The Wages Of Ordinary American Workers Has Increased 9% in Forty Years

Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.


I'm probably the only one who doesn't care if the rich get richer in this country. It seems everyone bitches about it but if someone works hard and earns their money without stealing, bribing, or breaking the laws then so what. The other issue is middle-class wages have remained stagnant and that is because of FUCKIN ILLEGALS who enter the country looking for work. It doesn't take a economist to know that if you double the labor pool then wages are not going to go up. I live in a state where they have allowed illegals to enter freely and I can tell you that it is damn near impossible for the average person to earn a living or even find a job. 11 million people need to leave this country as soon as possible.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

IF we had 0% inflation then life would be better now. I think you are right about the purchasing power of the dollar. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

I didn't include benefits such as time and a half after eight hours and again that was just straight pay. the rest of our benefits were good for a pretty good chunk of change, such as stock options like three for one.. Thanks to that alone, employees were retiring millionaires by the late 1980's

And of course there was the usual to die for benefits that goes along with if.

Oh and I seriously doubt the accuracy of your calculator..
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People that bitch about American wages, more than likely support limp wristed policies that stagnate wages.
The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule...........................
In 14 years you only got 6 bucks an hour more? Why did the union hold you back?
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

I didn't include benefits such as time and a half after eight hours and again that was just straight pay. the rest of our benefits were good for a pretty good chunk of change, such as stock options like three for one.. Thanks to that alone, employees were retiring millionaires by the late 1980's

And of course there was the usual to die for benefits that goes along with if.
The 80's were a good decade to work in. Too bad Obama isn't doing that today.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

He still has a job
"So What?" Says the bootlicker who doesnt mind getting robbed by a sharp dressed man
I have skill that I lease to a company for an agreed upon price. How am I being robbed?

If you think a lease is robbery then we cant talk
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

He still has a job
"So What?" Says the bootlicker who doesnt mind getting robbed by a sharp dressed man
I have skill that I lease to a company for an agreed upon price. How am I being robbed?

If you think a lease is robbery then we cant talk
I didn't say it is, nor do I think so. In fact, if you read what I wrote, I clearly do not believe I am being robbed if I am getting paid for a job. Are you accidentally agreeing with me?

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

The graph measures change dumbass. Everyone starts at 0% change because no time has passed and therefore no change can have occurred.

Goddam you might be the stupidest fuck I've ever encountered.
For someone who is always telling us how high of an IQ that they have, Dark Fury is one stupid bastard.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

I didn't include benefits such as time and a half after eight hours and again that was just straight pay. the rest of our benefits were good for a pretty good chunk of change, such as stock options like one for three.. Thanks to that alone, employees were retiring millionaires by the late 1980's
Benefits are subject to inflation too (so they can be entered into the total compensation purchasing power now versus then calculation too) and you would have to assume that those benefits couldn't have been secured without unions (which is not necessarily a good assumption), you also have to factor in the returns you could have gotten on all the union dues you've paid in over the years had you invested that money instead of forking it over to the union.

Not all unions are bad, many are, many aren't but like anything else one has to take into account what value they have actually provided in terms of real compensation, in order to be worth anything at all a union must provide a value proposition to their membership that justifies the price they charge to that membership for their services.

Bottom line is; You (along with most everybody else) would be making a lot more money (in terms of real purchasing power) if we didn't have government sucking off resources (via regulation and taxation) from the businesses we work for/on that could otherwise go into investing to make workers more productive and thus worth more in terms of wages, not to mention the devaluation of our dollars that is largely driven by federal government "borrow and print" spending.

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Judging by the years and who was president then Clinton and Obama have REALLY screwed some folks.

You wanna know who screwed the folks? George W. Bush started two wars, the one in Iraq totally unnecessary, then because of his tax cuts for the rich doubled the national debt and left the nation in deep recession. WHAT A DUMBASS

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Go ahead divide the CEO's single salary out over all the workers it won't make any real difference, other than to satisfy your need to punish someone who makes more money than you.

