The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Again. It has nothing to do with their religion. It has to do with what they SAID they were founding the nation on.

Uh, ok. Lonestar_Logic disagrees with you on that one about their own religion.

People say all sorts of things, Allie. Hitler and his crew said they were forming the THIRD REICH the same way....does that make it true?

What was that Exclusively Christian Principle they build our nation on.....beyond lip service?

Moron. The "Third Reich" wasn't a country.

Why do you insist on arguing a topic you are woefully ignorant about?


It most certainly was. So, tell us...why can't we use the same criteria when determining the Christian tenets the Third Reich was founded under as we do for the Christian tenets the United States was founded under?

(Hint: there is a reason...but you don't seem able or willing to figure it out.....yet)
Moron. The "Third Reich" wasn't a country.

Why do you insist on arguing a topic you are woefully ignorant about?


It most certainly was. So, tell us...why can't we use the same criteria when determining the Christian tenets the Third Reich was founded under as we do for the Christian tenets the United States was founded under?

(Hint: there is a reason...but you don't seem able or willing to figure it out.....yet)

Hitler founded Germany?

That's news to me.

When did he say he was founding it on Christian tenets?
What was that Exclusively Christian Principle they build our nation on.....beyond lip service?

That humans are created by God and given unalienable rights that no government nor any group nor any religion nor any person should have the power to deny or set aside. Unalienable rights are from God and are inviolate. The Declaration, the Constitution, and our unique government was based on that single principle that came from their Christian faith. It was the first government in the history of the world to recognize unalienable rights which included the right to govern oneself. And THAT was a uniquely Christian concept.
Moron. The "Third Reich" wasn't a country.

Why do you insist on arguing a topic you are woefully ignorant about?


It most certainly was. So, tell us...why can't we use the same criteria when determining the Christian tenets the Third Reich was founded under as we do for the Christian tenets the United States was founded under?

(Hint: there is a reason...but you don't seem able or willing to figure it out.....yet)

The Third Reich was NOT a country. Good grief.

The Third Reich was what Hitler named his government, a government that ruled Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Denmark, and several other countries at one time.

Nothing worse than dumb people who think they are smart. :lol:
The board is malfunctioning people so watch the nesting of the quotes. Some stuff is being inadvertently assigned to the wrong member.
It most certainly was. So, tell us...why can't we use the same criteria when determining the Christian tenets the Third Reich was founded under as we do for the Christian tenets the United States was founded under?

Why wasn't the Third Reich a Christian nation? Hitler said it was. Hitler was a Roman Catholic. Most of his LTs were Roman Catholics or Lutherans.

(Hint: there is a reason...but you don't seem able or willing to figure it out.....yet)

Hitler founded Germany?

That's news to me.

When did he say he was founding it on Christian tenets?

He founded the Third Reich...changed the laws, the Constitution, the entire way of doing things.....just like Our Founders changed everything about the way the British did everything.

So...what's the difference?

(Hint...again, I know the difference but you seem unable to figure it out)
Hitler founded Germany?

That's news to me.

When did he say he was founding it on Christian tenets?

He founded the Third Reich...changed the laws, the Constitution, the entire way of doing things.....just like Our Founders changed everything about the way the British did everything.

So...what's the difference?

(Hint...again, I know the difference but you seem unable to figure it out)

No sir, you don't get away that easy. You plainly said that The Third Reich was a country. It clearly was not. I will not let you slide away from yet another one. I will however allow that it was a simple mistake if you are just man enough to admit to said mistake. Come on, show some humility and admit to an error. Let me know that you are indeed somewhat worthy of debate.

by the way, was the Bolsheviks also a country? :rofl:
Last edited: understanding is that the Third Reich is the regime, not the country.

The country was Germany.

Not that this has squat to do with the foundation of the US. Just more dishonest trolling by Bod. understanding is that the Third Reich is the regime, not the country.

The country was Germany.

