The very first words of the El Paso shooter's manifesto


The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

No they couldn’t have. We are not all mentally ill psychopaths.

Stereotyping is wrong, isn’t it?

It’s so bizarre how you stupid shits are trying to indict all Trump supporters for the act of a few.

Trump got 60 million votes. You guys ran a corrupt and evil murderous bitch and the cvnt lost. Get over it.

You’re not going to get rid of the 2nd ammendment.
There have been myriad posts on this board talking about the "invasion". An honest person can admit that.

And an honest person can admit that if a damaged, impressionable person goes too far with that word, bad things can happen.

Exactly. It is no different than the nut who shot at the Republican ball team. It is time we think about the sort of rhetoric we are willing to to,erase, justify and promote.

Oh we can't say the word invasion anymore but it's ok to throw around the word racist at every opportunity?
I’ll be sure to use it now more than ever. When speaking the truth triggers Leftists to such an extent; that’s the time to hammer it home. Anyone that lets the opposition control the dialogue is part of the problem, not the solution.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

So you are saying "any number" of USMB Trump Supporters will go out and start shooting up Wal-Marts?

It means Trump supporters will continue to give aid and comfort to more of the white supremacists.


Support of Trump does not equate with support of White Supremacy.
Nah. That’s just their latest attempt to try and separate Trump from his voting base; because the writing is already on the wall that they have no viable candidate that can oppose Trump in the upcoming election.
Interesting thing about his is a real mish mash of right and left ideas: anti immigrant, anti race mixing, corporatism, environmental destruction, cultural destruction. But he comes back repeatedly to Hispanics and immigrants.

It is very consistent with Democrat Southern Blue Dog attitudes circa 1964.

El Paso Shooter Originally Listed As ANTIFA, Bernie Democrat, 'John Brown Resistance Member' - The Shad Olson Show

However, other evidence from Crusius’s digital footprint contradicts those supposed views and gives a conflicting picture of Crusius’ actual political etymology. Cached versions of Crusius’s profile on the online public reputation aggregator, MyLife originally listed Crusius as a registered Democrat, (NOT a Republican) a climate change protester, John Brown resistance member, a backer of Bernie Sanders and Antifa member....

In the moments after the shooting, references to ANTIFA, Bernie Sanders, John Brown Anti-Racist Club (a 1970’s era militant Communist terror organization with ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground and also praised by Tacoma ICE Detention facility bomber, Willem Van Spronsen) were removed from Crusius’ MyLife profile.

As is also clearly visible, the oldest and original profile made no mention of Trump, QAnon or an alleged NRA membership (which would be an extraordinarily strange addition to an online biography.) Each of those descriptors were added by someone in the moments after Crusius was publicly identified as the El Paso shooter.

Interesting thing about his is a real mish mash of right and left ideas: anti immigrant, anti race mixing, corporatism, environmental destruction, cultural destruction. But he comes back repeatedly to Hispanics and immigrants.

It is very consistent with Democrat Southern Blue Dog attitudes circa 1964.

El Paso Shooter Originally Listed As ANTIFA, Bernie Democrat, 'John Brown Resistance Member' - The Shad Olson Show

However, other evidence from Crusius’s digital footprint contradicts those supposed views and gives a conflicting picture of Crusius’ actual political etymology. Cached versions of Crusius’s profile on the online public reputation aggregator, MyLife originally listed Crusius as a registered Democrat, (NOT a Republican) a climate change protester, John Brown resistance member, a backer of Bernie Sanders and Antifa member....

In the moments after the shooting, references to ANTIFA, Bernie Sanders, John Brown Anti-Racist Club (a 1970’s era militant Communist terror organization with ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground and also praised by Tacoma ICE Detention facility bomber, Willem Van Spronsen) were removed from Crusius’ MyLife profile.

As is also clearly visible, the oldest and original profile made no mention of Trump, QAnon or an alleged NRA membership (which would be an extraordinarily strange addition to an online biography.) Each of those descriptors were added by someone in the moments after Crusius was publicly identified as the El Paso shooter.


He is white and black and rich. :21:

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

So you are saying "any number" of USMB Trump Supporters will go out and start shooting up Wal-Marts?
I can believe that. Some here have been banned for making threatening comments or for instigating civil war. One recently expressed his desire to kill Liberals. A couple of years ago, there was one who expressed the desire to behead Liberals.

That isn't "any number". When you use that term you are implying if not a majority, a sizable minority.
It can also mean one.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

So you are saying "any number" of USMB Trump Supporters will go out and start shooting up Wal-Marts?
I can believe that. Some here have been banned for making threatening comments or for instigating civil war. One recently expressed his desire to kill Liberals. A couple of years ago, there was one who expressed the desire to behead Liberals.

