The Woke Revolution

File this in the same category as a blind squirrel finding a nut.

Occasionally a one of you progbots stumbles upon some truths that even their own cognitive dissonance can't dismiss

I've seen Mr. Bill off and on, here and there. When he's at his BEST, he's telling it like it is. When he's at his worst, he just completely goes off the deep end.

Maybe thats why I like him.........he's like me, an extremist. I understand his extreme tactics and thought processes. I've been that way all my life.

Maher isn't bad or good. Even though he's a registered Democrat, he isn't one of the Demonicreeps. He's what I refer to as "Old School Democrat". He's not a part of the oligarchy looking to take over the world by destroying everything and everyBODY they think is "underneath" them..........he's trying to WARN us if WE don't take a stand, it will never stop and will continue to get worse.

Fortunately, he's got the name, the power, the pull, and the money to broadcast the truth about what we already know, but refuse to admit about ourselves and whats happening in the world. So nobody can threathen him or pull him off the air without HIS authority.

Both Mr. Bill and Dennis Miller are my favs. They aren't scared of ANYBODY! Nobody is going to stop them from telling the truth or warning us about whats REALLY going on in the background and the shadows of DC.

This is one of Mr. Mahers more prolific commentaries about how we HAVE to pull our collective heads out of our asses and squealch this shit before it gets to the point where literal bodies start piling up.

Regardless of what politics you are......there ARE good people in all parties. Not all them are war mongering hypcorites, hellbent on stealing our tax dollars for their overlords. No matter what political party they are in.
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I tend to agree with a common sense viewpoint above all others. Bill has a common sense viewpoint. We share that same process.
Never apologize, and most importantly, never explain yourself when you are in the right.....Leftists take it as a sign of weakness and they would be correct.

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