The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Here's how you understand it. Ok? Earth hadn't been created yet so the days he was referring to could not have been Earth Days. The universe is big and not all revolutions are the same. I'm sure it was a different sun and different planet being referred to. I don't know that many people who still believe it was a 6-earth day process.
Especially if God rested a 7th day, that would have been a very long period of time for life to have developed and generations upon generations of living species to have lived and died out. Preparing the way for the placement of Man upon the earth.

As to the other miracles you're referring to, you don't have to believe in them. If I were you I'd focus more on the doctrines taught and whether or not they are true. When you find out for sure, It makes much more sense to say those miracles did or didn't happen. That's my advice for you.

I'm sure that the person who wrote genesis was talking about 6 earth days, which makes you someone who doesn't believe in the bible.
As for the other "miracles", you don't seem to believe those either. So you must be faking it to be a mormon just to marry as many young girls as you want. :D

You're just sooo witty.

No, the person who translated Genesis saw the hebrew word meaning "revolution" and thought it meant "day". Either way if I wanted to marry lots of young girls I could do it much easier by leaving the Church of Jesus Christ and joining the polygamist colonies in the boonies. Or becoming a muslim and living in Saudi Arabia. Not my cup o' tea. Then again, as a "mormon", what would be my cup of tea.:D

surely ye are gods

surely, "ye are gods" is one of the strangest statements recorded in the bible. It is one of those verses that we simply pass over time and time again because of its peculiarity. We do not understand it, but we are able to live with that lack of understanding. What did asaph mean when he penned these words under the inspiration of the holy ghost in the 82nd psalm? What did jesus mean in john 10 when he quoted asaph to the unbelieving jews?

First we must look at psalm 82 to get the context in which these words are found. In verse one asaph declared that god judges among the gods. This word "gods" is the same hebrew word used in verse six. Verses two through four inform us as to the identity of these gods whom god judges. They are none other than judges, or magistrates of the land. They were rulers who were perverting judgment through their office and authority. Because of this it is declared, "i have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes" (psalm 82:6-7). The lord had given these rulers their authority, but they abused it (daniel 4:25, 30, 34-37; 5:18-22; romans 13:1-4). As a result of their evil stewardship over the offices of god, the lord said they would fall like one of the princes. In this passage, then, those who are called gods are human judges in the land of israel.

The hebrew word translated "gods" is elohim. This is the masculine plural form of the root word el, denoting strength and power.1 elohim is used 2,250 times in the old testament. What is interesting about this word is that it does not always refer to the one true god, and is not even always translated "god." it is also attributed to angels (psalm 8:5), and human judges (exodus 21:6). It is translated as "mighty" in reference to a human prince (genesis 23:6), thunder (exodus 9:28), "great" in reference to rachel's competition with leah for children (genesis 30:8). The reason god called the judges "gods" was because of their strength and power of position, not because of any deity within them. As i have just demonstrated, the word does not always imply deity, whether it be false or true, but can refer to different offices, peoples, or concepts.

Now we will examine jesus' use of this verse in john 10:34. The event that prompted jesus' quotation of this verse was the jews' response to his claim of deity. Not only did he claim deity, but he claimed to be yahweh himself (deuteronomy 6:4; john 10:30-33). The jews did not understand jesus' statement, "i and my father are one," to mean that jesus was in unity with god's purpose. They understood him to be claiming that he and god were one in essence and substance. To the jews this was blasphemy. Blasphemy received the death penalty by stoning according to the law of moses. That is why they took up stones to stone him.

Jesus knew that it was his claim to be god himself that infuriated the jews enough to kill him. If jesus only meant that his oneness with the father was of purpose, and not of essence, this would have been the perfect time to explain to the jews that he was not claiming to be god, but merely a demigod, or second god sent from the lord. Instead he quoted psalm 82:6 saying, "is it not written in your law, i said, ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of god came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, thou blasphemest; because i said, i am the son of god?".

The point jesus was making here was that since " 'the scripture uses the word god as applied to magistrates, it settles the question that it is right to apply the term to those in office and authority. If applied to them, it may be to others in similar offices. It cannot, therefore, be blasphemy to use this word as applicable to a personage so much more exalted than mere magistrates as the messiah.' "2 if the magistrates could be called by the same word used for the true god because they were leaders to whom the word of god came (was entrusted), then jesus should also be able to claim the title for yahweh since he spoke the words of god. Jesus' argument to the jews was that if mere humans could carry the title of "gods" in the holy scriptures, then they should not object to his claim either.

With this, i believe we might also view a touch of sarcasm in jesus' words. In a sense he said, "why can't i be god just because i'm a man. Even you're own scriptures declare men to be gods?" jesus was not minimizing his identity to be something less than god, but seems to be mocking the jews with their own scriptures. The jews continually came at jesus with the scriptures trying to destroy his claims, so jesus used their own methods on them.

If jesus did not intend to be at least a little sarcastic with the jews, then his statement would have put him on the same level as a magistrate or leader, and not as the son of god as he claimed to be (john 10:30, 36). If jesus was equating himself with a magistrate or leader, he could not have claimed to be in the father, and have the father in him (john 10:38). This was a special identity and relationship unique to jesus himself. No mere man could claim anything similar without in fact committing blasphemy against the god of heaven.
I'm sure that the person who wrote genesis was talking about 6 earth days, which makes you someone who doesn't believe in the bible.
As for the other "miracles", you don't seem to believe those either. So you must be faking it to be a mormon just to marry as many young girls as you want. :D

You're just sooo witty.

No, the person who translated Genesis saw the hebrew word meaning "revolution" and thought it meant "day". Either way if I wanted to marry lots of young girls I could do it much easier by leaving the Church of Jesus Christ and joining the polygamist colonies in the boonies. Or becoming a muslim and living in Saudi Arabia. Not my cup o' tea. Then again, as a "mormon", what would be my cup of tea.:D


Root beer:beer:
surely ye are gods

surely, "ye are gods" is one of the strangest statements recorded in the bible. It is one of those verses that we simply pass over time and time again because of its peculiarity. We do not understand it, but we are able to live with that lack of understanding. What did asaph mean when he penned these words under the inspiration of the holy ghost in the 82nd psalm? What did jesus mean in john 10 when he quoted asaph to the unbelieving jews?

First we must look at psalm 82 to get the context in which these words are found. In verse one asaph declared that god judges among the gods. This word "gods" is the same hebrew word used in verse six. Verses two through four inform us as to the identity of these gods whom god judges. They are none other than judges, or magistrates of the land. They were rulers who were perverting judgment through their office and authority. Because of this it is declared, "i have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes" (psalm 82:6-7). The lord had given these rulers their authority, but they abused it (daniel 4:25, 30, 34-37; 5:18-22; romans 13:1-4). As a result of their evil stewardship over the offices of god, the lord said they would fall like one of the princes. In this passage, then, those who are called gods are human judges in the land of israel.

