The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

I take it Math was not your best or favorite class during school years?
Actually, I really pissed off my math teachers at Hotchkiss. I never did any homework and did all the studying the last night. They said I had to get the highest grade in the class to pass and all three years I took math, I did.
Nah. There are very few real fascists and Nazis in America. What they go after is any and all conservatives, Republicans, patriots.

Aaron Danielson, murdered in cold blood by an AntiFa supporter, to the laughter and cheers of others, was not a racist or fascist. If he had been, I promise you it would have been all over the newspapers.

But .. in the AntiFa world, any patriot, any conservative, any Republican ... is a 'fascist'.
Just as some people on the Right have robbed the word 'communist' of all meaning by calling any Leftist a 'commie', so have the AntiFa people turned 'fascist' into a meaningless word.

But they have done us this service: patriots now know that the most active, the most committed, the most well-known contingent of the Left -- AntiFa -- wants to kill us, literally. And there are leftist professors who will then write about how such murders are justified. And then other leftists will squirm, feel uncomfortable about it, but in the end ... do nothing.

So: we must draw the logical conclusions. Remember that the Left is going to hollow out the police -- either by defunding them or turning them into a Social Justice Laboratory, as they are doing with the military.

So we must prepare to defend ourselves. That means getting that 5.56 mm Cordless Drill with matching supplies to keep it fed. And above all, organizing with others, as the good people at the are doing. Peaceful, legal, orderly ... kicking out the crazies and infiltrators and provocateurs.

Building an organization, training, preparing ... getting community support, like the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia are doing with their Habitat for Humanity work. [ Community – TSM Houston Militia ]

And if, some day, our friends in AntiFa want to try it on .... [click on the image below to view]
yes yes, they're everywhere. actually they're about 0.01% of the left and mainly on the West Coast and they very seldom show themselves except when the Nazis get together for Charlottesville or something like it. bless their little hearts, they're not too smart, but they're are no big deal either like you idiots believe now. oops brain washed functional idiots,,, and they are NOT Democrats. Women and gays and trans fight just as well as heterosexuals. unbelievable. The ones who want to join the army anyway OK wake up and smell the coffee....
Did you read about 20% * GDP posted above? Posted directly to you? I try to show you facts and you gi "hater dupes" or Reagan hate.
I don't know where the heck that is and I don't know what you mean at all... what post is that?
I don't know where the heck that is and I don't know what you mean at all... what post is that?

Say GDP is $20T. No matter where they put the top tax rate they can only collect ~$4T max. If you get too greedy people stop working? Jobs dry up?

I have posted a 100 yr. Chart from the FED showing that data.

Why? How? I dont know. Even when tax rate was 91%.....only 20% of GDP could be pulled in. Why? I guess the GDP drops? The rich leave?

Thats all i was trying to show you. To say raise the top rate? It seems to do no good.

Im on small phone, not reposting. Battery running down.
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My insults are not personal, they are all about the garbage propaganda Republicans believe. End of story. here in Wyoming County it is 72% trump and I love them all. Absolutely fantastic people except for their incredibly misinformed politics. What do Democrats want? a living wage health care for all Great infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training paid parental leave day care help, ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. And no more corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts and stupid wars caused by GOP incompetence. The GOP, the new BS GOP, is a disgrace and a catastrophe for the country.
Jeez, guy, probably over half the Republcan Party base would agree with you.
Let's leave aside the 'Good Guy Democrats' and 'Evil Republicans' for a moment.
I'll take three of your points:

(1) Education. We're not happy with the state school system, especially in the inner cities.
Please have a look at some of these videos here and tell me what you think of this school (in England) which gets really stellar results for its mainly non-white pupils.

The Left hate this school. But I think we should try to reproduce it everywhere:

And/or read about it here: Michaela Community School - Wikipedia

As for Day Care. Yes, in theory, high quality, free-at-the-point-of-use Day Care would be a good thing, especially if we could combine it with getting young mothers out of the horrible inner city ghetto crime environment.

