The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

Paul Craig Roberts shows us all that being a Jew can also mean being a patriotic American who tells the TRUTH.

Paul Craig is AWESOME!!!

No wonder the ADL calls him an "anti semite" which today translates as A PERSON WHO VALUES TRUTH AND PATRIOTISM TO AMERICA NOT ISRAEL!!!!!
Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

All great nations/empires have a shelf life. The problem appears to stem from the current state of the human condition(human nature). Until humanities human nature can be upgraded to a non-corrupted human condition we as the human society are doomed to repeat our errors. The old saying; "The highway to hell is paved with good intentions" tells it like it is!
BS OP, Virginia is currently being governed by a man (G. Youngkin) who never held political office in his life and is doing pretty darn well at it.

Peddle your papers someplace else, you are not helping the right-leaning at all.
I am willing to donate sperm to the ladies the old-fashioned way...
Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

Yes the Republicans are for protecting the elites power over the less privalaged, that's why we need to keep Democrats in the office who are believe in socialisim and the Robin Hood Effect. Republicans are for Capitalism which promotes protecting those with a lot of wealth and who lust for power. The Republicans want to keep the rich who lust for power at the top of the food chain in America, I hope Democratic Socialism will completely destroy that one day. Even up the playing field. Take the money from the rich ruling elites and give it to the less fortunate. I see a lot of hope in AOC, I hope one day she can transform this nation to the great socialist state I hope it one day will become. Republicans love the class system, I hate it. I am a Socialist Democrat who hopes one day we we have no more social classes and all money and property are shared. Take all the money away from the rich who lust for power and give it to those who are struggling for money, completely wipe out the class system.
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History is one thing, watching in happen in real time, during my lifetime is incredible. This is why I hate Democrats (this lying corrupt shits), RINO's and any other corrupt POS politician.

Republicans Are Bad for the Economy. Here's Why.​

The Daily Beast › republicans-are-bad-f...

Nov 4, 2022 — Ten of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans. ... Meanwhile, historically, Democratic administrations have overseen recoveries from those ...

Republicans have also historically presided over huge expansions in the U.S. deficit, while Democrats (since Bill Clinton’s administration) have overseen dramatic deficit reduction. Ronald Reagan more than doubled the deficit from $70 billion to more than $175 billion. George H.W. Bush nearly doubled that to $290 billion. Clinton ended his administration with a $128.2 billion surplus.

George W. Bush inherited that… and left office with a record deficit of more than $1.4 trillion. Obama reduced that by very nearly $1 trillion. Each of Donald Trump’s last two years in office saw federal budgets with deficits of over $3 trillion. In fact, in total, the national debt rose almost $8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.

Republicans Are Bad for the Economy. Here's Why.

View attachment 787641
The Daily Beast › republicans-are-bad-f...
Nov 4, 2022 — Ten of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans. ... Meanwhile, historically, Democratic administrations have overseen recoveries from those ...

Republicans have also historically presided over huge expansions in the U.S. deficit, while Democrats (since Bill Clinton’s administration) have overseen dramatic deficit reduction. Ronald Reagan more than doubled the deficit from $70 billion to more than $175 billion. George H.W. Bush nearly doubled that to $290 billion. Clinton ended his administration with a $128.2 billion surplus.

George W. Bush inherited that… and left office with a record deficit of more than $1.4 trillion. Obama reduced that by very nearly $1 trillion. Each of Donald Trump’s last two years in office saw federal budgets with deficits of over $3 trillion. In fact, in total, the national debt rose almost $8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.
There is no intelligent or logical method for disputing what Roberts has stated. The nation is imploding because the oligarchy and the ruling class it controls, has very effectively and systematically ruined the country.

Of course as happens in nearly every thread on this board, the duopoly dupes expose themselves. They merely blame the other party, failing to see the obvious. That being the two crime families are aligned and working in tandem AGAINST the people.
Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

Paul Craig Roberts is a crackpot. What is wrong with you?
Think about it. Throughout history, every single successful and free nation or empire has eventually been destroyed by the lust for power and money which led to corruption by those that governed. Then those corrupt leaders always disarmed the people prior to their final grab for total power. The United States was founded to be governed by honest and moral White men. We no longer have such leaders and the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country from within. The founders warned of having a Usurper submissive to foreign governments. We have one sitting in the oval office today and he's a serious national security threat. He's already erased our sovereign borders. The only way to stop the destruction of America is putting Trump back in office and having more White babies.

I agree with your op, except for the 'white' part, if you would have left race out of it you would have been spot on.

Republicans Are Bad for the Economy. Here's Why.

View attachment 787641
The Daily Beast › republicans-are-bad-f...
Nov 4, 2022 — Ten of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans. ... Meanwhile, historically, Democratic administrations have overseen recoveries from those ...

Republicans have also historically presided over huge expansions in the U.S. deficit, while Democrats (since Bill Clinton’s administration) have overseen dramatic deficit reduction. Ronald Reagan more than doubled the deficit from $70 billion to more than $175 billion. George H.W. Bush nearly doubled that to $290 billion. Clinton ended his administration with a $128.2 billion surplus.

George W. Bush inherited that… and left office with a record deficit of more than $1.4 trillion. Obama reduced that by very nearly $1 trillion. Each of Donald Trump’s last two years in office saw federal budgets with deficits of over $3 trillion. In fact, in total, the national debt rose almost $8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.
There is no intelligent or logical method for disputing what Roberts has stated. The nation is imploding because the oligarchy and the ruling class it controls, has very effectively and systematically ruined the country.

Of course as happens in nearly every thread on this board, the duopoly dupes expose themselves. They merely blame the other party, failing to see the obvious. That bethe two crime families are aligned and working in tandem AGAINST the people.
Paul Craig Roberts is a crackpot. What is wrong with you?
Don’t be a dick. Dispute what he’s stated.
There is no intelligent or logical method for disputing what Roberts has stated. The nation is imploding because the oligarchy and the ruling class it controls, has very effectively and systematically ruined the country.

Of course as happens in nearly every thread on this board, the duopoly dupes expose themselves.
No, we expose teabagger corruption and incompetence.
Then teabaggers naturally reply that "everyone does it" crap.
"Duopoly" BS.
They merely blame the other party, failing to see the obvious. That being the two crime families are aligned and working in tandem AGAINST the people.
Only ONE party is doing that..........OVERWHELMINGLY, and always have............since Reagan.

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