The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Oh you're so full o crap! You did not read the Bible! What a wretched lie! Or the Koran for that matter. The Book of Mormon is 100 times easier to read than the Bible and 1000 times less boring because it skips he begat him and they begat them in Numbers and Deuteronomy. If you read the Bible all the way through then I'm Mickey Frickin Mouse.

Wow that was my first post after being out for so long? Blasted School and homework and finally moving to Utah:doubt:

Oh please.

Believe whatever crap you like, but the Book of Mormon is the most poorly written pile I've ever seen.

I was raised by eine sehr religiös, deutsche Mutter, die Täufer is. I read the Bible by the time I was 10.

I read the Koran after the attack on our marines in Lebanon, I wanted to know what the whole thing was about.

Both are infinitely more readable than the Book of Mormon.

With the last statement you made, you proved my original point. You have not read the Book of Mormon because it's obviously easier to read.
despite having no tangible evidence of god's existence, why is it that believers seem to think that they gain some advantage when saying "you can't prove god exists".
evidence of nothing is still nothing...

My knowledge of God's existence has nothing to do with a pointless debate with you are other non-believers. My knowledge began with faith long ago when I wasn't sure but just wanted to believe. The spiritual means of discernment are very personal to me but are more real than the latests scientific discoveries.
Your basis for not believing is that you haven't seen hardcore proof yet. You want evidence from some scientist who could revise his claim with the very next discovery. Science is always updating.
Spiritual knowledge once gained the first time is permanent.

Atheists are not looking to some "new" human authority to be convinced of anything. If anything has become self evident it is that human beings lie to each other. I have no interest in someone else's claim that god exists or not. I have faith in my own ability to reason. If there is a god I would have already seen evidence of it. There would be no mystery to solve. There would be no need to be convinced by some snake oil salesman.
Yup, CatchandReleaseUncensored is a fraud because obviously he has not read the BOM. Obviously. I have read the BoM, the Quran, and the Bible. The BoM is the easiest of three to read.
Mormons are not Christians.

They are heretics.

They deny the doctrine of the Trinity, the foundation of Christianity, established by the First Church Council of Nicea.

The Church Fathers were towering intellects compared to that illiterate hick from up-state New York who wrote the Book of Mormon.
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Mormons are not Christians.

They are heretics.

They deny the doctrine of the Trinity, the foundation of Christianity, established by the First Church Council of Nicea.

The Church Fathers were towering intellects compared to that illiterate hick from up-state New York who wrote the Book of Mormon.

Dude, you're a Gaea worshiping, Pol Pot Communist. What the fuck authority do you have to say who is a "heretic?"
yeah, but we've already established that your depiction of reality is questionable.

Yeah... Ummm, hey, did they find those Nephite Ruins yet?

You know, if the NEphite Civilization existed, there ought to be evidence of it, right?

Sure did. Plenty of it. and plenty more to come. But you pholks call them "Maya" ruins.
that's the second biggest lie the Mormons have ever told..
. Argument #3: Archaeologists confirm the historical content of the B of Mormon

1. Statements by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society:
•"The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon in any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archaeologists see no connection between the archaeology of the New, World and the subject matter of the Book." Official Statement, 1979
•"Neither representatives of the National Geographic Society nor, to my knowledge, archeologists connected with any other institution or equal prestige have ever used the Book of Mormon in locating historic ruins in Middle America or elsewhere." Dr. Neal Judd
Historical inaccuracy of the Book of Mormon
There never has been any remote connection of any archaeological evidence to Book of Mormon stories. Not one. Ever.

George Q. Cannon, a senior LDS General Authority, made it very clear that the BoM was for spiritual and testimonial value, but never ever to be used for geographical or historical purposes.

The wisdom of his comments grows on the reader every year.
God's literary ability, unaccountably, has declined over time. The Old Testament has many sections of high artistic merit. The Greek of the New Testament is mediocre, with a few sections worthy of praise, but well below the standards of Homer, Pindar, and countless other masters of the language.

When He wrote the Book of Mormon, He had developed a tin ear and the style of an illiterate (an illiterate hick from up-state New York?).

"It is a curious thing that God learned Greek when He wished to become an author -- and that He did not learn it better."
---Friedrich Nietzsche
There never has been any remote connection of any archaeological evidence to Book of Mormon stories. Not one. Ever.

