The very first words of the El Paso shooter's manifesto


The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
Interesting thing about his is a real mish mash of right and left ideas: anti immigrant, anti race mixing, corporatism, environmental destruction, cultural destruction. But he comes back repeatedly to Hispanics and immigrants.

It is very consistent with Democrat Southern Blue Dog attitudes circa 1964.

El Paso Shooter Originally Listed As ANTIFA, Bernie Democrat, 'John Brown Resistance Member' - The Shad Olson Show

However, other evidence from Crusius’s digital footprint contradicts those supposed views and gives a conflicting picture of Crusius’ actual political etymology. Cached versions of Crusius’s profile on the online public reputation aggregator, MyLife originally listed Crusius as a registered Democrat, (NOT a Republican) a climate change protester, John Brown resistance member, a backer of Bernie Sanders and Antifa member....

In the moments after the shooting, references to ANTIFA, Bernie Sanders, John Brown Anti-Racist Club (a 1970’s era militant Communist terror organization with ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground and also praised by Tacoma ICE Detention facility bomber, Willem Van Spronsen) were removed from Crusius’ MyLife profile.

As is also clearly visible, the oldest and original profile made no mention of Trump, QAnon or an alleged NRA membership (which would be an extraordinarily strange addition to an online biography.) Each of those descriptors were added by someone in the moments after Crusius was publicly identified as the El Paso shooter.


There is a problem with the MyLife didn’t EXIST before the shooting :lol:

Wayback Machine

Someone created it after the shooting (and it originally had NO political affiliation), then some rightist changed it...then some leftist changed it....then some rightist changed it again and so on. The only thing for sure is it Crusius had nothing to do with it.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

Yet you are considering voting for Trump in 2020….

In all honesty, attention whoring aside, one can no more blame Trump or any political figure for these shootings then that can blame Obama for the 200 plus people killed in the 20 plus mass shootings that happened under his watch. This El Paso guy, if you read his manifesto, not just take snips for style points, you can see a desperate guy who saw no hope in anything. No political bs at all. Just an upset young man.
Do you think strong ongoing rhetoric plays a role in encouraging an unbalanced person to act? For example, on USMB, rhetoric was blamed for encouraging the guy who shot the Republican ball team.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
See what I mean?

Not seeing a Trump quote there anywhere.
So? They're Trump supporters.

That's the point. Maybe that got by ya, huh?

What they actually support is the Left's Construct of Trump.
Ah, okay. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear that.

Who cares about them? They are mostly marginalized idiots who have only been given a plate at the table by progressives who use them as props in their fight against Construct Trump, and by proxy, anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney.

Really? As I recall, it was Trump who gave them a place at the table during his Social Media Summit.

Trump clearly has a message that inspires them, both to support him, and to act on what they perceive to be a legitimization of their platform.

It may not be deliberate but it is there and he has done little to disassociate himself from it. Maybe because they form a part of his base and drink up his rhetoric.
No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
See what I mean?

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish
The Mexicans they encourage to come up h are are MOSTLY injun (they are NOT "Native AMERICAN).

The ruling class is SPANISH.
From the Spanish who took it from the indigenous people.

It was still taken from people south of the border
It was a land dispute for which Mexico gained lots of money for land they couldn't really colonize themselves (hence they eagerly signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo).

It's how the entire world was nation taking land from another. It's how Mexico itself came to be.

I'm not going to whitewash what the US did. Neither will I shed crocodile tears
over the fortunes of Mexico, a repressive colonial power themselves who to this day threats their citizens like dirt.

White settlers streamed into Texas bringing their slaves with them. Mexico became upset with the number of settlers and their slaves.
In any case, Texas was never “white”. There was always a large number of Mexicans streaming across the border
In the last few decades, those Mexicans have become politically relevant
Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish
The Mexicans they encourage to come up h are are MOSTLY injun (they are NOT "Native AMERICAN).

The ruling class is SPANISH.

Same thing
Indigenous people
Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish
The Mexicans they encourage to come up h are are MOSTLY injun (they are NOT "Native AMERICAN).

The ruling class is SPANISH.
And the Spanish are white Europeans...and in a large portion of the US, white Americans.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish

Yes, that's true. But it doesn't help you now does it. They were not native to THIS land
White settlers streamed into Texas bringing their slaves with them. Mexico became upset with the number of settlers and their slaves.
Pretty picky for a nation that still does a thriving trade in human trafficking.

In any case, Texas was never “white”. There was always a large number of Mexicans streaming across the border
I never claimed Texas was devoid of Hispanics. One of the features of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
was Mexican land owners who wanted to stay in Texas were granted US citizenship. Most did.
Passage between the US and Mexico was a pretty casual thing.

In the last few decades, those Mexicans have become politically relevant
The problem has become exacerbated by RINO politicians who want cheap labor and leftist politicians who want a steady stream of indentured voters. These economic immigrants come looking for Uncle Scam's goodies bag.
They don't come for our music and snow.
Last edited:
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
See what I mean?
It is not a movement or threat. It is a kid who had nothing better to do. That is a the shame we all share.
Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Most Mexicans have Native American blood, not Spanish

Yes, that's true. But it doesn't help you now does it. They were not native to THIS land

The Native American population of this continent had no concern with the Rio Grande River

They have a cultural connection with Texas. To claim they have no connection to Texas ignores the history of the area
And his entire manifesto keeps returning to that reason.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
See what I mean?
It is not a movement or threat. It is a kid who had nothing better to do. That is a the shame we all share.

It is a kid who bought into the Anti- Mexican hatred being generated from the far right and exploited by our President
It is not a movement or threat. It is a kid who had nothing better to do. That is a the shame we all share.
Some of us share more than others. Especially those who fan the flames of fear and hatred for political gain.
Have any of his followers been arrested?
For what?
See what I mean?
It is not a movement or threat. It is a kid who had nothing better to do. That is a the shame we all share.

It is a kid who bought into the Anti- Mexican hatred being generated from the far right and exploited by our President
Like Obama exploited the guy that killed 5 cops in Dallas?

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