The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Sounds like the “raise taxes on the rich” crowd.
anyone who knows the facts says the same thing, brainwashed functional moron. The richest pay slightly less than you on average percentage wise.... Google the only tax graph you need to know. That's why you don't have health care for all or cheap college and training, but the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness is all you.
anyone who knows the fact says the same thing, brainwashed functional moron. The richest pay slightly less than you on average percentage wise....Google the only tax graph you need to know. That's why you don't have health care for all or cheap college and training, but the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness is all you.
How about actual dollars, Marxist useful idiot?
You liberal pissants sure are petty, jealous little pieces of shit.
Here’s a math lesson for you:
5% of $1,000,000 is much more
That 10% of $1000.
F’n idiot.
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It's usually best to review multiple sources, but at the end of the day, if you put the Fulan Gong owned Epoch Times on the same level as NBC news, that's kind of a problem.
Each of their badnesses is of a different kind. When the mainstreamn media push a conspiracy theory -- say, that Donald Trump was a Russian asset, or that only rightwing loons would say that the Coronavirus was an escape from a Chinese biowarfare lab -- they do it in a much more sophisticated way than the Epoch Times.

I recall a citizen of the USSR, while it still existed, saying that, in realty, a Soviet citizen was in a better position to discern the truth than an American, since they knew their press was propaganda b.s., while Americans trusted their lying press.

A better choice than NBC news would be the Times or the WaPo. And, when they're not commenting on, or covering up, or pretending to present objective news about, something political, they're actually pretty good. I agree with this fellow:

"Why the Media is Honest and Good" by Richard Hanania
[ Thread on "Why the Media is Honest and Good"
Why the Media is Honest and Good ]

Patriots should read that link,
and then read the special discussion thread about it:
[ Thread on "Why the Media is Honest and Good" ]

As for Falun Gong, I like it that they cause a lot of trouble for the Chinese Communist dicatorship. (The New York Times calls this having "an anti-China slant" !!!!).

It's probably the case that in a repressive situation, it may take a religious-based movement to really challenge the existing order, just as it did in England with Cromwell's Puritans and in the American South 70 years ago. Their moral teachings are generally good, although they are intolerant of homosexuality -- about like mainstream American Christianity a few decades ago. So good luck to them!
anyone who knows the facts says the same thing, brainwashed functional moron. The richest pay slightly less than you on average percentage wise.... Google the only tax graph you need to know. That's why you don't have health care for all or cheap college and training, but the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness is all you.
How much State property Tax do you pay?

Now a "rich" in a $10M home pays $100K. Maybe has another home. Same. All the other taxes paid add up. They may pay ZERO income tax as they no longer work? Or dont need to ever? So what? Thats the system. They pay more than your total in sales tax in one month.

You dont have a clue.
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How much State property Tax do you pay?

Now a "rich" in a $10M home pays $100K. Maybe has another home. Same. All the other taxes paid add up. They may pay ZERO income tax as they no longer work? Or dont need to ever? So what? Thats the system. They pay more than your total in sales tax on one month.

You dont have a clue.
But "Soak the Rich" is a great slogan. "Fear and envy" is populist gold.
And when the majority decides otherwise?

You seem to have the attitude that anything government does is fine, as long as it reflects the will of the majority. That's not the kind of government I want to live under, and I'll fight to prevent it.

It's also just not sustainable. Eventually the minority gets sick of being bullied and won't play along any more.
Actually, it's not policies that have been approved by the majority that are the problem. When the elite want a radical change, they don't put it to the vote.

Have a look at this essay:
[ Revolution Within The Form - It Can Happen Here ]
How much State property Tax do you pay?

Now a "rich" in a $10M home pays $100K. Maybe has another home. Same. All the other taxes paid add up. They may pay ZERO income tax as they no longer work? Or dont need to ever? So what? Thats the system. They pay more than your total in sales tax in one month.

You dont have a clue.
So you're happy with the worst inequality and homelessness ever anywhere in the developed world? Your love and admiration for your greedy idiot rich brain washers is noted, Super Duper.
But "Soak the Rich" is a great slogan. "Fear and envy" is populist gold.
So you enjoy the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere in the developed world and being the 23rd happiest country? Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera.
So you're happy with the worst inequality and homelessness ever anywhere in the developed world? Your love and admiration for your greedy idiot rich brain washers is noted, Super Duper.

You know i feel terrible for legit homeless. I help poor relatives constantly. I could retire. But i work to be able to help as many as i can. Not sure hiw much more i can take?

But to blame the rich? Huh? They pay probably 100X more than avg joe. More in car registration, tax, upkeep, insurance in one year than most pay in property tax.
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How much State property Tax do you pay?

