The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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need to ,there are no plates (never were) whatever the witnesses BELIEVE they saw or imagined they saw (the spiritual eye) is no evidence of the plates existing.
humans tend to find what they want to find even when it's not there.
I have no doubt they did believe what they imagined they saw, books on human behavior are full of accounts of misidentification.

Like I said, it's fine that you are going to ignore the eyewitnesses because it's inconvenient for your current perspective. That's your choice. But it doesn't change the fact that the eye witnesses exist and their testimony and behavior conflict with your viewpoint.
sorry shit for comprehension but I did not ignore the witnesses, there is no way to validate what they say they saw.
their testimony and behavior only proves they believed Nothing more...
No objective way exists to validate the witnesses' stories.

Only by faith and testimony, which is subjective.
Considering how clear it is, it sounds like you're just making excuses for your lack of effort.

No, I'm just effectively proven there is no God. All other arguments became meaningless on Feb 3rd, 1983.

You haven't proven anything. I've experienced the love and glory of God. I've recieved revelation and blessings from the Lord. I've been healed miraculously because of God. Everything in the universe testifies that there is a God. The hand of divine providence is all over the history of the world.

Why on earth would I or anyone else who has experienced the Lord accept that there is no God simply on your word alone?
of course you have dear...
No, I'm just effectively proven there is no God. All other arguments became meaningless on Feb 3rd, 1983.

You haven't proven anything. I've experienced the love and glory of God. I've recieved revelation and blessings from the Lord. I've been healed miraculously because of God. Everything in the universe testifies that there is a God. The hand of divine providence is all over the history of the world.

Why on earth would I or anyone else who has experienced the Lord accept that there is no God simply on your word alone?
of course you have dear...

It's his right to seek God as he wishes.

There, again, demonstrates your ignorance. No one is shunned. Quite the opposite, critics like yourself likewise claim we don't leave people alone. No one is forced to recite their testimony, in fact, no one is forced to do anything. People share their testimony because its meaningful to them. There is nothing magical about anyone's underwear and the obsession some of you critics have with underwear is a bit creepy. The so called mandatory missionary work is still the choice of anyone who does it.

Yeah, guy, I've talked to enough Ex-Mormons to know that Shunning is common and encouraged by the cult to keep people in line.

So we can add "Liars" to the things I hate about your cult.

But your cult was started by a liar and pedophile, it's not like I'm holding you to a standard.

nonsense. Especially considering that countless ex-mormons claim we wont leave them alone. Go to any anti-mormon forum and ask if anyone has problems with mormons who wont leave them alone. They will give you tons of stories showing the exact opposite of what your claiming. So stop lying.

That's what disgusts me about anti-mormons such as yourself. You're so freakin insecure about your positions that you have to make things up.
really ? I'm an ex Mormon and I disassociated myself from "the church" at 18... at 32 I finally had to use the law to keep them from harassing me... somebody's lying and it's not me.
You haven't proven anything. I've experienced the love and glory of God. I've recieved revelation and blessings from the Lord. I've been healed miraculously because of God. Everything in the universe testifies that there is a God. The hand of divine providence is all over the history of the world.

Why on earth would I or anyone else who has experienced the Lord accept that there is no God simply on your word alone?
of course you have dear...

It's his right to seek God as he wishes.
true ...on the other hand he cannot prove a god exists, not by belief anyway.
you need evidence for that.
faith is evidence of faith nothing more.
anyone proclaiming it's more, is lying to themselves and others.
Oh, stop it. No one can "prove" God exists or not. This is a faith thing. You don't believe, cool. Neither do I, in the Mormon thing.

Who cares?

Don't be as silly as JoeB.
It is astonishing how so many people are duped into believeing they will get rewarded for their participation in any religion after they are dead.


It's astonishing that you think just insulting people somehow proves your point. I don't think your stupid though. I just think you aren't thinking.

How convenient that no one has come back from the dead since you people came up with this nonsense to verify the rediculous claims made by Christians and Mormans.. OR should we just skip to the chase and call it fraud, which it is. If this scam wasn't being conducted under the protection of freedom of religion you would all be in prison.
nonsense. Especially considering that countless ex-mormons claim we wont leave them alone. Go to any anti-mormon forum and ask if anyone has problems with mormons who wont leave them alone. They will give you tons of stories showing the exact opposite of what your claiming. So stop lying.

