The Usual Nonsense Of Joe Biden

I watched the part of the video where he pulled back a little girl's hair and put his hands on her shoulders. Then I got bored. I don't see the problem.
I am sure you dont :lmao:
What is THAT supposed to mean?
Just imagine how you would react if our president said he wanted to fist fight someone.
Just imagine how you would react if he INAPPROPRIATELY touched someone elses children.
It damn sure wouldnt be "whats the beef?" and you know it.
Where's the INAPPROPRIATELY part, TN? Give me the time and I'll go there.
Him playing with a little girls hair isnt inappropriate? Him almost touching the breast of a child isnt either? What about when he was SMELLING a little girls hair? My gawd woman, get with the program.
I like how you keep ignoring the fight part LOL
I don't see that (the fight part) as any worse than the stuff that comes from our President's thumbs. Sorry.
And Biden wasn't "almost touching her breast." Jeez, TN, you're usually half way fair about this stuff. There's no beef here. And it's NOT because he's a Dem. I'd say the same if it was anyone else.
"Oh honey, Uncle Joe is just a very friendly old man." Famous last words. :eusa_hand:

It's those family acquaintances who are always trying to touch your kids that you need to look out for. Everyone should know this and protect their children. It is never okay to let someone touch your child when your child feels uncomfortable about it.
I am sure you dont :lmao:
What is THAT supposed to mean?
Just imagine how you would react if our president said he wanted to fist fight someone.
Just imagine how you would react if he INAPPROPRIATELY touched someone elses children.
It damn sure wouldnt be "whats the beef?" and you know it.
Where's the INAPPROPRIATELY part, TN? Give me the time and I'll go there.
Him playing with a little girls hair isnt inappropriate? Him almost touching the breast of a child isnt either? What about when he was SMELLING a little girls hair? My gawd woman, get with the program.
I like how you keep ignoring the fight part LOL
I don't see that (the fight part) as any worse than the stuff that comes from our President's thumbs. Sorry.
And Biden wasn't "almost touching her breast." Jeez, TN, you're usually half way fair about this stuff. There's no beef here. And it's NOT because he's a Dem. I'd say the same if it was anyone else.
The projection is astounding.

The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
The projection is astounding.

The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.
The projection is astounding.

The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

I suppose you are one who would allow him to put his hands all over your daughter, even if she was looking at you like "help me!"

You do realize that the reason those parents in the videos aren't reacting is because they aren't seeing what you want to see.

horn dogs always go for the crotch

The old lady is like "is he trying to put the moves on me?" :heehee:
The projection is astounding.

The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

Well, apparently some people just aren't very alert to their children's cues. Sad.

horn dogs always go for the crotch
The cop one was funny, too. Biden's a hands-on guy, but since he does it to EVERYONE, old, young, males, females, I think it shows he doesn't mean anything sinister by it.
The projection is astounding.

The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.
The evidence overwhelming

People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.
People see what they want to see. Not sure what sort of shit you people are into but knock yourselves out.

We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.
We see Joe Biden putting his dirty old man hands all over little girls and little girls who are obviously feeling VERY uncomfortable with it.

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.
"A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,'" Biden said. "They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said 'no.' I said, 'If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'"

At which point Joe likely wandered off stage to find an underage girl to palpate significantly.

Biden would have 'beat the hell out' of Trump in high school for disrespecting women

Where's the beef, billy?

If trump said he wanted to fight someone and you saw video of touching little girls like that you would insult him to high heaven LOL
I love this place!

I watched the part of the video where he pulled back a little girl's hair and put his hands on her shoulders. Then I got bored. I don't see the problem.

we know, thanks for that verification.

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