The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Talking about twisting the truth, Jesus ask the jewish leaders a question. " Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Thus jesus is saying to them they the Jews put that text in their jewishs laws.

How is it twisting the Truth when Jesus did in fact say it as you verified.

Are you saying that Psalms 82 is not inspired of God?

That is not a “banned Mormon cartoon”. I’ve actually seen this before. It definitely was not created by the Mormon church.

Did you know there are misrepresentations/lies in it? This makes me question the person/group who made it and their real intentions. It should do the same for you, if you are for an honest discussion.

That's hilarious that they say "banned" as if it was something we used to have in our curriculum or sunday schools. What baloney! It makes me laugh.

I laughed the first time I saw it too. It is almost like they tried to make it like the Living Scriptures animation or something.
I don't know where truthmatters gets this obsession with 'secrecy' and 'excluding' people. My understanding - and I've attended Mormon weddings - is that very few people attend the actual ceremony. At the wedding I attended, most family members - including Mormons - didn't attend that part. It didn't make any of the non-Mormons feel unwelcome or excluded. Quite the opposite, I found the Mormons there to be very friendly.

We had a great time - even without alcohol!!!

What Mormons believe is their business - I don't necessarily agree with all their beliefs any more than they would agree with mine.... However, I'd rather have a Mormon on my side than an atheist. Now, atheists... they are weird. Must be hard to believe in nothing.

For the non Mormons on this thread.... just read back through the thousands of posts for a while and see for yourself. No matter what the provocation - and some people here have been seriously pathetic in their attacks of Mormons.... Not once have our Mormon posters reacted with anything more than patience. Personally, I respect them much more than those who claim 'intellectual superiority' and then fall back on stupid arguments against them.

I'm gonna say it again.... High Five to the Mormons on this site. You guys hold your ground with honor and dignity and this Catholic respects that.

My 3 year old son always has to do a knuckle pump after a high five. So, here's a high five and a knuckle pump back for being respectful. :)
That might work if the bible wasn't all second hand hearsay.

Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.
That might work if the bible wasn't all second hand hearsay.

Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.

Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:
That might work if the bible wasn't all second hand hearsay.

Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.

Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.
Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.

Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.

You'd say, but does the bible say so? And anyways, how long is a god day? Does it mention that anywhere at all?
Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.

You'd say, but does the bible say so? And anyways, how long is a god day? Does it mention that anywhere at all?

read 2nd peter chapter 3 verse 8
Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

You assume that it didn't take six days. Mostly because you think days necessarily means a 24 hr period.

But it doesn't always mean that, now does it?
Talking about twisting the truth, Jesus ask the jewish leaders a question. " Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Thus jesus is saying to them they the Jews put that text in their jewishs laws.

How is it twisting the Truth when Jesus did in fact say it as you verified.

Are you saying that Psalms 82 is not inspired of God?

Did you not know that the book of psalms was a book of hymns
Jesus' useage of gods towards the Jews was not in the text of Jehovah.......It is a Jewish term that doesn't mean literally that they were God. It was an endearing term towards His Creation.

Bible scholars/theologists will all confirm that fact.
Do you believe your a god?

Well, Jesus Christ said "ye are gods" to those who recieve the word.

So yes. I take Jesus as a very credible resource.

The scriptures are pretty clear

We partake of the Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)
We are joint heirs with Christ and recieve everything the Father has (Rom 8:17)
We are to recieve a crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4)
We will be like God when He comes (1 John 3:2)
We will be perfected and sanctified (Heb 10:14)
We will be one with the Father as Jesus is one with the Father (John 17:21)

Are you suggesting that we can be one with God without being Divine? That we aren't actually going to inherit everything the Father has including his power, dominion, glory, perfection, character, etc?

Personally, I believe Christ. I believe the Apostles testimony of Christ and the Father. Why should I pretend otherwise?

