The worst leader in the world is...!!!

Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
hahhahahahahhahahahahah funny --all this whining and crying about Mr Trump for ----------------------------FOUR YEARS
...I really do enjoy the laughs

Another member of the 1000 post of month club expressing joy at the destruction of the USA.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Do you celebrate Easter? Just curious.
Nope. Why?

of course not. Sort of a pattern among the small per centage pushing trump hate. I keep noticing that.
Your post is on point but as soon as these people hear “trump is the worst leader” they get blind angry! They have invested to much in the man to consider any thought of them being wrong.
One thing an American will not do is look stupid to others.
Period, they will not do it. Unfortunitly. It really doesn’t matter does it.
To try to have a rational conversation with a person incapable of changing their mind is an exercise in futility, but I’m glad you tried.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic.
Dumbass you stupid sons a bitches know the president issued a travel restriction coming from China on Jan. 31 2020 the democrat controlled house opposed this ban
Democrats desperate with their unfounded rhetoric. Those soundbites don't work so well when people saw the entire occurrences with the anti-American reporters trying to catch Trump, but failing.

Best leader in the world.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

The root cause was China. China needs to be held accountable for how they did not handle the information dissemination. The WHO was a willing accomplice. Keep trashing Trump. His approval rating is still hovering 50 percent.
Chiang's fault, WHO fault, Obama's fault.
Trump was warned he didnt listen, why blame others?

Why are you solely blaming Trump? You trust the data coming out of China after they sat on it? Wasn’t a scientist trying earn people thrown in jail?
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

You know saying 3rd world countries had mass production to produce millions of masks is ignorant and retarded, correct?

If 3rd world countries had such manufacturing powerhouse's why are they third world countries?
The worst leader in the world is...!!!
Benny NuttyYayhoo, anybody in Africa, the assholes running Turkey, Cuba, Canada, Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, North Korea, um hell any head of state, past, present and future is a turd that should be flushed
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Worst in the world? Pretty hard to quantify that. The blob has certainly shown us how not to behave in an emergency though.

No, that is pelousi and scummer.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
hahhahahahahhahahahahah funny --all this whining and crying about Mr Trump for ----------------------------FOUR YEARS
...I really do enjoy the laughs

Another member of the 1000 post of month club expressing joy at the destruction of the USA.
Nope we talking facts. We all love this country...calling the shortcomings of the government has nothing to do with loving the US and its wonderful people. Today we are officially the hardest hit country with Covid19, our leaders had enough time to make us safer they didnt.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Do you celebrate Easter? Just curious.
Nope. Why?

of course not. Sort of a pattern among the small per centage pushing trump hate. I keep noticing that.
Not everyone is a christian, I hope you know that. Teump himself the adulterer has nothing Christian about him.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic.
Dumbass you stupid sons a bitches know the president issued a travel restriction coming from China on Jan. 31 2020 the democrat controlled house opposed this ban
Who cares about the democrats ? We are talking about a president that failed measurably at protecting Americans. He was waiting for the warmer weather to eradicate the flu.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

The root cause was China. China needs to be held accountable for how they did not handle the information dissemination. The WHO was a willing accomplice. Keep trashing Trump. His approval rating is still hovering 50 percent.
Chiang's fault, WHO fault, Obama's fault.
Trump was warned he didnt listen, why blame others?

Why are you solely blaming Trump? You trust the data coming out of China after they sat on it? Wasn’t a scientist trying earn people thrown in jail?
I dont trust the Chinese government. Are you gonna deny that trump was in denial the first few weeks? Even when italy was getting hit hard he was still playing it down.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

You know saying 3rd world countries had mass production to produce millions of masks is ignorant and retarded, correct?

If 3rd world countries had such manufacturing powerhouse's why are they third world countries?
Looool we talking sanitizers, masks and simple stuff we cant get now in the US not nuclear weapons. Dude you are so funny and live ina bubble. I'm in constant contact with friends from all parts of the globe, we have one of the worst responses so far...shortage of masks. Sanitizers, Toilet fucking paper, some food items.....). And most importantly the most deaths.

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