"after taxes" is your clue to why the poor and middle class are not doing so well. You better have yourself a look at where the local, county, state, and federal taxes that are being vamped from the poor and middle class are going, then stop voting for Democrats.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

I didn't include benefits such as time and a half after eight hours and again that was just straight pay. the rest of our benefits were good for a pretty good chunk of change, such as stock options like one for three.. Thanks to that alone, employees were retiring millionaires by the late 1980's
Benefits are subject to inflation too (so they can be entered into the total compensation purchasing power now versus then calculation too) and you would have to assume that those benefits couldn't have been secured without unions (which is not necessarily a good assumption), you also have to factor in the returns you could have gotten on all the union dues you've paid in over the years had you invested that money instead of forking it over to the union.

Not all unions are bad, many are, many aren't but like anything else one has to take into account what value they have actually provided in terms of real compensation, in order to be worth anything at all a union must provide a value proposition to their membership that justifies the price they charge to that membership for their services.

Bottom line is; You (along with most everybody else) would be making a lot more money (in terms of real purchasing power) if we didn't have government sucking off resources (via regulation and taxation) from the businesses we work for/on that could otherwise go into investing to make workers more productive and thus worth more in terms of wages, not to mention the devaluation of our dollars that is largely driven by federal government "borrow and print" spending.

Your hatred for unions is noted. But having said that I'd rather be making that 34 an hour today, then the 15 an hour alternative that everybody else is making b
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

He still has a job
Yeah apparently he's been luckily enough to avoid being turned into a dependent of the state or had his career decimated by gub'mint worshiper economic "policies" so far.....of course many tens of millions haven't been so fortunate.
Unions rule when it comes to protecting the working mans wages and benefits. Going back 41 years is proof enough of that.

1974 I was making 10.03 an hour.
1981 I was making 11.80 an hour
1983 I was making 13,89 an hour.
1988 I was making just over 16 an hour

fast forward to today and, it's 34 an hour...

Unions rule..........................., hate to break this to you but using your numbers, your increase in salary has not even kept up with inflation since 1974.

If you were making $10.03 in 1974, you would need to be making $53.63 in 2016 to maintain the same purchasing power using average annual U.S. CPI data not to mention making up for all the money the union extracts from you in dues and all the wage increases you should have gotten due purely to productivity increases.

So put down the pom-poms, the union hasn't done anything for you in terms of the purchasing power of your wages, you've actually gone backwards.

I didn't include benefits such as time and a half after eight hours and again that was just straight pay. the rest of our benefits were good for a pretty good chunk of change, such as stock options like one for three.. Thanks to that alone, employees were retiring millionaires by the late 1980's
Benefits are subject to inflation too (so they can be entered into the total compensation purchasing power now versus then calculation too) and you would have to assume that those benefits couldn't have been secured without unions (which is not necessarily a good assumption), you also have to factor in the returns you could have gotten on all the union dues you've paid in over the years had you invested that money instead of forking it over to the union.

Not all unions are bad, many are, many aren't but like anything else one has to take into account what value they have actually provided in terms of real compensation, in order to be worth anything at all a union must provide a value proposition to their membership that justifies the price they charge to that membership for their services.

Bottom line is; You (along with most everybody else) would be making a lot more money (in terms of real purchasing power) if we didn't have government sucking off resources (via regulation and taxation) from the businesses we work for/on that could otherwise go into investing to make workers more productive and thus worth more in terms of wages, not to mention the devaluation of our dollars that is largely driven by federal government "borrow and print" spending.

You're hatred for unions is noted.

You got a reading disability? where did I say anything about hating unions? go back and read what I wrote again and this time remember to put your objectivity glasses on first.

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Judging by the years and who was president then Clinton and Obama have REALLY screwed some folks.

You wanna know who screwed the folks? George W. Bush started two wars, the one in Iraq totally unnecessary, then because of his tax cuts for the rich doubled the national debt and left the nation in deep recession. WHAT A DUMBASS

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH lol And the leaders in the Democratic party who demanded a 2nd vote authorizing the Iraq war so they could vote Yes? :laugh:

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Judging by the years and who was president then Clinton and Obama have REALLY screwed some folks.

You wanna know who screwed the folks? George W. Bush started two wars, the one in Iraq totally unnecessary, then because of his tax cuts for the rich doubled the national debt and left the nation in deep recession. WHAT A DUMBASS

If you are not going to be rational then don't blog. I understand you hate George W. Bush and capitalism but at least listen to facts.

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