The Whitehouse Meltdown

First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.

Sounds like that's what you are hoping for

Actually I want to see the house fund the "all of the above" approach Trump laid out on Saturday.


Bush Jr built about 140 miles of wall or security fencing. Obama built the rest of the 733 miles. That is about 70 miles per years since the 2006 Border Security Law was passed. In the last 2 years, Trump was allocated 2.6 billion and has built exactly zero inches of new wall or security fence. Plus, he has reduced the number of Border Security Guards along the Texas Border as well. Rather than give Trump any more money, maybe we should give him a good Audit instead.


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"Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete..."


Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'

In 2011, addressing supporters in El Paso, President Obama jeered that Republicans "wanted a fence. Well, the fence is now basically complete." Audience members, as the official transcript shows, shouted "Tear it down!" and "They're racist!"

"Maybe they'll need a moat," the president added. "Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied."

What the president did in that speech was, put simply, to lie — claiming to have built the "fence" that Republicans enacted into law, without noting that he and his fellow Democrats in Congress changed it to require much less effective fencing.

Most of the fencing that Obama claims "is now basically complete" consists of vehicle barriers that people can easily hop over, or single-layer fences.

How Congress Prevented Border Fence Law's Implementation | Investor's Business Daily

In order to understand the OP, first you must understand today's happenings. The Video just starts the process. I went on to attempt to open the floor. The fact remains is, Trump has only two real choices now. Accept the offer and declare himself the Winner or not accept it and lose control of the Republicans in Washington completely.

And there is the other little problem of alleged threats to Cohens Family that is being looked at. Be very, very careful, you may very well end up with a President Pelosi if things continue like this. No one is completely beyond the letter of the Law.

You're assuming a lot on the solidarity of the republicans in the senate. I think they'll back Trump. Think about it, palousey is offering money to improve existing immoral walls. She just showed herself as a major hypocrite.

Also if you actually listened to what Trump said about Cohen, there were no threats.


It just got McConnell to open the floor up in the Senate. It appears that it's not the rosy picture you are trying to paint. McConnell has hitched his wagon to Trump and has stood steadfast using his power of Senate Majority Leader to prevent anything that Trump doesn't like to enter the Senate Floor. That just changed. The House already knows that there is enough Republican Senators to pass their version and not enough republican senators to pass Trumps version. But until now, that was not allowed on the senate floor. Trump is losing support just by that indication. And it appears that McConnell knows that his wagon is in serious trouble if linked to trump. Trump's approval rating just hut 36%, a new low. McConnell is screwed either way and may be just be trying to figure out a way so he doesn't look like a complete idiot in the history books.

The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.


The House bill will pass in the senate but not by the Veto Proof. Trump gets his chance to veto or not on that one. Just like the system is supposed to work. If he does declare an emergency, The Supreme Court is now involved. And I don't believe that Trump can justify a state of Emergency to Roberts and his bunch. If that is the case, look for some ruling that will force the government to open up without either side being placated.

First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.


Let's take a look at the numbers

There are 52 Republicans, 47 Democrats (including 2 indies that caucus with the Dems) with one Republican that is absent until his term as Governor is completed. The Governor does not have a vote.

There are a number of automatic Red Lever Pullers in serious trouble for 2020. Here they are.

Cory Gardner (R) Colorado. Let's say he has a chance if he breaks free and actually goes against trump. Trump is a parriah in Colorado these days. The Republican Party isn't but as long as it supports Trump, any Senator from Colorado that is on that bandwagon is going back to farming. Not to say that Gardner can't turn that around. He can. His vote isn't a sure thing for the Big Red Lever (or Orange Lever) these days. If all else fails fails, the dems have an ace in the hole, they could run Hickenlooper against him and Gardner is post toastees.

John Kyle (R) Arizona He was appointed to replace the Death of the Republican Senator. He would like to be (re)elected in 2020. But Arizona just replaced it's other Senator with a Democrat. If he stays on the Orange Lever Pulling Brigade, chances are he's toast.

Susan Collins (R) Maine She is a 4 term Republican Senator that many believe is past her sell date. She may very well win reelection but not if she goes with the Orange Lever pull.

Thom Tillis (R) N.C. Somewhat in Cory Gardners condition. North Carolina is now a swing state. Tillis has seized the Orange Lever with all his might. Hitching his entire career on Trump may be his undoing. Trump won over Clinton by a narrow 3% in 2016.

