The worst leader in the world is...!!!

Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
hahhahahahahhahahahahah funny --all this whining and crying about Mr Trump for ----------------------------FOUR YEARS
...I really do enjoy the laughs

Another member of the 1000 post of month club expressing joy at the destruction of the USA.
Nope we talking facts. We all love this country...calling the shortcomings of the government has nothing to do with loving the US and its wonderful people. Today we are officially the hardest hit country with Covid19, our leaders had enough time to make us safer they didnt.
1. but there are no shortcomings of the government on this
2. prove we are the hardest hit
Read the op. Americans died the most although we had plenty of time to react....but remember what trump kept on saying along with faux news? Meeeh is just another flu...meeeeeh it will go away.....meeeeeh is under control.
You gonna deny this ? It is video and audio documented.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Do you celebrate Easter? Just curious.
Nope. Why?

of course not. Sort of a pattern among the small per centage pushing trump hate. I keep noticing that.
Not everyone is a christian, I hope you know that. Teump himself the adulterer has nothing Christian about him.

Oy vey. True. What religion are you?
None of your business.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Do you celebrate Easter? Just curious.
Nope. Why?

of course not. Sort of a pattern among the small per centage pushing trump hate. I keep noticing that.
Not everyone is a christian, I hope you know that. Teump himself the adulterer has nothing Christian about him.

Oy vey. True. What religion are you?
None of your business.

Hiding what you are is the best weapon you have isn’t it?

Come on.... let’s hear you say “Fellow white people....”
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

How good a job is Trump doing on the coronavirus pandemic? Well, here is one measure.

There are 1,653,000 cases of coronavirus in the world. With 501,275 the U.S. alone has approximately a third of the world's total.
Thanks to Xi and his democrat leaders in the USA
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
Any notion that Trump has done something wrong or less than great is unacceptable and simply not an option for his obedient Trumpsters.

So, with every single issue, they have to look for other options, and they'll run with one, no matter how absurd, distorted, ignorant or clearly dishonest.

Period, end of story.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/—-/ here is how your LSM downplayed the Coronavirus. Watch How CNN/MSNBC Kept Saying Coronavirus Is No Problem, the Flu Is Worse | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/——/ And more proof of how libtards want to harm Americans Dems' Response to Coronavirus: End Trump's Travel Bans on China, Iran
Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic.
Your TDS makes you stupider every day.

I thought "downplayed" is the word du jour of you low IQ brainwashed kool aid drinkers. Not "played down", it's "downplayed".

A while back it was "dossier", now it is "downplayed".
Last edited:
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

LOL, you do realize US intelligence is about to use the "we were duped by Russia" as a defense against the findings of the Durham investigation...

And before you whine about this being off topic, I'll point out your OP has no link. So here's a :itsok: in advance.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/—-/ here is how your LSM downplayed the Coronavirus. Watch How CNN/MSNBC Kept Saying Coronavirus Is No Problem, the Flu Is Worse | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
AGAIN, all you Trumpsters have are deflections. You can't stay on topic because of it being about Trump being the worst leader. Your lame excuse for him is the media is the worst leader?
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
Trump might be shit but Johnson is absolute shite. There is a theme here. Right wing fuckwits.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/—-/ here is how your LSM downplayed the Coronavirus. Watch How CNN/MSNBC Kept Saying Coronavirus Is No Problem, the Flu Is Worse | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
AGAIN, all you Trumpsters have are deflections. You can't stay on topic because of it being about Trump being the worst leader. Your lame excuse for him is the media is the worst leader?
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
hahhahahahahhahahahahah funny --all this whining and crying about Mr Trump for ----------------------------FOUR YEARS
...I really do enjoy the laughs

