fact is it has been fulfilled.

no ava, you can't put in things to make it look like joe got it right, he didn't

Fact is toady, Joseph was so right that it's scary. The slaves actually being disciplined and marshalled for war by white leaders is even more acurate than what was said before. How does it feel in that pot? Is the water warm Froggy? Better be careful or you won't notice the bubbles rising and it'll be too late for you.
Im not disputing that occurred. But I think in the context of the revelation, it comes sometime after war is poured out upon all the world. So I think anti-colonial movement is much more appropriate as a fulfillment.

Course, we are just mincing words here, the fact is it has been fulfilled.

I'm fully convinced that Smith was referring specifically to the slaves in our civil war. If you look at the growth of worldwide warfare on a timeline year by year from the 1860's, just about every country in the world was directly or indirectly involved in a war.
New Zealand, Great Britain, France, China, The US, Mexico, , Germany, Ottoman Empire, Italy, Japan to name a few.

he said nothing of slaves, are you putting words in his phony prediction

No I'm not. See official statement below:
4 And it shall come to pass, after many days, aslaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war.
For a man to prophesy such a thing 27 years in advance when the slaves showed no signs of independance is as legitimate and detailed a prophecy as can be given.:eusa_shhh:
Im not disputing that occured. But I think in the context of the revelation, it comes sometime after war is poured out upon all the world. So I think anti-colonial movement is much more appropriate as a fulfillment.

Course, we are just minsing words here, the fact is it has been fulfilled.

no ava, you can't put in things to make it look like joe got it right, he didn't

Fact is toady, Joseph was so right that it's scary. The slaves actually being disciplined and marshalled for war by white leaders is even more acurate than what was said before. How does it feel in that pot? Is the water warm Froggy? Better be careful or you won't notice the bubbles rising and it'll be too late for you.

There was already talk of going to war and freeing the slaves around the time of his prediction that was more of letting the cat out of the bag than a prophacy.
When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

The time in which Lehi and his sons lived was the period of Jeremiah's ministry. Also during the reign of Hezekiah as you apparently have begun reading. This is good. I'm glad you actually started reading it. Jeremiah specifically mentions that he was not the only prophet in those days. He intentionally states there were other prophets beside him. He does not name their names but Lehi was one of them. Nephi was also one of them. They don't have to be mentioned by name.

Nephi never at any point called himself Jehovah. Where did you get that from?
In fact they mention a lot about the Babylonians in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Lehi warned his family to leave or they would be led away captive into Babylon. Shortly after they left, Babylon conquered Israel and took thousands away captive into Babylon. Especially the strong, skilled or females. Lehi and Nephi were both strong, skilled and wealthy and would not have been left in Jerusalem and his daughters would have been taken from him and done with as you could imagine. They would have become valuable slaves to the King of Babylon's army. See Jeremiah for this fact.

Why do you think the authors of the Book of Mormon are not mentioned in the Bible? Because they sailed across the world to a remote continent unknown to the Israelites. How would they have known? they fled in secret.
i just thought joe was the olny crazy but,i'm going to get my WADERS out now, because it really getting deep.
When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

The time in which Lehi and his sons lived was the period of Jeremiah's ministry. Also during the reign of Hezekiah as you apparently have begun reading. This is good. I'm glad you actually started reading it. Jeremiah specifically mentions that he was not the only prophet in those days. He intentionally states there were other prophets beside him. He does not name their names but Lehi was one of them. Nephi was also one of them. They don't have to be mentioned by name.

Nephi never at any point called himself Jehovah. Where did you get that from?
In fact they mention a lot about the Babylonians in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Lehi warned his family to leave or they would be led away captive into Babylon. Shortly after they left, Babylon conquered Israel and took thousands away captive into Babylon. Especially the strong, skilled or females. Lehi and Nephi were both strong, skilled and wealthy and would not have been left in Jerusalem and his daughters would have been taken from him and done with as you could imagine. They would have become valuable slaves to the King of Babylon's army. See Jeremiah for this fact.

Why do you think the authors of the Book of Mormon are not mentioned in the Bible? Because they sailed across the world to a remote continent unknown to the Israelites. How would they have known? they fled in secret.

i though nephi said in his fairytale, that that someone took their gold silver and all their possessions.
"'People of State of New York vs. Joseph Smith. Warrant issued upon oath of Peter G. Bridgman, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly person and an impostor. Prisoner brought into court March 20 (1826). Prisoner examined. Says that he came from town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of Josiah Stowell in Bainbridge most of time since; had small part of time been employed in looking for mines, but the major part had been employed by said Stowel on his farm, and going to school; that he had a certain stone, which he had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the bowels of the earth were; that he professed to tell in this manner where gold-mines were a distance under ground, and had looked for Mr. Stowel several times, and informed him where he could find those treasures, and Mr. Stowel had been engaged in digging for them: that at Palmyra he pretended to tell, by looking at this stone, where coined money was buried in Pennsylvania, and while at Palmyra he had frequently ascertained in that way where lost property was, of various kinds; that he had occasionally been in the habit of looking through this stone to find lost property for three years, but of late had pretty much given it up on account its injuring his health, especially his eyes--made them sore; that he did not solicit business of this kind, and had always rather declined having any thing to do with this business
if you look at the news stories of the time joe was to found the plates no news paper published about it except the one Oliver Cowdery ran.hum
When you read of king zedekiah history nephi is never recorded as being there. And lehi, his so called father, there is no record of at all. Reading nephi is like reading the bible with all the stories mixed together. and according to nephi he himself was a jehovah. And he doesn't mention nothing of the babylonians. Actually when you read the history of the time, these so called authors of the books of mormon are not mentioned.

