The truth about Planned Parenthood; Democrats defend PP ferociously.


Talk about desperation!

After failing to get PP defunded the nutters are flailing away quoting a woman who has been dead for 45 years like anyone beyond their fellow nutters gives a shit.


Hitler has been dead for 60+ years. But you wouldn't support his Nazi party today, would you?

So you don't give a shit about funding an organization whose founding goal was to exterminate black people? Hmmm. Interesting, but at least we know where you stand.

I don't give a shit how you want frame PP, nutter.

You can call it the Negro Baby Killing Factory founded by Hitler² for all I care, my "stand" will be the same ... to laugh at you.

I'm not "framing" anything. I'm posting links to actual quotes by the founder of Planned Parenthood, and her desire to exterminate blacks, or in her own words "Southern Darkies".

Glad to see you are standing firm in your support of an organization that sought to exterminate "human weeds".
Hitler has been dead for 60+ years. But you wouldn't support his Nazi party today, would you?

So you don't give a shit about funding an organization whose founding goal was to exterminate black people? Hmmm. Interesting, but at least we know where you stand.

I don't give a shit how you want frame PP, nutter.

You can call it the Negro Baby Killing Factory founded by Hitler² for all I care, my "stand" will be the same ... to laugh at you.

I'm not "framing" anything. I'm posting links to actual quotes by the founder of Planned Parenthood, and her desire to exterminate blacks, or in her own words "Southern Darkies".

Glad to see you are standing firm in your support of an organization that sought to exterminate "human weeds".

I don't care if she was throwing Jews in the oven, dude.
I don't give a shit how you want frame PP, nutter.

You can call it the Negro Baby Killing Factory founded by Hitler² for all I care, my "stand" will be the same ... to laugh at you.

I'm not "framing" anything. I'm posting links to actual quotes by the founder of Planned Parenthood, and her desire to exterminate blacks, or in her own words "Southern Darkies".

Glad to see you are standing firm in your support of an organization that sought to exterminate "human weeds".

I don't care if she was throwing Jews in the oven, dude.

I know you don't. You are a typical left winger. No morals at all.
I'm not "framing" anything. I'm posting links to actual quotes by the founder of Planned Parenthood, and her desire to exterminate blacks, or in her own words "Southern Darkies".

Glad to see you are standing firm in your support of an organization that sought to exterminate "human weeds".

I don't care if she was throwing Jews in the oven, dude.

I know you don't. You are a typical left winger. No morals at all.

Naw, I'm just not feeble minded enough to swallow the turd you are serving up. You are trying to play on emotions by bringing up quotes of a woman who was dead for almost 10 before Roe v Wade like they are at all relevant today. You're a nutjob flinging poo.
i love, love love "small government conservatives" who want "small government" so long as it forces women to stay pregnant and interferes in the most personal aspects of people's lives.

but heaven forbid they have to wear a seatbelt. :cuckoo:

Never let a little thing like a conscience stop you from using martyrdom every time you feel your support is beginning to slip.

I noticed that the Dems in Washington start whipping out stories about kids that need constant care to stay alive, and any spending cuts of any kind will kill them outright.

But then when it comes to pulling the plug on some girl in FL who they figure is brain-dead, they take you to court to snuff her.

people who think grandma should have to fend for her own medical services have a lot of nerve talking about morality and conscience.

now THAT is immoral.

interestingly, i've never met anyone i thought better able to make my moral choices than myself.

i love rightwingers who talk about saving "babies" but want to cut WIC and head start and all of the programs that pay for them after they're born.

so spare me, hon.

and keep that "small government" out of women's bodies.

thanks for your cooperation.
Damn! We support the USA as well which was founded on the backs of slaves. What a mess!
Damn! We support the USA as well which was founded on the backs of slaves. What a mess!

Yes, but we banned slavery.

We still haven't banned the genocide of black children. In fact, Democrats fight to the death to keep funding for it.

