The ugly world of Islamophobia...

You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Kind of a side track here...but...half my family is Morman. My half got excommunicated by Brigham young over a dispute (either wives or land, can't recall), when we get Morman missionaries, my Mom always welcomes them. She gets a chance to tell a bit of family history. And they are always so polite :)

My first real "mentor" in engineering was Mormon and a brilliant guy. He got me involved in the Church with no real pressure. We were stopped one day unloading a truckload of 55 gal drums of supplies for the "revelation" or whatever apocalypse that Mormons are always preparing for. Had to put our hands up and sit on the curb while the police checked out the story. I just showed interest in his views. It was fun and educational. Even the "big bust" scene..

Sounds like insanity to me. Lol. :D

What storing supplies? Who doesn't have 100 pounds of vacuum packed buckwheat in their garage?
"The ugly world of Islamophobia..."

It is indeed ugly and hateful – the product of ignorant, stupid, frightened bigots.

And as is the case of all manifestations of bigotry, it’s irrational and devoid of merit, a moronic fallacy, a ridiculous generalization, and narrow-minded idiocy.
You know, you have to listen to what they say, what they are taught, see how they are brainwashed. They actually BELIEVE that what they are doing is "right" and "just." Do you see how dangerous that is? They call us "infidel" for a reason. They believe that our way of life is evil. They think it is their "god given" duty to destroy us. They TELL us this, yet some of us just ignore them, like "nah, harmless little things they are." Look ANYWHERE where there is a large population of Muslims, especially in Christian type nations or places where there are other religions and/or secular societies. The GOAL of all religions is to convert people! There is no "moderating factor" in the Quran. Let's look at Israel, France, and even England. The Muslims are gaining ground. Just because they all do not participate in terrorism, certainly doesn't mean they don't support it! In fact, there are some Muslims who admit to supporting terrorism but not actively participating. They will tell you that it's okay to LIE to infidels and befriend them but not befriend them with their hearts. I've heard this more than once!

Not the goal of Judaism or Eastern Religions to convert people. And when you live in a secular nation where you cant have the STATE FORCE conversions or oppress other religions, you kinda accept that "converting" is a hard job without guns or swords or dungeons..

I can chat with Jehovahs Witnesses or well-dressed Mormon missionaries without fear of conversion. Time share sales sessions are bigger threat to me.

Kind of a side track here...but...half my family is Morman. My half got excommunicated by Brigham young over a dispute (either wives or land, can't recall), when we get Morman missionaries, my Mom always welcomes them. She gets a chance to tell a bit of family history. And they are always so polite :)

My first real "mentor" in engineering was Mormon and a brilliant guy. He got me involved in the Church with no real pressure. We were stopped one day unloading a truckload of 55 gal drums of supplies for the "revelation" or whatever apocalypse that Mormons are always preparing for. Had to put our hands up and sit on the curb while the police checked out the story. I just showed interest in his views. It was fun and educational. Even the "big bust" scene..

Sounds like insanity to me. Lol. :D

What storing supplies? Who doesn't have 100 pounds of vacuum packed buckwheat in their garage?

No, those religious apocalypse delusions. :) Craaaaaaazy!
"The ugly world of Islamophobia..."

It is indeed ugly and hateful – the product of ignorant, stupid, frightened bigots.

And as is the case of all manifestations of bigotry, it’s irrational and devoid of merit, a moronic fallacy, a ridiculous generalization, and narrow-minded idiocy.

Oh shut the hell up, mutton chop. You are a fallacy and a ridiculous generalization. Have an original thought, eh?
"The ugly world of Islamophobia..."

It is indeed ugly and hateful – the product of ignorant, stupid, frightened bigots.

And as is the case of all manifestations of bigotry, it’s irrational and devoid of merit, a moronic fallacy, a ridiculous generalization, and narrow-minded idiocy.

What's Stupid -- is still warehousing 10s of thousands of pre-teen "dreamer schemers" who rode the Death train up thru Mexico because their parents heard that we would adopt them. THEY now live in gymnasiums on futons. For YEARS maybe.

What's stupid is importing Muslims as undocumented workers in Europe like we import Mexicans and suddenly discovering that your jails are more than 60% full of Muslims. Because the MORONS in charge never really provided a coherent plan for proper adjustment and assimilation.

People are RIGHTFULLY frightened by the stupidity of their government in setting "goals" -- without planning or assessing or vetting the outcomes.
"The ugly world of Islamophobia..."

It is indeed ugly and hateful – the product of ignorant, stupid, frightened bigots.

And as is the case of all manifestations of bigotry, it’s irrational and devoid of merit, a moronic fallacy, a ridiculous generalization, and narrow-minded idiocy.

