The ugly world of Islamophobia...

Why are legitimate concerns about safety and National defense considered to be "phobias" by the obviously disturbed left? The majority of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the U.S. with expired visas and yet they attended freaking flight school while Billy Bob was doing Monica in the closet. Hypocrite lefties defend FDR's policy of incarceration of American citizens who happened to be Japanese without due process but they become hysterical when rational people suggest that Muslems who are illegally in the U.S. be deported and the U.S. put more constraints on immigration from Sharia dominated countries.

Makes sense to me!
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!
But here's an Islamophobia that DOES exist. It's the irrational fear, exhibited by the Left, of criticizing the religion of Islam. They are petrified to say anything critical of Islam. They are so frightened of saying something bad about Islam, they'll sacrifice their children to Moslem rapists first. Unbelievable. This is the real Islamophobia.

Yeah.. I DO have a fear of criticizing religions. Especially, when the RELIGION is blamed for historical anomalies and events. Not because every religion is pure. But because for the most part, the RELIGIONS are benign UNTIL they become entangled and interwoven into the power of the Crown or the power of State. THAT'S when the CULTURE as a whole becomes malignant.

And as a lapsed Jew -- I'd be foolish to jump COMPLETELY on the hating Muslim thing -- EVEN IF those jerks don't like me. That stuff is called tolerance. You can't live in freedom -- without tolerance. And I would never want to witness a persecution of Muslims in same way MY TRIBE has been and IS NOW persecuted and stereotyped and made into some nefarious global conspiracy.. AGAIN -- even tho the majority of Muslims might currently be doing that to the tribe of my heritage.
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!

You ARE right about taking folks from war zones that have 30+ terrorist organizations and radicalized versions of State Islam. We'd be STUPID to not develop a better way of assessing whether they WANT to be Americans -- or they just want to survive.

Because the masses that Obama/Hillary WANT to take don't have passports. Unless they are fake type that ISIS is manufacturing. And their COUNTRIES cant be trusted to tell us their background.

We COULD -- develop a process to stress test on American life and values. It's like those disclosures in the financial investments. Full disclosure of what they are getting into and measure their reaction.
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!

You ARE right about taking folks from war zones that have 30+ terrorist organizations and radicalized versions of State Islam. We'd be STUPID to not develop a better way of assessing whether they WANT to be Americans -- or they just want to survive.

Because the masses that Obama/Hillary WANT to take don't have passports. Unless they are fake type that ISIS is manufacturing. And their COUNTRIES cant be trusted to tell us their background.

We COULD -- develop a process to stress test on American life and values. It's like those disclosures in the financial investments. Full disclosure of what they are getting into and measure their reaction.

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to read minds. We see Muslims who actually WERE raised here in America turning. It's their effing religion. It's sick and twisted.
The secret costs of Islamophobia -

All, while Comrade Trump shouts and cheers the haters.


And so you suggest we error on the side of acceptance?

Can you explain why?

The child is too young to understand the issues that cause these statements and reactions.

Nothing wrong with her questions, but the death of innocent people all over the globe by Radical Islamist will someday answer them for her...
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!

You ARE right about taking folks from war zones that have 30+ terrorist organizations and radicalized versions of State Islam. We'd be STUPID to not develop a better way of assessing whether they WANT to be Americans -- or they just want to survive.

Because the masses that Obama/Hillary WANT to take don't have passports. Unless they are fake type that ISIS is manufacturing. And their COUNTRIES cant be trusted to tell us their background.

We COULD -- develop a process to stress test on American life and values. It's like those disclosures in the financial investments. Full disclosure of what they are getting into and measure their reaction.

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to read minds. We see Muslims who actually WERE raised here in America turning. It's their effing religion. It's sick and twisted.

Ah... But we do. And we're getting better at. Imagine an Epcot Center like facility designed solely for folks who have no freakin idea of what freedom, tolerance, free speech, and secular law mean. Maybe recruit Paris Hilton and her friends to design IMax rides and theaters to fully disclose what American life is like. :biggrin: Let them stew in that for month or so. Serving Halhal meals and providing call to prayer of course !!!

Then you sit them in an auditorium and do something between ClockWork Orange and the Matrix You hook them up to a heart rate monitor, a Galvanic skin response probe, and a pneumo belt (lie detector gear) and show them one of the American Pie movies. Give them one of those dial boxes that are used in focus groups to register their reaction (between "I LOVE THAT" and "I WANT TO KILL YOU"). . That's the final exam.

All who pass -- become candidates for America. All who fail are sent to Paris and Hamburg.
Because we SHOULD be smarter than those guys. And who would pick living with the French or Germans over us anyways? Those people are nutz.. :eusa_angel:
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!
I would be perfectly happy if Islam and those who practice it stay in their ugly little worlds and stop uglying up my world.