The hebrew word translated "gods" is elohim. This is the masculine plural form of the root word el, denoting strength and power.1 elohim is used 2,250 times in the old testament. What is interesting about this word is that it does not always refer to the one true god, and is not even always translated "god." it is also attributed to angels (psalm 8:5), and human judges (exodus 21:6). It is translated as "mighty" in reference to a human prince (genesis 23:6), thunder (exodus 9:28), "great" in reference to rachel's competition with leah for children (genesis 30:8). The reason god called the judges "gods" was because of their strength and power of position, not because of any deity within them. As i have just demonstrated, the word does not always imply deity, whether it be false or true, but can refer to different offices, peoples, or concepts.

Now we will examine jesus' use of this verse in john 10:34. The event that prompted jesus' quotation of this verse was the jews' response to his claim of deity. Not only did he claim deity, but he claimed to be yahweh himself (deuteronomy 6:4; john 10:30-33). The jews did not understand jesus' statement, "i and my father are one," to mean that jesus was in unity with god's purpose. They understood him to be claiming that he and god were one in essence and substance. To the jews this was blasphemy. Blasphemy received the death penalty by stoning according to the law of moses. That is why they took up stones to stone him.

Jesus knew that it was his claim to be god himself that infuriated the jews enough to kill him. If jesus only meant that his oneness with the father was of purpose, and not of essence, this would have been the perfect time to explain to the jews that he was not claiming to be god, but merely a demigod, or second god sent from the lord. Instead he quoted psalm 82:6 saying, "is it not written in your law, i said, ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of god came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, thou blasphemest; because i said, i am the son of god?".

The point jesus was making here was that since " 'the scripture uses the word god as applied to magistrates, it settles the question that it is right to apply the term to those in office and authority. If applied to them, it may be to others in similar offices. It cannot, therefore, be blasphemy to use this word as applicable to a personage so much more exalted than mere magistrates as the messiah.' "2 if the magistrates could be called by the same word used for the true god because they were leaders to whom the word of god came (was entrusted), then jesus should also be able to claim the title for yahweh since he spoke the words of god. Jesus' argument to the jews was that if mere humans could carry the title of "gods" in the holy scriptures, then they should not object to his claim either.

With this, i believe we might also view a touch of sarcasm in jesus' words. In a sense he said, "why can't i be god just because i'm a man. Even you're own scriptures declare men to be gods?" jesus was not minimizing his identity to be something less than god, but seems to be mocking the jews with their own scriptures. The jews continually came at jesus with the scriptures trying to destroy his claims, so jesus used their own methods on them.

If jesus did not intend to be at least a little sarcastic with the jews, then his statement would have put him on the same level as a magistrate or leader, and not as the son of god as he claimed to be (john 10:30, 36). If jesus was equating himself with a magistrate or leader, he could not have claimed to be in the father, and have the father in him (john 10:38). This was a special identity and relationship unique to jesus himself. No mere man could claim anything similar without in fact committing blasphemy against the god of heaven.

definition of a god: supernatural being: one of a group of supernatural male beings in some religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of the universe.

I think Jesus meant what he said. And that he wasn't the only one. Surely he's the one in charge but the Bible is clear that there is more than one on many occasions. How about the opening statement "Let US make man in OUR image." That's not a mistake. God was not speaking to himself like Gollum or Smeagol. He wasn't lonely. He had us with him there in the beginning as well, only we were no where near his level of advancement. He's in charge and is the boss. He's the head God of all gods. It's not that big a deal. It makes more sense that way anyway if you think about it. And God is all about making as much sense as possible, not about being mysterious.

He also says that we are also children of the Most High and can be joint heirs with Christ and receive all he has. All is an interesting word. Do you think Jesus means what he says? Yes. He doesn't misspeak. He said all and that means all. Including the same inheritance of godship. He commands us to do it. He commands us to be one with the father, the same way he is one with his father. Therefore he has commanded us to be like him and follow his example. That's why when Peter asked what manner of men ought we to be, Jesus answered and said "verily verily, I say unto you, even as I AM." Don't you realize that?
He's a loving father who wants us to be like him. How can you be like him if you don't become a god? That makes sense to me.
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God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D
surely ye are gods

surely, "ye are gods" is one of the strangest statements recorded in the bible. It is one of those verses that we simply pass over time and time again because of its peculiarity. We do not understand it, but we are able to live with that lack of understanding. What did asaph mean when he penned these words under the inspiration of the holy ghost in the 82nd psalm? What did jesus mean in john 10 when he quoted asaph to the unbelieving jews?

First we must look at psalm 82 to get the context in which these words are found. In verse one asaph declared that god judges among the gods. This word "gods" is the same hebrew word used in verse six. Verses two through four inform us as to the identity of these gods whom god judges. They are none other than judges, or magistrates of the land. They were rulers who were perverting judgment through their office and authority. Because of this it is declared, "i have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes" (psalm 82:6-7). The lord had given these rulers their authority, but they abused it (daniel 4:25, 30, 34-37; 5:18-22; romans 13:1-4). As a result of their evil stewardship over the offices of god, the lord said they would fall like one of the princes. In this passage, then, those who are called gods are human judges in the land of israel.

The hebrew word translated "gods" is elohim. This is the masculine plural form of the root word el, denoting strength and power.1 elohim is used 2,250 times in the old testament. What is interesting about this word is that it does not always refer to the one true god, and is not even always translated "god." it is also attributed to angels (psalm 8:5), and human judges (exodus 21:6). It is translated as "mighty" in reference to a human prince (genesis 23:6), thunder (exodus 9:28), "great" in reference to rachel's competition with leah for children (genesis 30:8). The reason god called the judges "gods" was because of their strength and power of position, not because of any deity within them. As i have just demonstrated, the word does not always imply deity, whether it be false or true, but can refer to different offices, peoples, or concepts.

Now we will examine jesus' use of this verse in john 10:34. The event that prompted jesus' quotation of this verse was the jews' response to his claim of deity. Not only did he claim deity, but he claimed to be yahweh himself (deuteronomy 6:4; john 10:30-33). The jews did not understand jesus' statement, "i and my father are one," to mean that jesus was in unity with god's purpose. They understood him to be claiming that he and god were one in essence and substance. To the jews this was blasphemy. Blasphemy received the death penalty by stoning according to the law of moses. That is why they took up stones to stone him.