You act as if everyone in the world at the time is documented in that history. I think thats a rather unreachable standard.

Nephi never claimed to be Jehovah, so I have no clue where you got that. Perhaps you could cite a verse you're referring to?

And there is quite a good reason they werent mentioned in that history. They left. How on earth could history record people who were no longer there?
no ava, you can't put in things to make it look like joe got it right, he didn't

Then how did i show otherwise?

Are you saying there wasnt a civil war that started when South Carolina rebelled? Are you saying that war didnt end up terminating many lives? Are you claiming that the Prussians didnt study the war and how to use industrialization for their own wars of conquest? Are you claiming the South didn't call on Great Britain for help? Are you claiming that War wasnt poured out upon all nations after Great Britain called on other nations for help? Are you claiming that slaves didnt rise up against their masters?

I mean which part of that was Joseph wrong about?
"'People of State of New York vs. Joseph Smith. Warrant issued upon oath of Peter G. Bridgman, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly person and an impostor. Prisoner brought into court March 20 (1826). Prisoner examined. Says that he came from town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of Josiah Stowell in Bainbridge most of time since; had small part of time been employed in looking for mines, but the major part had been employed by said Stowel on his farm, and going to school; that he had a certain stone, which he had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the bowels of the earth were; that he professed to tell in this manner where gold-mines were a distance under ground, and had looked for Mr. Stowel several times, and informed him where he could find those treasures, and Mr. Stowel had been engaged in digging for them: that at Palmyra he pretended to tell, by looking at this stone, where coined money was buried in Pennsylvania, and while at Palmyra he had frequently ascertained in that way where lost property was, of various kinds; that he had occasionally been in the habit of looking through this stone to find lost property for three years, but of late had pretty much given it up on account its injuring his health, especially his eyes--made them sore; that he did not solicit business of this kind, and had always rather declined having any thing to do with this business

You do realize that disorderly conduct is probably one of the least serious crimes in the world? And you do realize he was discharged because the witnesses contradicted each other so much that no honest or even dishonest judge could make a finding of guilt dont you?
Awesome Character of Scripture of the day: Teancum(the silent assassin)

35 And thus they did encamp for the night. For behold, the Nephites and the Lamanites also were weary because of the greatness of the march; therefore they did not resolve upon any stratagem in the night-time, save it were Teancum; for he was exceedingly angry with Ammoron, insomuch that he considered that Ammoron, and Amalickiah his brother, had been the cause of this great and lasting war between them and the Lamanites, which had been the cause of so much war and bloodshed, yea, and so much famine.
36 And it came to pass that Teancum in his anger did go forth into the camp of the Lamanites, and did let himself down over the walls of the city. And he went forth with a cord, from place to place, insomuch that he did find the king; and he did cast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart. But behold, the king did awaken his servants before he died, insomuch that they did pursue Teancum, and slew him.
37 Now it came to pass that when Lehi and Moroni knew that Teancum was dead they were exceedingly sorrowful; for behold, he had been a man who had fought valiantly for his country, yea, a true friend to liberty; and he had suffered very many exceedingly sore afflictions. But behold, he was dead, and had gone the way of all the earth.

Teancum is one of the true heroes that Christian the world has ever known. Would have made one of the best movie characters ever as well. That was the last clip of his death. There was so much more that he did in his life. A true man's man.
Assassins (like Teancum or Nephi, for that matter) kill in cold blood. Nothing more than 'heroes' like the LDS danite killers, Bill Hickman and Orrin Porter Rockwell among others, stone cold LDS killers and danites. By truthspeakers' reasoning, the homicide bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan are true heroes. Take a hike.
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"'People of State of New York vs. Joseph Smith. Warrant issued upon oath of Peter G. Bridgman, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly person and an impostor. Prisoner brought into court March 20 (1826). Prisoner examined. Says that he came from town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of Josiah Stowell in Bainbridge most of time since; had small part of time been employed in looking for mines, but the major part had been employed by said Stowel on his farm, and going to school; that he had a certain stone, which he had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the bowels of the earth were; that he professed to tell in this manner where gold-mines were a distance under ground, and had looked for Mr. Stowel several times, and informed him where he could find those treasures, and Mr. Stowel had been engaged in digging for them: that at Palmyra he pretended to tell, by looking at this stone, where coined money was buried in Pennsylvania, and while at Palmyra he had frequently ascertained in that way where lost property was, of various kinds; that he had occasionally been in the habit of looking through this stone to find lost property for three years, but of late had pretty much given it up on account its injuring his health, especially his eyes--made them sore; that he did not solicit business of this kind, and had always rather declined having any thing to do with this business

You do realize that disorderly conduct is probably one of the least serious crimes in the world? And you do realize he was discharged because the witnesses contradicted each other so much that no honest or even dishonest judge could make a finding of guilt dont you?

he was charged with ripping off the guys money with false pretense or being a con.

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