The Usual Nonsense Of Joe Biden

Yeah, thanks for providing more clarity into what you want to see.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.

On national tv?

Anyway, nice speech, are you going to defend the women who have accused Trump of harassment too?

Since you're into making irrational conclusions, what do you think of Ivanka's body language on the right? And where are those hands?

Now, maybe old Joe is just hamming it up for the camera, "look how much I love children" and he really is this much of a goofball that he would completely miss the cues and signals that these little girls are giving off, saying that his behavior is making them feel uncomfortable at the least. I don't know, but he is completely socially unaware and definitely not really a "people person" if he is not getting it.
Walk up to a strangers daughter and start playing with her hair. See what happens, and report back. If you can.

That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.

On national tv?

Anyway, nice speech, are you going to defend the women who have accused Trump of harassment too?

Since you're into making irrational conclusions, what do you think of Ivanka's body language on the right? And where are those hands?


Looks like she is looking at herself in the mirror of the bike to me! Definitely not looking uncomfortable like the girls in the videos with Biden though. She doesn't look miserable and like she would do anything to escape.

It seems as if you are very bad with social cues as well.
That's totally the same thing.

You idiots are now accusing Biden of molesting an old lady. Like I said, you guys are seeing what you want to see, you're polluted.

No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.

On national tv?

Anyway, nice speech, are you going to defend the women who have accused Trump of harassment too?

Since you're into making irrational conclusions, what do you think of Ivanka's body language on the right? And where are those hands?


Looks like she is looking at herself in the mirror of the bike to me! Definitely not looking uncomfortable like the girls in the videos with Biden though. She doesn't look miserable and like she would do anything to escape.

It seems as if you are very bad with social cues as well.

She looks pretty uncomfortable and she's leaning away from the self proclaimed pussy grabber.
No, we know the signs of what to look out for when it comes to protecting our children from predators. One in every five little girls is molested and it is usually by someone who claims to be a "friend of the family." And it is usually always someone who is much too interested in your kid and someone who is way too friendly acting with your kid.

Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.

On national tv?

Anyway, nice speech, are you going to defend the women who have accused Trump of harassment too?

Since you're into making irrational conclusions, what do you think of Ivanka's body language on the right? And where are those hands?


Looks like she is looking at herself in the mirror of the bike to me! Definitely not looking uncomfortable like the girls in the videos with Biden though. She doesn't look miserable and like she would do anything to escape.

It seems as if you are very bad with social cues as well.

She looks pretty uncomfortable and she's leaning away from the self proclaimed pussy grabber.

No, she doesn't look uncomfortable. She looks like she's looking at herself in the mirror, but you have already made it crystal clear that you can't pick up on social cues either. Not surprising.
Right and of course these predators choose to make their move in direct view of the parents. Your fantasies are getting more and more outlandish.

Sometimes they do, yes. They gain trust and want to like a part of the family. They are very conniving and convincing. I know that most women here know exactly what I'm talking about and that we've all had at least one unnerving experience with "friendly" guys even when we were young kids. Not having been a little girl, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, but those little girls' expressions and body languages spoke a thousand words to ME.

On national tv?

Anyway, nice speech, are you going to defend the women who have accused Trump of harassment too?

Since you're into making irrational conclusions, what do you think of Ivanka's body language on the right? And where are those hands?


Looks like she is looking at herself in the mirror of the bike to me! Definitely not looking uncomfortable like the girls in the videos with Biden though. She doesn't look miserable and like she would do anything to escape.

It seems as if you are very bad with social cues as well.

She looks pretty uncomfortable and she's leaning away from the self proclaimed pussy grabber.

No, she doesn't look uncomfortable. She looks like she's looking at herself in the mirror, but you have already made it crystal clear that you can't pick up on social cues either. Not surprising.

Social cues? Like grabbing your pre-teen daughter just under the breasts? Where is that considered OK?
Another totally not a little strange picture of father and daughter.


Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Come on. It is different for a father to show love to his daughter than for Joe Biden to be showing love for every single female child in attendance. There was something weird and disturbing about how he put his hands all over the young girls and they were CLEARLY uncomfortable with his touching them. You should always follow your gut instincts when it comes to things like that. Don't be a douche and tell people that it's just nothing and he's just friendly.
There was a reason why the girls were so uncomfortable with his touching and to try to convince them that they should ignore their own red flags is BAD. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, there is usually a reason why.
Come on. It is different for a father to show love to his daughter than for Joe Biden to be showing love for every single female child in attendance. There was something weird and disturbing about how he put his hands all over the young girls and they were CLEARLY uncomfortable with his touching them. You should always follow your gut instincts when it comes to things like that. Don't be a douche and tell people that it's just nothing and he's just friendly.

Are you sure? Girls are often times molested by members of their own family but hey, just throw it out of hand because you only choose to see what you want to.

Hey, I don't think Biden or Trump have molested any kids, but I don't like to say shit political points because I'm not an extremist partisan hack.
Come on. It is different for a father to show love to his daughter than for Joe Biden to be showing love for every single female child in attendance. There was something weird and disturbing about how he put his hands all over the young girls and they were CLEARLY uncomfortable with his touching them. You should always follow your gut instincts when it comes to things like that. Don't be a douche and tell people that it's just nothing and he's just friendly.

Are you sure? Girls are often times molested by members of their own family but hey, just throw it out of hand because you only choose to see what you want to.

Hey, I don't think Biden or Trump have molested any kids, but I don't like to say shit political points because I'm not an extremist partisan hack.

That is true, but Ivanka is an adult woman now in her 30s, and she is obviously not uncomfortable at all around her father.

I would agree that some of the pictures do seem a bit inappropriate, but those pictures were obviously from professional photo shoots that are all set up when you arrive for the photos. You aren't calling the shots. The photographers are calling the shots.

Also, I have pictures of myself sitting on my father's lap too. There is nothing wrong with a father showing affection to his daughter or a daughter showing affection to her father. There is something wrong with a man who cannot seem to keep his hands off any little girls who have the misfortune to cross his path and who are very obviously uncomfortable with his "familiarity" seeing as he is NOT their father or a family member that they trust apparently.
Come on. It is different for a father to show love to his daughter than for Joe Biden to be showing love for every single female child in attendance. There was something weird and disturbing about how he put his hands all over the young girls and they were CLEARLY uncomfortable with his touching them. You should always follow your gut instincts when it comes to things like that. Don't be a douche and tell people that it's just nothing and he's just friendly.

Are you sure? Girls are often times molested by members of their own family but hey, just throw it out of hand because you only choose to see what you want to.

Hey, I don't think Biden or Trump have molested any kids, but I don't like to say shit political points because I'm not an extremist partisan hack.

Me neither, but I do find it odd that Joe always seems to have the little girls within arm's reach.

He used to swim buck-naked at the VP residence when the younger SS agents were around.
Come on. It is different for a father to show love to his daughter than for Joe Biden to be showing love for every single female child in attendance. There was something weird and disturbing about how he put his hands all over the young girls and they were CLEARLY uncomfortable with his touching them. You should always follow your gut instincts when it comes to things like that. Don't be a douche and tell people that it's just nothing and he's just friendly.

Are you sure? Girls are often times molested by members of their own family but hey, just throw it out of hand because you only choose to see what you want to.

Hey, I don't think Biden or Trump have molested any kids, but I don't like to say shit political points because I'm not an extremist partisan hack.

Me neither, but I do find it odd that Joe always seems to have the little girls within arm's reach.

He used to swim buck-naked at the VP residence when the younger SS agents were around.

He's a dirty old man. That much is obvious. That is why the little girls look so uncomfortable around him. They know it too. Lol.

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