Jesus knew that it was his claim to be god himself that infuriated the jews enough to kill him. If jesus only meant that his oneness with the father was of purpose, and not of essence, this would have been the perfect time to explain to the jews that he was not claiming to be god, but merely a demigod, or second god sent from the lord. Instead he quoted psalm 82:6 saying, "is it not written in your law, i said, ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of god came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, thou blasphemest; because i said, i am the son of god?".

The point jesus was making here was that since " 'the scripture uses the word god as applied to magistrates, it settles the question that it is right to apply the term to those in office and authority. If applied to them, it may be to others in similar offices. It cannot, therefore, be blasphemy to use this word as applicable to a personage so much more exalted than mere magistrates as the messiah.' "2 if the magistrates could be called by the same word used for the true god because they were leaders to whom the word of god came (was entrusted), then jesus should also be able to claim the title for yahweh since he spoke the words of god. Jesus' argument to the jews was that if mere humans could carry the title of "gods" in the holy scriptures, then they should not object to his claim either.

With this, i believe we might also view a touch of sarcasm in jesus' words. In a sense he said, "why can't i be god just because i'm a man. Even you're own scriptures declare men to be gods?" jesus was not minimizing his identity to be something less than god, but seems to be mocking the jews with their own scriptures. The jews continually came at jesus with the scriptures trying to destroy his claims, so jesus used their own methods on them.

If jesus did not intend to be at least a little sarcastic with the jews, then his statement would have put him on the same level as a magistrate or leader, and not as the son of god as he claimed to be (john 10:30, 36). If jesus was equating himself with a magistrate or leader, he could not have claimed to be in the father, and have the father in him (john 10:38). This was a special identity and relationship unique to jesus himself. No mere man could claim anything similar without in fact committing blasphemy against the god of heaven.

definition of a god: supernatural being: one of a group of supernatural male beings in some religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of the universe.

I think Jesus meant what he said. And that he wasn't the only one. Surely he's the one in charge but the Bible is clear that there is more than one on many occasions. How about the opening statement "Let US make man in OUR image." That's not a mistake. God was not speaking to himself like Gollum or Smeagol. He wasn't lonely. He had us with him there in the beginning as well, only we were no where near his level of advancement. He's in charge and is the boss. He's the head God of all gods. It's not that big a deal. It makes more sense that way anyway if you think about it. And God is all about making as much sense as possible, not about being mysterious.

He also says that we are also children of the Most High and can be joint heirs with Christ and receive all he has. All is an interesting word. Do you think Jesus means what he says? Yes. He doesn't misspeak. He said all and that means all. Including the same inheritance of godship. He commands us to do it. He commands us to be one with the father, the same way he is one with his father. Therefore he has commanded us to be like him and follow his example. That's why when Peter asked what manner of men ought we to be, Jesus answered and said "verily verily, I say unto you, even as I AM." Don't you realize that?
He's a loving father who wants us to be like him. How can you be like him if you don't become a god? That makes sense to me.

Psalms 82 was a song written by Asaph, not God.
God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.
God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.

So basically, you're saying that mormonism will elevate all mormons to god status with each having its own planet to rule over? That's WHACKED!!!
So basically, you're saying that mormonism will elevate all mormons to god status with each having its own planet to rule over? That's WHACKED!!!

Try this on for size :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The Plain Truth about the Mormons

The Mormon movement began with "the prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr. in the year 1820. Joe (as he was known) was born to some rather strange parents in 1805. His mother, Lucy, was involved in occult practices and visions, while his father, Joseph, Sr., consumed much time with imaginary treasure digging (including the booty of Captain Kidd).

According to Mormon writings (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith - History 1:1-25), on a day in 1820, Joe was praying in the woods when he received a vision from God the Father and Jesus. It was revealed to Joe that the church was in apostasy and he was the chosen one to launch a new dispensation.

Being unwilling to drop his current occupation of money-digging with his father (while using "peep stones" and "divining rods"), Joe put his "calling" on hold for three years. Then, according to his own account (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith - History 1:29-54), he was paid a bedside visit by the angel Moroni in 1823. Moroni, who professed to be the glorified son of a man named Mormon (who had been dead 1400 years), told Joe about a book of golden plates which contained "the fulness of the everlasting Gospel." This book was said to have been buried at Cumorah Hill, near Palmyra, New York, some 1400 years earlier by the man named Mormon. Four years later (1827), Joe supposedly dug up the golden plates along with a gigantic pair of spectacles which he called "the Urim and Thummim." The spectacles were for translating the hieroglyphics on the plates. With the help of his only legal wife and a friend named Oliver Cowdery, Joe translated the plates and published the Book of Mormon in 1830. Later that same year, Joe, his wife, his brothers (Hyrum and Samuel), and Cowdery established the "Church of Jesus Christ," which is known today as the "Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints."

The Book of Mormon contains many plagiarisms of the King James English (at least 25,000 words). This is strange since the plates were supposed to have been in the ground many centuries before the King James Bible was completed in 1611! The Book of Mormon also contains many errors such as claims of elephants in the Western Hemisphere and advanced metal producing capabilities in America before 400 A.D. (See Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults for a fine study in the errors of the Mormon Bible)

The Mormons, under Smith's command, turned out to be a rough bunch. Joe was a polygamist with at least twenty- seven wives (some say over 60 wives). The whole gang left New York for Ohio, and then moved to Missouri. The Missouri governor ran them out of the state, so they settled in Nauvoo, Illinois, and built the state's largest city. In 1844, Joe and Hyrum were thrown in jail. Then an angry mob stormed the jail and murdered them both. Naturally, this "martyrdom" insured the perpetual reverence of the great "prophet" Joseph Smith.

The "church" then split. The Smith family headed for Independence, Missouri and started what is now the "Recognized Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints." However, the majority of Smith's followers chose Brigham Young as their new captain.

To escape U.S. laws, Young led the Mormons from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City in 1847 (which then belonged to Mexico). For the next thirty years, Young and his "saints" laid the foundation stones of the Mormon cult.

Little known to most Mormons, Young was a rather rough and ruthless character. In 1857, he commanded Bishop John D. Lee to murder a wagon train of over one hundred helpless non-Mormon immigrants. Twenty years later Lee was convicted and executed by the U.S. Government. Young escaped punishment, and his role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre has escaped the Mormon history books.

Young spent most of his "ministry" dodging the law to continue the immoral practice of polygamy. At the time of his death in 1877, Young had seventeen wives and fifty-six children.

Today the Mormon church is administrated by its "General Authorities." These authorities consist of the "First Presidency," the "Counsel of Twelve Apostles," the "First Quorum of the Seventy" and its presidency, the "Presiding Bishoprick," and the "Patriarch of the Church."

Male Mormons over twelve years of age are divided into priesthoods. The Aaronic order is the lesser priesthood, and the Melchizedek order is the higher.