They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!

You ARE right about taking folks from war zones that have 30+ terrorist organizations and radicalized versions of State Islam. We'd be STUPID to not develop a better way of assessing whether they WANT to be Americans -- or they just want to survive.

Because the masses that Obama/Hillary WANT to take don't have passports. Unless they are fake type that ISIS is manufacturing. And their COUNTRIES cant be trusted to tell us their background.

We COULD -- develop a process to stress test on American life and values. It's like those disclosures in the financial investments. Full disclosure of what they are getting into and measure their reaction.

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to read minds. We see Muslims who actually WERE raised here in America turning. It's their effing religion. It's sick and twisted.

Ah... But we do. And we're getting better at. Imagine an Epcot Center like facility designed solely for folks who have no freakin idea of what freedom, tolerance, free speech, and secular law mean. Maybe recruit Paris Hilton and her friends to design IMax rides and theaters to fully disclose what American life is like. :biggrin: Let them stew in that for month or so. Serving Halhal meals and providing call to prayer of course !!!

Then you sit them in auditorium do something between ClockWork Orange and the Matrix you hook them up to a heart rate monitor, a Galvanic skin response probe, and a pneumo belt (lie detector gear) and show them one of the American Pie movies. Give them one of those dial boxes that are used in focus groups to register their reaction (between "I LOVE THAT" and "I WANT TO KILL YOU"). . That's the final exam.

All who pass -- become candidates for America. All who fail are sent to Paris and Hamburg.
Because we SHOULD be smarter than those guys. And who would pick living with the French or Germans over us anyways. Those people are nutz.. :eusa_angel:

Lol. Funny post . . . BUT they know what it means. They just don't accept it.
They DO largely live in ugly little worlds. Don't know the first thing about tolerance, freedom, integration, assimilation or secular law and justice. But that is not the fault of Islam. That's because their entire Civil Society power infrastructure IS the Muslim religion.. And they are protected from being offended by tyrannical govts.

The RELIGION can and is practiced in Western cultures with no evil side effects. So -- if you want to keep folks that have been ingrained in ugly little worlds, you should not use religious affiliation as the primary qualifier.. We should be just as concerned about other cultures and societies that are FAR from our values and legal practices. Like African dictatorships, some Pacific tribal cultures. Maybe even some Balkan states.

If there prime motive is to ESCAPE the oppression in Islamic culture -- I'm all for it. But there should be full disclosure of what the adjustment will detail. Maybe even tests to put them into situations that they will encounter and measure their reactions.. Stress testing if you will. Orientation programs to help cope and assimilate.

Agreed -- that we shouldn't JUST depend on their REFUGEE status and let their hardship create larger problems here. There is a lot of evidence that MANY in the massive wave that hit Europe -- NOW REGRET their choice to go there. That's understandable. Probably the same ones that Europe really does not want. We shouldn't make the same mistakes....

That is ONLY because those ones have been moderated. The ones for the ME??? Big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. Mark my words. I will bet you a bajillion dollars that I'm right!

You ARE right about taking folks from war zones that have 30+ terrorist organizations and radicalized versions of State Islam. We'd be STUPID to not develop a better way of assessing whether they WANT to be Americans -- or they just want to survive.

Because the masses that Obama/Hillary WANT to take don't have passports. Unless they are fake type that ISIS is manufacturing. And their COUNTRIES cant be trusted to tell us their background.

We COULD -- develop a process to stress test on American life and values. It's like those disclosures in the financial investments. Full disclosure of what they are getting into and measure their reaction.

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to read minds. We see Muslims who actually WERE raised here in America turning. It's their effing religion. It's sick and twisted.

Ah... But we do. And we're getting better at. Imagine an Epcot Center like facility designed solely for folks who have no freakin idea of what freedom, tolerance, free speech, and secular law mean. Maybe recruit Paris Hilton and her friends to design IMax rides and theaters to fully disclose what American life is like. :biggrin: Let them stew in that for month or so. Serving Halhal meals and providing call to prayer of course !!!

Then you sit them in auditorium do something between ClockWork Orange and the Matrix you hook them up to a heart rate monitor, a Galvanic skin response probe, and a pneumo belt (lie detector gear) and show them one of the American Pie movies. Give them one of those dial boxes that are used in focus groups to register their reaction (between "I LOVE THAT" and "I WANT TO KILL YOU"). . That's the final exam.

All who pass -- become candidates for America. All who fail are sent to Paris and Hamburg.
Because we SHOULD be smarter than those guys. And who would pick living with the French or Germans over us anyways. Those people are nutz.. :eusa_angel:

Lol. Funny post . . . BUT they know what it means. They just don't accept it.

