The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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The eyewitnesses all seem to have been related or friends, and not some unbiased notary public.

And yet, they exist.

And there is reason not to consider them honest. If the eyewitnesses had nothing to gain, nothing to lose, and were indifferent, then what they claimed might be acceptable. But then is the issue of character. Are they known to be truthful or have they been caught in twisting the truth in the past..?
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Except they have.

1) Jesus Christ
2) Moroni
3) John the Baptist
4) Peter, James, and John

You can read the scriptures and find out more for yourself.

#1 JC? Word of mouth by uneducated people for how long? Nonsense. Even among a society as advanced as ours there is a reason for a statute of limitations. Do you really think someone 200 years from now would take the word of any group of people that had not documented something that happened today?

Moroni? Now the Morman cult is conducting a fraud even moreso than the regular crazy Christians. There is no angel Moroni. You people made that up out of whole cloth to cover yourselves for your penchant to sexually abuse children.

#3? see #1

#4? see #1

You are all liars and deceivers that prey on the weak minded. You should all be thrown in prison.

Why? Because you cant handle the truth?

You have to falsely accuse people of lying and sexual sin because you dont have the integrity to actually do the work necessary to find out for yourself? Why? Why do you fight so much with what you know are completely shallow arguments?

Especially when we have modern witnesses.

One can elicit similar testimony in any mental institution day room. The sad truth is that there is no heaven nor hell so in death you will not have to pay for the evil you do. No reward. No punishment. You people are too far gone to develope a conscience.

Still I think of thousands of years of deceit. Billions of lives tricked into bidding your fraud.

It is sad how much human life and evolution you waste. Too bad there is really no such thing as justice.
The eyewitnesses all seem to have been related or friends, and not some unbiased notary public.

And yet, they exist.

And there is reason not to consider them honest. If the eyewitnesses had nothing to gain, nothing to lose, and were indifferent, then what they claimed might be acceptable. But then is the issue of character. Are they known to be truthful or have they been caught in twisting the truth in the past..?

Some of the witnesses left the Church. But they never retracted their witness.
The truth about Mormons which I know is that they are a group of people who have certain religious views in common.

Other than that, they are people just like all the rest of us - some good, some bad, some lazy, some kind....... etc, etc ad infinitum.

The other truth I know about Mormons is that I am supposed to treat them the way I'd prefer to be treated.

What else is there to know?
The eyewitnesses all seem to have been related or friends, and not some unbiased notary public.

And yet, they exist.

And there is reason not to consider them honest. If the eyewitnesses had nothing to gain, nothing to lose, and were indifferent, then what they claimed might be acceptable. But then is the issue of character. Are they known to be truthful or have they been caught in twisting the truth in the past..?

All of the witnesses were men of strong character. Even after their falling out with Joseph, they continued to hold true to their testimony despite having every insentive not to. They could have had more money, political power, and not have been despised and maligned if they had said they didn't actually see the plates.

Martin Harris lost everything and yet, he continually affirmed He saw the plates. And despite falling away from the Church maintained His testimony of the Book of Mormon and later rejoined the Saints reaffirming his testimony to the end of His days

Oliver Cowdery lost much with his excomunication. Power he had within the Church. He sought political office and lost because he would not deny His testimony of the Book of Mormon. Yet, despite this clear separation from Joseph and the Church he continued to testify that the Book of Mormon was true. In his correspondence, he still spoke of seeing the plates and also the priesthood and keys he was a witness of during the restoration. He later rejoined the Church despite knowing he wouldn't be back in a position of power, but wanted to serve the Lord and share the Gospel and his testimony. On his death bed, he reaffirmed His testimony.

David Whitner lived the longest. He was the only one of the three main witness who didn't rejoin the Church in this life. He continued to reaffirm His testimony that He saw the plates. When a newspaper claimed he denied His testimony, he immediately went to the press and reaffirmed that the Book of Mormon was true and that He saw the plates and the angel. He had his testimony placed on his tombstone.

