The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Political overcompensation is the new Great American Pastime.

A few years ago, some of us were warning the Left: You're going too far with Political Correctness and Identity Politics. You're going too far screaming RACIST at every last fucking thing that moves. You're going too far lowering standards and expectations for people based solely on their skin color. You're going too far in normalizing sexual disorders such as gender dysphoria. You're going too far in putting your agenda in schools. You're going too far in disallowing conservative voices on college campuses. And most of all, you're going too far in attacking, intimidating and penalizing people in everyday life for saying things you don't like.

There's going to be pushback, we said. You're overcompensating, we said. This stuff is not right, we said. I only said that a few thousand times here, to be met with attacks from the Left. (By the way, a zillion examples of that available upon request via the search function)

So now we see the pushback, with this Neanderthal, middle school bully-approach to the culture from the Right. This is the pushback we warned about -- although, admittedly, even worse than I imagined. And this sucker has legs, just like your weaponized PC and Identity Politics did. They're making laws and attacking and intimidating. Gee, what a coincidence. What Deja Vu we're seeing, huh? Go figure!

And most amazing of all, this pushback included the election of a petulant child, an obvious con man, an orange buffoon, in 2016, and all the fucking unbelievable madness that has followed.

No doubt there will be pushback to this, too. Back and forth. Back and forth. More and more damage.

Ideological politics poisons everything it touches. Now it's putting this country at risk of falling apart. Great job, gang. You're BOTH so much like those you hate, and you just won't stop.

Blow it out your ass the right has never changed. You leftards have went to fat left you make the center look right
So you want $1T more FED Taxes each year? $2T? All paid by whom? Paid by More than Billion dollar revenue companies like APPL, Amazon?

Or 90% tax rates on income over? $1million? Tax the home value of only the $10million dollar homes at 50%? Home like the Politicians have? Pro athletes? Hollywood actors?

What satisfies the tax the rich crowd?
I would say raise the top tax rate back up to 50% Like it was when Reagan brought it down and had success, before he cut it to 28 percent going out the door and gave us this giveaway to the rich mess. but it doesn't matter, don't go off in the weeds on us again lol.
I dont know to laugh or cry at this....

gawd yes

One way to look at patriotism is that it's a restricted application of the way we ought to feel towards the whole human race. But of course, in pratice, that's more than most of us are capable of. We can't jump over our own heads.

We can wish all of humanity well, abstractly, contribute a few dollars to Doctors Without Borders when they go in to patch up the survivors of yet another African inter-tribal slaughter ... but since there is no world state to protect us, and there IS a national state to do so ... most of us don't get beyond love for that part of humanity encompassed within that national state.

The thing about AntiFa and the other flagburners is that they obviously 'love' no one but themselves. They actually have class-based contempt for the American working class. The don't love 'the country' (ie its people) and hate the government. They hate both.

Really, they are a million miles from the Old Left.
One way to look at patriotism is that it's a restricted application of the way we ought to feel towards the whole human race. But of course, in pratice, that's more than most of us are capable of. We can't jump over our own heads.

We can wish all of humanity well, abstractly, contribute a few dollars to Doctors Without Borders when they go in to patch up the survivors of yet another African inter-tribal slaughter ... but since there is no world state to protect us, and there IS a national state to do so ... most of us don't get beyond love for that part of humanity encompassed within that national state.

The thing about AntiFa and the other flagburners is that they obviously 'love' no one but themselves. They actually have class-based contempt for the American working class. The don't love 'the country' (ie its people) and hate the government. They hate both.

Really, they are a million miles from the Old Left.
Actually, They hate Nazis and fascists and go after them when they rally. the crazy kids in Portland and Seattle basically . everything you know is garbage....
One way to look at patriotism is that it's a restricted application of the way we ought to feel towards the whole human race. But of course, in pratice, that's more than most of us are capable of. We can't jump over our own heads.

We can wish all of humanity well, abstractly, contribute a few dollars to Doctors Without Borders when they go in to patch up the survivors of yet another African inter-tribal slaughter ... but since there is no world state to protect us, and there IS a national state to do so ... most of us don't get beyond love for that part of humanity encompassed within that national state.

The thing about AntiFa and the other flagburners is that they obviously 'love' no one but themselves. They actually have class-based contempt for the American working class. The don't love 'the country' (ie its people) and hate the government. They hate both.

