The Word 'Negro' On New York Juror Form Upsets A Negro

The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
When they stop using the term "white boy" I'll start to care.

The difference is I have and will do it in your face. You would be too frightened to do it in mine. :cool:
Says the Trayvon wannabe from the safety of his keyboard. Nobody's impressed.
When they stop using the term "white boy" I'll start to care.

The difference is I have and will do it in your face. You would be too frightened to do it in mine. :cool:
Says the Trayvon wannabe from the safety of his keyboard. Nobody's impressed.

Your reply proves you are very impressed. Luckily every person on the internet is safe behind a keyboard. Things are much more intense in real life.
It has nothing to do with equality. Why do you consider it a right or priviledge to call someone a name they have expressed that they do not want applied to them by white people? I'm trying to understand the mentality of some whites in thinking they are being deprived of something?

Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

Some actual African Americans are white, as well as other colors, while most Blacks in America have never been anywhere near Africa.
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Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

Some actual African Americans are white.
And that's relevant because..........?
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

Some actual African Americans are white.
And that's relevant because..........?

" well as other colors, while most Blacks in America have never been anywhere near Africa".
Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

Some actual African Americans are white, as well as other colors, while most Blacks in America have never been anywhere near Africa.
True. The farthest most of them have been is when they take the bus into the white neighborhoods to go to the malls and shoplift, snatch purses, and beat up old people.
"The American negro will not truly be free until the word ****** no longer troubles him. Because the striking of chains and the death of Jim Crow does not free the mind." (James Baldwin; speaking at Columbia University, December, 1964.)

In keeping with that declaration it seems reasonable to expect the issue of racial antagonism in America cannot reach an end until negroes are proud of their ethnicity rather than ashamed of it and anxious to deny it.

James Baldwin, is he the father of Alex Baldwin, William, Stephen and Daniel ?
It has nothing to do with equality. Why do you consider it a right or priviledge to call someone a name they have expressed that they do not want applied to them by white people? I'm trying to understand the mentality of some whites in thinking they are being deprived of something?

Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

African American is out. It leaves out whole groups of black people and they dont like it. Many slaves were brought from islands like Haiti, not just from Africa.

We are talking about a box on a form, though, right? I mean, I've not heard anyone going around calling people negros any more than they are caucasian or mongol or malay. I wish we would just get rid of the stupid boxes. I see no reason to keep track of the races that way. But, if we change negro, we have to change them all or its just silly. You cant ask, "chevy, toyota, mercedes or peanutbutter?"
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
Were I to use the word, Jap, I would be using it in the context of recalling my father's descriptions of his experiences in the Pacific during WW-II. It would have nothing to do with my personal disposition toward the Japanese, which is entirely positive and respectful.

If I use the word, ******, it would understandably be offensive to the individual negro(es) I am addressing or referring to -- and I would intend it to be. But for others to be generally critical of my vocabulary is gratuitous censorship.
I don't see that there is any valid reason to use of the word. Just like other racial slurs it does not communicate any reason for disagreement, or grievance except a hatred for something a person has no control over, the color of there skin.

Racial slurs say much more about the person that uses them than the recipient.
Yes, to me it does not make much sense ... do you still say "aught" instead of "O"?

Do you still flush a water closet? None of it makes sense by my reckoning - just trying to save your life.

Just a humorous tidbit, but yes, yes and yes. We store food in an ice box, too. It has been my experience that language changes a lot regionally. African American was found to be insulting due to the hatian and caribbean population here for instance.

Most people really dont care what term we should use. Please quit changing it though because language evolves slowly and terms dont disappear. That is not the fault of the system that changes slowly.
Well, you are correct that most people don't care what term you use to refer to a person, however you can bet that person does.

Language evolves rapidly today. Words and phrase that didn't exist 20 years ago are common place today. Words basically mean what people understand them to mean and that does change sometimes very rapidly. Being a negro, 50 years ago just meant you were black but today the word carries racial connotations that go far beyond just skin color. This is the reason Negro has been removed from the census forms.