All three of them had every reason to expose the Book of Mormon as a fraud if they did not actually see what they saw. Yet, despite their falling out with Joseph Smith, they went to their graves (and beyond) affirming that they saw the plates and the angel.

Anyone can try to deny their testimony or try to explain it away, but their actions when they had every incentive to deny their testimony gives them alot of credibility. Ultimately, there is only one way to know the truth for yourself. You have to read the Book of Mormon for yourself and ask the Lord. He will reveal the truth through the Holy Spirit.
The truth about Mormons which I know is that they are a group of people who have certain religious views in common.

Other than that, they are people just like all the rest of us - some good, some bad, some lazy, some kind....... etc, etc ad infinitum.

The other truth I know about Mormons is that I am supposed to treat them the way I'd prefer to be treated.

What else is there to know?

Read the Book of Mormon and see for yourself. You can get one for free right here.
Oh, I did forget to mention that their proselytizing really ticks me off - but anyone's does!

In the immortal words of my son age 3: "No sanksyou - I gots my own!"
Oh, I did forget to mention that their proselytizing really ticks me off - but anyone's does!

In the immortal words of my son age 3: "No sanksyou - I gots my own!"

You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

The theory of Nahom isnt accepted by sources outside the Church because anyone who believed it would recognize the Book of Mormon is true and thus join the Church. Doesnt change the fact that an unlearned frontier farm boy described an accurate path through the Arabian penninsula THAT WAS UNKNOWN until about the last decade or so.

As mentioned, the evidence is there. It's just impossible to conclusively identify it as Nephite because precolumbian American history is spotty and a relatively new endevour and because the Spanish in their conquest destroyed countless records.

And considering you are unaware or ignoring of what has been found and are being dishonest in what the Book of Mormon actually claims, your position is pretty weak. Again, if it's strong, why do you feel the need to misrepresent us?

Again, my case is strong, but arguing with a Mormon about the fraud is like trying to explain to a retarded 25 year old that there is no Santa. You can show him pictures of his parents putting the presents under the tree, and Corky will still insist Santa brought them.

There is not a shred of evidence for any event in the Book of Mormon, and frankly, quite a lot of them are contradicted by what we have found.

As an example, the Roman Empire lasted as long as the Nephite civilization. So what do we have to prove Rome existed?

We have Latin- which was the core langage for French, Spanish and Italian (and others).

We have Roman ruins in Pompeii, Rome herself, etc.

We have Roman coins that exist to this very day.

We have a Roman religion- Christianity- that existed long after the empire fell.

So where are the Nephite Ruins, the Nephite languages, the Nephite Coins, and how come the Native Americans (who let's not forget, were White until God cursed them for killing the Nephites - I'd think they'd remember that - didn't at least remember Jesus?
Until some of you stabbed me in the back during a difficult time in my life, I was indifferent to your cult. I didn't start this grudge match, some of your fellow religionists did.

Defeating Romney is where I'm willing to call the score settled, but if you're feeling froggy, jump right in.

Point is, when someone leaves your religion, they aren't "treating you like garbage". They've just made a choice you don't like.

Which means you don't harrass them, you don't spy on them, and you don't tell their family members they can't talk to them anymore- all stuff your church does.

Now in 1983, after my mom died, I was done with Catholicism. At that point, it went from being something I was already starting to consider stupid to a mean-spirited lie, which all religions are.

But you know what. My family members who remained Catholic didn't stop talking to me, even though some of them actually WORK for the church. Nor do they spend time preaching to me. (But probably becuase they know they'll get spanked.) They just accept the decision I've made.

You can't even get through a single post without some straw man attack.

No one says people who leave the Church treat anyone like garbage. I said you shouldnt expect respect when you treat people like garbage.

Mormons don't shun people who leave the Church. We try to serve them and invite them to come back. We don't want them to stay away. No matter how much you claim otherwise, you're still blatantly misrepresenting reality. Families are encouraged to reach out not shun. And when we don't reach out to them regularly it's because they specifically asked us to stop.