Now a "rich" in a $10M home pays $100K. Maybe has another home. Same. All the other taxes paid add up. They may pay ZERO income tax as they no longer work? Or dont need to ever? So what? Thats the system. They pay more than your total in sales tax in one month.

You dont have a clue.
that's the Reagan giveaway to the rich system, Super Duper. You are absolutely baffled by BS lol
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You know i feel terrible for legit homeless. I help poor relatives constantly. I could retire but i work to be able to help as many as i can.

But to blame the rich? Huh? They pay probably 100X more than avg joe. More in car registration, tax, upkeep, insurance in one year than most pay in property tax.
they pay 90% of the tax because they make 90% of the money, Super Duper. We have a flat tax system If you count all taxes, a huge give away to the rich that it's been going on for 40 years now. And you are obsessed with imaginary scandals and conspiracy... all your anecdotes are irrelevant.
they pay 90% of the tax because they make 90% of the money, Super Duper. We have a flat tax system If you count all taxes, a huge give away to the rich that it's been going on for 40 years now. And you are obsessed with imaginary scandals and conspiracy... all your anecdotes are irrelevant.

So you want $1T more FED Taxes each year? $2T? All paid by whom? Paid by More than Billion dollar revenue companies like APPL, Amazon?

Or 90% tax rates on income over? $1million? Tax the home value of only the $10million dollar homes at 50%? Home like the Politicians have? Pro athletes? Hollywood actors?

What satisfies the tax the rich crowd?
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And when the majority decides otherwise?

You seem to have the attitude that anything government does is fine, as long as it reflects the will of the majority. That's not the kind of government I want to live under, and I'll fight to prevent it.

It's also just not sustainable. Eventually the minority gets sick of being bullied and won't play along any more.
When the minority elects the President, the country hurts. That is a fact.
So are you trying to claim that the "Left" aren't patriots, Fake Hippy Doug?

Did you also claim you got a bad conduct discharge from the Army because you were against the Vietnam war? Or was that the Crimean War?

Seems you don't have a lot of room talking about "Patriots".
Yep. I was an internationalist Marxist and did not support the American side in the Vietnam War. I did six months in military prison because of this.

Hey! I've got an idea! You say I'm lying about this, of course. (But there is a slight contradiction here -- you can say "You are/were no patriot, because you opposed the war and went to military prison and got a Bad Conduct Discharge " or "You didn't oppose the war and go to jail and get a Bad Conduct Discharge, you're lying." But you can't say both. Well, okay, YOU can say both, consistency, truth, is not part of your makeup.)

So ... ANOTHER TEN THOUSAND FOR YOU!!!! I'll prove this as well. I indeed was in military prison. But Joe, we both know you're a coward and won't accept my offer, because you know I'm telling the truth. It's just that 'the truth' doesn't matter to someone with your particular personality.

As for patriotism: as I've said elsewhere on this site, it's not a virtue like honesty and kindness, etc. A patriot is simply one who loves his country -- it doesn't dictate any particular behavior. You can love your country, and hate the government. You can love your country and carry out genocide because your government tells you to.

Leftists today -- the wing driving the rest of the Left -- actually hate America. They burn its flag. The less militant wing honors the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg.

But ... even this lack of patriotism is not necessarily something wicked. If these Leftists had a 'higher patriotism' a committment, say, to humanity as a whole, a vision of a democratic world order, then that would be different. They would be subsuming the particular polity they happened to be born in, into a broader one. The would be 'patriots of the world'. But they're not.

There is nothing admirable about a committment to a particular piece of geography. Nor is there about a committment to your family, or clan, or tribe, or ethnicity. Those are in fact biologically driven -- the selfish gene trying to replicate itself.

The thing about patriotism, committment ot a whole country, is that, in a multi-national state like the US, it transcends biological family-clan-tribe-ethnicity loyalty. It's a step forward in morality, which, at the end of the day, is the extension of self-love, self-interest, to broader and broader groups.

Let's take a concrete example. I've mentioned several times the liberal New York City's honoring of Ethel Rosenberg, the executed Soviet spy. It should be self-evident that when people like these New York liberals then call men like Robert E Lee a 'traitor' -- we should just laugh.

But ... there was an element of tragedy in the Rosenbergs, and in fact in the whole Communist movement. These people, by and large, did not do what they did because they were evil, or because they wanted power to oppress others. The Rosenbergs didn't spy because someone offered them money to do so.

