The truth must come out.

You dodged the question, coward.

Many people use art in their protests.

Are you threatened by art?


If you're not threatened by art, why would you think that Pence would be? Is he such a coward? Are you such a brave hero?

And do they also beat police officers, break into the Capitol and chant “hang Mike Pence”?

Your being obviously obtuse.

Prove to us that Pence heard them and felt threatened.

Sometimes when you are dealing with the insensate, it's necessary to be obvious.

After seeing the way that the mainstream media and the Democrats have gone after Fox News and Tucker Carlson recently for revealing some of the truth they've been hiding about January 6th 2021, clearly this will be an an eye-opener for many Americans especially on the left.

Folks should have woke up back when they were setting the table for all of this stuff...

They didn't, of course.

And now you're up against the image they're portraying that America is under siege from within. It's a very powerful image. A very useful one. Now simply disagreeing with your government deems you an enemy combatant, according to the image being portrayed.

This, predictably, will continue to be the image portrayed in order for them to continue their blatant assault on your rights to free speech. Your rights to gun ownership. Among others...

And, unfortunately, the people will largely love them for it. Much as they did back when the little minion popped off the way he did in that old Senate floor recording.
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After seeing the way that the mainstream media and the Democrats have gone after Fox News and Tucker Carlson recently for revealing some of the truth they've been hiding about January 6th 2021, clearly this will be an an eye-opener for many Americans especially on the left.

I know because I am by and large on the left( or what used to be considered progressive , liberal antiwar etc -- apparently, now I'm just a Putin puppet , Trumpy and conspiracy theorist my favorite). But above all I'm a constitutionalist who believes in free speech and transparency especially in my government and in the media.

Everyone should check this out.
It's really an excellent discussion between old friends Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson.

You are a Putin puppet as well as a conspiracy theorist. Fox does not cover the news. The Dominion defamation suit shows that Fox passxed on election fraud information that they knew was false. Carlson is very popular in Moscow as he distributes Putin's propaganda.

Show us the film that shows Republican House members barricading the House chamber. You never will because it destroys Carlson's narrative. Talk to the 141 police officers who were injured about what happened. They would destroy the narrative. Rational Republicans are pushing back against Carlson's propaganda. You do not believe in free speech or transparency. If there was transparency then the film would have been released to everybody.

Your shit needs to be shoved down your throat. Carlson is a pig and if I was one of those officers who had been injured, I would shove my fist down Carlson's throat. He is a enemy of this country as are you.
The funny thing is many Americans like to believe they have freedom of speech. This is but one myth among many Americans believe.

Is anyone in power demanding the immediate release of the political prisoners from Jan 6?

We do have free speech unless you live in a red state. Republicans are attacking free speech rights.

There are no political prisoners. You people dare to declare that Democrats are soft on crime. You are soft on crime as you want to impose your values on us at the point of a gun.
You are a Putin puppet as well as a conspiracy theorist. Fox does not cover the news. The Dominion defamation suit shows that Fox passxed on election fraud information that they knew was false. Carlson is very popular in Moscow as he distributes Putin's propaganda.

Show us the film that shows Republican House members barricading the House chamber. You never will because it destroys Carlson's narrative. Talk to the 141 police officers who were injured about what happened. They would destroy the narrative. Rational Republicans are pushing back against Carlson's propaganda. You do not believe in free speech or transparency. If there was transparency then the film would have been released to everybody.

Your shit needs to be shoved down your throat. Carlson is a pig and if I was one of those officers who had been injured, I would shove my fist down Carlson's throat. He is a enemy of this country as are you.

This one is also looking like a bot.

Every time they pull out that phony "Putin puppet" bullshit, it gets obvious.

We do have free speech unless you live in a red state. Republicans are attacking free speech rights.

There are no political prisoners. You people dare to declare that Democrats are soft on crime. You are soft on crime as you want to impose your values on us at the point of a gun.

Sure glad you don't live here with us Glorious Red Staters.

Make sure you keep it that way.

Thought provoking post.

Good point about the defendants.
Some of these Republican billionaires and their attorneys need to step the fuck up. They can start with suing some of these networks and politicians and go from there.

There is absolutely nothing they can sue for. If they were to try, countersue their asses under the RICO statutes.
The truth has been out for a long time. Thinkers saw it and spoke it. Democrats and the wishfully driven have deceived and defrauded and denied. Its really not that much different this week with additional video clearly showing the facts and truth accompanied by additional liberal wailing and accusation that we see the video incorrectly and report on it inaccurately.

In other words you deny the truth. Carlson's shit is just that. The capitol police dispute it and rational Republicans know this. If you want to relitigate it, Republicans will lose in 2024.
Also what is fake are these endless lib loon rephrase attempts. “So what you are really saying… other words…so what you really mean…”
No we said what we mean. That’s what thinkers do. Your deflective emotional rephrases are identified and dismissed.
.Prove to us that Pence heard them and felt threatened.

Sometimes when you are dealing with the insensate, it's necessary to be obvious..
The rioters claimed they wanted their voices to be heard.

I’m just bringing light to what those voices were saying.
Well the narrative that congress ran in fear of their lives has been DEBUNKED!

No it has not. The footage of Republican House members barricading the House chamber is still there. Rational Republicans are pushing back against Carlson's garbage. The capitol police are pushing back against Carlson's garbage.
Folks should have woke up back when they were setting the table for all of this stuff...

They didn't, of course.

And now you're up against the image they're portraying that America is under siege from within. It's a very powerful image. A very useful one. Now simply disagreeing with your government deems you an enemy combatant, according to the image being portrayed.

This, predictably, will continue to be the image portrayed in order for them to continue their blatant assault on your rights to free speech. Your rights to gun ownership. Among others...

And, unfortunately, the people will largely love them for it. Much as they did back when the little minion popped off the way he did in that old Senate floor recording.

You need to wake up.
The rioters claimed they wanted their voices to be heard.

I’m just bringing light to what those voices were saying.

And I was just bringing to light what those vicious Hollyweird stanks were saying, and not a one of your leftist vermin asses has condemned them.

A little late for your whine-fest.


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