Joni Ernst (R) Iowa She is the first Female Senator from Iowa. But here is the twist. She won in 2014. But in 2018, Iowa did quite a bit of flipping from Republican to Democrats in their State Government. That means she is in the same boat as Gardner without the name and time recognition. She is probably toast.

Then there are the Republican Senators from the Blue States. This group, alone, gives enough for a simple majority or even a vote of 60 to take it to the floor. If you add in the ones I listed above or even half of them, then it could easily reach the 60 and be approved at the senate level. If the ones I listed above just automatically pull the Orange Lever then their careers are pretty much over. If the Blue State Republicans do the same, so are they. The Republicans have a good chance of increasing the numbers in the Senate in 2020 but this is one very sure way to gut their ranks.

No one can predict the outcome on this one until after the final vote.
First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.

Sounds like that's what you are hoping for

Actually I want to see the house fund the "all of the above" approach Trump laid out on Saturday.


He has to give to get. He's no longer King. He has to get used to that idea.
You're assuming a lot on the solidarity of the republicans in the senate. I think they'll back Trump. Think about it, palousey is offering money to improve existing immoral walls. She just showed herself as a major hypocrite.

Also if you actually listened to what Trump said about Cohen, there were no threats.


It just got McConnell to open the floor up in the Senate. It appears that it's not the rosy picture you are trying to paint. McConnell has hitched his wagon to Trump and has stood steadfast using his power of Senate Majority Leader to prevent anything that Trump doesn't like to enter the Senate Floor. That just changed. The House already knows that there is enough Republican Senators to pass their version and not enough republican senators to pass Trumps version. But until now, that was not allowed on the senate floor. Trump is losing support just by that indication. And it appears that McConnell knows that his wagon is in serious trouble if linked to trump. Trump's approval rating just hut 36%, a new low. McConnell is screwed either way and may be just be trying to figure out a way so he doesn't look like a complete idiot in the history books.

The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.


The House bill will pass in the senate but not by the Veto Proof. Trump gets his chance to veto or not on that one. Just like the system is supposed to work. If he does declare an emergency, The Supreme Court is now involved. And I don't believe that Trump can justify a state of Emergency to Roberts and his bunch. If that is the case, look for some ruling that will force the government to open up without either side being placated.

First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.


Let's take a look at the numbers

There are 52 Republicans, 47 Democrats (including 2 indies that caucus with the Dems) with one Republican that is absent until his term as Governor is completed. The Governor does not have a vote.

There are a number of automatic Red Lever Pullers in serious trouble for 2020. Here they are.

Cory Gardner (R) Colorado. Let's say he has a chance if he breaks free and actually goes against trump. Trump is a parriah in Colorado these days. The Republican Party isn't but as long as it supports Trump, any Senator from Colorado that is on that bandwagon is going back to farming. Not to say that Gardner can't turn that around. He can. His vote isn't a sure thing for the Big Red Lever (or Orange Lever) these days. If all else fails fails, the dems have an ace in the hole, they could run Hickenlooper against him and Gardner is post toastees.

John Kyle (R) Arizona He was appointed to replace the Death of the Republican Senator. He would like to be (re)elected in 2020. But Arizona just replaced it's other Senator with a Democrat. If he stays on the Orange Lever Pulling Brigade, chances are he's toast.

Susan Collins (R) Maine She is a 4 term Republican Senator that many believe is past her sell date. She may very well win reelection but not if she goes with the Orange Lever pull.

Thom Tillis (R) N.C. Somewhat in Cory Gardners condition. North Carolina is now a swing state. Tillis has seized the Orange Lever with all his might. Hitching his entire career on Trump may be his undoing. Trump won over Clinton by a narrow 3% in 2016.

Joni Ernst (R) Iowa She is the first Female Senator from Iowa. But here is the twist. She won in 2014. But in 2018, Iowa did quite a bit of flipping from Republican to Democrats in their State Government. That means she is in the same boat as Gardner without the name and time recognition. She is probably toast.

Then there are the Republican Senators from the Blue States. This group, alone, gives enough for a simple majority or even a vote of 60 to take it to the floor. If you add in the ones I listed above or even half of them, then it could easily reach the 60 and be approved at the senate level. If the ones I listed above just automatically pull the Orange Lever then their careers are pretty much over. If the Blue State Republicans do the same, so are they. The Republicans have a good chance of increasing the numbers in the Senate in 2020 but this is one very sure way to gut their ranks.

No one can predict the outcome on this one until after the final vote.

Run the numbers all you want, neither side gets 60 for cloture.

First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.

