The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Not counting the numerous visits to family and friends, I have lived there for 1 month at a time. All combined I have spent at least a year physically in the state, but I am not sure why it is so important for you to know.

I don't think you can definitively address the culture and/or existence of corruption in the state of Utah having never resided there for any length of time. Taking your relatives' word for it is sloppy.

I lived in Utah for 10 years. For five of those years, I worked for the major police agency in the state. You make the claim that the culture in Utah is immune to corruption, and if corruption exists, it is likely from outsiders. I disagree. Close to 90% of the population of Utah is Mormon. However, the state has the highest PER CAPITA rate of suicide and child sexual abuse in the U.S. For many years running, Utah has been in the top five states in the nation, overall (not per capita) in clandestine methamphetamine labs, in spite of its relatively small population size. It has an exceptionally high rate of methamphetamine abuse, as well as abuse of prescription drugs.

There is no state in the country with a more concentrated population of LDS faithful. And yet, the state has more serious problems with suicide, child sexual abuse, and drug abuse than most other states. If the LDS church is as efficacious as you suggest, certainly, this would not be the case.

You are here wanting to proselytize for your faith. Fine. But, I know just as much about it, and lived immersed in it for more than a decade. If you plan to gloss over the numerous serious problems with your faith, be on notice that I will not let you slide. I consider your faith extremely socially detrimental. It imposes an unachievable standard on people that is probably directly correlated to the high suicide rates. I spent day after day immersed with serious crime problems in the capital of your faith.

I know the dark underbelly of your beliefs in a way that you never will.
The church doesn't run the PD, Senate, Government offices, or the News companies.

Actually Orin Hatch and Hunstmans are mormon, I've met them both ! Additionally the Deseret Newspaper is mormon run, I know the Daughter whose father for many years ran KSL which was mormon influenced heavily. To say the Church has no influence whether for the good or bad in utah is just not true. I can accept your "ideal" that it shouldn't be that way or that if some folks in the political arena push the Church agenda and are being corrupt that is against what the church wants and so they will be dealt with accordingly in one of the kingdoms. But To say to people who have lived here 10 years, 20 years or all there life that it just doesnt happen, is either naive or untrue on your part. I worked for a mayor once (namewithheld) and was encouraged to go to a city council meeting and while there every member on that city council was mormon and in fact went to the same ward. One of the city residents addressed them at the mic as "The High Council" (freudian slip) and the whole room laughed except for the gentiles. So don't act like it doesnt happen in utah. I have lived here a long time and it does happen.
The church doesn't run the PD, Senate, Government offices, or the News companies

:falls down laughing her ass off:

Well, that's a naive perspective, poorly connected from reality. The Deseret News is indeed owned by the church, and KSL television is heavily influenced by the church. The vast majority of elected officials in Utah are LDS. I think the Senate at this point is probably about 90% active LDS. As far as the police departments are concerned, it varies. The influence of the church is indeed far-reaching.

And, when the first presidency makes a phone call to the governor's office, you better know that the governor says, "how high?" when told to jump.

As I thought, you have no clue about how life in Utah actually works.
There is a common belief that John Smith was a Freemason and stole much of the symbolism of Mormonism from the Freemasons.

I have a few questions that should either begin to dispel or maintain the myth.

1. Are there three degrees for entry to the Temple, with handshakes?
2. Are you raised into the Temple?
3. Are there passwords?
There is a common belief that John Smith was a Freemason and stole much of the symbolism of Mormonism from the Freemasons.

I have a few questions that should either begin to dispel or maintain the myth.

1. Are there three degrees for entry to the Temple, with handshakes?
2. Are you raised into the Temple?
3. Are there passwords?

I think the name you're looking for here is Joseph Smith. There is use of a handshake in the temple, along with certain gestures, and everyone who goes through receiving their ordinances in the temple also receives a temple name.
I think the name you're looking for here is Joseph Smith. There is use of a handshake in the temple, along with certain gestures, and everyone who goes through receiving their ordinances in the temple also receives a temple name.
Yeah, Joseph Smith. Give me a break, I'm not even a Christian, let alone a Mormon. You're lucky if I get that Jeebus guy right!