It would also help encourage women to have children, something we desperately need. They could continue their career instead of interrupting it for five years or more to take care of the children. So, in principle, this rightwinger agrees with you -- after all, we've had free public education for two centuries, and this is just an extension.

But the devil is in the details. It deserves its own thread, where we could discuss how this might work in detail, and how it's worked out in other countries: one problem: if you require Day Care Center workers to have a Master's Degree, it's going to be too expensive. England is having this problem now.

College is more tricky. It's become a status symbol. Go to college and get a degree in engineering, medicine, law ... science, mathematics.. great. In 'Grievance Studies' or 'Feminist Anthropology', not so much.. But again, this deserves a thread of its own.

(2) Illegal immigration solved with an ID card. Sounds good to me. Again, the devil is in the details. Before Trump, the Republican Donor Class wanted illegal immigration, and free trade: ship those refrigerator-assembling plants to China or Mexico, bring in illegals to pick the fruit and gut the chickens. They wouldn't join a union or complain.

But Trump up-ended all that. Again, we ought to have a separate thread on illegal immigration, and how to deal with it. My side thinks your side is all for it, because of vote harvesting.

(3) Stupid Overseas Wars. Republicans and Democrats were all for these, 20 years ago.

My side -- the base, the people whose children actually have to go fight in them, unlke the neocons whose children go to Harvard -- has done a 180 degree turn on this. As Ben Franklin said, "Experience keeps a dear school, but a conservative will learn in no other." Or something like that.

But .... have you noticed how many liberals/leftists are now cheering on the war in Ukraine? Along with many of the Republican tops. But the base ... well, there are now millions of Republicans down there who are at a minimum very uneasy about this war, and a few more million who outright oppose it. We need to talk.

So .. .I reckon we ought to be able to have an interesting discussion/argument on these issues, in separate threads. With everyone on Good Behavior not to act like they're in kindergarten. (And, always, we have to be clear about how we're going to pay for it.)

Not because, "oh, we're all Americans, let's kiss and make up." But because if we agree on something, we ought to be able to work together to get it. We co operated with Stalin to beat Hitler, so working with each other ought to be a doddle.

Now .. who's going start those threads? I'm off to bed so I hope someone else will, but if not, I'll do it tomorrow.
yes yes, they're everywhere. actually they're about 0.01% of the left and mainly on the West Coast and they very seldom show themselves except when the Nazis get together for Charlottesville or something like it. bless their little hearts, they're not too smart, but they're are no big deal either like you idiots believe now. oops brain washed functional idiots,,, and they are NOT Democrats. Women and gays and trans fight just as well as heterosexuals. unbelievable. The ones who want to join the army anyway OK wake up and smell the coffee....
Okay, we'll have to argue about AntiFa and their significance. I agree that the whole Left is not AntiFa, and the Smart Left understand that they're a liability.

Note also: the general proposition, that conservatives should not be allowed to have rallies, marches, meetings ... is very widespread on the Left, especially among the young. AntiFa is just the tip of the iceberg on this.

For example, a few months ago, at Cornell University, Ann Coulter got shouted down by their equivalent of the Red Guards.

This was not some atypical isolated incident.

Please read this, and tell me what you think:
And when the majority decides otherwise?

You seem to have the attitude that anything government does is fine, as long as it reflects the will of the majority. That's not the kind of government I want to live under, and I'll fight to prevent it.

It's also just not sustainable. Eventually the minority gets sick of being bullied and won't play along any more.

Do they, though? I mean, yes, they'll break the stupider laws like the drug laws or prostitution laws, that frankly, the government really has no business enforcing, but most people obey them.

Sorry, man, the will of the majority. That's democracy. It's kind of awesome. Give the people what they want.

Let's take a good example of where that did go wrong. Prohibition.

A majority vote for prohibition, largely under false pretenses, and it proved unworkable, which is why it was revoked 15 years later.

