The usual Republican types come out to defend obama..against something Trump didn't say....

This could have been a plant, but it's possible it wasn't....

Trump was not prepared for the question and answered off the cuff....

The GOP is scrambling for certain, to wreck Trumps momentum.

A party divided, will NOT win this what they are probably thinking...and that they need to cull down those running to maybe 3 or 4 others, so this primary race can get down to substance and not showmanship, and get the numbers up for the GOP 3-4 candidates left.

Trump is scary to the gop and rnc, even if he was elected president, he's more of an independent....he'll tow the line on only what he wants...

The fact that he scares the GOP establishment, and all the liberals is exactly why people like him.
But not a good reason for such a nut case to be president.
revenge for obama is a good reason. and for the most part why I will vote for him given the chance.
So, you don't give a fuck about this country. Voting is all about revenge, even if we end up with a nut job in the White House. Good to know.

And voting for obama was all about him being black.......even though he had close personal friends who are actual domestic, terrorist bombers......and belonged to a racist church for 20 years.......

Voting for Obama was all because he was black, and not republican, and dynamic and eloquent and young and charismatic
stop letting these politicians and these LAMEsteam medias PLAY these games on us. this is all staged, set ups and then ran through the leftist hate machine. We don't HAVE TO DEFEND that man or any President over some question by a CITIZEN of this country at some townhall. they aren't our lord and saviors.

none of these politicians are
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It is not up to Trump to correct that man. The DNC is fishing and that is all. Would Hillary ADMIT to being the FIRST birther?
More then likely not and the DNC would say nothing.
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This could have been a plant, but it's possible it wasn't....

Trump was not prepared for the question and answered off the cuff....

The GOP is scrambling for certain, to wreck Trumps momentum.

A party divided, will NOT win this what they are probably thinking...and that they need to cull down those running to maybe 3 or 4 others, so this primary race can get down to substance and not showmanship, and get the numbers up for the GOP 3-4 candidates left.

Trump is scary to the gop and rnc, even if he was elected president, he's more of an independent....he'll tow the line on only what he wants...

The fact that he scares the GOP establishment, and all the liberals is exactly why people like him.
But not a good reason for such a nut case to be president.
revenge for obama is a good reason. and for the most part why I will vote for him given the chance.
So, you don't give a fuck about this country. Voting is all about revenge, even if we end up with a nut job in the White House. Good to know.

You people vote in these corrupt ass politicians and look what's happened, we are $18 trillion dollars in debt, people can't find a decent paying job, going to college means you begin life in debt up to your eyeballs, government runs around pissing on anything that's fun to do, they allow millions of poor uneducated losers to flood into the country, millions of young black men get warehoused in prison. I mean its laughable how you people defend these hack politicians after the dismal job they have done.
without a cooperating congress and senate, little will or can can only have hope ;), that a president can do such, but it is clear as day from this last presidency, congress has the power of the purse, and they can't legislate without the senate's support....or compromise.
I'd rather have Jeb that has manners and wants to be right before he shoots out shit. That is presidential...Too bad your party of cutters aren't.
It is not up to Trump to correct that man. The DNC is fishing and that is all. Would Hillary ADMIT to being the FIRST birther?
More the likely not and the DNC would say nothing.
because we know that Hillary was not the first birther, just a right wing, regurgitated lie about her.
in the beginning of the primary, the question to trump was, would he support the republican party's candidate...and not run against him as an independent.

my question now, is

will the Republican congress support trump, if he wins or will they obstruct as they have with obama's initiatives?
Neither of them is a nut case; whereas, Trump is a died in the wool crackpot.

They're both nut cases. They both believe the government should spend even more than it spends now, and that Americans don't pay enough taxes. The only difference between the two is that Bernie is honest about what he has in mind.
You obviously do not understand what the term 'nutcase' means. It does not mean a person who disagrees with you.

That's the liberal definition: anyone who opposes liberalism is a "nutcase." However, the reality is that liberals are real nutcases because they believe in committing mass suicide.
You are so fucking stupid. It's not a matter of opposing liberalism that makes you nutcases; it's the ridiculous stuff you believe, such as Obama not being born in America, or him being the worst president ever when all you have to do is look at what presidential scholars say and you see his is average. You choose to believe outlandish, ridiculous lies...that's what makes you and Trump nutcases, no having reasonable conservatives views.
What's funny and very strange when viewing Trump supporters is thatTrump is a liberal, in many ways... raising taxes on the wealthy, letting in Syrian refugees, supporting tariffs and taxing wall streeter day traders, supporting the Clintons in elections, against republicans.... supporting women's choice with abortion....until he didn't.... saying kim davis should follow the law on same sex marriage....married 3 times to newer trophy wives each time...

