The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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That is not a “banned Mormon cartoon”. I’ve actually seen this before. It definitely was not created by the Mormon church.

Did you know there are misrepresentations/lies in it? This makes me question the person/group who made it and their real intentions. It should do the same for you, if you are for an honest discussion.

That's hilarious that they say "banned" as if it was something we used to have in our curriculum or sunday schools. What baloney! It makes me laugh.

So the mormans never believed any thing mention in the vid.
That is not a “banned Mormon cartoon”. I’ve actually seen this before. It definitely was not created by the Mormon church.

Did you know there are misrepresentations/lies in it? This makes me question the person/group who made it and their real intentions. It should do the same for you, if you are for an honest discussion.

That's hilarious that they say "banned" as if it was something we used to have in our curriculum or sunday schools. What baloney! It makes me laugh.

So the mormans never believed any thing mention in the vid.

There are some things which are true, half true and false. It is clearly produced with malicious intent. Trying to "expose" what we "really" believe behind closed doors. Therefore this video is ridiculous to anyone pursuing truth on the matter.
Have you put Joseph Smith, Jr in place of Jesus by saying You must accept Joseph Smith jr as a prophet of God to gain entrance into the highest form of Mormon heaven.
Then dont read my posts.

Did you know Mormons dont let non mormon family members attend weddings?

Since I have family members who are Mormons, I'm aware of their practices. Your point?

You could always just DECIDE to not marry a mormon. Everybody is welcome to the reception anyway and in such cases where this happens, what usually happens is there is a separate ring ceremony followed by a reception which is the same as a traditional marriage so no one is left out.


you NEVER answered my question.

When you have a religion that shuts out family because of religious prejudice then you have a problem.

There are things you dont wnat the world to know about you.

That makes you a closed religion.

Its cult like and I will never respect an organized religion that has secret practices.

I will NEVER vote for a mormon for office because of your secrets.
Since I have family members who are Mormons, I'm aware of their practices. Your point?

You could always just DECIDE to not marry a mormon. Everybody is welcome to the reception anyway and in such cases where this happens, what usually happens is there is a separate ring ceremony followed by a reception which is the same as a traditional marriage so no one is left out.


you NEVER answered my question.

When you have a religion that shuts out family because of religious prejudice then you have a problem.

There are things you dont wnat the world to know about you.

That makes you a closed religion.

Its cult like and I will never respect an organized religion that has secret practices.

I will NEVER vote for a mormon for office because of your secrets.

so now religion does matter....too argue with obama it shouldn't matter if he is a muslim or not....

Since I have family members who are Mormons, I'm aware of their practices. Your point?

You could always just DECIDE to not marry a mormon. Everybody is welcome to the reception anyway and in such cases where this happens, what usually happens is there is a separate ring ceremony followed by a reception which is the same as a traditional marriage so no one is left out.


you NEVER answered my question.

When you have a religion that shuts out family because of religious prejudice then you have a problem.

There are things you dont wnat the world to know about you.

That makes you a closed religion.

Its cult like and I will never respect an organized religion that has secret practices.

I will NEVER vote for a mormon for office because of your secrets.

Exellent point! My son and daughter in law have a Mormon lady friend that invited them to their wedding at the main temple in Oakland, Ca..

However..............My son who is a very devout Christian man has to stay outside along with his wife(our daughter in law), as they weren't Mormons.

So they got to attend the banquet afterwards, but were treated like "pagans" when it came to the actual wedding/sealing service in the Oakland, Ca. temple.

What a slap in the face. How can that methodology convey a warm thought about who Christ is, and what He came to earth to accomplish?

A wedding is a celebration that both believers in God and non-believers as well as folks of other religions rejoice-in.

Interestingly, in the bible, Jesus shares how marriage is a time of observance by young and old, and of all people. It is a time of rejoicing.

So you sit outside the temple cause your not a Mormon, and then you get to give them their Toaster...........Thank you very much.......

Do folks come to wedding only for the food amd banqueting after the ceremony? I suppose some do, but most perceive correctly that a wedding is the ceremony, and the rejoicing banquet and fellowship afterwards as a package.

My son had warm vibes about the Mormon religion, but that "rejection" from the ceremony sealed the deal. He was hurt as well as my daughter in law. This was a very dear friend whom they knew through highschool and college...........but "religion" got in the way of a friendship.
Interestingly, a few years before when my son and daughter in law to-be were married this same Mormon lady was asked to be a bride's maid. My wife was given the task of making all the bride's maid dresses. She is a seamstress and has sewn some beautiful pieces of clothing.

Well, the Mormon bridesmaid could only be a bridesmaid for her best friend if my wife altered her bridesmaid dress in a way to compensate for her Mormon magic underware.........The top piece looks like a T-shirt of sorts. Well, my dear daughter in law tolerated this, but my wife had to do some extra special work to alter one brides maid's dress so that the underware top-shirt didn't show. Her dress stood out so different from the others that took away from the uniformity of the brides Maid's dresses as a whole.

So............We Christians will go out of the way to do things to accomadate people of other religions, out of respect........Like even inviting a Mormon to enjoy and watch the Christian wedding ceremony right along with Bhuddists, Zorastrians, BaHai, Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, atheists, name.

