the U.S. turned away Jews escaping nazis . Syrians are part 2.

And the Muslims are trying to escape...Muslims!

And Germans were trying to to put this.............Germans..

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?
Did you fail history or just not take it?

There was this guy

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this guy

Friedrich Hayek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and these folks....

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

among many others.....

Friedrich Hayek wasn't a Jew, also he was very Conservative, you would have hated him, he left our nation post Anschluß for reasons that were political.

He taught at Universität Salzburg from the late 1960s until the late 1970s, a long time before I was born.

He died in Baden-Württemberg across the border, where Mama's side of our family are from this area mainly Heidelberg and near areas, Hayek died in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Members of Mama's family who have either passed or who are in their mid-90's, they all used to meet Hayek in various places when he moved there when he returned from his chosen exile, one of everyone's favourites was Bad Krozingen.

This is all I'm prepared to comment and this should be respected please.

Remember, this was the comment to which I responded

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?

But you're right.....Hayek was Austrian.......but as they were effectively annexed, I not only thought his inclusion appropriate, but certain that my interlocutor may have heard his name in passing, I figured it would make the right impression...

Hayek was Austrian, I'm Austrian, we're not German, we're all Germanic peoples, but we're very different peoples in many ways, we share many common traits, but we are distinct in a lot of ways. It's complicated.
History always seems to repeat itslef . Back around ww2 Jews sought to escape nazi Germany. Many made it to the shores of the U.S. . They were denied entry and sent back to their deaths .

Why ? Because people feared there were nazis among them .

That used to be a national shame . Yet the same thing is happening with this whole refugees panic.

So wrong and not even a good try.

The Jews were actually running from certain death. The U.N. already let it slip that most of the refugees are economic refugees looking for more opportunities. And they are sending them all over where they refuse to assimilate and they make demands.

The Jews had no where to go. We now have wealthy "peaceful" Muslim countries that refuse to take in the refugees. The reason stated was that they don't want increased threats of attacks.

Most of the refugees are not Christians. Only 49 out of the first 10,000 were Christians and they are the ones who are in the same position as the Jews were during the Holocaust. So, what has changed? Obama isn't willing to reach out to those who are being slaughtered daily by Muslims in many countries. Most Muslim countries turn a blind eye because they don't give a shit.

Of course, we didn't have the media we do now. It was far easier to control information back then and Hitler was never known for reporting the truth about what was actually happening. The Jews were vilified by Hitler and considered the scourge of the earth. Some libs and Muslims still push that idea. Liberals also haven't been as hard on Hitler or any other communist puke the way the right has been.

Now we know that terrorists are among them. Communities expecting families just get young Muslim males, which is suspicious as hell, though liberals refuse to acknowledge that fact.

A lot wasn't known back then about what was going on.. Hitler had supporters all over the world. Even though every country was wrong not to take in Jews and help stop the slaughter, that doesn't mean we should allow these Muslims to be seeded all over the country. We've now had attacks from these refugees Why the hell do we want more when we should be telling Saudi Arabia and others to take in their own. An overtaxed, overwhelmed America with a poor economy just can't take them on and we are not the only option for them.

It's not in the best interest of America to let terrorists in. We don't need the same shit that France, Germany and Great Britain have dealt with.
And Germans were trying to to put this.............Germans..

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?
Did you fail history or just not take it?

There was this guy

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this guy

Friedrich Hayek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and these folks....

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

among many others.....

Friedrich Hayek wasn't a Jew, also he was very Conservative, you would have hated him, he left our nation post Anschluß for reasons that were political.

He taught at Universität Salzburg from the late 1960s until the late 1970s, a long time before I was born.

He died in Baden-Württemberg across the border, where Mama's side of our family are from this area mainly Heidelberg and near areas, Hayek died in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Members of Mama's family who have either passed or who are in their mid-90's, they all used to meet Hayek in various places when he moved there when he returned from his chosen exile, one of everyone's favourites was Bad Krozingen.

This is all I'm prepared to comment and this should be respected please.

Remember, this was the comment to which I responded

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?

But you're right.....Hayek was Austrian.......but as they were effectively annexed, I not only thought his inclusion appropriate, but certain that my interlocutor may have heard his name in passing, I figured it would make the right impression...

Hayek was Austrian, I'm Austrian, we're not German, we're all Germanic peoples, but we're very different peoples in many ways, we share many common traits, but we are distinct in a lot of ways. It's complicated.

Relax....I'm not suggesting Austrian are Nazis......and I'm familiar with the territory......Spent 2 summers in Germany, skied Zell and have visited Vienna and Salzburg....
Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?
Did you fail history or just not take it?

There was this guy

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this guy

Friedrich Hayek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and these folks....

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

among many others.....