And Article 15: You ignored my response. You say her being dead makes the founding principles irrelevant. Thats like saying it's OK to support current Nazi Party groups since Hitler died in the 40's. Right?

You liberals and your willingness to embrace evil is never anything less than shocking.
Damn! We support the USA as well which was founded on the backs of slaves. What a mess!

Yes, but we banned slavery.

We still haven't banned the genocide of black children. In fact, Democrats fight to the death to keep funding for it.

And Article 15: You ignored my response. You say her being dead makes the founding principles irrelevant. Thats like saying it's OK to support current Nazi Party groups since Hitler died in the 40's. Right?

You liberals and your willingness to embrace evil is never anything less than shocking.

No, your premise that PP and the Democrats are actively engaging in the genocide of black children because the ghost of Margaret Sanger is telling them to is absurd. Doubling down on stupid throwing a Godwin in there just makes you look even more ridiculous. You are either trolling real hard or a pure nutjob.

Abortions are legal. A woman can choose to have a doctor kill, murder, maim, genocidify *insert whatever graphic way describe it* the baby, fetus, God's creature, future finder of Atlantis *whatever the eff it is you wanna call it*. Deal.
Damn! We support the USA as well which was founded on the backs of slaves. What a mess!

Yes, but we banned slavery.

We still haven't banned the genocide of black children. In fact, Democrats fight to the death to keep funding for it.

And Article 15: You ignored my response. You say her being dead makes the founding principles irrelevant. Thats like saying it's OK to support current Nazi Party groups since Hitler died in the 40's. Right?

You liberals and your willingness to embrace evil is never anything less than shocking.

No, your premise that PP and the Democrats are actively engaging in the genocide of black children because the ghost of Margaret Sanger is telling them to is absurd. Doubling down on stupid throwing a Godwin in there just makes you look even more ridiculous. You are either trolling real hard or a pure nutjob.

Abortions are legal. A woman can choose to have a doctor kill, murder, maim, genocidify *insert whatever graphic way describe it* the baby, fetus, God's creature, future finder of Atlantis *whatever the eff it is you wanna call it*. Deal.

Well, look at the %'s of abortions that are black kids, in relation to their % of total population. It's a literal genocide. And PP was founded on the hope for that.

But, you've made your stance clear. You are ok with killing unborn kids. Deal. Stance taken.
And A15....the modern Nazi Party isn't killing Jews any more. Does that mean we should support them now? I mean Hitler is dead. And they stopped killing Jews. It's all good now, right? History matters dude.
Yes, but we banned slavery.

We still haven't banned the genocide of black children. In fact, Democrats fight to the death to keep funding for it.

And Article 15: You ignored my response. You say her being dead makes the founding principles irrelevant. Thats like saying it's OK to support current Nazi Party groups since Hitler died in the 40's. Right?

You liberals and your willingness to embrace evil is never anything less than shocking.

No, your premise that PP and the Democrats are actively engaging in the genocide of black children because the ghost of Margaret Sanger is telling them to is absurd. Doubling down on stupid throwing a Godwin in there just makes you look even more ridiculous. You are either trolling real hard or a pure nutjob.

Abortions are legal. A woman can choose to have a doctor kill, murder, maim, genocidify *insert whatever graphic way describe it* the baby, fetus, God's creature, future finder of Atlantis *whatever the eff it is you wanna call it*. Deal.

Well, look at the %'s of abortions that are black kids, in relation to their % of total population. It's a literal genocide. And PP was founded on the hope for that.

But, you've made your stance clear. You are ok with killing unborn kids. Deal. Stance taken.

Women willingly having their own babies aborted ≠ genocide. That is their choice.

Yes, I am fine with them killing their unborn kids. Book it. Put it down.
No, your premise that PP and the Democrats are actively engaging in the genocide of black children because the ghost of Margaret Sanger is telling them to is absurd. Doubling down on stupid throwing a Godwin in there just makes you look even more ridiculous. You are either trolling real hard or a pure nutjob.