I understand you hate us for some unfathomable reason. But that doesnt give you a right to completely lie.

Um, yeah, guy, I hate you guys for reasons that you completely deserve. Because you are evil cult that lies to people on a daily basis.

Boy, it was so much fun watching Romney go down flailing....
Oh, I did forget to mention that their proselytizing really ticks me off - but anyone's does!

In the immortal words of my son age 3: "No sanksyou - I gots my own!"

You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

I had some mormons come to my door a while back. I told them that I could PROVE that their god doesn't exist, so they shut up to listen, a young man and a young woman, so I told them: if your god did exist, do you really think that he'd need you to go door to door for him? The girl burst out laughing to then quickly restrain herself, and I went back in the house and closed the door.
Oh, I did forget to mention that their proselytizing really ticks me off - but anyone's does!

In the immortal words of my son age 3: "No sanksyou - I gots my own!"

You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

I had some mormons come to my door a while back. I told them that I could PROVE that their god doesn't exist, so they shut up to listen, a young man and a young woman, so I told them: if your god did exist, do you really think that he'd need you to go door to door for him? The girl burst out laughing to then quickly restrain herself, and I went back in the house and closed the door.

I thought the Mormons didn't do co-ed missionary teams.
You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

I had some mormons come to my door a while back. I told them that I could PROVE that their god doesn't exist, so they shut up to listen, a young man and a young woman, so I told them: if your god did exist, do you really think that he'd need you to go door to door for him? The girl burst out laughing to then quickly restrain herself, and I went back in the house and closed the door.

I thought the Mormons didn't do co-ed missionary teams.
Could of been Jehovah's witnesses or something else. They're all nutters. If the god of mormons is so great, do you think that it would need anyone to go door to door for it?
Um, yeah, guy, I hate you guys for reasons that you completely deserve. Because you are evil cult that lies to people on a daily basis.

Boy, it was so much fun watching Romney go down flailing....

Yeah, that's why you are the one who has been lying. How funny that is.
Oh, I did forget to mention that their proselytizing really ticks me off - but anyone's does!

In the immortal words of my son age 3: "No sanksyou - I gots my own!"

You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

I had some mormons come to my door a while back. I told them that I could PROVE that their god doesn't exist, so they shut up to listen, a young man and a young woman, so I told them: if your god did exist, do you really think that he'd need you to go door to door for him? The girl burst out laughing to then quickly restrain herself, and I went back in the house and closed the door.

Yeah, those werent mormons.

And they were right to laugh. It's a stupid argument.
You asked what else there is to know. And there is much. But the choice is always up to you.

I had some mormons come to my door a while back. I told them that I could PROVE that their god doesn't exist, so they shut up to listen, a young man and a young woman, so I told them: if your god did exist, do you really think that he'd need you to go door to door for him? The girl burst out laughing to then quickly restrain herself, and I went back in the house and closed the door.

Yeah, those werent mormons.

And they were right to laugh. It's a stupid argument.

What's stupid about it? If their god is so great, why does it need people to go door to door?
What's stupid about it? If their god is so great, why does it need people to go door to door?

"To build ties to the community" is one of a thousand answers I can think of.

You have no grasp of logic. Your question is specious and "proves" nothing at all. Further, you're lying about the event, Mormons don't have coed missionaries.
Ummm, actually, . . . JoeB is one of the finest reverse adverts for Mormonism there ever has existed.

He is amazing. Folks must say, "What a wacka doodle, let me see for myself".

Careful, son, you might get called on a salaried expenses-paid mission for the LDS church
One needs to compare the the writing within the Bible to those of the book of Mormon. If there is confusion, and since God is not the author of confusion, and Jesus fully supported the Bible, then one must conclude that the book of Mormon is counterfeit.

I thought god created everything?

God created Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith seems to have fabricated the book of Mormon. Therefore the book of Mormon owes its existence to God's permissive will.
isn't lying a sin?

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