That's what disgusts me about anti-mormons such as yourself. You're so freakin insecure about your positions that you have to make things up.

I think that continuing to bug them isn't the same as "not shunning them".

How about this. When someone leaves your religion, you respect that and don't try to win them back and don't shun them and actually respect their decision.

What a Fuckin' concept.
sorry shit for comprehension but I did not ignore the witnesses, there is no way to validate what they say they saw.
their testimony and behavior only proves they believed Nothing more...

There is an easy way to validate what they saw:

Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. (Moroni 10:3-5)

That is ultimately the only way to know.

Their words and action support their testimony. But the only way to know for sure is to go to the Lord for yourself. There will be many more who will see and feel the plates before the end.
No, I'm just effectively proven there is no God. All other arguments became meaningless on Feb 3rd, 1983.

You haven't proven anything. I've experienced the love and glory of God. I've recieved revelation and blessings from the Lord. I've been healed miraculously because of God. Everything in the universe testifies that there is a God. The hand of divine providence is all over the history of the world.

Why on earth would I or anyone else who has experienced the Lord accept that there is no God simply on your word alone?
of course you have dear...

You don't have to take my word for it. Like I said, that's the beauty of the Gospel, you can go to the Lord and find out for yourself.
Yeah, guy, I've talked to enough Ex-Mormons to know that Shunning is common and encouraged by the cult to keep people in line.

So we can add "Liars" to the things I hate about your cult.

But your cult was started by a liar and pedophile, it's not like I'm holding you to a standard.

nonsense. Especially considering that countless ex-mormons claim we wont leave them alone. Go to any anti-mormon forum and ask if anyone has problems with mormons who wont leave them alone. They will give you tons of stories showing the exact opposite of what your claiming. So stop lying.

That's what disgusts me about anti-mormons such as yourself. You're so freakin insecure about your positions that you have to make things up.
really ? I'm an ex Mormon and I disassociated myself from "the church" at 18... at 32 I finally had to use the law to keep them from harassing me... somebody's lying and it's not me.

Thank you very much for proving my point that Joe is lying when he says we shun people who leave the Church.
It is astonishing how so many people are duped into believeing they will get rewarded for their participation in any religion after they are dead.


It's astonishing that you think just insulting people somehow proves your point. I don't think your stupid though. I just think you aren't thinking.

How convenient that no one has come back from the dead since you people came up with this nonsense to verify the rediculous claims made by Christians and Mormans.. OR should we just skip to the chase and call it fraud, which it is. If this scam wasn't being conducted under the protection of freedom of religion you would all be in prison.

Except they have.

1) Jesus Christ
2) Moroni
3) John the Baptist
4) Peter, James, and John

You can read the scriptures and find out more for yourself.
true ...on the other hand he cannot prove a god exists, not by belief anyway.
you need evidence for that.
faith is evidence of faith nothing more.
anyone proclaiming it's more, is lying to themselves and others.

Your lack of experience with God and His Holy Spirit doesn't mean no one else has had experience with them.
nonsense. Especially considering that countless ex-mormons claim we wont leave them alone. Go to any anti-mormon forum and ask if anyone has problems with mormons who wont leave them alone. They will give you tons of stories showing the exact opposite of what your claiming. So stop lying.

That's what disgusts me about anti-mormons such as yourself. You're so freakin insecure about your positions that you have to make things up.

I think that continuing to bug them isn't the same as "not shunning them".

How about this. When someone leaves your religion, you respect that and don't try to win them back and don't shun them and actually respect their decision.

What a Fuckin' concept.

Why on earth should you expect people to respect you when you treat them like garbage?

And thank you for conceding the point.
Oh, stop it. No one can "prove" God exists or not. This is a faith thing. You don't believe, cool. Neither do I, in the Mormon thing.

Who cares?

Don't be as silly as JoeB.
joe b has the right to not seek god. how does that make him more silly than avatar?

That isn't what makes him silly. His silliness is hating people who do.
sorry shit for comprehension but I did not ignore the witnesses, there is no way to validate what they say they saw.
their testimony and behavior only proves they believed Nothing more...

There is an easy way to validate what they saw:

Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. (Moroni 10:3-5)

That is ultimately the only way to know.

Their words and action support their testimony. But the only way to know for sure is to go to the Lord for yourself. There will be many more who will see and feel the plates before the end.
first your so called validation has no basis in fact, the actions, places, dialog and people therein are fiction...
I guess you're right believing totally false scripture is easy.

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