I think the name you're looking for here is Joseph Smith. There is use of a handshake in the temple, along with certain gestures, and everyone who goes through receiving their ordinances in the temple also receives a temple name.
That didn't help to dispel this belief at all. Bummer. Although you don't receive any special name when you become a Freemason.
That didn't help to dispel this belief at all. Bummer. Although you don't receive any special name when you become a Freemason.
Oh, I think they are very similar. I'm no freemason, but the similarities are striking. I suspect that huge portions of the LDS temple ceremony are stolen wholesale from freemasonry.
Oh, I think they are very similar. I'm no freemason, but the similarities are striking. I suspect that huge portions of the LDS temple ceremony are stolen wholesale from freemasonry.
It makes sense, using symbolism to help teach ideas is as old as man himself.
The problem is that the people who died in the holocaust were specifically targeted because of their religion. We didn't change our religion during the inquisition. We didn't change our religion during the crusades. We didn't change our religion during the holocaust.... and all the pogroms and swastikas couldn't make us afraid enough to do that.

I have no problem with people making choices about what they believe. But dead people aren't making a choice. Personally, I'd be really cranky if I thought I would be baptized. We don't like it much. I understand that it comes from a place where you want to do good... but that's like converting us against our will where even putting us into crematoriums couldn't make us do that.

BTW, I mean no offense to you by saying that. Just discussing the issue. And, like I said, I find mormonism interesting and don't have any issues with LDS (so long as they aren't the guys from the sect who are marrying 14 year olds).

Well the World Family Center Genealogy library is the biggest and best kept around the world the church has archived history of all the ancestors in the world for the purpose of baptising the dead. This is because they believe so much in saving people after death giving them one more chance. Even if the Jewish religion doesn't approve the church will continue and they don't really need your info they can get it from genealogy eventually.
Well the World Family Center Genealogy library is the biggest and best kept around the world the church has archived history of all the ancestors in the world for the purpose of baptising the dead. This is because they believe so much in saving people after death giving them one more chance. Even if the Jewish religion doesn't approve the church will continue and they don't really need your info they can get it from genealogy eventually.

They need to stop ... it's offensive to us. We don't view it sa them "saving" us. And we don't need to be "saved" by someone else's belief.

As I said, those people were targeted because they were jews. Trying to make them not jews and distort the geneology is wrong.
Well the World Family Center Genealogy library is the biggest and best kept around the world the church has archived history of all the ancestors in the world for the purpose of baptising the dead. This is because they believe so much in saving people after death giving them one more chance. Even if the Jewish religion doesn't approve the church will continue and they don't really need your info they can get it from genealogy eventually.
Are people allowed to access that genealogy if they simply have an interest?

It is doubtful I will ever be a Latter Day Saint as I have difficulty even thinking of God in the same manner as most Western religions do even though I was raised in a Pentecostal church. But I would love to be able to see if my family were in this book.

And BTW - Buddhists don't care if you baptize them after the body they currently inhabit dies.
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Are people allowed to access that genealogy if they simply have an interest?

It is doubtful I will ever be a Latter Day Saint as I have difficulty even thinking of God in the same manner as most Western religions do even though I was raised in a Pentecostal church. But I would love to be able to see if my family were in this book.

Absolutely, its 100% free, it is the best Genealogy center in the world, you can have access to immigrations records, ship passenger lists, birth & death certificates, census and voting records, the list goes on....They even have a new DNA Project (but that costs money) and you can swab your mouth and see who you family line is related to genetically.
Absolutely, its 100% free, it is the best Genealogy center in the world, you can have access to immigrations records, ship passenger lists, birth & death certificates, census and voting records, the list goes on....They even have a new DNA Project (but that costs money) and you can swab your mouth and see who you family line is related to genetically.
How much does it cost? My father was adopted, I would be fascinated to find out such things.
They need to stop ... it's offensive to us. We don't view it sa them "saving" us. And we don't need to be "saved" by someone else's belief.

As I said, those people were targeted because they were jews. Trying to make them not jews and distort the geneology is wrong.

I would think any non-Mormon would have been 'targeted' for baptism.
How much does it cost? My father was adopted, I would be fascinated to find out such things.

It's $100 bucks for each line mothers or fathers or you can do both at a discount, look up DNA Project they have a website.
You can only get the free access at the World family center in downtown salt lake city utah. But you can subscribe to an affiliate to the church, still its pretty expensive if your going for worldwide records. You can only get all access free in slc. The Church has volunteers at the center and they will help you research whatever your looking for. They have several floors of archives & records and people who speak every world language to help you.

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