That isn't "any number". When you use that term you are implying if not a majority, a sizable minority.
It can also mean one.

Not really. It implies a large swath of a given grouping.
Interesting thing about his is a real mish mash of right and left ideas: anti immigrant, anti race mixing, corporatism, environmental destruction, cultural destruction. But he comes back repeatedly to Hispanics and immigrants.

It is very consistent with Democrat Southern Blue Dog attitudes circa 1964.

El Paso Shooter Originally Listed As ANTIFA, Bernie Democrat, 'John Brown Resistance Member' - The Shad Olson Show

However, other evidence from Crusius’s digital footprint contradicts those supposed views and gives a conflicting picture of Crusius’ actual political etymology. Cached versions of Crusius’s profile on the online public reputation aggregator, MyLife originally listed Crusius as a registered Democrat, (NOT a Republican) a climate change protester, John Brown resistance member, a backer of Bernie Sanders and Antifa member....

In the moments after the shooting, references to ANTIFA, Bernie Sanders, John Brown Anti-Racist Club (a 1970’s era militant Communist terror organization with ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground and also praised by Tacoma ICE Detention facility bomber, Willem Van Spronsen) were removed from Crusius’ MyLife profile.

As is also clearly visible, the oldest and original profile made no mention of Trump, QAnon or an alleged NRA membership (which would be an extraordinarily strange addition to an online biography.) Each of those descriptors were added by someone in the moments after Crusius was publicly identified as the El Paso shooter.


Idiot, it doesn't even occur to you that page was created by a rightie who first labeled Crusius a "Democrat," does it?

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

So you are saying "any number" of USMB Trump Supporters will go out and start shooting up Wal-Marts?
I can believe that. Some here have been banned for making threatening comments or for instigating civil war. One recently expressed his desire to kill Liberals. A couple of years ago, there was one who expressed the desire to behead Liberals.

That isn't "any number". When you use that term you are implying if not a majority, a sizable minority.
It can also mean one.

Not really. It implies a large swath of a given grouping.

1. used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.

No you didn't, you posted what would get you a "thanks and agree". If you were serious you would have posted all of it. Instead, you do what all attention whores do, you posted what you needed to get the attention you needed at the time. If I'm lying, post it all or hush.
So you are saying "any number" of USMB Trump Supporters will go out and start shooting up Wal-Marts?
I can believe that. Some here have been banned for making threatening comments or for instigating civil war. One recently expressed his desire to kill Liberals. A couple of years ago, there was one who expressed the desire to behead Liberals.

That isn't "any number". When you use that term you are implying if not a majority, a sizable minority.
It can also mean one.

Not really. It implies a large swath of a given grouping.

1. used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many.

"any number", not just the word "any".

When you use that term, you imply, as I said, if not a majority, a sizable minority.
Interesting thing about his is a real mish mash of right and left ideas: anti immigrant, anti race mixing, corporatism, environmental destruction, cultural destruction. But he comes back repeatedly to Hispanics and immigrants.

It is very consistent with Democrat Southern Blue Dog attitudes circa 1964.

However, other evidence from Crusius’s digital footprint contradicts those supposed views and gives a conflicting picture of Crusius’ actual political etymology. Cached versions of Crusius’s profile on the online public reputation aggregator, MyLife originally listed Crusius as a registered Democrat, (NOT a Republican) a climate change protester, John Brown resistance member, a backer of Bernie Sanders and Antifa member....

In the moments after the shooting, references to ANTIFA, Bernie Sanders, John Brown Anti-Racist Club (a 1970’s era militant Communist terror organization with ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Weather Underground and also praised by Tacoma ICE Detention facility bomber, Willem Van Spronsen) were removed from Crusius’ MyLife profile.

As is also clearly visible, the oldest and original profile made no mention of Trump, QAnon or an alleged NRA membership (which would be an extraordinarily strange addition to an online biography.) Each of those descriptors were added by someone in the moments after Crusius was publicly identified as the El Paso shooter.


The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.

No you didn't, you posted what would get you a "thanks and agree". If you were serious you would have posted all of it. Instead, you do what all attention whores do, you posted what you needed to get the attention you needed at the time. If I'm lying, post it all or hush.
Is that why you post, to get a "thanks and agree"? Who cares. What a weird priority.

In Normal World, when a person carries out a planned mass murder, one of the first and most important things we do is look for a reason.

He gave us one, specifically. Clearly.

I know you don't like his reason, and I don't care.