The church is divided into thousands of "wards" and "stakes," with over 2000 branches and 180 missions, and over 5,000,000 members.

Mormons are very missionary-minded people, with over 26,000 active missionaries. However, much of this missionary army consists of young men and women in their early twenties who must serve two years in missionary work while supporting themselves.

The Mormon people of today are highly respected in our society, but there is nothing respectable about their doctrines. Some are as follows:

The Deity of Man Promoted

Mormons teach that man can become God, and that God was once a man:

"God himself, the Father of us all, is a glorified, exalted immortal resurrected man!" (Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 322-23, 517, 643)
"...God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens..." (Journal of Discourses, V6, P3, 1844)
"As man is, God once was: as God is, man may become." (Lorenzo Snow, quoted in Milton R. Hunter, the Gospel Through the Ages, pp. 105-106)

This is plain and simple heresy. Nowhere does the Bible say or imply that God was ever a man, or that man can become God! Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." How could this be true if God was once a man? Genesis 1:1 states that God existed "in the beginning" before man was ever created. John 4:24 states that God is a "spirit," and Jesus tells us in John 1:18 that no man has seen God at any time. Numbers 23:19 says that "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent." God has always been God, and no one has ever "become" God.

Deity of Jesus Christ Denied

The Deity of Jesus Christ is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity, yet the Mormons deny this truth. Exalting man to "god status" is apparently alright, but Jesus Christ is not acknowledged as the eternal Son of God in the Mormon church. The Mormon Jesus was a preexisting spirit who was exalted, just as Mormon followers hope to be exalted someday.

God is a Trinity (I Jn. 5:7), and the second Member of that Trinity is the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:1 says that "the Word was God," and John 1:14 tells us that "the Word was made flesh." Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate, and John 1:1 tells us that the Word was God; so Jesus Christ is God.

Jesus allowed Thomas to address Him as "My Lord and my God" in John 20:28. In Isaiah 9:6, He is called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father," and we read in Micah 5:2 that Jesus is "from everlasting."

Our Lord allowed people to worship him in John 10:38 and in Matthew 14:33, and since He is "God with us" (Mat. 1:23) He also has power to forgive sins (Mk. 2:5). Jesus Christ is clearly Deity, yet this doctrine is denied by the Mormons.

Multiple Authorities

The Bible declares, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa. 8:20) However, the Mormon Church claims that other writings, such as the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's writings are also authoritative. In fact, Joseph Smith taught his people to doubt the accuracy of the Bible: " was apparent that many important points touching the salvation of men, had been taken from the Bible, or lost before it was compiled." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 10)

Mormon Writings Support Polygamy

"...if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then he is justified; he cannot commit adultery...And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery." (Doctrines and Covenants, 132:61, 62)

Jesus Christ held a slightly different view (Mark 10:6- 9). There is no way a man can be "one flesh" with more than one woman. A man and his wife are supposed to picture Christ and his church (Eph. 5:23-32), but this symbolism is shattered by the Mormon heresy of Polygamy.

True Church Theory

The Mormon book, The Pearl of Great Price, claims that all other Christian groups are "corrupt" and are an "abomination" in God's sight (Joseph Smith, 2:19). Such claims as this are based on the unscriptural assumption that the Lord Jesus Christ has a specific religious organization on the earth today, complete with a name, a membership, and a leadership, which makes up His "true church." This doctrine is found nowhere in God's word. Everyone who has received Christ as their Saviour is a member of His church, which is a spiritual body of born-again believers (Eph. 4:4; 5:23-32; Col. 1:18-24; Heb. 12:23; Rev. 19:7; 5:9-10; 21:9).

Other False Teachings

The Mormons deny the Trinity and the existence of a literal burning Hell, yet they promote polytheism (many gods), baptism for the dead, and the notion that Jesus and Satan were originally spirit brothers! Friend, make no mistake about it--Mormonism is a dangerous cult. In the eyes of man, the Mormons seem very respectable, but the light of God's word reveals the true wolves behind the sheep clothing. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Mat. 7:15) Don't look at their nice families, their clean-cut hair, and their friendly "missionaries." LOOK AT THEIR DOCTRINES! (I Tim. 4:1)

There is no way to cover all of the Mormon heresies in a tract this size. For further reading, we recommend our publication, The Bible Believer's Handbook of Heresies, which sheds light on many of the heresies being taught today in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Salvation through Works

Mormons believe that one's salvation is based on such good works as baptism, good deeds, missionary work, and following Mormon teachings. In The Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, justification by faith in Jesus Christ is called a "pernicious doctrine" twice and he states that it has been "an influence for evil." (pp. 107, 480) Bruce McConkie once stated at Brigham Young University that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is "improper and perilous" (Church News, March 20, 1982, p. 5)

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Romans 4:5 says that salvation comes to those who do not work for salvation, but believe on Jesus Christ instead!

Jesus Christ came into this world to lay down His sinless life for YOU--to pay for your sins because you couldn't. Jesus is your only hope for salvation. Only by receiving Him as your Saviour can you enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

The Lord Jesus Christ has come and PAID for your sins by shedding His own Blood on Calvary. By receiving Him as your Saviour, you can be WASHED from all your sins in His precious Blood (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14; Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19). Notice these important words from Romans 5:8-9: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."

Jesus PAID your way to Heaven! Your church cannot save you! Only by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour can you escape the damnation of Hell. Are you willing to forsake YOUR righteousness and receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your ONLY HOPE for Salvation? Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
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God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.

THat's what joey would have you to believe, its not in the bible.
God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.

THat's what joey would have you to believe, its not in the bible.

So God didn't become flesh and Atone for the sins of the World?

Thought that was the central theme of the New Testament.
God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.

So basically, you're saying that mormonism will elevate all mormons to god status with each having its own planet to rule over? That's WHACKED!!!

If only it were as easy as you suggest, but there's much more to it than that. Certainly not all mormons. In fact most mormons won't make it. There are far more people who are currently non-mormons who will receive exaltation than the ones who are currently claiming to be of our faith.
God is the God of all Gods? :lol:

How many are there?

And you think your religion is going to make you a God? And each God gets a planet to rule over? So how do you know that the God of all Gods isn't just some random guy like you who was elevated to a God?
Time to call in the cult de-programmers. :D

As man is, God once was.

THat's what joey would have you to believe, its not in the bible.

So what if it's not in the bible? The Bible never says everything has to be in the Bible?

In fact the Bible supports the statement. It certainly doesn't deny it. In fact it confirms it.
As man is, God once was.

So basically, you're saying that mormonism will elevate all mormons to god status with each having its own planet to rule over? That's WHACKED!!!

If only it were as easy as you suggest, but there's much more to it than that. Certainly not all mormons. In fact most mormons won't make it. There are far more people who are currently non-mormons who will receive exaltation than the ones who are currently claiming to be of our faith.