Really, they are a million miles from the Old Left.
And you can bet there's some neocolonialist swine paying for their arms in Africa...
I would say raise the top tax rate back up to 50% Like it was when Reagan brought it down and had success, before he cut it to 28 percent going out the door and gave us this giveaway to the rich mess. but it doesn't matter, don't go off in the weeds on us again lol.

So, top FED income Tax rate to 50% from ~38%? Do you know how much that would increase GOVT revenue each year?

$29B? $1.8T. I bet some board gurus have a figure in mind.

My research shows GOVT revenue can only generate about 20% * GDP. Money moves. Even at 91% way back, 20%*GDP came in. The rich took off or the GDP dropped?
I would say raise the top tax rate back up to 50% Like it was when Reagan brought it down and had success, before he cut it to 28 percent going out the door and gave us this giveaway to the rich mess. but it doesn't matter, don't go off in the weeds on us again lol.
Franco: you destroy your own arguments by enmeshing them in hateful statements about the people who are reading what you write.

And here' the thing: we -- both the whole 'political class' of people interested in politics -- and 'we' the Right -- need to have a serious discussion about domestic policy: how to ensure good jobs, a healthy economy, a robust infrastructure, etc. And about how to pay for these things.

A lot of people on the Right just lazily adopt Randianism or Libertarianism: the pure free market, full stop. But in practice, almost no one on the Right believes in this. They don't want ot abolish Social Security or Medicare or Workmen's Comp. They want socialized highways and National Parks. They don't want to replace the US Marine Corpe with a private security company.

The question is, what aspects of government social welfare programs, government construction, etc. are good, and what aren't.

There is a good conservative thinker, Francis Buckley, who has been writing some excellent books about this. Here are a couple of them, URLs slightly modified but easily fixed for anyone who wants to go to Amazon and get a copy:

The Republican Workers Party: How the Trump Victory Drove Everyone Crazy, and Why It Was Just What We Needed Hardcover – September 4, 2018
by F.H. Buckley

Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America's Natural Governing Party

Conservatives ought to look at the last one especially.

And Franco and other Leftists here ought to just present their arguments, their specific policy proposals, and see what we on the Right think of them. We on our part should respond to their ideas, tearing them up if they deserve it, but leaving personal insults out of it.

Just trading insults is a waste of time. What's the point?
And you can bet there's some neocolonialist swine paying for their arms in Africa...
No, the neocolonialist swine don't do charity. They SELL the arms to the Africans, who buy them willingly. Don't be a white racist and deprive Africans of agency.
you mean the Republicans who believe in election fraud and all kinds of conspiracies and pedophilia without any evidence whatsoever? They are brand new brainwashed kind of people...
The election is a fraud
Now if you want to talk conspiracy Trump Russian collusion is all you have pushed
I can think of only two ways: You mount a massive public campaign with all kinds of big names to fucking shame politicians into it, or you take the time to vote the right people in.

I can think of a couple more ways. They're not necessarily legal or pretty though. Are you interested in legal and pretty? :p

A Convention of States is an option. There's one underway already.

Your option (b) of taking the time, probably isn't going to work. We don't have time. The fuckwits will destroy us faster than we can fix anything.

So that kinda leaves option (a).

Term limits are probably tougher than anything else. This sure as hell isn't going to happen soon, but if we do don't try, we're just giving up. And I'm not interested in giving up.

"Trying" doesn't cut it.

Trump "tried" to drain the swamp, and look what happened.

A large part of the problem is that fedgov has backed itself into a corner, it no longer has much of a choice in terms of the institutional behavior it displays. All such behemoths become like the church, infallible and doctrinaire.

In terms of public support, you'll never get any support for term limits or financial restrictions, the partisans are already far too brainwashed. And furthermore, you'd have to play a ground game in each of the 50 states, it would take enormous financial backing, Elon Musk might have it but I can't think of anyone else.

But you're right on one point: a Constitutional amendment is an instruction to the Justices on how they MUST rule. That's how we get the Supreme Morons to vacate idiotic decisions like Citizens United.
Franco: you destroy your own arguments by enmeshing them in hateful statements about the people who are reading what you write.

And here' the thing: we -- both the whole 'political class' of people interested in politics -- and 'we' the Right -- need to have a serious discussion about domestic policy: how to ensure good jobs, a healthy economy, a robust infrastructure, etc. And about how to pay for these things.

A lot of people on the Right just lazily adopt Randianism or Libertarianism: the pure free market, full stop. But in practice, almost no one on the Right believes in this. They don't want ot abolish Social Security or Medicare or Workmen's Comp. They want socialized highways and National Parks. They don't want to replace the US Marine Corpe with a private security company.

