The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Can anyone explain why certain posters here are allowed to assert that country A is founded on Christian principles because its founders were Christian and they said/wrote that they followed Christian principles.

But Country B is NOT founded on Christian principles even tho IT'S founders were Christian and they said/wrote that they followed Christian principles?

What's up with that?

I know that Hitler never referred to Germany the country as the Third Reich for the same reason I know that Hitler never claimed the NAZIS were Christians, because there is not a single instance where he ever said either one. NOT ONE.On the other hand, we have NUMEROUS examples of our founding fathers calling the US a nation founded on Christian principles, yet you ignore each and every one of them.

This is my last response to you, because I don't argue with children. Admit to the errors you've made in this thread and we can converse.

You didn't look at the source I linked...did you? That's the only reason you'd say such a wrong statement as I bolded.

This is my last response to you, because I don't argue with children. Admit to the errors you've made in this thread and we can converse
I know that Hitler never referred to Germany the country as the Third Reich for the same reason I know that Hitler never claimed the NAZIS were Christians, because there is not a single instance where he ever said either one. NOT ONE.On the other hand, we have NUMEROUS examples of our founding fathers calling the US a nation founded on Christian principles, yet you ignore each and every one of them.

This is my last response to you, because I don't argue with children. Admit to the errors you've made in this thread and we can converse.

You didn't look at the source I linked...did you? That's the only reason you'd say such a wrong statement as I bolded.

This is my last response to you, because I don't argue with children. Admit to the errors you've made in this thread and we can converse

Well, since I've made no errors that I can see...I guess you'll be running away now. TTFN. See you tomorrow.
Can anyone explain why certain posters here are allowed to assert that country A is founded on Christian principles because its founders were Christian and they said/wrote that they followed Christian principles.

But Country B is NOT founded on Christian principles even tho IT'S founders were Christian and they said/wrote that they followed Christian principles?

What's up with that?

What's up with that is that you didn't provide any evidence that it's true.

Hitler saying he was doing God's work is not the same as founding a country on Christian tenets.

It's a matter of the English language, and your inability to navigate it. It's impossible to explain to you because you don't know what the words mean. We've explained ad nauseum how a group of men who were structuring a new nation, who come to a consensus of what they will build and how has no bearing on whether or not the country is a theocracy. Their faith has nothing to do with it.

You won't acknowledge the truth and simple fact, so there's no point in continuing. You'll just continue to lie and make stuff up. Really, what can be done with that?
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And I am are you saying that because Hitler claimed to be working at the behest of God, that the US can't have been founded on Christian tenets?

What a maroon.

I would guess that Bod's point is that just because some of the founders claimed to be forming the country on Christian principles doesn't make it so, just as any claims of Christian principles by Hitler would be untrue.

Except that Hitler never claimed to be a ChristianOh, also. WHy is the guy so willing to believe that every founding father that claims we were founded on Christian tenets was lying ; but the SINGLE example we can find of him claiming that we weren't (The Treaty of Tripoli) he wants to believe as 100% FACT and in fact RIDICULED the idea that the treaty included that simply as an appeasement to Muslims?

Because he's full of shit and ignorant of history, that's why.

Interesting considering he was raised a Roman Catholic and:

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)


feel free to look up even more in this link I provide once more:

Hitler's Christianity

A link that you oddly did not read or ignored what you read when you said that Hitler never claimed he was a Christian.
This thread has saddened me .

I'm sorry. I tried to let you down gently.

Well , you are correct that you are the reason this thread saddened me. You're a liar. PERIOD. You attribute statements to people that they never made, you make up facts, you twist quotes. You deny facts.

You're pathetic, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you disagree with me on this particular thread. I found myself in agreement with your belief in a different thread earlier, but still realized that you're just a dishonest poster. You disgust me, how can we EVER have an honest discourse in this country when people refuse to be honest?

Oh, and it has come to my attention that you are in fact a female, and I had been calling you a guy all along. Apologies for that.
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Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."
Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."

M'eh, that is proof of nothing brother. I myself find it hard to credit the entire Bible as being fact, but I am a Christian.
Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."

M'eh, that is proof of nothing brother. I myself find it hard to credit the entire Bible as being fact, but I am a Christian.

I am Christian also so how does both of us being Christian make a nation founded on religion?
Or a lot of Founders being Christian?
When has Congress ever passed legislation based on Christianity?
Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."

Once again..their personal faith has nothing to do with the FACT that they founded the country on Christian tenets.
Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."

M'eh, that is proof of nothing brother. I myself find it hard to credit the entire Bible as being fact, but I am a Christian.

I am Christian also so how does both of us being Christian make a nation founded on religion?
Or a lot of Founders being Christian?
When has Congress ever passed legislation based on Christianity?