Sounds like that's what you are hoping for

Actually I want to see the house fund the "all of the above" approach Trump laid out on Saturday.


He has to give to get. He's no longer King. He has to get used to that idea.

He has to give to get.
He did, of course the greedy commies say it's not enough.

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First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.

Sounds like that's what you are hoping for

Actually I want to see the house fund the "all of the above" approach Trump laid out on Saturday.


He has to give to get. He's no longer King. He has to get used to that idea.

He has to give to get.
He did, of course the greedy commies say it's not enough.


Greedy Commies versus Insane Fascist. Wow, what a choice we have.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.

Yeah, now you morons are going to argue about the structure of the wall. Trump himself used the word 'fence'....You guys just hate Trump because he threatens your leftist brainwashing. If Trump walked on water you'd say 'Trump can't swim' and you know it. Pelosi categorically denied a wall. She didn't say what KIND of wall she just shut it down at the beginning of the negotiation so, Trump rightly walked away. Pelosi is nothing other than an old lefty witch with a hatred of The People.
First the courts have no say in a situation where congress gives the president sole desecration. The only remedy in the law is a majority vote in BOTH houses of congress, and that won't happen. Also neither bill will make it past the cloture vote, so neither will get a floor vote.

Sounds like that's what you are hoping for

Actually I want to see the house fund the "all of the above" approach Trump laid out on Saturday.


He has to give to get. He's no longer King. He has to get used to that idea.
He wasn't King when the Repubs had the House with all of the RINO shills. Otherwise he would have gotten more from them. The Senate has its sharwe of RINOS also. The GOPe is responsible for this as they destroyed more moderate or even conservative candidates and even stole elections from them to give to their shills. You see whatever Trump does I know the next Progressive Socialist Communist President is going to run roughshod over what is left of the Constitution. Obama was not as transparent as he spouted. A lot of things done behind the scenes or promoted lowly. We are destroying the military. In one of the Naval ship accidents the training was abysmal and two female officers caused it because they had hissy fits and did not talk to each other. Multiple sailors died in a collision. For nothing! To any parent receiving the news is the worst feeling anyone could bear and this for nothing! There are going to be more casualties because of this and since we like to go to war more people will die then have to. Now that Trump wants to get out of war or try to, the Progressive Socialist Communists are becoming war mongers along with the Neo Cons. Go figure.
Wow, Today isn't good for the Trumpsters and his Gang of Thieves.

I didn't see a meltdown, but then I am not biased either.

I didn't either. But any other person other than trump would be a puddle on the floor. He's toast if he doesn't grab the deal and claim victory. He's been given a gift by Polosi. But he won't go for it. And even Mitch is going to have to start unbreaking the Senate now.

The so-called "smart wall" is not a wall. It's a con.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.
We need a wall, not a worthless fucking fence that people can destroy with a pair of wire cutters.

What I don't understand is why a fence is OK but a wall is a crime against humanity. They both perform the same function, but one does it a lot better than the other.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.
We need a wall, not a worthless fucking fence that people can destroy with a pair of wire cutters.

What I don't understand is why a fence is OK but a wall is a crime against humanity. They both perform the same function, but one does it a lot better than the other.

Land mines would be a better wall.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.
We need a wall, not a worthless fucking fence that people can destroy with a pair of wire cutters.

What I don't understand is why a fence is OK but a wall is a crime against humanity. They both perform the same function, but one does it a lot better than the other.
the wall works, keeps out the trash. The fence doesn't and is a waste of money.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.

Yeah, now you morons are going to argue about the structure of the wall. Trump himself used the word 'fence'....You guys just hate Trump because he threatens your leftist brainwashing. If Trump walked on water you'd say 'Trump can't swim' and you know it. Pelosi categorically denied a wall. She didn't say what KIND of wall she just shut it down at the beginning of the negotiation so, Trump rightly walked away. Pelosi is nothing other than an old lefty witch with a hatred of The People.

If he were to support building a multi layered security fence with all it's trappings I have a feeling we wouldn't have this shutdown. He has just now started saying Wall or Fence or whatever they want to call it. The House has specifically stated that the money can't be used for a Wall. They haven't said anything about using for a multi layered secure fence. If the money is given without that stipulation Trump will figure out he can build whatever the hell he wants to including a Security Golf Course. He has already been given 2.6 billion for upkeep and increasing the length of the security borders that the other two presidents have done an average of 70 additional miles of wall and security fence per year for a total of 733 miles. Yet in the last 2 years, he hasn't added one single inch of addition wall or fence with that 2.6 billion. And you expect anyone to trust him with another blank check? He doesn't need 5.7 billion. He is in bad need of an audit.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.