In short, the process worked. People saw a problem, passed an ineffective solution, found it didn't work and repealed it.
Further adventures of Fake Hippy Doug.

(1) Education. We're not happy with the state school system, especially in the inner cities.
Please have a look at some of these videos here and tell me what you think of this school (in England) which gets really stellar results for its mainly non-white pupils.

The Left hate this school. But I think we should try to reproduce it everywhere:

Again, it's easy to be a success if you can cherry pick your students. of course, if you want to reproduce results from the UK, maybe we should try some other things they do, but I don't think your side would be down for that. You know like universal health care and sensible gun laws.

It would also help encourage women to have children, something we desperately need. They could continue their career instead of interrupting it for five years or more to take care of the children. So, in principle, this rightwinger agrees with you -- after all, we've had free public education for two centuries, and this is just an extension.

Why should we encourage women to have children? The planet is already over populated and running out of resources.

(2) Illegal immigration solved with an ID card. Sounds good to me. Again, the devil is in the details. Before Trump, the Republican Donor Class wanted illegal immigration, and free trade: ship those refrigerator-assembling plants to China or Mexico, bring in illegals to pick the fruit and gut the chickens. They wouldn't join a union or complain.

But Trump up-ended all that. Again, we ought to have a separate thread on illegal immigration, and how to deal with it. My side thinks your side is all for it, because of vote harvesting.

Then your side are a bunch of idiots, but we knew that.

(3) Stupid Overseas Wars. Republicans and Democrats were all for these, 20 years ago.

My side -- the base, the people whose children actually have to go fight in them, unlke the neocons whose children go to Harvard -- has done a 180 degree turn on this. As Ben Franklin said, "Experience keeps a dear school, but a conservative will learn in no other." Or something like that.
Uh, 20 years ago we were attacked by an enemy who murdered 3000 Americans. It was in all the papers, Fake Hippy Doug.

the reality is the country will tire of a war if it goes on too long. We saw this in Afghanistan, we saw this in Vietnam, we even saw it in World War II, where Americans were tired of the war by 1945, and we were willing to accept Japanese less than conditional surrender after devastating their country.

But .... have you noticed how many liberals/leftists are now cheering on the war in Ukraine? Along with many of the Republican tops. But the base ... well, there are now millions of Republicans down there who are at a minimum very uneasy about this war, and a few more million who outright oppose it. We need to talk.

Not really. The "Republicans" who are against this war are the hard core MAGAts who realize Trump was Putin's tool, and this war makes them look bad for Trump appeasing Putin in a way that would make Chamberlain look good by comparison.

The basic principle of international relations since 1945 is that everyone has to respect everyone else's sovereignty. We aren't cheering the war, we are cheering the courage of the Ukrainian people to not be dominated by a racist empire that would treat them as second class citizens.
Each of their badnesses is of a different kind. When the mainstreamn media push a conspiracy theory -- say, that Donald Trump was a Russian asset, or that only rightwing loons would say that the Coronavirus was an escape from a Chinese biowarfare lab -- they do it in a much more sophisticated way than the Epoch Times.

Uh, Trump was a Russian Asset. That's why he had to pardon all his lackeys who got convicted.
Only loons think that Covid escaped from a lab. But no matter how many times you prove it was a weather balloon, the loons will still insist it was a flying saucer.

As for Falun Gong, I like it that they cause a lot of trouble for the Chinese Communist dicatorship. (The New York Times calls this having "an anti-China slant" !!!!).

My fiancé is from China. She is hardly a communist (in fact, her father was blacklisted during the Cultural Revolution). But the Fulan Gong is a real problem over there because their beliefs are batshit crazy.

It's probably the case that in a repressive situation, it may take a religious-based movement to really challenge the existing order, just as it did in England with Cromwell's Puritans and in the American South 70 years ago. Their moral teachings are generally good, although they are intolerant of homosexuality -- about like mainstream American Christianity a few decades ago. So good luck to them!

You think Homophobia is a good thing.
They are also against interracial marriage. Given my situation that won't fly.

