The world is not worthy of America

I'd have to agree with you on that. While there are millions of refugees emigrating to European counties right now, they're only going there because they don't the means to get here.

Dear Europe: Please keep them there. We don't have the resources for them and besides, we have enough of a problem at our southern border.

Signed, JGalt.

PS: Hey France! Ya'll can come take back that Statue you you gave us awhile back. You know, the one you put in the NY harbor. The one that says "Give us your tired, your poor, blah blah blah." Now admit it: You gave us that statue as a joke, right? You wacky French folks have such a great sense of humor.
Your problem on the southern border is that the Eurocentrists share the unity of the American continent in order to kill you one by one. This was foreseen by the Great Monroe.

The problem on the southern border is that there is a border there.
PS: Hey France! Ya'll can come take back that Statue you you gave us awhile back. You know, the one you put in the NY harbor. The one that says "Give us your tired, your poor, blah blah blah." Now admit it: You gave us that statue as a joke, right? You wacky French folks have such a great sense of humor.
There was no "gift". The United States of America arose in the place of New France. The little strip of British slaves on the east coast doesn't count.
America gave to France Liberty itself. Jefferson and Lafayette gave France the export of the American Revolution.
Your problem on the southern border is that the Eurocentrists share the unity of the American continent in order to kill you one by one. This was foreseen by the Great Monroe.

The problem on the southern border is that there is a border there.

By "Eurocentrists", I"m assuming you're referring to the Globalists. And yes, they do want to kill us each and every one. That is the whole idea behind the "Great Replacement" theory, which has been proven to be a fact.

President Trump was an anti-Globalist, as was Brazilian President Bolsonaro, as is the new Italian PM, as is Putin for that matter. And you see what happened to Trump, Bolsonaro, and now what is happening to Putin.

I have very little sympathy for Putin, other than the fact that the forces of Globalism are actively-engaged in killing Russians, one by one. The Globalists would be just as happy if it were Americans being killed, one by one but for now, the invading horde coming across the southern border makes them happy.
You are a Eurocentric agent, an internal enemy. Internal enemies should be killed, as bequeathed by the fathers of America.

Your ignorance about America and its history makes the comment above laughable.

I am part of what makes America great. And we are done trying to save nations that will hate us in a couple of years. We are tired of losing more and more of our income to taxes to be spent on handouts to nations who should stand on their own. And more importantly, we are tired of our sons and daughters coming home in flag-draped caskets from foreign lands that should defend themselves.
Your problem on the southern border is that the Eurocentrists share the unity of the American continent in order to kill you one by one. This was foreseen by the Great Monroe.

The problem on the southern border is that there is a border there.

A border that should be closed and controlled.
There was no "gift". The United States of America arose in the place of New France. The little strip of British slaves on the east coast doesn't count.
America gave to France Liberty itself. Jefferson and Lafayette gave France the export of the American Revolution.

The USA rose to power before the Louisianna Purchase. We did not rise "in place of New France". We bought it and incorporated it into our nation.
Nobody saved themselves. Empires grew like worms and swallowed up more and more space, and no one could fight back. Except America.

America did it. So can any other nation. When we defeated one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen, we were just a fledgling nation without a standing military.

And we in America are tired of being asked to sacrifice for people who refuse to offer the same sacrifice for their own sakes.

This is what sacrifice is all about:

Those Honored Dead.jpg
By "Eurocentrists", I"m assuming you're referring to the Globalists
This is a term that means a strictly defined power group: the old elites of the European empires before the Revolution. Mostly German masters and their servants.
The border with Mexico must be destroyed. America is one. Eurocentrists and their slaves must leave America. It's the plague of America
America is a single nation. The southern border is needed to keep out the influx of undocumented aliens coming in and becoming a burden we don't need.
America is a single nation
nation - the feds' term for the slaves of the Empire. The Tibetans captured by the bloody communists are also a "Chinese nation".

America is for Americans, Europeans are not needed.
nation - the feds' term for the slaves of the Empire. The Tibetans captured by the bloody communists are also a "Chinese nation".

America is for Americans, Europeans are not needed.

Forntunately, you don't have a say in the matter.

There are many cultures in the US. And our nation needs to secure our borders. Just because the Spanish owned a place 200 years ago does not mean they have rights to live here and enjoy what we have built.
Forntunately, you don't have a say in the matter.

There are many cultures in the US. And our nation needs to secure our borders. Just because the Spanish owned a place 200 years ago does not mean they have rights to live here and enjoy what we have built
I don't care about the Spaniards. They were kicked out just like the British, and Americans live in America. Americans can choose any place on the continent, Europeans are allowed in America only in certain cases. There is no border with Mexico.
I don't care about the Spaniards. They were kicked out just like the British, and Americans live in America. Americans can choose any place on the continent, Europeans are allowed in America only in certain cases. There is no border with Mexico.

No, no one can choose any place on the continent to live. The north and south continents are divided up into sovereign nations. Your ignorance does not change that.
nation - the feds' term for the slaves of the Empire. The Tibetans captured by the bloody communists are also a "Chinese nation".

America is for Americans, Europeans are not needed.

My nation is not slavery, nor does it allow that abomination. It does not guarantee success. But it provides safety and the infrastructure necessary to be successful.

Not only is your use of the word "slavery" an offense to every man, woman, and child that was owned by another person, it makes light of the horrors of that old institution.

You seem to want America to be and do a lot of things. But you refuse to see the actual facts. And you won't take the risk or make the sacrifices for your own country's sake.

If you won't stand up for your own country, you don't deserve to even talk about, much less be a part of, mine.
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