The Turtle Goes Over The Hill

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course
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Congress runs on a track. It is predictable and has a pace that is a bit slow. Trump is definitely being harassed by the media, but the internal White House turmoil is all Trump. Congress and the country need Trump to calm down and be the President. The maddening part is how so much of this was self inflicted.
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course

McConnel doesn't work for anyone except the Big Money funding his campaigns and lining his pockets...he is as corrupt as hell.

He is too old to run again so he isn't even hiding it ..

I hate him...
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course

Why are you surprised Tom? The Turtle got behind Trump because he'd keep the Scotus gop and sign the legislation he was given.
Congress runs on a track. It is predictable and has a pace that is a bit slow. Trump is definitely being harassed by the media, but the internal White House turmoil is all Trump. Congress and the country need Trump to calm down and be the President. The maddening part is how so much of this was self inflicted.

There's no reason the Senate needs to run slow and the only reason it does is so they can line up their stock deals with their favorite lobbyists. McConnel and his ilk are fat and happy with the way things are and are a bigger threat to making America great again than Schumer and the other commies.
Congress runs on a track. It is predictable and has a pace that is a bit slow. Trump is definitely being harassed by the media, but the internal White House turmoil is all Trump. Congress and the country need Trump to calm down and be the President. The maddening part is how so much of this was self inflicted.

There's no reason the Senate needs to run slow and the only reason it does is so they can line up their stock deals with their favorite lobbyists. McConnel and his ilk are fat and happy with the way things are and are a bigger threat to making America great again than Schumer and the other commies.

Possibly true, but the answer is a strong President with a consistent message, which is not Trump.
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course

Screw that scum-sucking, spineless, miserable little worm McConnell. I hate the asshole. The guy looks like he is in perpetual fear shitting himself. Can't even talk clearly. Worthless POS. Ivanka Trump would make a much better Senate leader!
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Why are you surprised Tom? The Turtle got behind Trump because he'd keep the Scotus gop and sign the legislation he was given.

I'm not surprised as much as I'm disgusted with how corrupt both parties are. Trump gave the asswipe's wife a Cabinet post and now I'm wondering if she's a spy. McConnel and Ryan are both little more than appeasers.
Screw that scum-sucking, spineless, miserable little worm McConnell. I hate the asshole. The guy looks like he is in perpetual fear shitting himself. Can't even talk clearly. Worthless POS. Ivanka Trump would make a much better House leader!

He's the Senate leader but I agree wholeheartedly.....can't imagine how the Turtle keeps getting re-elected....probably for the earmark pork he sends home.
You mean McConnell is making noises about leaving the Trump cult?

From now on, he better have bodyguards with him at all times. As the Trump cultists here demonstrate, the cultists put anyone who leaves the cult on their "WE HATES IT FOREVER!" list. If McConnell becomes an apostate, his life is in danger, due to the cultists.
Why are you surprised Tom? The Turtle got behind Trump because he'd keep the Scotus gop and sign the legislation he was given.

I'm not surprised as much as I'm disgusted with how corrupt both parties are. Trump gave the asswipe's wife a Cabinet post and now I'm wondering if she's a spy. McConnel and Ryan are both little more than appeasers.
Well, the question was why gop pols got behind Trump when Trump was not a conservative. I voted for the pot smoker. I'll wait. It's the dems to lose in 2020, and if the dems take the House in 16 we will have gridlock. I'd love to see Rubio run, but for that to happen Trump would have to "retire."
Well, the question was why gop pols got behind Trump when Trump was not a conservative. I voted for the pot smoker. I'll wait. It's the dems to lose in 2020, and if the dems take the House in 16 we will have gridlock. I'd love to see Rubio run, but for that to happen Trump would have to "retire."

I'm pretty sure Trump won't be interested in another 4 years of this bullshit....why would he? We kept Hillary out of power and got the USSC locked up for a few years.....if he can get NAFTA redone and open up China, I'll be satisfied.
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course

I have no love lost for the turtle, and I love your line " turtle on a fence post", but the reality here is that the orange clown has got himself in deep doodoo. There are ongoing investigations in the house, senate and FBI. The Dems are going to bleed this for all it's worth, and they will have the help of a complicit liberal media, it's not going away anytime soon. It is possible that at some point the republicans, who have reluctantly embraced the orange clown, will toss him to the wolves by outwardly calling for his resignation. He can't advance his agenda in this environment, the GOP is hemorrhaging political capital.
Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course

Screw that scum-sucking, spineless, miserable little worm McConnell. I hate the asshole. The guy looks like he is in perpetual fear shitting himself. Can't even talk clearly. Worthless POS. Ivanka Trump would make a much better House leader!