Another member of the 1000 post of month club expressing joy at the destruction of the USA.
Nope we talking facts. We all love this country...calling the shortcomings of the government has nothing to do with loving the US and its wonderful people. Today we are officially the hardest hit country with Covid19, our leaders had enough time to make us safer they didnt.
1. but there are no shortcomings of the government on this
2. prove we are the hardest hit
Read the op. Americans died the most although we had plenty of time to react....but remember what trump kept on saying along with faux news? Meeeh is just another flu...meeeeeh it will go away.....meeeeeh is under control.
You gonna deny this ? It is video and audio documented.
/——-/ No deflection, moron. While Trump was getting it done, DemocRATS we’re trying to overturn the 2016 election and your precious LSM was downplaying the whole thing. Explain that -without out “deflection.” You won’t because you can’t.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Nope, sorry, even if you are basing this honor on his his response to COVID-19 alone he doesn't come in at first place. Fifth maybe, but certainly not number one.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
Search domain
"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/—-/ here is how your LSM downplayed the Coronavirus. Watch How CNN/MSNBC Kept Saying Coronavirus Is No Problem, the Flu Is Worse | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
AGAIN, all you Trumpsters have are deflections. You can't stay on topic because of it being about Trump being the worst leader. Your lame excuse for him is the media is the worst leader?
/---/ You dismiss anything we post as a deflection, and all you have is your sorry opinion. Yeah we know, Orange Man Bad.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.

Do you celebrate Easter? Just curious.
Nope. Why?

of course not. Sort of a pattern among the small per centage pushing trump hate. I keep noticing that.
Not everyone is a christian, I hope you know that. Teump himself the adulterer has nothing Christian about him.

Oy vey. True. What religion are you?
None of your business.

Hiding what you are is the best weapon you have isn’t it?

Come on.... let’s hear you say “Fellow white people....”
What you mumbling about?
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
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"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives. is all recorded and dated. Trump downplayed the whole now we are the worst hit country....stop spinning facts you are just fooling yourself.

Read this:

We are thr worst hit country, we have 22 000 deaths, trump told us is no big deal it will go away and it was under control...and he also said it will go away with warmer temperatures.
Thankful to be able to read and listen to news and friends all over the globe and not have one source of information be it Foxnews or CNN.

Before you trump supporters get all defensive hear what I have to say, do your research and then go on the attack.
The US has one of the best intelligence agencies on earth, trump was briefed and knew all along what's going in China...he refused to act and played down the pandemic. Now that we have the deadliest number since all of this started it is so evident that trump failed miserably.

He not only didnt act fast but his ego got in the way, and the result is devastating.

We are now officially the worst hit country, and most americans dont even have masks or sanitizers to protect themselves. I know of third world countries that went to produce these 2 items by the millions for their citizens.
They issued money that was cashed by the citizens in few hours and not weeks, the are sanitizing streets, markets, workplaces, basically everywhere. Free healthcare, cancelled mortgage and bill payments for 2 months.....which none of that happend in the "greatest country on earth" led by the best president of all time.

Trump is definitely not responsible for this pandemic or the deaths of some americans but he is definetly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans...he had the time and the tools to minimize the damage and he did not.

Ps; not a liberal, wont vote for biden but I like to see trump held accountable.
/——/ Once again you troll. Pres Trump acted quickly while you libtards screeched in horror. FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump's Chinese Coronavirus Travel ...
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"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering," Biden continued. Joe Biden opposed the China travel restrictions wisely put in place by President Trump in January - restrictions that health experts credit with slowing the spread of coronavirus & saving lives.
Even if all your allegations and claims were true and everyone believes everything in your post, it is still nothing more than a "what aboutism" deflection and excuse. What Joe did or didn't do and said or didn't say has nothing to do with and has absolutely no bearing on what Donald Trump did. "What about" responses are just meaningless deflections used by and for suckers.
/—-/ here is how your LSM downplayed the Coronavirus. Watch How CNN/MSNBC Kept Saying Coronavirus Is No Problem, the Flu Is Worse | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
Fair enough they are can say trump reacted slow and late? I know you know it would you have the courage to admit he came short?

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