It says we will be like him meaning in spirit form, it does say we will be gods, mormons got that from men like joey,he told the idiots that were dumb enough to follow him that they would be gods over the non mormons, what a con.

Thanks for calling me an idiot. Perhaps I could retaliate but I don't need to. The bible is clear on this subject but I won't call you an idiiot for interpreting the bible differently.
Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.

Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.

Here's how you understand it. Ok? Earth hadn't been created yet so the days he was referring to could not have been Earth Days. The universe is big and not all revolutions are the same. I'm sure it was a different sun and different planet being referred to. I don't know that many people who still believe it was a 6-earth day process.
Especially if God rested a 7th day, that would have been a very long period of time for life to have developed and generations upon generations of living species to have lived and died out. Preparing the way for the placement of Man upon the earth.

As to the other miracles you're referring to, you don't have to believe in them. If I were you I'd focus more on the doctrines taught and whether or not they are true. When you find out for sure, It makes much more sense to say those miracles did or didn't happen. That's my advice for you.
Talking about twisting the truth, Jesus ask the jewish leaders a question. " Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Thus jesus is saying to them they the Jews put that text in their jewishs laws.

How is it twisting the Truth when Jesus did in fact say it as you verified.

Are you saying that Psalms 82 is not inspired of God?

Did you not know that the book of psalms was a book of hymns

Yes of course. Hymns are songs and God has said:
"For the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and shall be answered on their heads with a blessing."
Jesus' useage of gods towards the Jews was not in the text of Jehovah.......It is a Jewish term that doesn't mean literally that they were God. It was an endearing term towards His Creation.

Bible scholars/theologists will all confirm that fact.

So you think Jews tampered with the Bible? Is that what you're saying?
Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.

Here's how you understand it. Ok? Earth hadn't been created yet so the days he was referring to could not have been Earth Days. The universe is big and not all revolutions are the same. I'm sure it was a different sun and different planet being referred to. I don't know that many people who still believe it was a 6-earth day process.
Especially if God rested a 7th day, that would have been a very long period of time for life to have developed and generations upon generations of living species to have lived and died out. Preparing the way for the placement of Man upon the earth.

As to the other miracles you're referring to, you don't have to believe in them. If I were you I'd focus more on the doctrines taught and whether or not they are true. When you find out for sure, It makes much more sense to say those miracles did or didn't happen. That's my advice for you.

I'm sure that the person who wrote genesis was talking about 6 earth days, which makes you someone who doesn't believe in the bible.
As for the other "miracles", you don't seem to believe those either. So you must be faking it to be a mormon just to marry as many young girls as you want. :D
How long is a day in Gods time compared to our day, much much longer i'd say.

Here's how you understand it. Ok? Earth hadn't been created yet so the days he was referring to could not have been Earth Days. The universe is big and not all revolutions are the same. I'm sure it was a different sun and different planet being referred to. I don't know that many people who still believe it was a 6-earth day process.
Especially if God rested a 7th day, that would have been a very long period of time for life to have developed and generations upon generations of living species to have lived and died out. Preparing the way for the placement of Man upon the earth.

As to the other miracles you're referring to, you don't have to believe in them. If I were you I'd focus more on the doctrines taught and whether or not they are true. When you find out for sure, It makes much more sense to say those miracles did or didn't happen. That's my advice for you.

I'm sure that the person who wrote genesis was talking about 6 earth days, which makes you someone who doesn't believe in the bible.
As for the other "miracles", you don't seem to believe those either. So you must be faking it to be a mormon just to marry as many young girls as you want. :D

You're just sooo witty.

No, the person who translated Genesis saw the hebrew word meaning "revolution" and thought it meant "day". Either way if I wanted to marry lots of young girls I could do it much easier by leaving the Church of Jesus Christ and joining the polygamist colonies in the boonies. Or becoming a muslim and living in Saudi Arabia. Not my cup o' tea. Then again, as a "mormon", what would be my cup of tea.:D
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