The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

I don't want to give advice to the Left, but there is a lesson for patriots here.

So are you trying to claim that the "Left" aren't patriots, Fake Hippy Doug?

Did you also claim you got a bad conduct discharge from the Army because you were against the Vietnam war? Or was that the Crimean War?

Seems you don't have a lot of room talking about "Patriots".
Okay, great ideas.

Let's talk implementation.

(I'm an engineer, I'm all about landing the plane).

The last two bullet points, will definitely require Constitutional amendments.

How do you propose to get that done?
I can think of only two ways: You mount a massive public campaign with all kinds of big names to fucking shame politicians into it, or you take the time to vote the right people in.

Term limits are probably tougher than anything else. This sure as hell isn't going to happen soon, but if we do don't try, we're just giving up. And I'm not interested in giving up.
There is no more free money. You would have to kill the military to make a dent in your so-called poor. Already awarded many do nothing but sit home and breed with different men. No marriage, no family....just use the system. With TV, tattoo, booze, drugs, free food, sect8, yet thats not good enough? Indians dont have 1/100 of that.

If you kill the military who will stop Evil pirates coming to take what they want?
Again. That is some made up anecdote. There are 300+ million Americans and almost all of them who can work are working. Welfare is near zero. Unemployment is historical low. The working poor are a large portion of this country. Look at the data not your imagination that everyone who is poor is a grifter. Shit, most grifters are rich.
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I'll just keep asking:

To the two ends:

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Is it that you just know what's best for them?

What is your inner justification for that?
Intellectually reconcile? Gee, half of Americans barely know who the president is, let alone their function in government. Near half have their mouths firmly attached to government teat with no understanding of what that really means for their lives. That said, you aren't willing to work a job or take responsibility for your life, then those of us doing that get to tell you how things are going to be.
Actually, a lot of people on the Right would not disagree with you, at the level of abstraction with which you have presented your beliefs.

Inequality? Precarious income? You're talking our (rightwing 'populists') talk. A safety net for the 'unfortunate'? Sure, so long as you mean people willing and able to work, as oppose to parasites.

It's true that there is a strain of thought on the Right that is for the pure,untrammelled free market: no Social Security, no tariffs -- pure free trade. If the Chinese want to buy up the Midwest, fine. Some of them even want to auction off the National Parks.

But they're a tiny minority. A much larger group on the Right pretends to believe in the Free Market -- but ask them if that means they want to end Social Security or Medicare. Are you kidding? This group is intellectually -- sorry to say this -- a bit lazy. An ideology makes everything so simple. It's like trying to become an aeronautical engineer and wanting only to learn Newton's Laws, and avoiding the Navier-Stokes equations, and all the pragmatic things that aeronautical engineers need to know. It's not that Newton's Laws are wrong (as approximations, leaving aside relativistic effects not descernible at the speeds planes fly at ) -- they're just not enough.

The issues agitating the base of the Right today are not the classic liberal-vs-conservative questions, like minimum wage. Or rather, these may be issues, but they're no longer central.

It's whether our country is basically good, one of opportunity to everyone, with an honorable, though humanly-flawed past, one we should honor and celebrate. One whose privileged elites may have captured it, but which can be rescued from them and put back on course.

Or is it one founded and continued in racist oppression, sexist, xyx-phobic, a cruel prisonhouse for those of its population who are not male and white.

You can be on the Left, and share the first outlook with us, but you're being increasingly isolated by the 'woke' political virus that is multiplying rapidly within the body of the Left.
Right wingers hide behind God and country. Everything they spew is culture driven drivel of imagery and buzzwords that lacks substance.

Liberals reflect the true meaning of American idealism. Liberty, Justice, the American way which is a melting pot not a homogenous lump of vanilla ice cream.

Conservatives don’t have a monopoly on patriotism and are in no way optimistic about human nature. In fact it’s the opposite. They think everyone is purposely trying to grift off the government and they’ve never met a person in poverty that didn’t deserve their lot in life.

Liberals, the forever optimists, know that when a person meets enough obstacles bad things happen and society’s goal should be to help reduce those obstacles and in some instances mitigate them.

I haven’t met a conservative that debates the data or policies because they lose. They immediately run to imagery and buzzwords.
Anyway, serious people should by no means believe everything they hear on Fox, or Breitbart, or the Epoch Times, etc. etc. But neither should they trust the mainstream media.

It's usually best to review multiple sources, but at the end of the day, if you put the Fulan Gong owned Epoch Times on the same level as NBC news, that's kind of a problem.
Yes that was part of the problem, What do you think were the other problems?

Lack of government oversight.
The notion that everyone SHOULD own a home. Not everyone is capable of it.
Artificial inflation of home prices due to speculation. All these shows that told people they could invest in a home, slap a coat of paint on it and sell it for a huge ROI.
Term limits are probably tougher than anything else. This sure as hell isn't going to happen soon, but if we do don't try, we're just giving up. And I'm not interested in giving up.

We already have term limits, they are called "elections".

The problem is we don't vote these people out unless you find dead hookers in their basements.
Uh, if I'm being sentenced, it was because I broke a law that the vast majority of my fellow citizens thought was a good idea.
I can't care. It's still force, not a "choice". Majority rule doesn't change that fact.

If he can behave like an honest adult, I'll consider it. Please try to learn something.
How have I not in this thread? I was simply trying to follow your OP, and see what we could agree on, and you stopped discussion…I’m not here for rancor Mac….
Again. That is some made up anecdote. There are 300+ million Americans and almost all of them who can work are working. Welfare is near zero. Unemployment is historical low. The working poor are a large portion of this country. Look at the data not your imagination that everyone who is poor is a grifter. Shit, most grifters are rich.

Welfare is near zero

Are you certain? Fed cost alone near $1T? States also have programs.

Government current expenditures: Income security: Welfare and social services (G160371A027NBEA)​

2021: 977.791 | Billions of Dollars
If everythig is so rosy under radical Marxism then why have everyones' assets dropped 10-20% since the fraud was installed? Many "experts" claim we ain't seen nothing yet. Bbbbaby Bachman Turner Overdrive.
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As I say all the time: It's not the goal that is the problem. It's the way we go about achieving it. This is a large, complex country, and forcing things and slapping on band aids can go sideways pretty quickly. As we've seen.

The way this has been done has brought us Trumpism, which is clearly not just a blip in time, especially with the makeup of the Supreme Court.

And now, this orange stain is just upping the ante. Back and forth, back and forth. I just don't understand why it has to be this way.
It’s this way because there are a large number of reprehensible bigots in this country bent on having it all their way or there will be hell to pay.

Nothing new for America. That shit has been the dynamic all along. As usual, those bigots have to be dragged into the future kicking and screaming all the way.
I'm glad the majority has decided on sensible rules we can all live by.
And when the majority decides otherwise?

You seem to have the attitude that anything government does is fine, as long as it reflects the will of the majority. That's not the kind of government I want to live under, and I'll fight to prevent it.

It's also just not sustainable. Eventually the minority gets sick of being bullied and won't play along any more.
It’s this way because there are a large number of reprehensible bigots in this country bent on having it all their way or there will be hell to pay.

Nothing new for America. That shit has been the dynamic all along. As usual, those bigots have to be dragged into the future kicking and screaming all the way.

Always a stupid post from a radical loon. They all must be 6-figure do-nothing GOVT worker scum deaperately trying for bigger Pension.

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