So god will elevate people (women also?) of his choosing regardless of their personal religion? So what's the point of your religion? I mean, besides the tithe. :D
Try this on for size :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You just couldn't help yourself. you tried to hide your pattern of consistent repetition but You are truly back to being yourself. At least you gave me a break for a while from your monotony. I needed the rest. Now I'm willing to deal with it again. Thanks

The Plain Truth about the Mormons

The Mormon movement began with "the prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr.
First, it's not a movement. It's a worldwide religion. And it started with Jesus Christ choosing to appear to Joseph Smith. Joseph didn't choose this for himself. He was 14 and only wanted to know which church to join.

Joe (as he was known) was born to some rather strange parents in 1805.
His parents actually had a shining reputation until their son claimed to have seen God. The slander on their character didn't come until after this.

His mother, Lucy, was involved in occult practices and visions,

Please cite which practices and visions, since you are the one accusing. Details are kind of important when slandering someone.

while his father, Joseph, Sr., consumed much time with imaginary treasure digging (including the booty of Captain Kidd).

Again details would be nice. But to be paid by an employer to dig for a mine which is suspected to contain silver or other jewels is not bad work if you can get it. What makes it so bad? It's honest hard work. And please tell us what you mean by "the booty of Captain Kidd". Thanks

According to Mormon writings (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith - History 1:1-25), on a day in 1820, Joe was praying in the woods when he received a vision from God the Father and Jesus. It was revealed to Joe that the church was in apostasy and he was the chosen one to launch a new dispensation.
Yes he was affectionately known by his friends as Joe. I just think it's odd that you disaffectionately call him Joe in a sneering sort of trying-to-insult way. Anywhoo,

He was told not to join any of the churches and to wait for further instruction. It wasn't for four years that he was given instruction to translate the gold plates and not until 10 years had passed to restart Jesus original church.

Being unwilling to drop his current occupation of money-digging with his father
Let's not lie shall we? It is true that they picked up odd jobs where they could find them, but to call "money digging" his occupation is a malicious lie. They were farmers by occupation, since that is what they did every day. The digging jobs they were lucky enough to find(lots of others were taking these jobs as well since many rich enthusiasts were willing to pay workers to dig for them as many treasures had been found in those parts and times.)

(while using "peep stones" and "divining rods")

Please define "peep stones" and "divining rods". How did Joseph use these? Where did he find them? Were they useful or not?

Joe put his "calling" on hold for three years.
Joseph was never given a calling until 4 years had passed, so what calling could he have been given that he was putting on hold?

Then, according to his own account (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith - History 1:29-54), he was paid a bedside visit by the angel Moroni in 1823. Moroni, who professed to be the glorified son of a man named Mormon (who had been dead 1400 years), told Joe about a book of golden plates which contained "the fulness of the everlasting Gospel."
Finally something you posted was entirely true about us.

This book was said to have been buried at Cumorah Hill, near Palmyra, New York, some 1400 years earlier by the man named Mormon. Four years later (1827), Joe supposedly dug up the golden plates along with a gigantic pair of spectacles which he called "the Urim and Thummim."
Large, yes...Gigantic...No. and the man's name was Moroni, not Mormon. Sorry about focusing on what you might call minutia but I kinda like getting it right.

The spectacles were for translating the hieroglyphics on the plates. With the help of his only legal wife and a friend named Oliver Cowdery,
My how you love to try and sneak little jabs in... At least make them true jabs and not lies.

Emma was his only wife at the time. If you want to refer to his later years and his other wives then yes he had more than one but they were never illegal. He was never convicted of a crime. It was not illegal in the US to have more than one wife at the time so it couldn't have been illegal.

Joe translated the plates and published the Book of Mormon in 1830. Later that same year, Joe, his wife, his brothers (Hyrum and Samuel), and Cowdery established the "Church of Jesus Christ," which is known today as the "Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints."
Do you not like the name Joseph? You just LOVE saying Joe don't you?

The Book of Mormon contains many plagiarisms of the King James English (at least 25,000 words)
This is the most ridiculous claim I've heard yet. Number one. The Bible does not have a copyright so it can't be plagiarized. Number 2, The Book of Mormon prophet Nephi, while speaking to his followers in ancient times, quotes the prophet Isaiah. He actually says "Listen to the words of Isaiah," then quotes several chapters and verses that are found nearly verbatim in the King James Version of the Bible.....Uhhh.....How is quoting the same as plagiarizing. There are several publicized Bible quotes which state who they're quoting in the Book of Mormon. Please learn English and the difference between the words quote and plagiarize.

. This is strange since the plates were supposed to have been in the ground many centuries before the King James Bible was completed in 1611!
Indeed it would be strange to plagiarize from something that is impossible to plagiarize since it has no copyright and the book only quotes from it instead of claiming to originate the staments of the Bible. It says, "hey everyone, here's words from the Bible! You better listen to it or you'll be sorry.By the way, it wasn't my idea, it came from the Bible."

The Book of Mormon also contains many errors such as claims of elephants in the Western Hemisphere and advanced metal producing capabilities in America before 400 A.D. (See Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults for a fine study in the errors of the Mormon Bible)
Recent discoveries have shown that Mammoths were in North and Central America around as late as 3000 to 1500 B.C. Right around the time of the Jaredites....hmmm....if that doesn't put the INK in coINKydINK. Then I don't know what does. by the way. Metal rusts and since the society that had brought the knoweldge of metallurgy with them from the old world was wiped out, it's no wonder the swords have rusted and gone back to mother Earth over a thousand year period of time, especially in the humid tropical climate of central America. Nonetheless, we shouldn't judge too quickly when only 2% of the archaelogical sites in Central and South america have been excavated. It means nothing that metal hasn't been found when considering all the evidences together.

The Mormons, under Smith's command, turned out to be a rough bunch.
Rough bunch?
Joe was a polygamist with at least twenty- seven wives (some say over 60 wives).
Some say 1000! That's epic indeed. Who cares if it was two or two thousand. He was a polygamist. The number is irrelevant. C'mon guy.

The whole gang left New York for Ohio, and then moved to Missouri.
Thanks for the "gang" comment. Not sure what you meant by gang but maybe I do.

The Missouri governor ran them out of the state, so they settled in Nauvoo, Illinois, and built the state's largest city.
"ran them out" is a rather mild way of putting it. I believe the correct term would have been ordered them out by extermination, which order made it legal to kill a member of our church that remained on the books until the 1970s, that's right not 18 but 1970."ran them out" eh? Sounds like you were proud of that noble governor for murdering harmless innocents.

In 1844, Joe and Hyrum were thrown in jail.
Without conviction. many times.