Friedrich Hayek wasn't a Jew, also he was very Conservative, you would have hated him, he left our nation post Anschluß for reasons that were political.

He taught at Universität Salzburg from the late 1960s until the late 1970s, a long time before I was born.

He died in Baden-Württemberg across the border, where Mama's side of our family are from this area mainly Heidelberg and near areas, Hayek died in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Members of Mama's family who have either passed or who are in their mid-90's, they all used to meet Hayek in various places when he moved there when he returned from his chosen exile, one of everyone's favourites was Bad Krozingen.

This is all I'm prepared to comment and this should be respected please.

Remember, this was the comment to which I responded

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?

But you're right.....Hayek was Austrian.......but as they were effectively annexed, I not only thought his inclusion appropriate, but certain that my interlocutor may have heard his name in passing, I figured it would make the right impression...

Hayek was Austrian, I'm Austrian, we're not German, we're all Germanic peoples, but we're very different peoples in many ways, we share many common traits, but we are distinct in a lot of ways. It's complicated.

Relax....I'm not suggesting Austrian are Nazis......and I'm familiar with the territory......Spent 2 summers in Germany, skied Zell and have visited Vienna and Salzburg....

Salzburg is the most beautiful place on this earth, this is where we are from, so we're perhaps biased, just don't mention "The Sound of Music", this is very embarrassing to us, but we're happy to discuss W. A. Mozart, our nations greatest son.
History always seems to repeat itslef . Back around ww2 Jews sought to escape nazi Germany. Many made it to the shores of the U.S. . They were denied entry and sent back to their deaths .

Why ? Because people feared there were nazis among them .

That used to be a national shame . Yet the same thing is happening with this whole refugees panic.

If you really know history you will find that your example is invalid. There is a big difference between the Jews and Islam. Yes the US should have taken in more. They were no threat to national security or the peace of the populace. This is not true of the Syrians. (not all). The problem is that we can't tell by looking who is radicalized and who isn't. Surely you are smart enough to see that. Or do you? You just want to criticize.
Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?
Did you fail history or just not take it?

There was this guy

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this guy

Friedrich Hayek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and these folks....

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

among many others.....

Friedrich Hayek wasn't a Jew, also he was very Conservative, you would have hated him, he left our nation post Anschluß for reasons that were political.

He taught at Universität Salzburg from the late 1960s until the late 1970s, a long time before I was born.

He died in Baden-Württemberg across the border, where Mama's side of our family are from this area mainly Heidelberg and near areas, Hayek died in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Members of Mama's family who have either passed or who are in their mid-90's, they all used to meet Hayek in various places when he moved there when he returned from his chosen exile, one of everyone's favourites was Bad Krozingen.

This is all I'm prepared to comment and this should be respected please.

Remember, this was the comment to which I responded

Germans were escaping Nazi Germany?

But you're right.....Hayek was Austrian.......but as they were effectively annexed, I not only thought his inclusion appropriate, but certain that my interlocutor may have heard his name in passing, I figured it would make the right impression...

Hayek was Austrian, I'm Austrian, we're not German, we're all Germanic peoples, but we're very different peoples in many ways, we share many common traits, but we are distinct in a lot of ways. It's complicated.

Relax....I'm not suggesting Austrian are Nazis......and I'm familiar with the territory......Spent 2 summers in Germany, skied Zell and have visited Vienna and Salzburg....

During the Anschluß, some of my family members were put under arrest, but allowed to take as much Champagne as possible with them, as people knew they first had been members of the Christlichsoziale Partei, the CS, the Christian Social Party, founded I think in about 1890, anyhow it was the predominate Roman Catholic party.

In 1934 the CS was folded and a new Roman Catholic party Vaterländische Front, the VF, the Fatherland Front was formed, so members of my family then were in this with Engelbert Dollfuß still as leader (he had led the CS), a very small but elegant gentleman, who was of course assassinated.

Anyhow those members of my family weren't under arrest for long, my Great-Great Grandmother was still alive then, an amazing and wonderful woman and we were all told that she went in the auto and demanded they were released or there would be trouble, because there would have been trouble and they were released, they had though drank all of the Champagne.

This is all a religious thing and has always been essentially, we're nearly all Roman Catholic and our German cousins aren't and we've always felt that Lutheranism especially is a dangerous religion and we've always felt it's in our national interest to be Independent from our cousins.

Today look what's happened now with Angela Merkel, a Lutheran.
History always seems to repeat itslef . Back around ww2 Jews sought to escape nazi Germany. Many made it to the shores of the U.S. . They were denied entry and sent back to their deaths .

Why ? Because people feared there were nazis among them .

That used to be a national shame . Yet the same thing is happening with this whole refugees panic.







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