What does any of that have to do with the fact that the ff stated over and over that they founded the country on Christian concepts?
Tommy Jefferson 1814 after he cut up the Bible and had his cut and paste "Jefferson's Bible":
"The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful, evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraodinary man and that other parts are of the fabric of inferior minds."

M'eh, that is proof of nothing brother. I myself find it hard to credit the entire Bible as being fact, but I am a Christian.

I am Christian also so how does both of us being Christian make a nation founded on religion?
Or a lot of Founders being Christian?
When has Congress ever passed legislation based on Christianity?

It's verifiable fact that 92% of the men who signed the DoI were Christians. They have NEVER passed a law based on Christianity because those Christians decided in their infinite wisdom that although we as a nation believe in God that we would NEVER have a law dictating that anyone MUST do so.
M'eh, that is proof of nothing brother. I myself find it hard to credit the entire Bible as being fact, but I am a Christian.

I am Christian also so how does both of us being Christian make a nation founded on religion?
Or a lot of Founders being Christian?
When has Congress ever passed legislation based on Christianity?

It's verifiable fact that 92% of the men who signed the DoI were Christians. They have NEVER passed a law based on Christianity because those Christians decided in their infinite wisdom that although we as a nation believe in God that we would NEVER have a law dictating that anyone MUST do so.

I agree with those facts.
Except we as a nation do not believe in God.
I have a personal relationship different than others.
I am Christian also so how does both of us being Christian make a nation founded on religion?
Or a lot of Founders being Christian?
When has Congress ever passed legislation based on Christianity?

It's verifiable fact that 92% of the men who signed the DoI were Christians. They have NEVER passed a law based on Christianity because those Christians decided in their infinite wisdom that although we as a nation believe in God that we would NEVER have a law dictating that anyone MUST do so.

I agree with those facts.
Except we as a nation do not believe in God.
I have a personal relationship different than others.

I would agree with that sentiment, but the underlying fact is that we USED to believe in the Christian God as a nation. That isn't meant to imply that EVERY person in the US was a Christian, but the overwhelming majority were and they founded this country espousing the morals that underpin the Christian religion. Even those who didn't believe in the Christian God were certainly respectful enough to admit that the morals espoused by Christianity were good and pure and worthy of mimicking.

So I submit to you that the reason we are no longer a Christian nation, and let's face it we aren't, isn't because we weren't founded as one, it is because people today , in general, have no morals and want no one telling them how they should behave; especially a dusty old "fairy tale" of a book.

People who deny we were founded on Christian principles simply hate Christianity because it flies in the face of today's do what you want culture and to admit that we were once a Christian nation would require them admitting that they have strayed from what this country was founded on (which certainly wasn't "do whatever you want")

Oh, and of course we all have a different personal relationship with God, and there is nothing wrong with that.
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Whether or not we're a Christian NATION has nothing to do with whether or not we were founded on Christian tenets.
It's verifiable fact that 92% of the men who signed the DoI were Christians. They have NEVER passed a law based on Christianity because those Christians decided in their infinite wisdom that although we as a nation believe in God that we would NEVER have a law dictating that anyone MUST do so.

I agree with those facts.
Except we as a nation do not believe in God.
I have a personal relationship different than others.

I would agree with that sentiment, but the underlying fact is that we USED to believe in the Christian God as a nation. That isn't meant to imply that EVERY person in the US was a Christian, but the overwhelming majority were and they founded this country espousing the morals that underpin the Christian religion. Even those who didn't believe in the Christian God were certainly respectful enough to admit that the morals espoused by Christianity were good and pure and worthy of mimicking.

So I submit to you that the reason we are no longer a Christian nation, and let's face it we aren't, isn't because we weren't founded as one, it is because people today , in general, have no morals and want no one telling them how they should behave; especially a dusty old "fairy tale" of a book.

People who deny we were founded on Christian principles simply hate Christianity because it flies in the face of today's do what you want culture and to admit that we were once a Christian nation would require them admitting that they have strayed from what this country was founded on (which certainly wasn't "do whatever you want")

Oh, and of course we all have a different personal relationship with God, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Brain, respectfully, this nation WAS NOT founded on majority rule.
This nation and the Constitution is founded on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.
That is why no national religion was named anywhere.
Oh, they wanted to do it your way and have majority rule. That was shouted down and defeated. Look at how Senators are apportioned, NOT BY MAJORITY POPULATION, and how the electoral college works for the election the executive, NOT BY MAJORITY VOTE, you can see how smart the founders were in founding a nation on individual rights, NOT the rights of the majority.
Accordingly, as to the founding of this nation's government and laws, the fact that the majority of this nation was majority Christian played no part.
You people should know this. Don't they teach government in your schools?

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