Then an angry mob stormed the jail and murdered them both. Naturally, this "martyrdom" insured the perpetual reverence of the great "prophet" Joseph Smith.
It is not a man's death that makes him a martyr. It was his life leading up to it. It was not his death that gave us a reverence for him. It was his wonderful life. God bless Joseph Smith! The greatest prophet man has ever seen. Jesus only, was greater.

The "church" then split.
No it didn't...People split themselves from the church and formed a new one under a new name.

The Smith family headed for Independence, Missouri and started what is now the "Recognized Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints."
Perhaps you just made a typo... They formed the so called, "Reorganized" Church.

However, the majority of Smith's followers chose Brigham Young as their new captain.
The leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ has never been chosen by it's members. Such choices are always made personally by Jesus Christ through revelation to his apostles. This revelation was made to the apostles after the death of Smith. There is no vote, other than to count those in support of their leader.

To escape U.S. laws, Young led the Mormons from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City in 1847 (which then belonged to Mexico).
If you had a law out for your extermination you would be fleeing the states too. Such is the only law they fled from. What other law would you be referring to since you used the plural "laws"? Please, the burden of details are on the accuser.

For the next thirty years, Young and his "saints" laid the foundation stones of the Mormon cult.
Thanks for the cult jab again. since by definition a cult is: a system of exclusive religious beliefs or practices; it's not so bad of an insult after all. It's just more the negative connotation that the word holds today. Cheers

Little known to most Mormons, Young was a rather rough and ruthless character.
Of course the character of a man I've studied all my life is better known to you rather than me... uh huh...yeah:eusa_whistle:

In 1857, he commanded Bishop John D. Lee to murder a wagon train of over one hundred helpless non-Mormon immigrants.
A viscious lie and you know it. Do to your disposition of hatred towards us, I can't even give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you have at best made an unfounded, biased and/or ignorant accusation. All the evidence proves Brigham tried to stop the massacre before it happened. But too bad his blackberry was broken and so the offenders didn't get his text message telling them to "let them alone. You must not meddle with them!" The message came too late by the fastest possible method, a courier by horse.

Twenty years later Lee was convicted and executed by the U.S. Government.
And rightly so. Gee I wonder why, if Lee knew he was going to die that he wouldn't implicate Young if he knew his time was up.hmm... Men don't go to their deathbeds carrying secrets. at least not to my knowledge.

Young escaped punishment, and his role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre has escaped the Mormon history books.
Escaped? It's printed. Right there for everyone to see. It still is. How do you think it got told? Because it was us that brought the murderers to justice. You have got one of the most bitter spirits I have ever seen. It's because of deceitful and viscious lies like this that people ignore our good deeds and slam doors in our face, without ever hearing the other side of the story.

Young spent most of his "ministry"
Thanks for the quotations jab.

dodging the law to continue the immoral practice of polygamy.
If you're a christian and you worship the Bible the way you claim you do, then you can't call polygamy immoral when so many of your revered prophets observed the commandment of polygamy in their time. Now I might have some respect for your sentiments if you were an Atheist or some other religion.

At the time of his death in 1877, Young had seventeen wives and fifty-six children.
Like I said before, 2 or 20, it's the same thing. The number is irrelevant.

Today the Mormon church is administrated by its "General Authorities."
Thanks for the jab again with your little quotations.

These authorities consist of the "First Presidency," the "Counsel of Twelve Apostles," the "First Quorum of the Seventy" and its presidency, the "Presiding Bishoprick," and the "Patriarch of the Church."
Those are the official titles. They're not nicknames so there's no need for the ridiculous quotations.

Male Mormons over twelve years of age are divided into priesthoods. The Aaronic order is the lesser priesthood, and the Melchizedek order is the higher.

The church is divided into thousands of "wards" and "stakes," with over 2000 branches and 180 missions, and over 5,000,000 members.
update your statistics. It's clear this is another one of your patented copy and paste jobs. For someone who rants and rants about plagiarism, it'd be nice if you cite your source for these obvious copy/paste jobs. I don't know the numbers for the wards stakes and missions but our membership numbers are nearly 15 million now so probably more than double what you pasted.

Mormons are very missionary-minded people, with over 26,000 active missionaries.
My how kind of you.:eusa_angel:

However, much of this missionary army consists of young men and women in their early twenties who must serve two years in missionary work while supporting themselves.
"must serve"?:lol: That's hilarious. Or what? We'll whip them to death?:whip:
It's voluntary, evidenced by the expenses being covered by the missionaries themselves.

The Mormon people of today are highly respected in our society, but there is nothing respectable about their doctrines. Some are as follows:
I feel so...just... respected by your post. Thanks

The Deity of Man Promoted

Mormons teach that man can become God, and that God was once a man:

"God himself, the Father of us all, is a glorified, exalted immortal resurrected man!" (Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 322-23, 517, 643)
"...God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens..." (Journal of Discourses, V6, P3, 1844)
"As man is, God once was: as God is, man may become." (Lorenzo Snow, quoted in Milton R. Hunter, the Gospel Through the Ages, pp. 105-106)
That is pure, rich, true doctrine.mmmm It tastes good. It feels good to hear you say it.

This is plain and simple heresy.
We'll see about that won't we.:eusa_angel:

Nowhere does the Bible say or imply that God was ever a man, or that man can become God! Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." How could this be true if God was once a man?
Because God doesn't change once he's a God.

Because Jesus said that he only does "that which my Father doeth." He followed the example of His Father who had a mortal life just like He had. And he followed his example.
And heresy is a strong word partner. The root of the word comes from Herod, who sought to kill Jesus. We do not seek to destroy Jesus, only convert more to Him.

Genesis 1:1 states that God existed "in the beginning" before man was ever created.
We say the same thing. There are more worlds than this tiny little place in time called Earth. One day you'll realize how big the universe really is.

John 4:24 states that God is a "spirit," and
God IS a spirit. He's a spirit with a body. And since Jesus took his body back and resurrected with a perfect body and he is God, that means God has a body. So the math adds up that His Father has a body too.

B]Jesus tells us in John 1:18 that no man has seen God at any time[/B].
Except the ones who saw him in the Bible: Moses, Jacob, Stephen etc...

Numbers 23:19 says that "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent."
Quite right, which shows the error of man in translation when it was written that God repented for causing the flood to destroy man. Good going scribes!

God has always been God, and no one has ever "become" God.
This is an emoted statement, not supported by fact. However God has always been from everlasting to everlasting. You'll come to realize that all of us are equally eternal only His progression has always been superior in every way to ours. I don't expect you to get it but it's not that important. You just need to be a nicer person and stop trying to tear down other people's religion and find your own.

