The verdict is in - worst president ever.

Worst is easy enough to figure out. Which Presidents had the worst effect on the stock market? :)
That's not much of an indicator of how good or bad a president is because investors make money in a bad economy as well as a good economy. Look how many people made a fortune in precious metals during the last year of the Carter administration when we had double digit inflation, for example.

Though I don't agree with the premise, I'm preet certain it mentions "stock" market...
Funny, I knew one of you libs would split that hair. Stock market means investing, does it not? So does the commodity market. And there are many mining companies listed on the stock exchange as well as mutual funds that invest in companies that produce or heavily use precious metals. Do I really have to explain this to you or are you just desperate to find a flaw in my comment?

Stock market means stocks......equities are valued on an entirely different basis than "precious metals"...

And before you get too deep into your prattle, consider the effect of correlation.....

Don't ask....I don't have the patience..
Don't worry. I don't like to feed the trolls.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.



Worst is easy enough to figure out. Which Presidents had the worst effect on the stock market? :)
That's not much of an indicator of how good or bad a president is because investors make money in a bad economy as well as a good economy. Look how many people made a fortune in precious metals during the last year of the Carter administration when we had double digit inflation, for example.

Though I don't agree with the premise, I'm preet certain it mentions "stock" market...
Funny, I knew one of you libs would split that hair. Stock market means investing, does it not? So does the commodity market. And there are many mining companies listed on the stock exchange as well as mutual funds that invest in companies that produce or heavily use precious metals. Do I really have to explain this to you or are you just desperate to find a flaw in my comment?

Stock market means stocks......equities are valued on an entirely different basis than "precious metals"...

And before you get too deep into your prattle, consider the effect of correlation.....

Don't ask....I don't have the patience..
Don't worry. I don't like to feed the trolls.
Stay Stupid!
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.
Any actual argument, or just ridiculous Pubcrap, hater dupe?

According to NSA adviser for counter-terrorism, Richard Clark, President Bush was uninterested in the many briefings he received from the CIA and NSA about likely terrorist attacks being planned against the US prior to 9/11.
Richard Clark and CIA director George Tenet believed the system was “blinking red” with warnings of impending terrorist attacks and tried to express this urgency to the president.

On August 6, 2001, President Bush received a CIA briefing entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack the U.S.” which referenced the World Trade Center and discussed terrorist plans to hijack U.S. airplanes with New York City as a possible target.
In the weeks after receiving that CIA briefing, Bush spent a month fly-fishing, golfing, and clearing brush at his ranch in Texas. Barely a month after that warning, the US experienced the worst terrorist attack in history.

Source: Reuters
After initially overthrowing the Taliban government in Afghanistan, Bush withheld troops and resources from that war to prepare for the war in Iraq. This allowed the Taliban to retake large portions of Afghanistan within two years.
The Iraq war was arguably the single biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. After sending hundreds of thousands of Americans off to war with the promise of a quick victory, these wars dragged on for years costing thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars. The overthrow of Iraq led to the creation of several Islamic militant groups and a lengthy civil war that completely destabilized the entire Middle East region.
The most direct result of the war was an increase in worldwide terrorism.
11. Bush and Cheney allowed war profiteers like Halliburton to make billions on the war.
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See all 18 photos
After the invasion of Iraq, Halliburton, which had given Dick Cheney a $40 million severance package, received a huge contract to run the Iraqi oil fields without having to bid against any competitors.
Halliburton made at least $39 billion over the course of the Iraq war and overcharged the government tens of millions of dollars. Cheney’s stock options in Halliburton earned him millions of dollars after he became vice president.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!

Sure the "same"

Obama TOOK US from surpluses to $1+ trillion deficits, with TWO UNFUNDED wars (you must increase revenues OR cut taxes), TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one WHILE at war), UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that was rammed down our throats in the middle of the night and cheered on the Banksters world wide credit bubble?
If the result isn't James Buchanan who was fool enough to send the army to put down a non existent rebellion in Utah while allowing South Carolina and the other confederate States state an actual rebellion that results in the deaths of 600K Americans than its a politically biased result
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!