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

It is the fault of the establishment GOP....the democrats do not apologize for who they are, they do not "reach across the aisle" they do not "wait for the next election," to execute whatever power they have, and they do not worry about what the press might think. Because the Establishment GOP has done all of those things and then, when they were given two landslide elections on the promise they would fight obamacare, for real, and take on obama and his agenda....and then they didn't.....the base has grown tired of them.

Also, another huge factor...the Establishment GOP goes out of it's way to not offend democrats....For example, when McCain ran and lost for President, he scolded a conservative radio host who introduced him at an event for using obama's full name....incidents like that are what the establishment GOP does, and then, they actually go out of their way to insult their own base....and they don't defend their base from the attacks of the democrats...

when Ted Cruz did his filibuster....they bitched and moaned that he was the problem and was going to cost the GOP the mid term elections.......and they attacked him and kept attacking him.

And then the base gave them a landslide victory in the midterms.....and they continue to attack Ted Cruz and the base, and do absolutely nothing to confront obama...

Like giving up their role in ratifying treaties with the Corker bill that inverted the process...and now obama is giving Iran nuclear weapons, 150 billion dollars and ballisitc missles.....

They have done squat when the Tea Party and other conservative groups were targeted by obama's IRS....

And Jeb....specifically said he is going to try to win the nomination without having to appeal to the republican base.....McCain said "the press" was his constituency when they liked him when he ran against Bush in the Primary...

Unlike the democrats who year after year take whatever the democrats do to particular blacks and other minorities in the inner cities......the republicans have decided to make a stand and Trump just happens to be the avatar for that stand.....

Rush, Hannity, Levine and Mike Savage, all hard core conservatives, have not come out against Trump.....when back in the day Rush came out strongly against Ross something is changing....

As Rush pointed out, this isn't about conservative principals...because the guys in charge of the GOP have spouted conservative talking points for decades...and done nothing to promote them.....

I think it is going to be a time for a major shake up.........and Trump is the one who gets that chance...
in the beginning of the primary, the question to trump was, would he support the republican party's candidate...and not run against him as an independent.

my question now, is

will the Republican congress support trump, if he wins or will they obstruct as they have with obama's initiatives?

No...boehner, and mcconnel will fight him every step of the way.....that is why if Trump goes all the way...we should support Ted Cruz taking the leadership position in the Senate........he won't led liberal supreme court justices get past the confirmation process....
in the beginning of the primary, the question to trump was, would he support the republican party's candidate...and not run against him as an independent.

my question now, is

will the Republican congress support trump, if he wins or will they obstruct as they have with obama's initiatives?

No...boehner, and mcconnel will fight him every step of the way.....that is why if Trump goes all the way...we should support Ted Cruz taking the leadership position in the Senate........he won't led liberal supreme court justices get past the confirmation process....

Republicans will not control the Senate beyond 2016
They're both nut cases. They both believe the government should spend even more than it spends now, and that Americans don't pay enough taxes. The only difference between the two is that Bernie is honest about what he has in mind.
You obviously do not understand what the term 'nutcase' means. It does not mean a person who disagrees with you.

That's the liberal definition: anyone who opposes liberalism is a "nutcase." However, the reality is that liberals are real nutcases because they believe in committing mass suicide.
You are so fucking stupid. It's not a matter of opposing liberalism that makes you nutcases; it's the ridiculous stuff you believe, such as Obama not being born in America, or him being the worst president ever when all you have to do is look at what presidential scholars say and you see his is average. You choose to believe outlandish, ridiculous lies...that's what makes you and Trump nutcases, no having reasonable conservatives views.
What's funny and very strange when viewing Trump supporters is thatTrump is a liberal, in many ways... raising taxes on the wealthy, letting in Syrian refugees, supporting tariffs and taxing wall streeter day traders, supporting the Clintons in elections, against republicans.... supporting women's choice with abortion....until he didn't.... saying kim davis should follow the law on same sex marriage....married 3 times to newer trophy wives each time...

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

It is the fault of the establishment GOP....the democrats do not apologize for who they are, they do not "reach across the aisle" they do not "wait for the next election," to execute whatever power they have, and they do not worry about what the press might think. Because the Establishment GOP has done all of those things and then, when they were given two landslide elections on the promise they would fight obamacare, for real, and take on obama and his agenda....and then they didn't.....the base has grown tired of them.

Also, another huge factor...the Establishment GOP goes out of it's way to not offend democrats....For example, when McCain ran and lost for President, he scolded a conservative radio host who introduced him at an event for using obama's full name....incidents like that are what the establishment GOP does, and then, they actually go out of their way to insult their own base....and they don't defend their base from the attacks of the democrats...

when Ted Cruz did his filibuster....they bitched and moaned that he was the problem and was going to cost the GOP the mid term elections.......and they attacked him and kept attacking him.