Abortions are legal. A woman can choose to have a doctor kill, murder, maim, genocidify *insert whatever graphic way describe it* the baby, fetus, God's creature, future finder of Atlantis *whatever the eff it is you wanna call it*. Deal.

Well, look at the %'s of abortions that are black kids, in relation to their % of total population. It's a literal genocide. And PP was founded on the hope for that.

But, you've made your stance clear. You are ok with killing unborn kids. Deal. Stance taken.

Women willingly having their own babies aborted ≠ genocide. That is their choice.

Yes, I am fine with them killing their unborn kids. Book it. Put it down.

Kinda like how Germans willingly had Jews killed.

Sure, as long as the killers are willing to commit the act, it's ok. Gotcha, thats your view. And the view of most left wingers.

See, the only people who don't willingly participate in a genocide are the ones being killed.
Well, look at the %'s of abortions that are black kids, in relation to their % of total population. It's a literal genocide. And PP was founded on the hope for that.

But, you've made your stance clear. You are ok with killing unborn kids. Deal. Stance taken.

Women willingly having their own babies aborted ≠ genocide. That is their choice.

Yes, I am fine with them killing their unborn kids. Book it. Put it down.

Kinda like how Germans willingly had Jews killed.

Sure, as long as the killers are willing to commit the act, it's ok. Gotcha, thats your view. And the view of most left wingers.

See, the only people who don't willingly participate in a genocide are the ones being killed.

The Jews didn't wake up free people and on their own free will walk into a Nazi building and ask to be killed.

And with that I am done feeding you. Make your last word as trollicious as you can.
Women willingly having their own babies aborted ≠ genocide. That is their choice.

Yes, I am fine with them killing their unborn kids. Book it. Put it down.

Kinda like how Germans willingly had Jews killed.

Sure, as long as the killers are willing to commit the act, it's ok. Gotcha, thats your view. And the view of most left wingers.

See, the only people who don't willingly participate in a genocide are the ones being killed.

The Jews didn't wake up free people and on their own free will walk into a Nazi building and ask to be killed.

And with that I am done feeding you. Make your last word as trollicious as you can.

Um....right. Just like the unborn baby didn't wake up on it's own free will, go into the clinic, and drench itself in a chemical to burn to death. It was taken there, like the Jews, to be exterminated.

Glad you see the correlation now. Not glad you support it though.
Kinda like how Germans willingly had Jews killed.

Sure, as long as the killers are willing to commit the act, it's ok. Gotcha, thats your view. And the view of most left wingers.

See, the only people who don't willingly participate in a genocide are the ones being killed.

The Jews didn't wake up free people and on their own free will walk into a Nazi building and ask to be killed.

And with that I am done feeding you. Make your last word as trollicious as you can.

Um....right. Just like the unborn baby didn't wake up on it's own free will, go into the clinic, and drench itself in a chemical to burn to death. It was taken there, like the Jews, to be exterminated.

Glad you see the correlation now. Not glad you support it though.

Scratch that ... one more post cuz that was really trolly.

Yup poor baby. Has no say in what Mommy does. The baby doesn't wake up and make that move but nor do PP and the Democrats bust down doors and kidnap pregnant black women and perform forced abortions on them. The mother makes her own decision to go to your genocide factory to have her baby burned to death with chemicals or whatever the case may be. And it's her right to do so.
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The OP is the same guy who started another thread complaining about his taxes going to poor black women having too many babies.
This nation was founded by guys who thought blacks were chattel, inferior, and deserved nothing but a life of servitude to Whitey.

Therefore, we should stop funding it.
Cutting Medicaid,

which disproportionately benefits BLACK AMERICANS because they are disproportionately poor,

will make having babies less affordable for low income Americans and therefore discourage them from doing so.

Does the OP want to cut Medicaid as a way of lowering the black American birthrate??

Sounds genocidal to me.
When it comes to this issue of Planned Parenthood, I am a True Conservative.

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