But then you have to wonder why they are spending so much money on the Epoch Times? Because they are trying to create friction between the US and China when China is not our enemy, really.

Yep. I was an internationalist Marxist and did not support the American side in the Vietnam War. I did six months in military prison because of this.
Sure you were, buddy. Sure you were. Run, Forest, run.
Okay, we'll have to argue about AntiFa and their significance. I agree that the whole Left is not AntiFa, and the Smart Left understand that they're a liability.

Note also: the general proposition, that conservatives should not be allowed to have rallies, marches, meetings ... is very widespread on the Left, especially among the young. AntiFa is just the tip of the iceberg on this.

For example, a few months ago, at Cornell University, Ann Coulter got shouted down by their equivalent of the Red Guards.

This was not some atypical isolated incident.

Please read this, and tell me what you think:
Ann Colder is a terrible hypocrite and liar. LOL. Too bad corporate MSM does terrible defense against right wing lies and BS. At any rate shouting down is a lot less than violence... that is the only spike in violence since Trump started running in 2015, Right wing violence against blacks gays Muslims Asians Jews. And whenever Trump has a rally it more than doubles in the area.
Jeez, guy, probably over half the Republcan Party base would agree with you.
Let's leave aside the 'Good Guy Democrats' and 'Evil Republicans' for a moment.
I'll take three of your points:

(1) Education. We're not happy with the state school system, especially in the inner cities.
Please have a look at some of these videos here and tell me what you think of this school (in England) which gets really stellar results for its mainly non-white pupils.

The Left hate this school. But I think we should try to reproduce it everywhere:

And/or read about it here: Michaela Community School - Wikipedia

As for Day Care. Yes, in theory, high quality, free-at-the-point-of-use Day Care would be a good thing, especially if we could combine it with getting young mothers out of the horrible inner city ghetto crime environment.

It would also help encourage women to have children, something we desperately need. They could continue their career instead of interrupting it for five years or more to take care of the children. So, in principle, this rightwinger agrees with you -- after all, we've had free public education for two centuries, and this is just an extension.

But the devil is in the details. It deserves its own thread, where we could discuss how this might work in detail, and how it's worked out in other countries: one problem: if you require Day Care Center workers to have a Master's Degree, it's going to be too expensive. England is having this problem now.

College is more tricky. It's become a status symbol. Go to college and get a degree in engineering, medicine, law ... science, mathematics.. great. In 'Grievance Studies' or 'Feminist Anthropology', not so much.. But again, this deserves a thread of its own.

(2) Illegal immigration solved with an ID card. Sounds good to me. Again, the devil is in the details. Before Trump, the Republican Donor Class wanted illegal immigration, and free trade: ship those refrigerator-assembling plants to China or Mexico, bring in illegals to pick the fruit and gut the chickens. They wouldn't join a union or complain.

But Trump up-ended all that. Again, we ought to have a separate thread on illegal immigration, and how to deal with it. My side thinks your side is all for it, because of vote harvesting.

(3) Stupid Overseas Wars. Republicans and Democrats were all for these, 20 years ago.

My side -- the base, the people whose children actually have to go fight in them, unlke the neocons whose children go to Harvard -- has done a 180 degree turn on this. As Ben Franklin said, "Experience keeps a dear school, but a conservative will learn in no other." Or something like that.

But .... have you noticed how many liberals/leftists are now cheering on the war in Ukraine? Along with many of the Republican tops. But the base ... well, there are now millions of Republicans down there who are at a minimum very uneasy about this war, and a few more million who outright oppose it. We need to talk.

So .. .I reckon we ought to be able to have an interesting discussion/argument on these issues, in separate threads. With everyone on Good Behavior not to act like they're in kindergarten. (And, always, we have to be clear about how we're going to pay for it.)

Not because, "oh, we're all Americans, let's kiss and make up." But because if we agree on something, we ought to be able to work together to get it. We co operated with Stalin to beat Hitler, so working with each other ought to be a doddle.