No. The 1930s saw mass unemployment in the capitalist world, anti-Semitism, lynching of Blacks in the US, the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany, Spain. But the Soviet Union held up a vision of a different way of doing things. There was no unemployment there. Anti-Semitism and the promulgation of racial hatred was outlawed there. Millions of previously-illiterate people were being educated. Women's equality was held up as an ideal. The Soviet Union supported the anti-colonial national liberation movement. And they seemed to be the only big nation really opposing fascism.

(When the fascists rose up in Spain to overthrow the democratic Republic, the Western democracies were neutral, and prevented arms from being shipped to both sides, the democrats and the fascists! Hitler and Mussolini supported the latter, only the Soviets supported, with arms, the former.)

So it was no wonder that decent people became Communists! They overlooked the purges, rationalized the single-party state. They were deeply misguided but ... they were not evil people. (Yes, the totalitarian nature of the Stalinist system warped them. They became adept at rationalization, at slandering political opponents. But they started with good intentions.)

They were not American patriots. They considered themselves internationalists. But -- especially after 1935 when Stalin, panicked by what his policies had let happen in Germany, turned the Communist movement toward co operation with all anti-fascist forces -- they were able to blend a kind of American patriotism with that internationalism. It wasn't all fake. They focussed on the good aspects of American history. The Communists who went to Spain to fight the fascists called their group 'The Abraham Lincoln Brigade'.

And thus it was that a Communist was able to win a Distinguished Service Cross for bravery in action against the Japanese. His story is here:
[ Robert G. Thompson - Wikipedia ]
It's worth quoting what his award says:
For extraordinary heroism in action near Tarakena, New Guinea, on January 11, 1943. Volunteering to lead a small patrol in an attempt to establish a foothold on the opposite shore, Staff Sergeant Thompson swam the swollen and rapid Konembi River in broad daylight and under heavy enemy fire. Armed only with a pistol and hand grenades, he assisted in towing a rope to the other shore where he remained under cover of the bank and directed the crossing of his platoon. Staff Sergeant Thompson then led the platoon against two enemy machine-gun emplacements which dominated the crossing, and wiped them out. The success of this action permitted the advance of the entire company and secured a bridge-head for the advance of the following units
Was this brave man a 'patriot'? It's really an irrelevant question. He was undoubtedly NOT motivated by any sort of narrow American nationalism. If you could have asked him at the time, he would have said that he did not hate Japanese as such, and looked forward to a democratic Japan. He believed that at that moment, America bore, however imperfectly, the democratic cause, and Japan did not.

One more point about American patriotism: it is the only effective anti-racism. Everything else is just goody-goody moralizing, which people will go along with, but which really doesn't get down to their deep emotions. Patriotism does.

I've argued with genuine racists on other forums. The best argument against them, by far, is not around technical issues of genetics, or statistical analysis of crime ... it's an emotional one, not even, probably, technically a logical argument. You just ask your white racist opponent ... Are you a better man than these men? And then post this list and ask your opponent to click on some of the names. Which one of these me is he better than? (It's sort of unfair to argue this way, but what the hell):

So. Patriotism is not like 'honesty', a simple virtue. It can be mobilized in a bad cause. It's partly based on self-interest. But ... when the Left claims the mantle of 'patriotism' while they tear down historic statues, we can know that they are lying.

Not everyone on the Left is a liar, by any means. But some are, as we see here.
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So you want $1T more FED Taxes each year? $2T? All paid by whom? Paid by More than Billion dollar revenue companies like APPL, Amazon?

Or 90% tax rates on income over? $1million? Tax the home value of only the $10million dollar homes at 50%? Home like the Politicians have? Pro athletes? Hollywood actors?

What satisfies the tax the rich crowd?

OK, got it. francoHFW won't say where to get his extra tax money.

LeBron? Tim cook? IBM? Who has enough for francoHFW to come take.

After that, we ask him what he intends to do with all if it? Does GOVT overhead eat up 25% of it right up front?
Yep. I was an internationalist Marxist and did not support the American side in the Vietnam War. I did six months in military prison because of this.

Hey! I've got an idea! You say I'm lying about this, of course. (But there is a slight contradiction here -- you can say "You are/were no patriot, because you opposed the war and went to military prison and got a Bad Conduct Discharge " or "You didn't oppose the war and go to jail and get a Bad Conduct Discharge, you're lying." But you can't say both. Well, okay, YOU can say both, consistency, truth, is not part of your makeup.)

So ... ANOTHER TEN THOUSAND FOR YOU!!!! I'll prove this as well. I indeed was in military prison. But Joe, we both know you're a coward and won't accept my offer, because you know I'm telling the truth. It's just that 'the truth' doesn't matter to someone with your particular personality.

