The WH and Barr are preparing a Scam

If there isn't enough meat in this report, the Dems will have to decide if they want to keep chewing on this bone or just come up with another one.

What they're trying to do here is pretty obvious, so they might want to find something fresh.
If there isn't enough meat in this report, the Dems will have to decide if they want to keep chewing on this bone or just come up with another one.

What they're trying to do here is pretty obvious, so they might want to find something fresh.
That is the perception Barr is trying to create by releasing it piecemeal
Let's see the entire report
The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!

Trump as president is greater than I ever dreamed.

Just for the whining and meltdowns alone.

You dream of a President who lies, uses the Presidency to enrich himself and his family, and is destroying the means by which American became the richest most powerful country in the world? You must be a Russian because no real American believes as you do, but the Russian trolls here talk like this daily.
This whole fiasco was never an investigation of Trump from the beginning. It was a DOJ coverup and all the criminals were doing the covering up.
You sent that one outta the park, wamose. Congratulations, and this is a little late, but welcome to USMB. Hope you enjoy the boards.
The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!

Mr. Barr works for the Executive Branch, he has the same position as Eric Holder did under the Regime of B. Hussein O.

Its his job to be President Trump's "wing man".

Since the libs didn't complain when holder had the same role, I expect that they won't complain about Bill Barr.
The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!

Trump as president is greater than I ever dreamed.

Just for the whining and meltdowns alone.

You dream of a President who lies, uses the Presidency to enrich himself and his family, and is destroying the means by which American became the richest most powerful country in the world? You must be a Russian because no real American believes as you do, but the Russian trolls here talk like this daily.

President Trump's family isn't being "enriched" at all, when compared to how other Presidential families have been actually enriched in the WH. Obama couldn't afford his own mansion without the help of the convicted criminal Rezko in Chicago before he seized power in Washington. Today, he owns a much more expensive house in Washington.

Obama made a real bundle as President.
Barr is a real piece of shit. A Trump puppet.
Next to you, he is a great American patriot who due to his loyalty to all who have died for freedom in America, and not flighty, scheming professors in university who think communism, Marxism, socialism, atheistic sedition-to-achieve-a-communistic-state-ism, and end justifies means government are all in America's future of godless purposes, who have guided the other countries their sickness has procured for them through murder and force is what they're hell-bent on doing to get rid of the American conscience of making the world a better place, one good deed at a time.

They forsake everything that is good starting with complete takeover by force of anybody too weak to stand up to bullying. It's all lies that wind up with absolutely power in far fewer hands than our democratic republic that has lasted through the spoils of well over two centuries. Our form of government allows a lot of room, but it does not allow communism/socialism and the it-takes-a-village bullshit that is used to cover communist takeover along with diverting the language to accommodate such evils as rape - "He did unconscionable things," (no time spent in jail for crimes).

Oh, and this kind of crap called socialism is the seedbed of communist takeover, which is against this nation's laws: Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
After listening to Barr....defend and even express empathy for trump....he may as well become trump's Campaign Manager for 2020....what a SHAME!

The AG is actively protecting trump....
The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!
Barr is disgracing himself.But then this isn't his first go round. He has a long history of doing this kind of shit .

Didn't he tell us that he didn't want to release the report in piecemeal fashion? And here he is doing just that.

And of course he's releasing several different versions of the report ...while Congress is not in session and of course he's having yet another press release to spin this thing.

The Hope is by releasing only portions of it over time that the impact will be lessened. It's the only chance Trump has...since reports are that the report is pretty devastating.

And Mueller WILL be testifying before Congress

I didn't hear a legal presentation this morning....I heard a Political Speech!

What a POS....
This pile of shit belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.

In fact, most of the threads started by dims do.
Keep telling yourself that and exalting such, please. Politically, it helps the right.
The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!
Barr is disgracing himself.But then this isn't his first go round. He has a long history of doing this kind of shit .

Didn't he tell us that he didn't want to release the report in piecemeal fashion? And here he is doing just that.

And of course he's releasing several different versions of the report ...while Congress is not in session and of course he's having yet another press release to spin this thing.

The Hope is by releasing only portions of it over time that the impact will be lessened. It's the only chance Trump has...since reports are that the report is pretty devastating.

And Mueller WILL be testifying before Congress

I didn't hear a legal presentation this morning....I heard a Political Speech!

What a POS....
This whole fiasco was never an investigation of Trump from the beginning. It was a DOJ coverup and all the criminals were doing the covering up.
3 years, 2 investigations, 0 indictments / convictions for collusion / obstruction...

And now snowflakes like you are claiming that Mueller and his 13 hand-picked Trump-hating DNC and Hillary donor team was / is in on the 'DOJ COVER-UP', as Mueller's team helped in reacting information in preparation for the report release....

And now snowflakes like you are claiming that Rosenstein, who was the one who recommended Comey be fired then called for Trump to be investigated for Obstruction when he did then finally joined Barr in agreeing there was no obstruction, was / is on it....

And now snowflakes like you are claiming that Mueller was / is in on it....

You just can't fix 'stupid' and 'TDS'...

You shouldn't be talking about "not being able to fix stupid" amigo. You didn't get what I was saying at all. Mueller was trying to cover up all the crimes previously committed by DOJ people by using Trump as a diversion. Now that we have our first real AG since before Obama, I think we'll finally get convictions of many of the renegade DOJ people that allowed the Clintons and Obama to get away with murder.
I didn't hear a legal presentation this morning....I heard a Political Speech!

What a POS....

The WH has been briefed on Barr's presentation tomorrow. trump knows Barr has dedacted the embarrassing portion of the report.

Barr is trump's ATTORNEY!
Barr is disgracing himself.But then this isn't his first go round. He has a long history of doing this kind of shit .

Didn't he tell us that he didn't want to release the report in piecemeal fashion? And here he is doing just that.

And of course he's releasing several different versions of the report ...while Congress is not in session and of course he's having yet another press release to spin this thing.

The Hope is by releasing only portions of it over time that the impact will be lessened. It's the only chance Trump has...since reports are that the report is pretty devastating.

And Mueller WILL be testifying before Congress

I didn't hear a legal presentation this morning....I heard a Political Speech!

What a POS....

"Embarrassing portion"? Is that what's left of the crazy left's investigation?

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