Deity of Jesus Christ Denied

The Deity of Jesus Christ is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity, yet the Mormons deny this truth. Exalting man to "god status" is apparently alright, but Jesus Christ is not acknowledged as the eternal Son of God in the Mormon church. The Mormon Jesus was a preexisting spirit who was exalted, just as Mormon followers hope to be exalted someday.
I don't know where you got this cockamamy idea but it has always been known that Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of God. He was a God in the pre existence, and the God of the old Testament but he had not achieved the highest level of Exaltation because he had not received his body yet. It doesn't change that he was always the greatest. and always the Son of God.

God is a Trinity (I Jn. 5:7), and the second Member of that Trinity is the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:1 says that "the Word was God," and John 1:14 tells us that "the Word was made flesh." Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate, and John 1:1 tells us that the Word was God; so Jesus Christ is God.
this is merely your interpretation. It's not worth wasting time arguing about interpretations. I just don't get the impossibility of a "trinity". It doesn't make sense in any universe that I know of. Certainly not in the scientific world.

Jesus allowed Thomas to address Him as "My Lord and my God" in John 20:28.
And rightly so.

In Isaiah 9:6, He is called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father," and we read in Micah 5:2 that Jesus is "from everlasting."
And rightly so. Jesus is the Father of Heaven and Earth. He is Jehovah. He was part of the team of Gods in charge of creating the world. He directed it's formation after being commissioned of his Father. So since he created it and directed it's creation, he gets the title "Father" of heaven and earth.

Our Lord allowed people to worship him in John 10:38 and in Matthew 14:33, and since He is "God with us" (Mat. 1:23) He also has power to forgive sins (Mk. 2:5). Jesus Christ is clearly Deity, yet this doctrine is denied by the Mormons.
Not denied. Embraced.:eusa_angel:

Multiple Authorities

The Bible declares, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa. 8:20) However, the Mormon Church claims that other writings, such as the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's writings are also authoritative.
That's quite an interpretation. Quite an obvious falsehood. The Bible had not been compiled when Isaiah made that statement so he couldn't have been referring to the Bible. By your creed, we shouldn't be listening to any of the words found outside the book of Isaiah.
The Bible never....EVER....ANYWHERE...states that the word of God is confined to the Bible.

In fact it states that The Holy Ghost is the revelator of the word of God. The word of God can come from your friends who speak under the influence of the Holy Ghost. It can even come from you if you ever get so influenced. The word of God is not always written in books. Why can't you understand that?

In fact, Joseph Smith taught his people to doubt the accuracy of the Bible: " was apparent that many important points touching the salvation of men, had been taken from the Bible, or lost before it was compiled." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 10)
Truth is hard to accept for the close-minded.
But we study the Bible with more fervor than most people on the planet. because there is such an overwhelming amount of greatness in the Bible. Most especially because of the ministry of Christ in the new testament.

Mormon Writings Support Polygamy

"...if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then he is justified; he cannot commit adultery...And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery." (Doctrines and Covenants, 132:61, 62)
In certain times and dispensations in this world and after this world it is very true. But our traditions lead us to prejudices and rash judgments when we are ignorant of things we're not used to.

Jesus Christ held a slightly different view (Mark 10:6- 9).
There is no way a man can be "one flesh" with more than one woman.
Don't put words in the mouth of Jesus. The quote says "6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
All this says is that a man should only cleave to his wife and that marriage is not to be put asunder.

It is clear you have twisted the scriptures to mean what you WANT it to mean. That is quite a stretch. Don't cite references with me. I will print them and show you where you're twisting them.

A man and his wife are supposed to picture Christ and his church (Eph. 5:23-32), but this symbolism is shattered by the Mormon heresy of Polygamy.
Ok here's what it actually says:
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the cchurch: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Still I don't get where you interpret anything against polygamy. He was just talking about the relationship husbands should have with their wives.

True Church Theory

The Mormon book, The Pearl of Great Price, claims that all other Christian groups are "corrupt" and are an "abomination" in God's sight (Joseph Smith, 2:19). Such claims as this are based on the unscriptural assumption that the Lord Jesus Christ has a specific religious organization on the earth today, complete with a name, a membership, and a leadership, which makes up His "true church." This doctrine is found nowhere in God's word. Everyone who has received Christ as their Saviour is a member of His church, which is a spiritual body of born-again believers (Eph. 4:4; 5:23-32; Col. 1:18-24; Heb. 12:23; Rev. 19:7; 5:9-10; 21:9).
Well if you think the order of Christ's church is not found in the Bible then you haven't read Ephesians chapter 4 which tells us the order of Christ's church and what offices he gave to run it. The entire chapter also states why we need this order. To prevent confusion and arguments and vanity till we all come together in a unity of faith. Has Christianity come to a unity of Faith? Not last time I checked. Please read

Other False Teachings
We'll see what's false.

The Mormons deny the Trinity and the existence of a literal burning Hell,
Proud of it.

yet they promote polytheism (many gods),
God wasn't talking to himself when he said "Let us make man in our image."

baptism for the dead,
1 Corinthians 15:29
29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
Clearly they were doing baptisms for the dead already.

and the notion that Jesus and Satan were originally spirit brothers!
Perish the thought:eek:
The problem is you don't know the enemy therefore he's been able to decieve you all this time. He's made you think all this time that he's a pitchfork weilding imp with horns and a halloween costume. He's got you by the short ones if you can't recognize him. He was just like us. Only he chose to rebel against Christs plan and we all chose to follow Christs plan(all who ever were or will be born.)

Friend, make no mistake about it--Mormonism is a dangerous cult.
Make sure you're all packin.

In the eyes of man, the Mormons seem very respectable, but the light of God's word reveals the true wolves behind the sheep clothing. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Mat. 7:15)
Well you've done your best(not very good) to try and strip us of respectability but hey, nice try. And I'll second your notion from the Bible to beware of false prophets. Check them all out and see if they check out and meet the qualifications of a true prophet or not. We got nothing to hide. A false prophet would just tell you to accept his word and trust him. A true prophet will tell you to pull out your magnifying glass. The decision is all yours people.

Don't look at their nice families, their clean-cut hair, and their friendly "missionaries." LOOK AT THEIR DOCTRINES! (I Tim. 4:1)
I think you should look at everything. Actions would be good to look at too.

There is no way to cover all of the Mormon heresies in a tract this size. For further reading, we recommend our publication, The Bible Believer's Handbook of Heresies,
But...but...The handbook of Heresies isn't in the Bible!!!!!!....go ahead read whatever you want. you'll never know until you go to God in private prayer and get answers straight from Him.

which sheds light on many of the heresies being taught today in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Salvation through Works

Mormons believe that one's salvation is based on such good works as baptism, good deeds, missionary work, and following Mormon teachings.