Language changes faster for some than others and it is dramatically influenced regionally. Ive lived in the deep south, pacific nw and canada and it has been an interest of mine. New words get added all the time, but it takes time to change the meaning of words and more time to erase them. The process has begun, though. I havent heard anyone call another a negro in over 15 years and that was a very old man.
Like I said you should definitely ask before doing it unless you just want to test it out. In that case I would advice doing it from a car driving in the other direction with nothing to stop its progress from accelerating to a high rate of speed.
Are you THREATENING people here, dick for brains? Because that's what it looks like to me, and THREATENING people will get you BANNED post haste.

So watch your step asshole, and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, TO YOUR FACE. You have no idea who or what you're dealing with, moron.

You must be frightened if you think I was threatening anyone. You are safe behind your keyboard. No you wont call me what you want to in my face I guarantee you wouldnt do that. Evidently you dont know who you are dealing with. That must have really raised your blood pressure. You are funny. :lol:
Shut the fuck up, pussy. You're safe behind your fucking keyboard too you little bitch, and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want NEGRO BOY. What ya going to do about it, PUNK? You ain't scarin' anybody ass wipe, and I'd call you whatever the fuck I wanted right up in your fucking face, dumbass mother fucker. Go pretend you're Mike Tyson somewhere else ya skinny little punk ass twit.

The only time I've ever seen blacks thinking they're all so bad is when they're in a gang. Get them alone or one on one and it's a whole different story. Why is that? And why is it a black had to start running his mouth about... "oh don't be callin' me no negro, or you better be in a car driving the other way real fast," REALLY, WHY, YOU GOING TO KICK THEIR ASS? SOUNDS LIKE A THREAT TO ME you rat fuck.

Pretty good example of how blacks are always resorting to VIOLENCE.

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A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -

OK then, use the word most blacks use to when talking to each other,Niggah, cause that's way less offensive then negro. :eusa_eh:
African American is out. It leaves out whole groups of black people and they dont like it. Many slaves were brought from islands like Haiti, not just from Africa.
All black slaves were brought from Africa, slavery is how blacks got to Haiti
Can all you fucking hillbilly trash racists please just take your stupid shit to Stormfront?
How about you call them what they are.


Even more so then most of Johnny come lately ethnicities that seem to think they own the place.

Most of true American culture, originated in the Black Community.

And aside from American Indians? They are the longest lasting most consistently American ethnicity in this country.
Oh for Christ sake... what kind of fucking DRUGS are you on tonight?

"True American culture" came from blacks? ... :cuckoo:


they invented Rock n Roll....not good enough?....ok
They did? ... :eusa_eh:
Are you THREATENING people here, dick for brains? Because that's what it looks like to me, and THREATENING people will get you BANNED post haste.

So watch your step asshole, and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, TO YOUR FACE. You have no idea who or what you're dealing with, moron.

You must be frightened if you think I was threatening anyone. You are safe behind your keyboard. No you wont call me what you want to in my face I guarantee you wouldnt do that. Evidently you dont know who you are dealing with. That must have really raised your blood pressure. You are funny. :lol:
Shut the fuck up, pussy. You're safe behind your fucking keyboard too you little bitch, and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want NEGRO BOY. What ya going to do about it, PUNK? You ain't scarin' anybody ass wipe, and I'd call you whatever the fuck I wanted right up in your fucking face, dumbass mother fucker. Go pretend you're Mike Tyson somewhere else ya skinny little punk ass twit.

The only time I've ever seen blacks thinking they're all so bad is when they're in a gang. Get them alone or one on one and it's a whole different story. Why is that? And why is it a black had to start running his mouth about... "oh don't be callin' me no negro, or you better be in a car driving the other way real fast," REALLY, WHY, YOU GOING TO KICK THEIR ASS? SOUNDS LIKE A THREAT TO ME you rat fuck.


You are making me laugh so hard my stomach is hurting! I must have really touched a nerve to make you lose it like that. White boys like you are too easy. :lol:
It has nothing to do with equality. Why do you consider it a right or priviledge to call someone a name they have expressed that they do not want applied to them by white people? I'm trying to understand the mentality of some whites in thinking they are being deprived of something?

Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

The whole point of the thread was to use a variant of the word "Negro."

Like the N word, it's fun to say ... empowering even ... like being really pissed off and saying the word F***.

It lets you know who's boss.

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