And then the base gave them a landslide victory in the midterms.....and they continue to attack Ted Cruz and the base, and do absolutely nothing to confront obama...

Like giving up their role in ratifying treaties with the Corker bill that inverted the process...and now obama is giving Iran nuclear weapons, 150 billion dollars and ballisitc missles.....

They have done squat when the Tea Party and other conservative groups were targeted by obama's IRS....

And Jeb....specifically said he is going to try to win the nomination without having to appeal to the republican base.....McCain said "the press" was his constituency when they liked him when he ran against Bush in the Primary...

Unlike the democrats who year after year take whatever the democrats do to particular blacks and other minorities in the inner cities......the republicans have decided to make a stand and Trump just happens to be the avatar for that stand.....

Rush, Hannity, Levine and Mike Savage, all hard core conservatives, have not come out against Trump.....when back in the day Rush came out strongly against Ross something is changing....

As Rush pointed out, this isn't about conservative principals...because the guys in charge of the GOP have spouted conservative talking points for decades...and done nothing to promote them.....

I think it is going to be a time for a major shake up.........and Trump is the one who gets that chance...
that's an honest, from the gut answer. thanks!
You obviously do not understand what the term 'nutcase' means. It does not mean a person who disagrees with you.

That's the liberal definition: anyone who opposes liberalism is a "nutcase." However, the reality is that liberals are real nutcases because they believe in committing mass suicide.
You are so fucking stupid. It's not a matter of opposing liberalism that makes you nutcases; it's the ridiculous stuff you believe, such as Obama not being born in America, or him being the worst president ever when all you have to do is look at what presidential scholars say and you see his is average. You choose to believe outlandish, ridiculous lies...that's what makes you and Trump nutcases, no having reasonable conservatives views.
What's funny and very strange when viewing Trump supporters is thatTrump is a liberal, in many ways... raising taxes on the wealthy, letting in Syrian refugees, supporting tariffs and taxing wall streeter day traders, supporting the Clintons in elections, against republicans.... supporting women's choice with abortion....until he didn't.... saying kim davis should follow the law on same sex marriage....married 3 times to newer trophy wives each time...

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

It is the fault of the establishment GOP....the democrats do not apologize for who they are, they do not "reach across the aisle" they do not "wait for the next election," to execute whatever power they have, and they do not worry about what the press might think. Because the Establishment GOP has done all of those things and then, when they were given two landslide elections on the promise they would fight obamacare, for real, and take on obama and his agenda....and then they didn't.....the base has grown tired of them.

Also, another huge factor...the Establishment GOP goes out of it's way to not offend democrats....For example, when McCain ran and lost for President, he scolded a conservative radio host who introduced him at an event for using obama's full name....incidents like that are what the establishment GOP does, and then, they actually go out of their way to insult their own base....and they don't defend their base from the attacks of the democrats...

when Ted Cruz did his filibuster....they bitched and moaned that he was the problem and was going to cost the GOP the mid term elections.......and they attacked him and kept attacking him.

And then the base gave them a landslide victory in the midterms.....and they continue to attack Ted Cruz and the base, and do absolutely nothing to confront obama...

Like giving up their role in ratifying treaties with the Corker bill that inverted the process...and now obama is giving Iran nuclear weapons, 150 billion dollars and ballisitc missles.....

They have done squat when the Tea Party and other conservative groups were targeted by obama's IRS....

And Jeb....specifically said he is going to try to win the nomination without having to appeal to the republican base.....McCain said "the press" was his constituency when they liked him when he ran against Bush in the Primary...

Unlike the democrats who year after year take whatever the democrats do to particular blacks and other minorities in the inner cities......the republicans have decided to make a stand and Trump just happens to be the avatar for that stand.....

Rush, Hannity, Levine and Mike Savage, all hard core conservatives, have not come out against Trump.....when back in the day Rush came out strongly against Ross something is changing....

As Rush pointed out, this isn't about conservative principals...because the guys in charge of the GOP have spouted conservative talking points for decades...and done nothing to promote them.....

I think it is going to be a time for a major shake up.........and Trump is the one who gets that chance...
that's an honest, from the gut answer. thanks!