Nice omission. You missed the part where we said Salvation is impossible without the grace of Christ. He just wants a max effort on our part. We'll never be able to jump over the grand canyon, but he just asks us to jump as far as we can and he'll catch us and bring us the rest of the way.

Bruce McConkie once stated at Brigham Young University that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is "improper and perilous" (Church News, March 20, 1982, p. 5)
You're a liar.:eusa_liar: That's not what he said. He said that the doctrine of grace alone is improper and perilous because it gives the impression that we don't need to work to improve ourselves. If we didn't work to improve ourselves and keep the commandments of God then the world would be a terrible place to live. Christ gave max effort. He commanded us to keep his commandments and be like him. Are we being like Christ if we don't give our max effort? No.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Of course, it's like I just said.

Romans 4:5 says that salvation comes to those who do not work for salvation, but believe on Jesus Christ instead!
He's referring to those who don't believe in grace.stating that works without faith are dead. But we do believe in Grace.

So stew on the statements of the apostle James who writes:
James 2: 20, 26
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
• • •
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Jesus Christ came into this world to lay down His sinless life for YOU--to pay for your sins because you couldn't. Jesus is your only hope for salvation. Only by receiving Him as your Saviour can you enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
We're on the same page here.

The Lord Jesus Christ has come and PAID for your sins by shedding His own Blood on Calvary. By receiving Him as your Saviour, you can be WASHED from all your sins in His precious Blood (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14; Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19). Notice these important words from Romans 5:8-9: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."
Yes he's paid for your ticket, but if you don't get in line, you'll miss the train.

Jesus PAID your way to Heaven! Your church cannot save you!
Never were there truer words than this. Churches can lead horses to water, but can't make them drink.

Only by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour can you escape the damnation of Hell.
True...You're gettin a little out of control there though cowboy.

Are you willing to forsake YOUR righteousness
The only one who would ever ask you to forsake righteousness would be Satan. So no, I'm not ready to forsake the commandment of Jesus to be righteous. He said "Go and do thou likewise." So I'll go and do.

and receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your ONLY HOPE for Salvation?
Already did that.

Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Those who truly call upon the name of the Lord are ready to follow God's commandments. That's why they'll be saved.

Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be

I'll finish the sentence for you...saved. Ok...
They'll be saved because if they truly do those things, they'll be willing to keep God's commandments.

You just gotta keep the commandments. Otherwise, God wouldn't have given them. He'd have just said "keep my suggestions...ya know...if you feel like it...if you have time..."
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So basically, you're saying that mormonism will elevate all mormons to god status with each having its own planet to rule over? That's WHACKED!!!

If only it were as easy as you suggest, but there's much more to it than that. Certainly not all mormons. In fact most mormons won't make it. There are far more people who are currently non-mormons who will receive exaltation than the ones who are currently claiming to be of our faith.

So god will elevate people (women also?) of his choosing regardless of their personal religion? So what's the point of your religion? I mean, besides the tithe. :D

har har.

Religion is like a guide in the forest. Some are better than others. Some will give you a great tour of the forest. but as always, only one is the best, but none can protect you from the Jaguar if you ignore his advice. The greatness of your forest experience depends on you. It can be enhanced by the tour guide but at the end of the day, you just have to be into it yourself.

Atheists are like the tourists who break away from the group and brave it on their own because they think they're so smart and tough. But the result usually isn't so good when they get lost.

Our church is the best tour guide through the forest. It gives the best advice, prepares you for the trip better than any other, draws your attention to the most attractive features of the forest and warns you of it's dangers. But whether you make it out with a great experience or not at all depends entirely on you.

Man I just surprised myself with that one. :eusa_angel:
If only it were as easy as you suggest, but there's much more to it than that. Certainly not all mormons. In fact most mormons won't make it. There are far more people who are currently non-mormons who will receive exaltation than the ones who are currently claiming to be of our faith.

So god will elevate people (women also?) of his choosing regardless of their personal religion? So what's the point of your religion? I mean, besides the tithe. :D

har har.

Religion is like a guide in the forest. Some are better than others. Some will give you a great tour of the forest. but as always, only one is the best, but none can protect you from the Jaguar if you ignore his advice. The greatness of your forest experience depends on you. It can be enhanced by the tour guide but at the end of the day, you just have to be into it yourself.
Atheists are like the tourists who break away from the group and brave it on their own because they think they're so smart and tough. But the result usually isn't so good when they get lost.
Our church is the best tour guide through the forest. It gives the best advice, prepares you for the trip better than any other, draws your attention to the most attractive features of the forest and warns you of it's dangers. But whether you make it out with a great experience or not at all depends entirely on you.
Man I just surprised myself with that one. :eusa_angel:

So I'll take that as a NO for women gods. Male chauvinist pigs!

Religion is a guide through a fictitious forest that only exists in your mind. I have a real forest behind my house and guess what? I've never gotten lost or eaten by a jaguar!

Man am I smart. :eusa_angel:

(I'm agnostic, no god has ever been proven but if one ever is, I'll change my mind no problem. Atheists also have no hope of proving the non-existance of god.)
So I'll take that as a NO for women gods. Male chauvinist pigs!
Oops my bad... I forgot to address this. I got carried away with my newly created analogy.

Actually yes women can become goddesses. I guess that makes us some other kind of pig in your book.

Religion is a guide through a fictitious forest that only exists in your mind. I have a real forest behind my house and guess what? I've never gotten lost or eaten by a jaguar!
Time will tell on both fronts.

Man am I smart. :eusa_angel:

Time will tell.

(I'm agnostic, no god has ever been proven but if one ever is, I'll change my mind no problem. Atheists also have no hope of proving the non-existance of god.)

It can be proven if you want it to be privately. But God's not going to make a mass announcement.
Please address "why" it's the Mormon husband that has the power to raise his wife from the dead?

She isn't really an equal, or co-partner in this scenario?
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So I'll take that as a NO for women gods. Male chauvinist pigs!
Oops my bad... I forgot to address this. I got carried away with my newly created analogy.

Actually yes women can become goddesses. I guess that makes us some other kind of pig in your book.

Religion is a guide through a fictitious forest that only exists in your mind. I have a real forest behind my house and guess what? I've never gotten lost or eaten by a jaguar!
Time will tell on both fronts.

Man am I smart. :eusa_angel:

Time will tell.

(I'm agnostic, no god has ever been proven but if one ever is, I'll change my mind no problem. Atheists also have no hope of proving the non-existance of god.)

It can be proven if you want it to be privately. But God's not going to make a mass announcement.

I'm waiting for god to prove herself to me privately. If that ever happens, do I still need to pay for protection? um, I mean tithe.

Goddesses? That's so hot! :D

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