1 year later, my son and daugher in law were sitting outside on the steps of the Oakland Mormon they weren't allowed to participate and enjoy the wedding vows/ceremonies of this same lady whom they made all kinds of allowances-for.
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Have you put Joseph Smith, Jr in place of Jesus by saying You must accept Joseph Smith jr as a prophet of God to gain entrance into the highest form of Mormon heaven.

It is impossible to put Joseph into the same category as Jesus by accepting him as a prophet. To put him on the same level as Jesus would be to accept Joseph as the Savior of the world and redeemer from sin. This we do not do.

In order to get into the temple today you need to accept Joseph Smith as a prophet but there are no requirements in the eternities (that I know of) that require allegiance to Joseph Smith.

He was a great man, but He is also in need of the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, just like all of us.
Easy there feller. It's gonna be ok. Picture this.
1. the wedding chamber is about as big as a small office and can only seat between 10 and 15 people. The ordinance(not the ceremony) of marriage is very short and quiet. There are mirrors all over to create the perspective of eternity by seeing your images get smaller and smaller in the reflections. It's not a big event.

2. Because the ordinance(not the ceremony) is performed in the temple, only card carrying members of the church may enter as has been revealed by prophecy. It's not a club. In fact MOST of our own members are not allowed in because they have not passed the interviews necessary to gain access.

3. So it's not just non members that are excluded. It's not personal, it's just religion.

you NEVER answered my question.
I thought I did. Hopefully you believe me now.

When you have a religion that shuts out family because of religious prejudice then you have a problem.

It's not prejudice because we're not prejudging anyone. It's a simple knowledge that they haven't passed the interviews required to gain access.
And it's funny that you acuse us of shutting out families when the whole purpose of our existence is to be together with our families.

There are things you dont wnat the world to know about you.
If we didn't wan't the whole world to know about it, we wouldn't send out 40,000 missionaries to approach total strangers about our message. We wouldn't be on blogs trying to explain these things to the ignorant. We wouldn't spend millions of dollars to build these very noticeable buildings in very public places if we didn't want people to know about it. Think harder about it.

That makes you a closed religion.
We are only closed to those who don't want to be let in.

Its cult like and I will never respect an organized religion that has secret practices.
Fair enough. You have you're own criteria and that's fine. Funny thing about that is that the meaning of the word cult applies to nearly every religion there is: A system of exclusive religious beliefs or practices.

I will NEVER vote for a mormon for office because of your secrets.
We weren't campaigning for anyone and I assume you must be referring to Mitt Romney. Forget his policies!!!!!!! Focus on his RELIGION!!!!!!! Regardless of religion we should all vote on what a candidate does. Not what his religion is. But hey, no wonder votes are screwy these days. People don't even follow the policies. They follow their own prejudices more often than not.hmmmm.

That's tolerant. That's educated.:doubt:
Sure, that part was true.

But to blasphem God is A sin.

Sure blasphemy is a sin. Define blasphemy. Jesus was called a blasphemer. The Pharisees had their own definition.

Pretty straight-forward.........Jesus referred to Himself as God.......

When He said "Before Abraham I AM".......That triggered the attempted stoning. He asked them why they were doing this......"Because you called yourself or referred to yourself as God".

The mysterious triune nature of God was clearly revealed as a fact.

No.....He wasn't once a "mere" man, and then exalted......Far from it. That's unbiblical Mormon doctrine. Great attempt to bring Jesus down to the level of a "sinner"..........right from the loins of Adam's race........

When He said, "Before Abraham, I AM".......that revealed to the those who attempted to stone Him that He was claiming to be the Everlasting, Never Created, God.............There are so many, many passages in the bible that refer to Jesus as The Creator........and also his eternal glory that encompasses eternity-past, eternity-present, and eternity-future. The same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
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But to blasphem God is A sin.

Sure blasphemy is a sin. Define blasphemy. Jesus was called a blasphemer. The Pharisees had their own definition.

Pretty straight-forward.........Jesus referred to Himself as God.......

When He said "Before Abraham I AM".......That triggered the attempted stoning. He asked them why they were doing this......"Because you called yourself or referred to yourself as God".

The mysterious triune nature of God was clearly revealed as a fact.

No.....He wasn't once a "mere" man, and then exalted......Far from it. That's unbiblical Mormon doctrine. Great attempt to bring Jesus down to the level of a "sinner"..........right from the loins of Adam's race........

When He said, "Before Abraham, I AM".......that revealed to the those who attempted to stone Him that He was claiming to be the Everlasting, Never Created, God.............There are so many, many passages in the bible that refer to Jesus as The Creator........and also his eternal glory that encompasses eternity-past, eternity-present, and eternity-future. The same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We have several disagreements here.
The first is that we DO believe that Jesus is Jehovah. He is the Creator of the world, and therefore can be called the FATHER of Heaven and Earth. However, what most people don't realize is that Jehovah, The Father of Heaven and Earth, also has his own father, a 2nd person. That's why Joseph's Smith's vision was worth more than billion words that have been expressed about the subject.
And the Bible is clear that Jesus is from the race of Adam. He was born of Mary, that's where he got His body. He descended to take on the imperfect body in order so that he could relate with our pains and sufferings. He set the example by doing it Himself what he asks us to do: Keep His Father 's commandments.
He prayed to His Father who was in heaven at the time, while Jesus was still on the earth. The bible is clear to those who pray to know the truth concerning this matter.

Now that Jesus is resurrected, His body will suffer no more.
Truthmutter you could easily be seen as the one who prepareth the way for satan, lying come so easy for you.

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