Yeah, now you morons are going to argue about the structure of the wall. Trump himself used the word 'fence'....You guys just hate Trump because he threatens your leftist brainwashing. If Trump walked on water you'd say 'Trump can't swim' and you know it. Pelosi categorically denied a wall. She didn't say what KIND of wall she just shut it down at the beginning of the negotiation so, Trump rightly walked away. Pelosi is nothing other than an old lefty witch with a hatred of The People.

If he were to support building a multi layered security fence with all it's trappings I have a feeling we wouldn't have this shutdown. He has just now started saying Wall or Fence or whatever they want to call it. The House has specifically stated that the money can't be used for a Wall. They haven't said anything about using for a multi layered secure fence. If the money is given without that stipulation Trump will figure out he can build whatever the hell he wants to including a Security Golf Course. He has already been given 2.6 billion for upkeep and increasing the length of the security borders that the other two presidents have done an average of 70 additional miles of wall and security fence per year for a total of 733 miles. Yet in the last 2 years, he hasn't added one single inch of addition wall or fence with that 2.6 billion. And you expect anyone to trust him with another blank check? He doesn't need 5.7 billion. He is in bad need of an audit.
waste to build something that can be bypassed with a simple pair of wire cutters.
The fact is, neither bill that are supposed to be voted on tomorrow is expected to pass. As long as Trump is negotiating against a NO, you won't see any progress. Trump will likely declare an emergency on the border by Friday, after both bills fail. Just having votes on both bills will provide him cover.

This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.

Yeah, now you morons are going to argue about the structure of the wall. Trump himself used the word 'fence'....You guys just hate Trump because he threatens your leftist brainwashing. If Trump walked on water you'd say 'Trump can't swim' and you know it. Pelosi categorically denied a wall. She didn't say what KIND of wall she just shut it down at the beginning of the negotiation so, Trump rightly walked away. Pelosi is nothing other than an old lefty witch with a hatred of The People.

If he were to support building a multi layered security fence with all it's trappings I have a feeling we wouldn't have this shutdown. He has just now started saying Wall or Fence or whatever they want to call it. The House has specifically stated that the money can't be used for a Wall. They haven't said anything about using for a multi layered secure fence. If the money is given without that stipulation Trump will figure out he can build whatever the hell he wants to including a Security Golf Course. He has already been given 2.6 billion for upkeep and increasing the length of the security borders that the other two presidents have done an average of 70 additional miles of wall and security fence per year for a total of 733 miles. Yet in the last 2 years, he hasn't added one single inch of addition wall or fence with that 2.6 billion. And you expect anyone to trust him with another blank check? He doesn't need 5.7 billion. He is in bad need of an audit.

Nancy doesn’t like rhe word ‘wall’ and is holding America hostage for a word. She is past her prime and is losing it.
This is Trump's shutdown...start to finish

Who refused to negotiate on the wall? None other than Nancy Pelosi. It's on her.

She didn't leave out that Trump could not build a multi layered security fence. She just wouldn't approve of the funds for his "Glorious" Walls. The onus is back on Trump.

Yeah, now you morons are going to argue about the structure of the wall. Trump himself used the word 'fence'....You guys just hate Trump because he threatens your leftist brainwashing. If Trump walked on water you'd say 'Trump can't swim' and you know it. Pelosi categorically denied a wall. She didn't say what KIND of wall she just shut it down at the beginning of the negotiation so, Trump rightly walked away. Pelosi is nothing other than an old lefty witch with a hatred of The People.

If he were to support building a multi layered security fence with all it's trappings I have a feeling we wouldn't have this shutdown. He has just now started saying Wall or Fence or whatever they want to call it. The House has specifically stated that the money can't be used for a Wall. They haven't said anything about using for a multi layered secure fence. If the money is given without that stipulation Trump will figure out he can build whatever the hell he wants to including a Security Golf Course. He has already been given 2.6 billion for upkeep and increasing the length of the security borders that the other two presidents have done an average of 70 additional miles of wall and security fence per year for a total of 733 miles. Yet in the last 2 years, he hasn't added one single inch of addition wall or fence with that 2.6 billion. And you expect anyone to trust him with another blank check? He doesn't need 5.7 billion. He is in bad need of an audit.
waste to build something that can be bypassed with a simple pair of wire cutters.

Or something that is bypassed with a simple portable power saw or a gilly suit, right?

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