The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Secrets do not have any place in religion.

We have had too many people in history DIE because of religion to ignore it when religions want to keep secrets and deny what their religion has done.
Secrets do not have any place in religion.

We have had too many people in history DIE because of religion to ignore it when religions want to keep secrets and deny what their religion has done.

If you don't like not knowing, then find out. No one is stopping you.
Just for the record I would never deny the mormans the right to build a church wehre they wanted

That's good. I wouldn't stop anyone from building a place of worship where they want either. I love having the freedom to worship as God sees fit.

Glad to know you are pro prayer center near ground zero

Technically, I think it should have to be legal, but If I were looking to build a mosque, I'd probably look to build it somewhere far from Ground Zero. It's pretty audacious and makes Islam look bad when they do it.
Well it didn't stop them from building a Giant Mosque over David's Temple in Jerusalem either. Religions should do their best NOT to "stir it up", but Islam has not often abided that advice.
Then dont read my posts.

Did you know Mormons dont let non mormon family members attend weddings?

Since I have family members who are Mormons, I'm aware of their practices. Your point?

You could always just DECIDE to not marry a mormon. Everybody is welcome to the reception anyway and in such cases where this happens, what usually happens is there is a separate ring ceremony followed by a reception which is the same as a traditional marriage so no one is left out.
There is nothing wrong with Plural marriage when God commands it. The Lord has commanded it not to happen now. So the Lord is obeyed. He commands what He commands when He commands it and can change them at His pleasure.

Blacks have always been able to get into heaven. Which is precisely why I think you speak from ignorance rather than first hand knowledge and would invite you to actually study the doctrines and learn for yourself as every mormon will encourage. Read the Book of Mormon for yourself. It's a good place to start. It gives you a great foundational base.

Here's a little known factoid about me.... I have actually read it. I'm impressed with myself for that. :eusa_angel:

Then tell me about magic underwear and what they do at weddings that us heathens are not allowed to see even if you gave birth to one of the people getting married?

We don't consider you a heathen simply because you are not allowed in the Temple. A heathen is a term strictly reserved for idol worshippers and does not mean they are evil either. It's just a term for idol worship.
Secrets do not have any place in religion.

We have had too many people in history DIE because of religion to ignore it when religions want to keep secrets and deny what their religion has done.

What is 'secret' to the terminally stupid, is 'sacred' to others. It's not about not wanting 'outsiders' to know. But, being stupid, you're never gonna get it. Any explanation not provided by such reliable and balanced sources as wiki or media matters wouldn't register with you.
Then dont read my posts.

Did you know Mormons dont let non mormon family members attend weddings?

Since I have family members who are Mormons, I'm aware of their practices. Your point?

You could always just DECIDE to not marry a mormon. Everybody is welcome to the reception anyway and in such cases where this happens, what usually happens is there is a separate ring ceremony followed by a reception which is the same as a traditional marriage so no one is left out.

I know, I've attended a Mormon wedding. I didn't feel excluded or unwelcome. It's only those who judge your faith that use it. Each faith has it's own traditions and practices. What I find really fascinating is the lack of 'tolerance' from those who claim the moral highground when it comes to 'tolerance'. They are too intolerant to see the utter ridiculousness of their views. :lol:
Here's a little known factoid about me.... I have actually read it. I'm impressed with myself for that. :eusa_angel:

Then tell me about magic underwear and what they do at weddings that us heathens are not allowed to see even if you gave birth to one of the people getting married?

We don't consider you a heathen simply because you are not allowed in the Temple. A heathen is a term strictly reserved for idol worshippers and does not mean they are evil either. It's just a term for idol worship.

To someone who doesn't even understand the term 'heathen', you're gonna have an uphill struggle to explain even the most basic principles of faith generally - yet alone the practices of a particular religion.
Secrets do not have any place in religion.

We have had too many people in history DIE because of religion to ignore it when religions want to keep secrets and deny what their religion has done.

What is 'secret' to the terminally stupid, is 'sacred' to others. It's not about not wanting 'outsiders' to know. But, being stupid, you're never gonna get it. Any explanation not provided by such reliable and balanced sources as wiki or media matters wouldn't register with you.

No sale CG! You can dazzle with brilliance or you can baffle with bullshit but you can't sell both with the same breath.
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Secrets do not have any place in religion.