Not that this has squat to do with the foundation of the US. Just more dishonest trolling by Bod.

The Third Reich was just another term for Hitler's NAZI party. It had nothing to do with region. In fact there was a sizable Third Reich in South America that has slowly been dying out. understanding is that the Third Reich is the regime, not the country.

The country was Germany.

Not that this has squat to do with the foundation of the US. Just more dishonest trolling by Bod.

The Third Reich was more than Germany, it included the countries of Austria and the Sudadenland (sp?) area of Czechslovakia.

It was a new country made up of bits of some old countries.

So...if the leaders are Christian...and they say in writing and in speeches their country is based on Christian tenets....does that make it so? understanding is that the Third Reich is the regime, not the country.

The country was Germany.

Not that this has squat to do with the foundation of the US. Just more dishonest trolling by Bod.

The Third Reich was more than Germany, it included the countries of Austria and the Sudadenland (sp?) area of Czechslovakia.

It was a new country made up of bits of some old countries.

So...if the leaders are Christian...and they say in writing and in speeches their country is based on Christian tenets....does that make it so?

The Third Reich was NEVER a country of any sort you dishonest troll.

Also, no NAZI EVER claimed that their party (not country) was founded on Christian tenets.
Lol..more history that I've never in my entire life ever heard before.

Bod is a treasure trove of little known historical data
Oh come on guys. All of us have experienced that terrible moment in the middle of a heated argument in which we realize we are wrong.

The thing is once you're into that kind of hole, the smart thing is to stop digging. :)
Oh come on guys. All of us have experienced that terrible moment in the middle of a heated argument in which we realize we are wrong.

The thing is once you're into that kind of hole, the smart thing is to stop digging. :)

Sure, simple mistake. And maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems like this dude thinks he knows everything, and he called ME out in this very thread accusing me of saying something I NEVER said. So not only would I like an apology for his lying about what I said, I would like to see him acknowledge that he is wrong about the Third Reich.
Won't happen.

She just goes over the same terrain, over and over and over and over. It doesn't matter how many times she's proven to be wrong, or out and out lying....she'll still go back and make the same claims.
Oh come on guys. All of us have experienced that terrible moment in the middle of a heated argument in which we realize we are wrong.

The thing is once you're into that kind of hole, the smart thing is to stop digging. :)

Sure, simple mistake. And maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems like this dude thinks he knows everything, and he called ME out in this very thread accusing me of saying something I NEVER said. So not only would I like an apology for his lying about what I said, I would like to see him acknowledge that he is wrong about the Third Reich.

Well in fairness to all, as I said the nested quotes in this thread have been malfunctioning. Look at Post #1688 for instance. It looks like AllieBaba is saying all that Third Reich stuff when she isn't. So maybe it was an error in the nested quote and she misread something being yours instead of somebody else?
Oh come on guys. All of us have experienced that terrible moment in the middle of a heated argument in which we realize we are wrong.

The thing is once you're into that kind of hole, the smart thing is to stop digging. :)

Sure, simple mistake. And maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems like this dude thinks he knows everything, and he called ME out in this very thread accusing me of saying something I NEVER said. So not only would I like an apology for his lying about what I said, I would like to see him acknowledge that he is wrong about the Third Reich.

Well in fairness to all, as I said the nested quotes in this thread have been malfunctioning. Look at Post #1688 for instance. It looks like AllieBaba is saying all that Third Reich stuff when she isn't. So maybe it was an error in the nested quote and she misread something being yours instead of somebody else?

Who is she? I am talking about the pirate guy Bode. And no, he in a totally separate thread claimed yet again that I said something I never said. He is a liar, and not very bright.
I have to give it to Bod, though. As depressing as I find her stupidity and her committment to lying about, well, everything....she doesn't melt down. Thank goodness. I don't think I could handle yet another poster who has a breakdown every 6 months (I'm thinking of someone...)

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