You have a typo, The turtle is the Senate leader.
Seems you like stepping in excrement.
You helped put that big fat pile of it that is in the whitehouse now.
But that is typical of un-informed voters.
You know, drain the swap and who does he have in his cabinet.
Go ahead....check it out!!


Screw the Rats and Mediacrats.....we can ignore their idiotic lies and attempted-scandals. What's more concerning is Mitch McConnel using the gorilla dust the left is throwing around to abandon Trump's mandate from the voters. Ol Mitch isn't even a RINO anymore....don't know what you'd call him and don't care. If Trump can't drag the turtle back in line, 2018 could put him back in the Minority Leader's seat when the Senate is lost. They say if you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, you can be pretty sure he didn't get there by himself: :nono:

McConnell Agenda
Even before the Comey memo was reported, McConnell laid out an agenda that explicitly rejected more and more of Trump’s major priorities. A tax overhaul, McConnell said, must be revenue-neutral. The president has said it would “OK” if a tax overhaul added to the deficit in the short run to stimulate the economy.


McConnell offered an unusually strong rebuff of a budget request coming from a president of his own party. Trump’s priorities “aren’t necessarily ours,” he said, adding the president’s plan to slash the State Department is “highly unlikely.” Trump is expected to unveil his detailed budget request on May 23.

McConnell also said he’s told the administration he wouldn’t support a big infrastructure stimulus package that adds to the deficit either. The forthcoming infrastructure plan must be a “credible, paid-for” proposal, he said. And he wouldn’t commit to fighting for Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“We’ll probably have arguments about what’s a wall and what’s security in the course of the discussion about the spending for next year,” he said.

Hill GOP Reels From Trump Chaos, Struggles to Chart Course
I have no love lost for the turtle, and I love your line " turtle on a fence post", but the reality here is that the orange clown has got himself in deep doodoo. There are ongoing investigations in the house, senate and FBI. The Dems are going to bleed this for all it's worth, and they will have the help of a complicit liberal media, it's not going away anytime soon. It is possible that at some point the republicans, who have reluctantly embraced the orange clown, will toss him to the wolves by outwardly calling for his resignation. He can't advance his agenda in this environment, the GOP is hemorrhaging political capital.

The President is no "clown"....he's used to dealing with people who's word means something. That said, he's been across the table from much tougher hombres than these fairies giving him a hard time. They got nothing on him, he's in no danger of being impeached. In fact, I hope he turns up the heat and starts calling out McConnell and Ryan since they won't help them anyway. If his legacy is having destroyed RINO pretenders, than so be it.
Seems you like stepping in excrement.
You helped put that big fat pile of it that is in the whitehouse now.
But that is typical of un-informed voters.
You know, drain the swap and who does he have in his cabinet.
Go ahead....check it out!!]

ESAD dirtbag.
I have no love lost for the turtle, and I love your line " turtle on a fence post", but the reality here is that the orange clown has got himself in deep doodoo. There are ongoing investigations in the house, senate and FBI. The Dems are going to bleed this for all it's worth, and they will have the help of a complicit liberal media, it's not going away anytime soon. It is possible that at some point the republicans, who have reluctantly embraced the orange clown, will toss him to the wolves by outwardly calling for his resignation. He can't advance his agenda in this environment, the GOP is hemorrhaging political capital.

The President is no "clown"....he's used to dealing with people who's word means something. That said, he's been across the table from much tougher hombres than these fairies giving him a hard time. They got nothing on him, he's in no danger of being impeached. In fact, I hope he turns up the heat and starts calling out McConnell and Ryan since they won't help them anyway. If his legacy is having destroyed RINO pretenders, than so be it.

A scorched earth policy will doom his presidency. If he calls out house and senate leaders he will lose any valuable allies he has. They will call for his resignation and nothing will be done except for ushering in democratic control.

BTW - they are conducting investigations to determine if there evidence of interfering with an FBI investigation.

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