The question is, what aspects of government social welfare programs, government construction, etc. are good, and what aren't.

There is a good conservative thinker, Francis Buckley, who has been writing some excellent books about this. Here are a couple of them, URLs slightly modified but easily fixed for anyone who wants to go to Amazon and get a copy:

The Republican Workers Party: How the Trump Victory Drove Everyone Crazy, and Why It Was Just What We Needed Hardcover – September 4, 2018
by F.H. Buckley

Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America's Natural Governing Party

Conservatives ought to look at the last one especially.

And Franco and other Leftists here ought to just present their arguments, their specific policy proposals, and see what we on the Right think of them. We on our part should respond to their ideas, tearing them up if they deserve it, but leaving personal insults out of it.

Just trading insults is a waste of time. What's the point?
My insults are not personal, they are all about the garbage propaganda Republicans believe. End of story. here in Wyoming County it is 72% trump and I love them all. Absolutely fantastic people except for their incredibly misinformed politics. What do Democrats want? a living wage health care for all Great infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training paid parental leave day care help, ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. And no more corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts and stupid wars caused by GOP incompetence. The GOP, the new BS GOP, is a disgrace and a catastrophe for the country.
My insults are not personal, they are all about the garbage propaganda Republicans believe. End of story. here in Wyoming County it is 72% trump and I love them all. Absolutely fantastic people except for their incredibly misinformed politics. What do Democrats want? a living wage health care for all Great infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training paid parental leave day care help, ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. And no more corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts and stupid wars caused by GOP incompetence. The GOP, the new BS GOP, is a disgrace and a catastrophe for the country.

I take it Math was not your best or favorite class during school years?
I can think of a couple more ways. They're not necessarily legal or pretty though. Are you interested in legal and pretty? :p

A Convention of States is an option. There's one underway already.

Your option (b) of taking the time, probably isn't going to work. We don't have time. The fuckwits will destroy us faster than we can fix anything.

So that kinda leaves option (a).

"Trying" doesn't cut it.

Trump "tried" to drain the swamp, and look what happened.

A large part of the problem is that fedgov has backed itself into a corner, it no longer has much of a choice in terms of the institutional behavior it displays. All such behemoths become like the church, infallible and doctrinaire.

In terms of public support, you'll never get any support for term limits or financial restrictions, the partisans are already far too brainwashed. And furthermore, you'd have to play a ground game in each of the 50 states, it would take enormous financial backing, Elon Musk might have it but I can't think of anyone else.

But you're right on one point: a Constitutional amendment is an instruction to the Justices on how they MUST rule. That's how we get the Supreme Morons to vacate idiotic decisions like Citizens United.
trump is a swamp LOL. everyone in the world outside the GOP base believes they are out of their minds and totally brainwashed... change the channel and try reality
Actually, They hate Nazis and fascists and go after them when they rally. the crazy kids in Portland and Seattle basically . everything you know is garbage....
Nah. There are very few real fascists and Nazis in America. What they go after is any and all conservatives, Republicans, patriots.

Aaron Danielson, murdered in cold blood by an AntiFa supporter, to the laughter and cheers of others, was not a racist or fascist. If he had been, I promise you it would have been all over the newspapers.

But .. in the AntiFa world, any patriot, any conservative, any Republican ... is a 'fascist'.
Just as some people on the Right have robbed the word 'communist' of all meaning by calling any Leftist a 'commie', so have the AntiFa people turned 'fascist' into a meaningless word.

But they have done us this service: patriots now know that the most active, the most committed, the most well-known contingent of the Left -- AntiFa -- wants to kill us, literally. And there are leftist professors who will then write about how such murders are justified. And then other leftists will squirm, feel uncomfortable about it, but in the end ... do nothing.

So: we must draw the logical conclusions. Remember that the Left is going to hollow out the police -- either by defunding them or turning them into a Social Justice Laboratory, as they are doing with the military.

So we must prepare to defend ourselves. That means getting that 5.56 mm Cordless Drill with matching supplies to keep it fed. And above all, organizing with others, as the good people at the are doing. Peaceful, legal, orderly ... kicking out the crazies and infiltrators and provocateurs.

Building an organization, training, preparing ... getting community support, like the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia are doing with their Habitat for Humanity work. [ Community – TSM Houston Militia ]

And if, some day, our friends in AntiFa want to try it on .... [click on the image below to view]


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