What's Stupid -- is still warehousing 10s of thousands of pre-teen "dreamer schemers" who rode the Death train up thru Mexico because their parents heard that we would adopt them. THEY now live in gymnasiums on futons. For YEARS maybe.

What's stupid is importing Muslims as undocumented workers in Europe like we import Mexicans and suddenly discovering that your jails are more than 60% full of Muslims. Because the MORONS in charge never really provided a coherent plan for proper adjustment and assimilation.

People are RIGHTFULLY frightened by the stupidity of their government in setting "goals" -- without planning or assessing or vetting the outcomes.

People will only assimilate if THEY want to. No governmental program is going to fix that!
Does anyone else get tired of that guy's monotonous and boring ass posts that basically say the same damn thing every time? What the hell?

I've said before Clayton is a computer program whose writer needs to expand his vocabulary and upgrade him to 2.0 status.
There is nothing 'benign' about Islam. That is a ridiculously ignorant fantasy. Find a Koran and find out for yourselves; Geert Wilder is right, it is a violent cult and rightfully should be considered hate speech, from beginning to end. It has no theology, and it's not even a religion, its the Mein Kampf of a deranged, homicidal megalomaniac desert bandit,and one who made Hitler look like a humanitarian in comparison.

And these gimps who run around tacking 'phobia' on the end of something need to be mocked and trolled at every opportunity. It's freaking shallow retarded gibberish for idiots who can't stand being outed as gimps.
No, he would just bar them,solely based on their religioun, on entry. That goes against Anerican principles.
Extreme vetting is all he called for. Islam is incompatible with our society, at least the Islam practiced by those in the Middle East. They believe in Sharia Law and will not hesitate to saw your head off to each that end. Have you been asleep during all these Islamic attacked on innocent citizens? Why the fuck would you want to bring more of the shit here?
Liberals are so frightened of criticizing Islam they're willing to put up with it's oppression of women.

But here's an Islamophobia that DOES exist. It's the irrational fear, exhibited by the Left, of criticizing the religion of Islam. They are petrified to say anything critical of Islam. They are so frightened of saying something bad about Islam, they'll sacrifice their children to Moslem rapists first. Unbelievable. This is the real Islamophobia.

Yeah.. I DO have a fear of criticizing religions. Especially, when the RELIGION is blamed for historical anomalies and events. Not because every religion is pure. But because for the most part, the RELIGIONS are benign UNTIL they become entangled and interwoven into the power of the Crown or the power of State. THAT'S when the CULTURE as a whole becomes malignant.

And as a lapsed Jew -- I'd be foolish to jump COMPLETELY on the hating Muslim thing -- EVEN IF those jerks don't like me. That stuff is called tolerance. You can't live in freedom -- without tolerance. And I would never want to witness a persecution of Muslims in same way MY TRIBE has been and IS NOW persecuted and stereotyped and made into some nefarious global conspiracy.. AGAIN -- even tho the majority of Muslims might currently be doing that to the tribe of my heritage.

You wear your tolerance like a badge of honor. Do you tolerate pedophilia also? Do you tolerate misogyny? Murder? Oppression?
The secret costs of Islamophobia -

All, while Comrade Trump shouts and cheers the haters.

There is no such thing as "Islamophobia." Media creation. Just people who want to have border sovereignty and domestic security. NYC media trying to apply their world view to the rest of Ametica that disagrees with them. NYC is basically an international city now. It's cultural connection to the rest of America is pretty slim.
Does anyone else get tired of that guy's monotonous and boring ass posts that basically say the same damn thing every time? What the hell?
It's a waste of time trying to communicate with zealots like that. Either side - the behaviors on both ends are pretty similar.

Pretty amazing, watching them be so tolerant of a religion that treats women and gays as that one does. And then they'll turn around and be absolutely as vicious and demeaning and hateful as possible towards Christians, ready to broad-brush the entire religion at the drop of a hat.

As you've said, they're Islamophobes.
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If it's anti-Xian it must be good no matter what, right? The homosexual 'community' gushed over their 'enlightenment n stuff' compared to the evul Xians, so they must be wonderful, right? Raping little boys is a common 'cultural peccadillo', so what respectable homosexual and their fans and supporters wouldn't love Islamists over Xians?
There is nothing 'benign' about Islam. That is a ridiculously ignorant fantasy. Find a Koran and find out for yourselves; Geert Wilder is right, it is a violent cult and rightfully should be considered hate speech, from beginning to end. It has no theology, and it's not even a religion, its the Mein Kampf of a deranged, homicidal megalomaniac desert bandit,and one who made Hitler look like a humanitarian in comparison.

And these gimps who run around tacking 'phobia' on the end of something need to be mocked and trolled at every opportunity. It's freaking shallow retarded gibberish for idiots who can't stand being outed as gimps.

We could use a few Geet Wilders here in USA. Well, Trump's a good start.

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