George Q. Cannon, a senior LDS General Authority, made it very clear that the BoM was for spiritual and testimonial value, but never ever to be used for geographical or historical purposes.

The wisdom of his comments grows on the reader every year.
I grew up Mormon, never bought in to the faux archeology or the faith.
to the chagrin and ire of the members of my ward.
About four seconds worth. They never actually saw the golden plates.

But . . . I am glad to see that you dropped in.

So you say... it's good to drop in once in a while.... I'm a busy man these days.

What keeps you so busy? It was fun to watch you and Avatar make the atheists grow up.

Four young kids (3 girls including 2 year old twins and my 8 year old son and all their activities), a sales job and a wife
despite having no tangible evidence of god's existence, why is it that believers seem to think that they gain some advantage when saying "you can't prove god exists".
evidence of nothing is still nothing...

My knowledge of God's existence has nothing to do with a pointless debate with you are other non-believers. My knowledge began with faith long ago when I wasn't sure but just wanted to believe. The spiritual means of discernment are very personal to me but are more real than the latests scientific discoveries.
Your basis for not believing is that you haven't seen hardcore proof yet. You want evidence from some scientist who could revise his claim with the very next discovery. Science is always updating.
Spiritual knowledge once gained the first time is permanent.

Atheists are not looking to some "new" human authority to be convinced of anything. If anything has become self evident it is that human beings lie to each other. I have no interest in someone else's claim that god exists or not. I have faith in my own ability to reason. If there is a god I would have already seen evidence of it. There would be no mystery to solve. There would be no need to be convinced by some snake oil salesman.

This is perhaps your most rational post ever. I can actually respect it. Now have you considered that evidence can be manifest in more forms than you allow?
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Mormons are not Christians.

They are heretics.

They deny the doctrine of the Trinity, the foundation of Christianity, established by the First Church Council of Nicea.

The Church Fathers were towering intellects compared to that illiterate hick from up-state New York who wrote the Book of Mormon.
This is rich: first off, I am not a Mormon. I am a Christian. Mormon the man, is rolling over in his grave every time he hears someone called a "Mormon" instead of a Christian simply because they believe in Christ's restored church. Mormon was killed for his belief in Jesus Christ and was one of the top 5 greatest Christians of all time, if there were to even be such a list. "Mormon" the label began as a slur. A disrespectful reference to the Book of Mormon, the title of which I guarantee Mormon regrets.

2nd: of course we reject a doctrine that was designed for the purpose of causing confusion about God, and was created as a result of A compromise of so-called "Christians" hand picked by the pagan emperor Constantine, who had previously ordered the death of many Christians. Do you really think that Constantine was inspired of God to choose a Bible-making team? Think about that for a minute... Let it really sink in.... Yes Constantine was the orchestrator of the Bible!!!! Do you think he might have put a few things in or excluded a few things he didn't like? Methinks that be the case.

And what in blazes does intellect have to do with revelation? If I recall correctly, Moses or the apostles personally chosen by Christ, were not the sharpest tools in the shed, yet god revealed his words to them... Why? Because the truth and the humility to receive it are all that matters when it comes to revelation. Cutting edge ideas and high IQ's matter little to God when he measures your real worth in his eternal plan
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Yeah... Ummm, hey, did they find those Nephite Ruins yet?

You know, if the NEphite Civilization existed, there ought to be evidence of it, right?

Sure did. Plenty of it. and plenty more to come. But you pholks call them "Maya" ruins.
that's the second biggest lie the Mormons have ever told..
. Argument #3: Archaeologists confirm the historical content of the B of Mormon

1. Statements by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society:
•"The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon in any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archaeologists see no connection between the archaeology of the New, World and the subject matter of the Book." Official Statement, 1979
•"Neither representatives of the National Geographic Society nor, to my knowledge, archeologists connected with any other institution or equal prestige have ever used the Book of Mormon in locating historic ruins in Middle America or elsewhere." Dr. Neal Judd
Historical inaccuracy of the Book of Mormon

Hah!!! The Smithsonian??? What a joke!!! Of course they must and absolutely must ignore the Book of Mormon! To consider it for a moment would shatter all their ideas about God not existing and their theories and convolutions about he origins of man on all continents, let alone the Western Hemisphere. Ignorance is bliss to that well funded quack society who refuses to consider all evidence.

Do you base your life on that good ol boys network?

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