As for patriotism: as I've said elsewhere on this site, it's not a virtue like honesty and kindness, etc. A patriot is simply one who loves his country -- it doesn't dictate any particular behavior. You can love your country, and hate the government. You can love your country and carry out genocide because your government tells you to.

Leftists today -- the wing driving the rest of the Left -- actually hate America. They burn its flag. The less militant wing honors the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg.

But ... even this lack of patriotism is not necessarily something wicked. If these Leftists had a 'higher patriotism' a committment, say, to humanity as a whole, a vision of a democratic world order, then that would be different. They would be subsuming the particular polity they happened to be born in, into a broader one. The would be 'patriots of the world'. But they're not.

There is nothing admirable about a committment to a particular piece of geography. Nor is there about a committment to your family, or clan, or tribe, or ethnicity. Those are in fact biologically driven -- the selfish gene trying to replicate itself.

The thing about patriotism, committment ot a whole country, is that, in a multi-national state like the US, it transcends biological family-clan-tribe-ethnicity loyalty. It's a step forward in morality, which, at the end of the day, is the extension of self-love, self-interest, to broader and broader groups.

Let's take a concrete example. I've mentioned several times the liberal New York City's honoring of Ethel Rosenberg, the executed Soviet spy. It should be self-evident that when people like these New York liberals then call men like Robert E Lee a 'traitor' -- we should just laugh.

But ... there was an element of tragedy in the Rosenbergs, and in fact in the whole Communist movement. These people, by and large, did not do what they did because they were evil, or because they wanted power to oppress others. The Rosenbergs didn't spy because someone offered them money to do so.

No. The 1930s saw mass unemployment in the capitalist world, anti-Semitism, lynching of Blacks in the US, the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany, Spain. But the Soviet Union held up a vision of a different way of doing things. There was no unemployment there. Anti-Semitism and the promulgation of racial hatred was outlawed there. Millions of previously-illiterate people were being educated. Women's equality was held up as an ideal. The Soviet Union supported the anti-colonial national liberation movement. And they seemed to be the only big nation really opposing fascism.

(When the fascists rose up in Spain to overthrow the democratic Republic, the Western democracies were neutral, and prevented arms from being shipped to both sides, the democrats and the fascists! Hitler and Mussolini supported the latter, only the Soviets supported, with arms, the former.)

So it was no wonder that decent people became Communists! They overlooked the purges, rationalized the single-party state. They were deeply misguided but ... they were not evil people. (Yes, the totalitarian nature of the Stalinist system warped them. They became adept at rationalization, at slandering political opponents. But they started with good intentions.)

They were not American patriots. They considered themselves internationalists. But -- especially after 1935 when Stalin, panicked by what his policies had let happen in Germany, turned the Communist movement toward co operation with all anti-fascist forces -- they were able to blend a kind of American patriotism with that internationalism. It wasn't all fake. They focussed on the good aspects of American history. The Communists who went to Spain to fight the fascists called their group 'The Abraham Lincoln Brigade'.

And thus it was that a Communist was able to win a Distinguished Service Cross for bravery in action against the Japanese. His story is here:
[ Robert G. Thompson - Wikipedia ]
It's worth quoting what his award says:

Was this brave man a 'patriot'? It's really an irrelevant question. He was undoubtedly NOT motivated by any sort of narrow American nationalism. If you could have asked him at the time, he would have said that he did not hate Japanese as such, and looked forward to a democratic Japan. He believed that at that moment, America bore, however imperfectly, the democratic cause, and Japan did not.

One more point about American patriotism: it is the only effective anti-racism. Everything else is just goody-goody moralizing, which people will go along with, but which really doesn't get down to their deep emotions. Patriotism does.

I've argued with genuine racists on other forums. The best argument against them, by far, is not around technical issues of genetics, or statistical analysis of crime ... it's an emotional one, not even, probably, technically a logical argument. You just ask your white racist opponent ... Are you a better man than these men? And then post this list and ask your opponent to click on some of the names. Which one of these me is he better than? (It's sort of unfair to argue this way, but what the hell):

So. Patriotism is not like 'honesty', a simple virtue. It can be mobilized in a bad cause. It's partly based on self-interest. But ... when the Left claims the mantle of 'patriotism' while they tear down historic statues, we can know that they are lying.

Not everyone on the Left is a liar, by any means. But some are, as we see here.

Good Lord! Hey "Beautiful Mind", may be time for medications? Maybe a valium? Jim Beam? Take it easy on us.
I recall a citizen of the USSR, while it still existed, saying that, in realty, a Soviet citizen was in a better position to discern the truth than an American, since they knew their press was propaganda b.s., while Americans trusted their lying press.
I dont know to laugh or cry at this....
You can love your country, and hate the government.
gawd yes


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