We have had too many people in history DIE because of religion to ignore it when religions want to keep secrets and deny what their religion has done.

What is 'secret' to the terminally stupid, is 'sacred' to others. It's not about not wanting 'outsiders' to know. But, being stupid, you're never gonna get it. Any explanation not provided by such reliable and balanced sources as wiki or media matters wouldn't register with you.

No sale CG! You can dazzle with brilliance or you can baffle with bullshit but you can't sell both ith the same breath.

Wadda madda huggy bear? You don't understand my point, therefore there can't be a point?
What is 'secret' to the terminally stupid, is 'sacred' to others. It's not about not wanting 'outsiders' to know. But, being stupid, you're never gonna get it. Any explanation not provided by such reliable and balanced sources as wiki or media matters wouldn't register with you.

No sale CG! You can dazzle with brilliance or you can baffle with bullshit but you can't sell both ith the same breath.

Wadda madda huggy bear? You don't understand my point, therefore there can't be a point?

I believe I understand you very well. Your strongest qualities are research and preparation. You enjoy the pedestal to a fault. What you can't have or be you envy. You enjoy your own laughter as you should. You probably don't enjoy the laughter of others enough which is bad. Unfortunately that description is your point more so than your response to TM because dear girl you missed the point entirely. He was not talking about magic underwear. The secrets referred to are not mystic revelations.. What they are is crimes and lies and cover ups. So called secrets like The MormAns swindling the Native Americans and funding the Mafia to name just a couple.. protecting child molesters in your faith. That was TM's point ..not a debate over the need for mysticism to give up it's tricks of the trade.

I am not trying to beat you down. I could have just suggested that you simply missed the point I guess. Sometimes I ramble on a bit. Please forgive me.
No sale CG! You can dazzle with brilliance or you can baffle with bullshit but you can't sell both ith the same breath.

Wadda madda huggy bear? You don't understand my point, therefore there can't be a point?

I believe I understand you very well. Your strongest qualities are research and preparation. You enjoy the pedestal to a fault. What you can't have or be you envy. You enjoy your own laughter as you should. You probably don't enjoy the laughter of others enough which is bad. Unfortunately that description is your point more so than your response to TM because dear girl you missed the point entirely. He was not talking about magic underwear. The secrets referred to are not mystic revelations.. What they are is crimes and lies and cover ups. So called secrets like The MormAns swindling the Native Americans and funding the Mafia to name just a couple.. protecting child molesters in your faith. That was TM's point ..not a debate over the need for mysticism to give up it's tricks of the trade.

I am not trying to beat you down. I could have just suggested that you simply missed the point I guess. Sometimes I ramble on a bit. Please forgive me.

I have no pedestal - if you put me on one, that is for you - nothing to do with me. I defend the Mormons - particularly those on this forum - because every single Mormon I know is a decent person. I don't hold them all responsible for any act committed by the few within their ranks just as I have never seen the Mormons on this site hold all Catholics accountable for the actions of a minority of priests. I cannot say the same for you, Hugs. You seem to think that isolated incidents of inappropriate behavior are justification for deriding an entire faith or group of people. I do not. It's quite simple. You, like truthmatters, dig back into history and whine about incidents that have no relevance. I am aware of the Mountain Meadows Massacre - studied it in school. I am aware of the Mormon land in Las Vagas. I am aware of a lot of their history because I was interested enough to find out. It makes no difference to me. If it does to you, that's fine but don't make your issues mine.

And FYI: I didn't say you didn't understand me, I said you didn't understand my point. Two totally different things. Actually, for the most part, I think you get me. I think I get you too... which is why - on occasion - we can actually debate instead of just insulting each other.... although insulting each other is more fun. LOL.
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Romans 10:3-4, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."
[ame=]YouTube - Banned Mormon Cartoon[/ame]

That is not a “banned Mormon cartoon”. I’ve actually seen this before. It definitely was not created by the Mormon church.

Did you know there are misrepresentations/lies in it? This makes me question the person/group who made it and their real intentions. It should do the same for you, if you are for an honest discussion.

That's hilarious that they say "banned" as if it was something we used to have in our curriculum or sunday schools. What baloney! It makes me laugh.
Were the golden plates like dinner plates and they ate off them? Where can I see these dinner plates?

You're so exhaustingly juvenile.
But here: Not unlike this

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