Now .. who's going start those threads? I'm off to bed so I hope someone else will, but if not, I'll do it tomorrow.

20 years ago W Cherry picked information and concluded that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction or was working on them. total BS that the Democrats believed. which side is worse? not even close! the Republican base who are against the war in Ukraine are totally baffled by total BS they've been taking in for years and years. Democracy isn't even important to them anymore their world view is so chaotic and confused yet loud mouth and hateful. The problems are all about misinformation on the GOP side Period end of story...

more than stricter schools, the inner cities need jobs with a living wage and cheap college and training so they have hope. Inner city students who are promised tuition at College ALL go to college, it's amazing. Like every other developed country already has....
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Do they, though?
What the hell do you think Trump support is all about? When the minority does push back, it's not pretty.
Sorry, man, the will of the majority. That's democracy. It's kind of awesome. Give the people what they want.
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

-- H. L. Mencken
Okay, we'll have to argue about AntiFa and their significance. I agree that the whole Left is not AntiFa, and the Smart Left understand that they're a liability.

Note also: the general proposition, that conservatives should not be allowed to have rallies, marches, meetings ... is very widespread on the Left, especially among the young. AntiFa is just the tip of the iceberg on this.

For example, a few months ago, at Cornell University, Ann Coulter got shouted down by their equivalent of the Red Guards.

This was not some atypical isolated incident.

Please read this, and tell me what you think:
And this kind of crap wouldn't even exist without of course, the horrible GOP hateful propaganda machine. the rest of the world is aghast. 6 months? Impressive....I was 351 in the lottery...Thank goodness.... and I went to Hobart, small cornell rival, Like I said we caught a FBI agent who was supposedly the head of SDS for upstate. he got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office and we caught him in a nonviolent riot LOL but the FBI wasn't interested ohh LOL Hoover and Nixon were really something- the Republicans always are, always.
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No, the neocolonialist swine don't do charity. They SELL the arms to the Africans, who buy them willingly. Don't be a white racist and deprive Africans of agency.
Franco is a cultist as are all leftists
Say GDP is $20T. No matter where they put the top tax rate they can only collect ~$4T max. If you get too greedy people stop working? Jobs dry up?

I have posted a 100 yr. Chart from the FED showing that data.

Why? How? I dont know. Even when tax rate was 91%.....only 20% of GDP could be pulled in. Why? I guess the GDP drops? The rich leave?

Thats all i was trying to show you. To say raise the top rate? It seems to do no good.

Im on small phone, not reposting. Battery running down.
the top tax rates can be a very good indication but in this case more would have to be done because the federal income tax is not a national tax anymore really. 47 percent don't pay any famously. but the middle and working classes are screwed as long as the rich are paying as little as they have been in all taxes. Since Reagan
Do they, though? I mean, yes, they'll break the stupider laws like the drug laws or prostitution laws, that frankly, the government really has no business enforcing, but most people obey them.

Sorry, man, the will of the majority. That's democracy. It's kind of awesome. Give the people what they want.

Let's take a good example of where that did go wrong. Prohibition.

A majority vote for prohibition, largely under false pretenses, and it proved unworkable, which is why it was revoked 15 years later.

In short, the process worked. People saw a problem, passed an ineffective solution, found it didn't work and repealed it.
Dick weed if America was a democracy faggots wouldn't exist, leftists would be dead because in a democracy the leftist supported shit we have today would have been killed by the majority of Americans before the cult would have a chance to get started.
“Your side“ needs to be executed one by one for Treason, Sedition or worse. None of you are recoverable or worth saving. You all support criminals destroying America by any neans necc. You cant be trusted or worked with.
Starting with MSM, then DC, then go thru Posters like you…..punishments for your transgressions to civiliation.

For some time now I have lamented the loss of the most vital skill in civilization. The ability to negotiate and compromise.

Your post is proof that the end is near. But your beliefs won’t survive. The extreme left and right will both be extinguished. In a century, your rankings will be taught to children as the ravings of a madman.

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