Bush's first term was okay. It was during the second term that the secret Democrat emerged.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!
Partisan blinders are strong here.

The policies (and their similarities) don't seem to matter one iota. They have different letters next to their names so one can be the worst president ever while the other was a gift from god to the nation.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!

Bush's first term was okay. It was during the second term that the secret Democrat emerged.
Yup, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever were great, and starting the real estate bubble worked out great too..
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!
Partisan blinders are strong here.

The policies (and their similarities) don't seem to matter one iota. They have different letters next to their names so one can be the worst president ever while the other was a gift from god to the nation.
Ay caramba. Read something.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!

Bush's first term was okay. It was during the second term that the secret Democrat emerged.
Except for 9-11 and starting two wars
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

twas Bush's incompetence that set the table for Obama to become even a worse disaster. They should share the title.

This poster has said it all, right here, and correctly! These two clowns will go down in history as one and the same. You can think differently all you want, but for the most part, if you don't like Obama, you can't like Bush, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, both of them had good moments; or at least moments they took credit for. But all in all both Presidencies when a put on a weight scale, lean heavily towards bad, or all bad!

Bush's first term was okay. It was during the second term that the secret Democrat emerged.

Yeah...that's it.....wasn't it during the first term that he ignored the warnings leading up to 9/11, vaporized the surplus, crashed the markets, and invaded the wrong country?

OKayer than what?

The Plague?
Another Obama failure thread? FFS, we already know that, and so does the rest of the world.

Obama, as well as Hillary are both approved of, liked, and respected by the majority of people and governments throughout the rest of the world, whereas Bush was despised. Simple things like this show just how clueless cons are.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

Franco is an idiot of the highest magnitude, that for certain. However, attacking a person's intellect by incorrectly inserting "however" in place of "how ever" reduces you to the same level of stupidity.
However did your brain generate enough power to drive your fingers to produce over 23,787 postings here?

Nothing personal. Just curious.

Bush, for all his myriad faults, was Marcus Aurelius when compared to Obama's Caligula.

Franco is an idiot of the highest magnitude, that for certain. However, attacking a person's intellect by incorrectly inserting "however" in place of "how ever" reduces you to the same level of stupidity.

I'm sure your typing is as impeccable as it is important.
That's not much of an indicator of how good or bad a president is because investors make money in a bad economy as well as a good economy. Look how many people made a fortune in precious metals during the last year of the Carter administration when we had double digit inflation, for example.

Though I don't agree with the premise, I'm preet certain it mentions "stock" market...
Funny, I knew one of you libs would split that hair. Stock market means investing, does it not? So does the commodity market. And there are many mining companies listed on the stock exchange as well as mutual funds that invest in companies that produce or heavily use precious metals. Do I really have to explain this to you or are you just desperate to find a flaw in my comment?

Stock market means stocks......equities are valued on an entirely different basis than "precious metals"...

And before you get too deep into your prattle, consider the effect of correlation.....

Don't ask....I don't have the patience..
Don't worry. I don't like to feed the trolls.
Stay Stupid!
Fuck off, ass boil.
Though I don't agree with the premise, I'm preet certain it mentions "stock" market...
Funny, I knew one of you libs would split that hair. Stock market means investing, does it not? So does the commodity market. And there are many mining companies listed on the stock exchange as well as mutual funds that invest in companies that produce or heavily use precious metals. Do I really have to explain this to you or are you just desperate to find a flaw in my comment?

Stock market means stocks......equities are valued on an entirely different basis than "precious metals"...

And before you get too deep into your prattle, consider the effect of correlation.....

Don't ask....I don't have the patience..
Don't worry. I don't like to feed the trolls.
Stay Stupid!
Fuck off, ass boil.
You mad, lass?

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