Some will. Others will admit that America means nothing to them and that they just want to escape one hell hole and sequester away in sheltered enclaves and be left alone.

Maybe I should have included an episode of "Bad Girls Club" ??
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Hence the terrorism! :rolleyes-41: It's really not that difficult to figure out.
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Kind of a side track here...but...half my family is Morman. My half got excommunicated by Brigham young over a dispute (either wives or land, can't recall), when we get Morman missionaries, my Mom always welcomes them. She gets a chance to tell a bit of family history. And they are always so polite :)
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Hence the terrorism! :rolleyes-41: It's really not that difficult to figure out.

The ones that radicalize are ALLERGIC to Western ways. They are susceptible to wanting to harm us.

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Good Lie" ?? PLEASE put it on your list. It's sad, and funny and very accurate about the ignorance of folks lifted out of refugee camps and are just DROPPED into America experience. Takes them DAYS to figure what a phone is for or what a real job and paycheck is. I think these were young Sudanese ?? refugees.

If we're committed to rescuing folks -- it's cheaper to think along the lines of my Epcot experience than to watch your jails FILL UP with Muslims refugees like the French have. That's just stupid.

And I'm beginning to think WE as a nation are getting stupider every election cycle.
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Hence the terrorism! :rolleyes-41: It's really not that difficult to figure out.

The ones that radicalize are ALLERGIC to Western ways. They are susceptible to wanting to harm us.

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Good Lie" ?? PLEASE put it on your list. It's sad, and funny and very accurate about the ignorance of folks lifted out of refugee camps and are just DROPPED into America experience. Takes them DAYS to figure what a phone is for or what a real job and paycheck is. I think these were young Sudanese ?? refugees.

If we're committed to rescuing folks -- it's cheaper to think along the lines of my Epcot experience than to watch your jails FILL UP with Muslims refugees like the French have. That's just stupid.

And I'm beginning to think WE as a nation are getting stupider every election cycle.

And the problem is, you don't know which ones are which! I'm "committed" to my fellow Americans. We have homeless people right here in the US who need help.
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Kind of a side track here...but...half my family is Morman. My half got excommunicated by Brigham young over a dispute (either wives or land, can't recall), when we get Morman missionaries, my Mom always welcomes them. She gets a chance to tell a bit of family history. And they are always so polite :)

My first real "mentor" in engineering was Mormon and a brilliant guy. He got me involved in the Church with no real pressure. We were stopped one day unloading a truckload of 55 gal drums of supplies for the "revelation" or whatever apocalypse that Mormons are always preparing for. Had to put our hands up and sit on the curb while the police checked out the story. I just showed interest in his views. It was fun and educational. Even the "big bust" scene..
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Kind of a side track here...but...half my family is Morman. My half got excommunicated by Brigham young over a dispute (either wives or land, can't recall), when we get Morman missionaries, my Mom always welcomes them. She gets a chance to tell a bit of family history. And they are always so polite :)

My first real "mentor" in engineering was Mormon and a brilliant guy. He got me involved in the Church with no real pressure. We were stopped one day unloading a truckload of 55 gal drums of supplies for the "revelation" or whatever apocalypse that Mormons are always preparing for. Had to put our hands up and sit on the curb while the police checked out the story. I just showed interest in his views. It was fun and educational. Even the "big bust" scene..

Sounds like insanity to me. Lol. :D
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Hence the terrorism! :rolleyes-41: It's really not that difficult to figure out.

The ones that radicalize are ALLERGIC to Western ways. They are susceptible to wanting to harm us.

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Good Lie" ?? PLEASE put it on your list. It's sad, and funny and very accurate about the ignorance of folks lifted out of refugee camps and are just DROPPED into America experience. Takes them DAYS to figure what a phone is for or what a real job and paycheck is. I think these were young Sudanese ?? refugees.

If we're committed to rescuing folks -- it's cheaper to think along the lines of my Epcot experience than to watch your jails FILL UP with Muslims refugees like the French have. That's just stupid.

And I'm beginning to think WE as a nation are getting stupider every election cycle.

And the problem is, you don't know which ones are which! I'm "committed" to my fellow Americans. We have homeless people right here in the US who need help.

That's correct. But the BEST immigrants are the ones who have suffered under brutal regimes and thru senseless tribal violence and such. And there is a GOOD chance that professionals, academics, business people and artists from the MEast are part of that class.

My God -- Look at the Kardashians. For crying out loud. How would we have ever survived without them? OK -- they are Armenian. But the guy who took my kidney out was 1st gen Syrian. That was kinda scary if he suspected my Jewish background right?

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