The very creative way liberals are subverting America.

The Constitution says little about immigration and even less about restricting it. Noting this treasonous liberals have invited in 30 million illegals, so far, who block vote for liberals because of the liberal welfare and amnesty programs. Thus, liberals have found a way to take over and quickly destroy the country.

Our Founders , geniuses that they were, nevertheless failed to anticipate this method of liberal subversion and so , it would seem, we are doomed. Does anyone see a way out?

No way out.

The damage has been done. The horror is here to stay.
Agreed, but do we HAVE to keep the democrats as well?
THAT is the part that sucks.
Some liberals know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on Commerce, well regulated, at our borders. Capitalism is only useless to the Right.
What business plan do you propose??

An updated Constitution.

What exactly would your updated constitution include??

We do amendments, not so much a redo option on the Constitution.

By the way, can you explain what a true 1%er is??

Everything that has happened that effected/affected peoples lives in the past 200+ years.

A true 1%er is a person making more than $200,000.00/yr. Top 1%ers like me make more money in one year than you'll make in your entire life.
I didn't think so, comes from bikers, the hard core of the hard core, outlaw to the max, no colors, only comprise about 1% of bikers, they are responsible for 99% of the bad rep the community gets.

Just an intelligence test, needless to say, you flunked, more interested in spreading slander and bullshit than brokering in the intellectual pursuit of knowledge.

You were quite vauge, is that saying you want change just lack the intelligence to see the right direction to go and how to get there??
The Constitution says little about immigration and even less about restricting it. Noting this treasonous liberals have invited in 30 million illegals, so far, who block vote for liberals because of the liberal welfare and amnesty programs. Thus, liberals have found a way to take over and quickly destroy the country.

Our Founders , geniuses that they were, nevertheless failed to anticipate this method of liberal subversion and so , it would seem, we are doomed. Does anyone see a way out?

Wow, you have a valid concern.
The Libs could exploit the Con anti-abortion policy!
The illegal & legal visitors could be screened for political preference, and the young Lib women could be encouraged to get pregnant and stay long enough to give birth in the USA ... to future Lib voters.
A conspiracy theory, or paranoia?

Actually, the Cons are being counter-productive in trying to prevent poor people (who are likely to vote Lib) from getting abortions.
It really goes back to the lack of a native-American's immigration plan, if only they had a plan and stuck to it America would be better off today.
It really goes back to the lack of a native-American's immigration plan, if only they had a plan and stuck to it America would be better off today.

Unfortunately, the Native American tribes were not organized in larger groups to have an effective "immigration plan".
What's a con??

In our part of the world con would be short for convict or con artist. Now in your part of the world as soon as your youth turn 18, you have them go out and commit crimes so that they are incarcerated and therefore become convicts.

Con artist are low life scum sucker who play on the stupid / less intelligent rubes of society, not nice to prey on the mentally impaired.

May be standard fair in your neck of the world but around here it is nor really a term of endearment. I know it is a way of life for most of you cans ...................
There is a plan:

A. Allow those men who want to marry men, marry men.

B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.

C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.

D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.


Translation^ : Good old America is not the same any more...
Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

They give them sanctuary, food and shelter .................

Why bite the hand that feeds you, especially when the lefts message is the right will take it away from you??
I didn't think so, comes from bikers, the hard core of the hard core, outlaw to the max, no colors, only comprise about 1% of bikers, they are responsible for 99% of the bad rep the community gets.

Just an intelligence test, needless to say, you flunked, more interested in spreading slander and bullshit than brokering in the intellectual pursuit of knowledge.

You were quite vauge, is that saying you want change just lack the intelligence to see the right direction to go and how to get there??

I thought we were debating economics. Nice spin.

My answer is not vague at all. The United States of America is the largest municipal corporation in the word, why shouldn't we have an updated business plan?
Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

They give them sanctuary, food and shelter .................

Why bite the hand that feeds you, especially when the lefts message is the right will take it away from you??
What do you mean; third worlders routinely make us look bad over here in our first world economy with their third world work ethic.
What's a con??

In our part of the world con would be short for convict or con artist. Now in your part of the world as soon as your youth turn 18, you have them go out and commit crimes so that they are incarcerated and therefore become convicts.

Con artist are low life scum sucker who play on the stupid / less intelligent rubes of society, not nice to prey on the mentally impaired.

May be standard fair in your neck of the world but around here it is nor really a term of endearment. I know it is a way of life for most of you cans ...................

Con artist = Republican politicians.
The Constitution says little about immigration and even less about restricting it. Noting this treasonous liberals have invited in 30 million illegals, so far, who block vote for liberals because of the liberal welfare and amnesty programs. Thus, liberals have found a way to take over and quickly destroy the country.

Our Founders , geniuses that they were, nevertheless failed to anticipate this method of liberal subversion and so , it would seem, we are doomed. Does anyone see a way out?
Let me explain reality to you. Before Reagan Mexican migrants came to pick fruit then left at the end of the summer. Then conservatives got the idea to hire illegals to do jobs Americans would do to flood the market with cheap labor.

You Republicans have no problem sending jobs to mexico why you mind bringing the cheap labor home all the sudden?

We should go after illegal employers. Republicans want to drug test every welfare person but they don't want to audit companies to see where are all these illegals working bro? There's your enemy. But Republicans can't see the truth cause you worship corporations. They own you dude.

So work raids stopped under gw bush. Dont blame Democrats stupid! Illegals can't vote. We will gladly make them citizens but then their wages go up and employers pay taxes.

If their jobs go away so will they. Get that through your thick dumb scull.
What's a con??

In our part of the world con would be short for convict or con artist. Now in your part of the world as soon as your youth turn 18, you have them go out and commit crimes so that they are incarcerated and therefore become convicts.

Con artist are low life scum sucker who play on the stupid / less intelligent rubes of society, not nice to prey on the mentally impaired.

May be standard fair in your neck of the world but around here it is nor really a term of endearment. I know it is a way of life for most of you cans ...................

Con artist = Republican politicians.
And why do Republicans not want Mexican immigrants becoming citizens? Their playing the racist card now but as soon as Mexicans become citizens and not political footballs Republicans will start wooing Catholic conservative Hispanics.

I think Republicans want to keep them illegal. Status quo.

This is just like how the English didn't like the Irish moving to America then they didn't like the Italians for awhile and now Americans are bigots about Mexicans?

I can understand not wanting Muslims but what's wrong with Catholic Mexicans? Are they any less dirty than Italians Indians or Arabs?
What's a con??

In our part of the world con would be short for convict or con artist. Now in your part of the world as soon as your youth turn 18, you have them go out and commit crimes so that they are incarcerated and therefore become convicts.

Con artist are low life scum sucker who play on the stupid / less intelligent rubes of society, not nice to prey on the mentally impaired.

May be standard fair in your neck of the world but around here it is nor really a term of endearment. I know it is a way of life for most of you cans ...................

Con artist = Republican politicians.

you really aren't too bright, it was a rhetorical question ...........

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