You are welcome. I am not a Trump guy.....but I have to say...his position on the 2nd Amendment gets my interest. And Trump is also a "contract" guy....and has in the past made the point that his word is important to him.....where the GOP establishment has promised and promised and not delivered....Trump might, might deliver on what he says he will do.....and that might be enough...and if he follows through....that would be something.....
That's the liberal definition: anyone who opposes liberalism is a "nutcase." However, the reality is that liberals are real nutcases because they believe in committing mass suicide.
You are so fucking stupid. It's not a matter of opposing liberalism that makes you nutcases; it's the ridiculous stuff you believe, such as Obama not being born in America, or him being the worst president ever when all you have to do is look at what presidential scholars say and you see his is average. You choose to believe outlandish, ridiculous lies...that's what makes you and Trump nutcases, no having reasonable conservatives views.
What's funny and very strange when viewing Trump supporters is thatTrump is a liberal, in many ways... raising taxes on the wealthy, letting in Syrian refugees, supporting tariffs and taxing wall streeter day traders, supporting the Clintons in elections, against republicans.... supporting women's choice with abortion....until he didn't.... saying kim davis should follow the law on same sex marriage....married 3 times to newer trophy wives each time...

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

It is the fault of the establishment GOP....the democrats do not apologize for who they are, they do not "reach across the aisle" they do not "wait for the next election," to execute whatever power they have, and they do not worry about what the press might think. Because the Establishment GOP has done all of those things and then, when they were given two landslide elections on the promise they would fight obamacare, for real, and take on obama and his agenda....and then they didn't.....the base has grown tired of them.

Also, another huge factor...the Establishment GOP goes out of it's way to not offend democrats....For example, when McCain ran and lost for President, he scolded a conservative radio host who introduced him at an event for using obama's full name....incidents like that are what the establishment GOP does, and then, they actually go out of their way to insult their own base....and they don't defend their base from the attacks of the democrats...

when Ted Cruz did his filibuster....they bitched and moaned that he was the problem and was going to cost the GOP the mid term elections.......and they attacked him and kept attacking him.

And then the base gave them a landslide victory in the midterms.....and they continue to attack Ted Cruz and the base, and do absolutely nothing to confront obama...

Like giving up their role in ratifying treaties with the Corker bill that inverted the process...and now obama is giving Iran nuclear weapons, 150 billion dollars and ballisitc missles.....

They have done squat when the Tea Party and other conservative groups were targeted by obama's IRS....

And Jeb....specifically said he is going to try to win the nomination without having to appeal to the republican base.....McCain said "the press" was his constituency when they liked him when he ran against Bush in the Primary...

Unlike the democrats who year after year take whatever the democrats do to particular blacks and other minorities in the inner cities......the republicans have decided to make a stand and Trump just happens to be the avatar for that stand.....

Rush, Hannity, Levine and Mike Savage, all hard core conservatives, have not come out against Trump.....when back in the day Rush came out strongly against Ross something is changing....

As Rush pointed out, this isn't about conservative principals...because the guys in charge of the GOP have spouted conservative talking points for decades...and done nothing to promote them.....

I think it is going to be a time for a major shake up.........and Trump is the one who gets that chance...
that's an honest, from the gut answer. thanks!

You are welcome. I am not a Trump guy.....but I have to say...his position on the 2nd Amendment gets my interest. And Trump is also a "contract" guy....and has in the past made the point that his word is important to him.....where the GOP establishment has promised and promised and not delivered....Trump might, might deliver on what he says he will do.....and that might be enough...and if he follows through....that would be something.....

The GOP has LIED! They didn't promise then not deliver they outright lied. 40,000 ads they ran promising to defund Obamacare and his executive amnesty using the power of the purse and the first thing the GOP establishment did was ally with Dem's to fund both of them.
Here is the background of Mark Levin...I heard him discuss it last night on his show as I was driving around...and he doesn't have a problem with Trump....he may not be an active supporter,but he defends him from the press and the establishment GOP....

Mark Levin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After high school, Levin enrolled at Temple University Ambler including summer classes and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Political Science in 1977 at age 19, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.[4] Levin won election to the Cheltenham school board in 1977 on a platform of reducing property taxes.[3] In 1980 Levin earned a juris doctor from Temple University Beasley School of Law.[5]Levin worked for Texas Instruments after law school.[3]

Beginning in 1981, Levin served as an adviser to several members of President Ronald Reagan's cabinet, eventually becoming the associate director of presidential personnel and ultimately chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meeseduring the Iran–Contra affair; Levin also served as deputy assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education at the U.S. Department of Education, and deputy solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

He practiced law in the private sector and is president of Landmark Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm founded in 1976 and based in Leesburg, Virginia.[6][7]

Levin has participated in Freedom Concerts, an annual benefit concert to aid families of fallen soldiers, and uses his radio program to promote aid to military families.[8][9] Levin is also involved with Troopathon, a charity that sends care packages to soldiers serving overseas.[10]

In 2001 the American Conservative Union awarded Levin its Ronald Reagan Award.[11]

Levin accepted the inaugural Citizens United Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award in 2013.

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