Are you done whining?
I can believe that. Some here have been banned for making threatening comments or for instigating civil war. One recently expressed his desire to kill Liberals. A couple of years ago, there was one who expressed the desire to behead Liberals.

That isn't "any number". When you use that term you are implying if not a majority, a sizable minority.
It can also mean one.

Not really. It implies a large swath of a given grouping.

1. used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many.

"any number", not just the word "any".

When you use that term, you imply, as I said, if not a majority, a sizable minority.
Fair enough. I can agree with a sizable minority .
How about posting all of it? Especially the part about losing any chance at his dream job to automation ? Post all of it to be honest and fair.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.

No you didn't, you posted what would get you a "thanks and agree". If you were serious you would have posted all of it. Instead, you do what all attention whores do, you posted what you needed to get the attention you needed at the time. If I'm lying, post it all or hush.
Is that why you post, to get a "thanks and agree"? Who cares. What a weird priority.

In Normal World, when a person carries out a planned mass murder, one of the first and most important things we do is look for a reason.

He gave us one, specifically. Clearly.

I know you don't like his reason, and I don't care.

Are you done whining?

He gave a reason, but it was not trump. To keep pushing that puts you in the "Joe 131" class of liars. You posted a snip to get your kudos. Your just humping the leg of an atrocity for attention and it's gross.
He provided one (1) reason for the shooting. Since no one else wanted to bring it up, I did.

And I provided a link to the whole thing.

No he didn't and you won't post it all because you couldent find a way to use it to say Trump made it happen. What we have here is the USMB token rabid centrist taking a side and it's just as disgusting when you do it. You won't post all of it because there would be no "thank you and agree" that comes with it. How about this, at least post the part where he gos Into politics. Just post that. You won't because you are no better then posters like Pete. You just get all wet over mass shootings, then you comb the news like a consperacy nut looking for bible code hoping to find TRUMP. Just gross.
Oh calm down. And the second line of my sig addresses that "centrist" crap.

I posted his specifically-stated reason for the shooting. Obviously you don't like that. I don't care.

No you didn't, you posted what would get you a "thanks and agree". If you were serious you would have posted all of it. Instead, you do what all attention whores do, you posted what you needed to get the attention you needed at the time. If I'm lying, post it all or hush.
Is that why you post, to get a "thanks and agree"? Who cares. What a weird priority.

In Normal World, when a person carries out a planned mass murder, one of the first and most important things we do is look for a reason.

He gave us one, specifically. Clearly.

I know you don't like his reason, and I don't care.

Are you done whining?

He gave a reason, but it was not trump. To keep pushing that puts you in the "Joe 131" class of liars. You posted a snip to get your kudos. Your just humping the leg of an atrocity for attention and it's gross.
I've never said it was just Trump.

If you want to fabricate my positions, you're free to do so.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
So you assume he's a Republican.
Sorry, wrong answer.
He's a Democratic/Socialist.

Reading his manifesto is like reading the Democrat play book. The only difference is he doesn't like open borders.

Apparently you either cannot read or you are a liar. Maybe you can read this and understand this. This is his number one concern.

"Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election."

He is complaining about Democrats having a permanent lock in Texas and nationwide. He is hardly pro-Democrat.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.

He was not fruit loops. He was very much in his far right mind. You want to blame it on illegals. You are the one who is fruit loops. Trump needs to be ggotten rid of and that is a start.
So the illegals are OK with you? Obama had the Sandy Hook massacre-little kids-far worse. And, the shooter was a clear headed assassin? Trump has no bearing in this any more than you caused it-save your hate for something he did do-like the trade war.

They have every right to be treated decently and have their case heard in a fair and legal hearing. The fact is that the shooter was clear headed. He knew exactly were to go to shoot Hispanics.. The shooter used the same language as Trump. His language has a lot to do with it as it gives encouragement to evil people like this.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
So you assume he's a Republican.
Sorry, wrong answer.
He's a Democratic/Socialist.

Reading his manifesto is like reading the Democrat play book. The only difference is he doesn't like open borders.

Apparently you either cannot read or you are a liar. Maybe you can read this and understand this. This is his number one concern.

"Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election."

He is complaining about Democrats having a permanent lock in Texas and nationwide. He is hardly pro-Democrat.
Nope, but the Democrat party you remember doesn't exist anymore.

Democrats are socialists and communists, and this idiot is too dumb to know he's being played by them.

He doesn't realize that many of his beliefs mirror Democrat/Progressive ideology.

He's obviously not a clear thinker. Why do you suppose Democrat rhetoric focuses on white terrorism? Because it's how they plan on taking power and instituting their brand of fascism. They side with foreign powers and foreign invaders....condemn whites.....and wait for the carnage that soon follows.

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